Updating Cells Q1 And R1 With Start And End Dates Selected In A Userform

May 29, 2009

I need some assistance taking dates entered in a userform and applying them to the sheet 'Completed_Report' cells Q1 and R1. The userform code that stores the input values is:

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Updating Range Of Data To Start On Specific Dates?

Mar 6, 2014

I am looking to have the data ranges in tab 'Type' update automatically in 'Output' for a particular start date. So for example if I enter LBO into cell E3 in the 'Output' tab it will input the data range for LBO from tab 'Type' but from a specific start date.

I know I can achieve part of this via LookUp functions but it is the start date that has me stumped.

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Display Userform When Certain Cells Selected

Feb 24, 2009

I have created a Multipage Userform which I want to control the display when certain condition is met. I am using a button to call up this userform but I wanted to put some limitation to this form being displayed. This form will only be displayed when any of the cells in Column B Row 20 downwards or Column D Row 20 downwards are selected.

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Fill Userform Textboxes From Select Cells In Selected Range

Mar 7, 2008

Arised from my earlier posting in Populate ComboBox With Specific Sheet Column Range. I have the following working code below, but am having trouble finding coding examples to select specific cells from the selected row (that was found by selecting a ComboBox value)and update TextBoxes with those individual values after the UserForm has been initialized (the bold "GREEN" comment in the code below). I have been able to find plenty of references to update TextBox values to Cells, but that doesn't do me much good in this application since the User needs to verify the old data in these cells before updating them using the UserForm TextBoxes.

I was toying around with several different variations of code (none of which worked properly), so I left it out for clarity of my working code. I'll post up this non-working code as needed, because I really wanted a fresh answer...not what I was trying to do. The attached file should be sufficient to see what's going on

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Sheets("SR Information")
.Range("A2", .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Name = "MyRange"
End With
SRnumber.RowSource = "MyRange"
End Sub

Private Sub SRnumber_Change()
Dim ServiceRequestNumber As String
Dim c As Range
Dim rngG As Range
Sheets("SR Information").Select
With Selection
ServiceRequestNumber = SRnumber.Value
For Each c In Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Columns("a"))
If c = ServiceRequestNumber Then..................

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Start Timer When Cell Is Selected?

Jan 28, 2013

I am trying to write a simple macro that would start a timer (in hh:mm:ss format) when the cell is selected. In other words, if I have the following:

Row Col B Col C
1 00:00:00 (form btn)
2 00:00:00 (form btn)
3 00:00:00 (form btn)

I would like to select B1 to start a timer and C1 (button) to stop the timer for that row.

I was given code from another IT guy but the problem with this code is that I have to write multiple macros by just switching out the cell number (in this example = [C4] )

I would like to have the macro use the selected cell as input parameter in the line that reads Set count = [C4].

Dim CD As Date
Sub RunTime()
CD = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Application.OnTime CD, "Counter"
End Sub


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Set ConnectorFormat Start & End To Selected Shape

Sep 19, 2007

I have two Textboxes created from the drawing toolbar, named "FlowChart1", "FlowChart2". Below is a simple macro I recorded and modified which connects these two textboxes.

Sub FlowChartConnection()
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range( Array("FlowChart1", "FlowChart2")).Select
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorCurve, 149.25, 146.25, 159.75, _
Selection.ShapeRange.ConnectorFormat.BeginConnect ActiveSheet.Shapes( _
"FlowChart1"), 3
Selection.ShapeRange.ConnectorFormat.EndConnect ActiveSheet.Shapes("FlowChart2" _
), 1
End Sub

Although it works fine... A problem I am having is that I am working with multiple (duplicated) flowcharts. Currently, the connection is based on the name of the objects. If I duplicate both textboxes and run the macro, the connection will connect to the first set of ( already connected) textboxes.

Q. Is it possible to form a connection based on active selection rather than the name of the objects? ie: if any two textboxes are selected.. connect these two objects.

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Update DropDown Selected Value After Updating Source

Feb 20, 2014

I need it without macros

Example : I create a list (cat, dog, cow), i create a dropdown on this list and select the first - cat. After that i change cat on SuperCat. Dropdown has a new list, yes, but selected value still Cat. Can i update it automatically on SuperCat?
Or are maybe there any shortcut for validation to let me know that i should change my value from invalid ( if the first variant is impossible )?


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Labels In Userform Linked To Cells With Dates In A Worksheet Won't Update Automatically

Jun 2, 2014

I'm working on a workbook to track staffing patterns. I have two userforms included in my workbook. The first userform (userForm2) initiates upon opening the workbook. It's intended to allow the user to enter a date range and an office location for the report. The second userform (userform1) initiates when a command button (Weekly Summary) is clicked. I've linked texts boxes in userForm2 to cells in a hidden worksheet; this is where I'm holding the dates and office location until userform1 is initiated. I also have labels in userform1 linked to the same cells in the hidden worksheet so that when userform1 is initiated the office and date range appear at the top of userform1.

Here's the problem, when I click command button "Weekly Summary" the office location shows up perfectly however, the labels I have linked to cells in the hidden worksheet that contain dates do not update (i.e. they show the dates that were previously in those specific cells. I have to close userform1 and re-open it to get the dates to update.

I need the user to be able to choose a date range and office location when they enter the workbook. Then, I need userform1 to show the date range and office location (without having to open it, close it and re-open it) that the user chose on opening the workbook.

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Difference Between Start And End Dates

Jul 27, 2009

I need to compute the no. of days between start and end dates and spread no. of days on each month. I've attached a spreadsheet with examples and further explanation.

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INDEX Value Between Start And End Dates

Sep 2, 2012

I have some Start & End dates with some values. Based on lookup dates I like to get third column values.

Start Date
End Date

Jul 1 2011
Jul 25 2011

Jul 5 2011
Aug 25 2011

Jul 7 2001
Jul 15 2011

Jun 29 2011
Jul 5 2012
A2:A5 Start Dates
B2:B5 End Dates
C2:C5 Places

E2:E3 is lookup dates, Jul 6 2011 & Jul 7 2011

So return values from column C fall under these dates.

Answer is A, B, C

I tried this formula


But this wouldn't work as expected. Only return C. I am using excel 2007.

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Retrieve Name Between Start And End Dates

Sep 14, 2009

I want, based on a given date let's say 6 months ago from today (03/01/09), a formula that tells me the name of the person that finished Between the started and the GIVEN date (03/01/09). The result should be: Name2

I can also use a formula that shows, condition results such as: True..."OK", false "out of range".

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Find Start & End Dates

Jul 11, 2007

I have a list of employees and the dates on which they were absence from work for a set period (i.e. one month). Some employees have been off for a day, some for longer. This data has been pulled from a large datasheet and now needs formatting to add in the start and end dates of absence, ready to upload to a payroll system.

The Problem:
I have been able to get a macro working on a simple list of names, however the problem arrises where I have 2 employees off on the same day - I was using a loop to find the date last used, but this no longer works.

My Request:
A copy of the worksheet in question can be found here : http://www.carpe-luna.com/other/AbsenceQueryHelp.xls

But I'll try and describe the layout as much as possible
This is how my raw data is set up. (Up to row 50 but potentially more)

EmpNo.....EmpName.....Start Date.....End Date....NoDays....NoHours

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Automatically Updating Dates Once They Pass?

Apr 4, 2014

setting the dates so that they update by 30 days once they have passed.

For example I need a cell that has an upcoming date to add 30 days to it once it has reached the upcoming date, so it is April 4th today, and I need it to change a cell that reads 'April 14th' to 'May 14th' once it is April 14th.

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Identifying Start And End Dates In A Series

Jul 11, 2007

i am trying to both identify the start date and the end date of a series in excel.

if you will, picture a spreadsheet with two rows with data. the top row is comprised of dates in mm/dd/yy (end of month) format. the bottom line is percentages . . . a corresponding % for each date directly above. these percentages add to 100%. in two separate formulas, I would like to identify:

1. the date in which the first %>0 occurs (start date)
2. the date in which the cumulative addition of all months %'s equate to 100% or the date in which the last %>0 occurs (end date)

keep in mind many if not most of the %'s will be 0%.

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Running Reports With Start / End Dates

Aug 21, 2012

Running reports with start and end dates, example I need dates to Start 10/01/2010 and end date of 09/30/2011, retrieved date has some dates before 10/01/2010 so I need a formula to change that date to equal 10/01/2010 and the same for the end date need to have that date change to 09/30/2011.

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XIRR With Moveable Start Dates?

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to automate calculation of IRR for a range of scenarios.

I have a bunch of problems with this:

1. On a full cycle basis, the project start dates are not equal which means that in certain scenarios I get 0% return as the first cash flow is zero.

2. On a point forward basis, negative cash flows may start after T0 (i.e. now)

I have circumvented this on NPV basis by using a Sumproduct of individual cashflows, discount factors (full cycle cashflows are inflated to T0) and a proportional period factor (where T

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Unique Start And End Dates For Chart

Jan 12, 2008

I have searched for a 'simple' solution to this but I only ever seem to find complex and indepth examples.

I summarise web hit information then chart it so I can look for trendlines. I get good info from the stat company so I can see where folk are coming from, search engine, weblink etc etc.

Once I have summarized it I have date running along the column headers then it is broken down through the rows so I have

Total Hits
Total Paid Advertising
Total Search Engine

And so on for my rows

As the days go on the data gets harder and harder to read so I was hoping I could use some kind of OFFSET function to select my data. So if my dates run from 2/11/07 to today I would like to perhaps say to Excel that I might want to see 20/11/07 to 20/12/07 in my chart.

I have plenty space to put the start and end date and I have a basic block of data.

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How Do You Subtract Start/end - Dates/times In Vba?

Dec 8, 2009

How do you subtract start/end - dates/times in vba?

I know how to do it with formulas, but can't grasp it with vba. My range will always change, so I'm trying to avoid formulas (Cutting rows etc...)

I need Col D-Col B (end date-start date) and Col E - Col C (end time - start time)

Would doing the calculation on the userform be the best way, or trying to do the calculation with the ws code?

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Updating Data From Userform?

Feb 7, 2014

can't get the data to update right. It updates the cells but also overwrites the first person's name.

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Updating Textbox In UserForm

Aug 3, 2009

I am trying to update a Textbox from two Listbox's and several Textbox's as the user enters values (or double clicks the textbox for a value). (DoubleClick code is completed). I have ten textbox's to enter data into (or double click for prior data stored in the registry). Two Listbox's requiring one selection each. The last textbox (textbox11) produces the text as it is being entered from the previous ten, I currently enter the data in a specific order to build my string, which I want to stick to. If the user has entered the wrong data in any of the active textbox's I would like to be able to update the string shown in textbox11 without losing any data from the string.

Hence where my brain cells are popping. My current code (laughing is a pre-requisite). Is in the next two posts due to character length restrictions (no dis intended). Attached is a screen shot of the userform. In the textbox labeled "FCF" all the data you see that is not in any of the textbox's or listbox's is written in from code.

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Lable On Userform Not Updating

Sep 3, 2009

I have a UserForm that contains a progress bar. This bar is updated dynamically as the code progresses, but for some reason the lables on the form are not updating themselves. I have tried adding a time delay to see if it is that but to no avail. Code Below.

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Userform Progress Bar Not Updating

Sep 1, 2008

I have some code that runs in conjunction with a userform progressbar....

I launch my progress userform like this from a userform commandbutton:

Load UserForm6
(I suspect the load command may not be needed....)

Then when my progress userform launches:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call UpdateTasksAll
End Sub
Then my macro:

UserForm6.Label1.Width = 0
UserForm6.Frame1.Caption = "0%"

If UserForm4.TextBox1.Text = "" Then GoTo 4
OL_TK_Crit = UserForm4.Label24.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label23.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label38.Caption & " " & UserForm4.Label3.Caption 'your task subject to be updated

The problem is that while the code is running, my userform refuses to show it's face, and only appears when the macro has finished! I get this quite frequently, and cant fathom the cause

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Label On Userform Not Updating

Apr 12, 2007

I have a userform with seven textboxes. I want to sum up the values in those textboxes and print the result in a label caption on the form. The label which displays the total needs to be updated every time anyone adjusts the textboxes. Because I need to have it update like this, I need to have a separate (short) procedure that I can call (when a textbox is adjusted) to sum up the textboxes once again, and place that sum in the label caption.

I have encountered a weird problem. When I update the label caption during the USERFORM ACTIVATE procedure, everything works fine and dandy, even though the summing is taking place in a separate procedure. But I cannot realistically run this entire activation procedure every time the user changes the number in a textbox. (Or, I should say, it just seems like sloppy programming to me.) I really need to update the label caption in a separate smaller procedure. However, when I change my code so that the label caption gets updated during the smaller procedure (which performs the summing operation), the caption remains blank.

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Progress Bar On Userform Not Updating

Nov 29, 2007

I am using a version of the Progress bar code shown below which I found on a thread here.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim dTime As Date
Dim i, t As Integer
For i = 1 To 100 Step 100 / 8
dTime = Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Application.Wait TimeValue(dTime)
ProgressBar1.Value = i
Next i
End Sub

I have the code written so the progress bar shows the progress by taking the total number of loops that need to happen divided by the number of times the loop has taken place. During each loop, the macro copies and pastes data and formats it, then loops again after updating the progress bar. The progress bar works great and shows the progress of the macro if I step through the macro. But if I run the macro at around 25% or 30% the Userform with the progress bar stops updating the bar and the progress seems like its stuck at that percent. The macro still runs fine and finishes without any errors. The macro does not turn off the screen updating. I just can't figure it out.

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Auto Start Userform?

Dec 5, 2013

I am after a simple excel that when it starts will display a User form

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Formula To Get Inclusive Dates In Between Start And End Date

Jan 21, 2014

I have a table where I assigned Months (Jan-Dec), Current Month YTD (e.g. Nov YTD) and Dec YTD in the column field. Company Name and Year in rows.

For a particular company for example, Co.AAA. The Start Date is Oct 1, 2009 and the contract will end on Sep 30, 2014.

If my current reporting month is Nov 2013, From the table, I need to get the sum up the data that correspond from this dates inclusive in start and end date of Co.AAA.

Inclusive Dates are:
Dec YTD 2013
Dec YTD 2012
Dec YTD 2011
Dec YTD 2010
Dec 2009
Nov 2009
Oct 2009

If this is not possible, what other solution I can use to get the correct number?

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List All Dates Between Start _date & End_date

Dec 30, 2009

i had a worksheet with the dates in Column A.I want to return the dates that fall between the two dates (Start_date- Column B-List of Dates) & (End_date Column C-List of Dates) in Column D.I had been trying with this but could not find a function to return the dates.

I tried using the filter >> Custom Filter >>>.Got the result.But i want to know the formula for the same.

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Return The Number Of Months There Are Between The Start And End Dates

Nov 13, 2006

if A1 is a start date and B1 is the end date, I want C1 to return the number of months there are between the start and end dates?

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Changing Calendar Start And Stop Dates

Jun 20, 2007

The company I work for does not use the usual calendar dates and uses a modified calendar. As an example, the month of January is Dec 31 thru Jan 27, February is Jan 28 thru Feb 24 and so on. I need to group data using a pivot table and summarize data by month, but as I just described above, calendar months will not work. Is there a way to modify what Excel sees as monthly dates?

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Return Months Between Start Date & End Dates

Jul 6, 2007

I have been trying to search for either a function or VBA that will perform the following:

If I enter I want all months >=1/1/07 and <=3/31/07 it would tell me that the months in between are January, February and March and so on with all dates.

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