Userform Popup When Text Is Manually Entered
Aug 6, 2009
I am trying to get a user form to popup when text is manually entered into a certain cell. Right now the cell has a drop down in it that the user can select from a list of people. What I would like is that if the person is not in the dropdown list they can enter their name in the cell or select not in list and a user form will popup and ask them to enter their name and weight which will then be put into a different cell. This may be a complicated way to do this but the workbook is very complicated as is already and I cant figure out anything else to work.
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Jul 10, 2013
I have an excel file with many worksheets. I want to get a pop up message providing definitions of different subjects when they are entered from a drop down list in a specific range within a column to improve the users understanding of the subjects.
Worksheet 1
Range (where I want the pop up message to be valid): J85:J385
Subjects from drop down list in specified range: "x,y,z"
Pop up message: "Definitions of x,y,z"
Do I have to make a new module, or write the macro in the selected worksheet? What should be the settings of the macro (general, worksheet, declarations etc.)
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Feb 1, 2010
I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)
On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).
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May 27, 2014
I have been using Excel for several years and I'm fairly proficient at its basic functionality. I've recently learned and made extensive use of pivot tables. However, I have not taken advantage of such features as Data Validation, VBA, etc.
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Oct 25, 2012
VBA macro to change the color of a cell automatically for a specific period of time -say 5 minutes, based on the value the subject cell holds at that time. The cell value is not manually entered but comes from a sub.
There will be hundreds of such cells so that the macro must be able to be repeated for other cells utilizing their individual cell values as well.
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a table created in Excel 2010 by a SQL query. the query pulls 3 columns of data - Resource Name, Contract Company, Labor Category. I then add a column called "KEY". KEY is derived using VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is matching the Contract Company from the table created with SQL to a table called "Rate Key" in another worksheet in the spreadsheet based on the matching the Contract Company. That all works fine. If the table changes due to changes in data coming from the SQL db, the column I've added using VLOOKUP recalculates correctly. Then I add 2 more columns. One is called RATE - which is a number that I manually type in. The last column is called RCode and is calculated by the RATE times the KEY. Whenever I refresh the SQL query, all of the the calculated rows work fine; however, the data in the RATE column that I manually enter does not move - it stays with the row regardless of whether or not the name changes when the new SQL data comes over. How do I get the values manually entered in the RATE column to move with the correct row when the rows change?
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Aug 1, 2012
I am not sure if this can be done easily but essentially what I have is a userform that fills out a form that will used by several different people and saved to a central location.
There is a blank combobox currently labeled "Supplier:" that each person fills out each time on the userform (there are no dropdowns yet).
What I am wanting to do is for every person who saves (I have coded the save button) with the "Supplier:" combobox filled out to save what they entered and input that into the combobox dropdown so when the next person uses the userform the entry the previous person entered would be in the combobox as an option to select.
Essentially, a combobox populates itself based on what previous users have entered into it.
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Sep 10, 2009
I am trying to sum a dynamic range of values, clear the range (ie. clear the numbers on the spreadsheet), then place the sum of all the numbers in the last cell in the user selected range. (essentially adding all values selected, placing final sum in the last row of the range, and leaving no trace of performing the routine)
I want the range to be selected during the userform running (using showmodal = false). I can sum the selection and write the value to a cell, but I can NOT write the cell to the last value in the selection.
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Aug 16, 2007
I like to know if this can be done. The entry of data for cell A3 is from a pre-determined list. I like to create a Userform to allow the user to select from this form. the idea is to have this form popup whenever cell A3 is selected.
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Jun 3, 2009
I am building a macro that deals with a lot of data and takes several minutes to run. I want to display a message to the user stating "Calculating..." while the calculating is taking place. I got the idea to use a userForm with a label on it. The problem is that excel waits for input from the userform before continuing the calculations.
How do I display the userform, continue doing the calculations, and then hide the userform when the calculations are complete? (without any input from the user)
I currently have:
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Jan 25, 2010
I would like to create a simple right mouse button popup menu for the text box on a userform. I just want Copy and Paste and the functionality that goes with them if possible.
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Dec 17, 2007
I used the commandBar to create a right-click menu on a userForm but unfortunately I get an error 400 every time I click on the option "Edit" and I don't understand what I did wrong.
Sub CreateCmdBar()
Dim st As CommandBar
'delete the pop-up if it exists
On Error Resume Next
'Disables enabled error handler in the current procedure and resets it to Nothing. On Error GoTo 0
On Error Goto 0
Set st = CommandBars.Add( Name:="flexgrid_rc", Position:=msoBarPopup, Temporary:=False)
'add two menu items to the new commandbar
With st..................
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Mar 7, 2014
I have one Popup Menus in Userform, But i want to to Open Popup menu in Specific Position in userform, In Fixed Position,i want to specific a position which opens Popup Menus in Userform.
Look In Example in Attach.
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Nov 22, 2011
I am new in Excel VBA and working on developing a form for Quarterly Reporting. My userform (Quarterly Report) contains controls such as combobox (one of them). I am trying to have another Userform (Risk and Mitigation) to pop-up when a specific item is selected.
With cboRiskScale
.AddItem "High"
.AddItem "Moderate"
.AddItem "Low"
End with
cboRiskScale.Value = ""
I am looking for the code where I will be able to have the "Risk and Mitigation" userform pop-up for user input when the "High" is selected.
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Feb 21, 2014
I need it to be like:
=B10 2014
(So the first part changes depending on what B10 is but the 2014 always stays)?
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Apr 20, 2012
I have a Cell with 3 text boxes spaced horizontally. My boss wants me to figure out a way for when I click each of those text boxes an image appears beside the textbox.
So if i click the first textbox a check appears beside the first textbox. If I click the 3rd textbox then beside the 3rd etc.. Also, In the cell beside it he wants a number to appear when you click the textbox. So say the first textbox is clicked the number "1" appears, the 2nd one is click the number "3" and the 3rd one is clicked the number "6" (for example).
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Jun 13, 2014
I am trying to get two text boxes on a userform to populate a third box on the form when the user inputs the data in both of the first two boxes. I am pretty sure i need to use a change event, but I am not sure how or what triggers them. so I have:
[Code] ....
but they don't work when I put data in VSShortPrem and VSLongPrem textboxes. Do I need to call them to the userform module?
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Aug 19, 2014
So in this userform I am want it to add data to the main list of products. But, I ALSO want it to add to the specific list by selection of the data in the combo box.
It already adds the data to the main list. Now I want to be able to select the data in the combo box and have the userform data put in the specific combo box list.
In VBA editor it is the Inventory macro:
I want the macro to work exactly as it does right now, but I ALSO want the Combobox1 to dictate where Textbox1 and Textbox2 are added in a separate list on the products sheet.
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Apr 9, 2012
I am having some difficulties with my VBA code. It is a user form that prints the data entered on to a worksheet. However, I am having some troubles with the calculations I want it do. Here is code...
PHP Code:
Private Sub CommandButtonExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonClear_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
[Code] .......
I keep getting a run-time error.
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Feb 7, 2013
I have a userform that I want to add to a button click event, to fill userform data into a different (already existing) workbook.
What I have is a userform for entering Purchase order information (Supplier, Date, PO#, Products, Descriptions, Qty's, expected dates etc.) What I am trying to accomplish with this particular button, is to 'Generate Purchase Order'... Have a seperate workbook, with a 'blank' pre-formatted formal purchase order that will be autofilled with said userform. The now generated Purchase Order ready for print/ save-as.
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Nov 26, 2013
I wondering if it's possible to create a code to have a popup where the user can enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format and then all rows containing that date will be deleted.
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Apr 17, 2014
I am a green as green can be beginner to VBA coding. My question is, I created a text box on my user form so the user can input a 'billing code' and when they hit submit on the user form, the vba will search the spreadsheet and land on the data entered in the text box.
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Jan 20, 2014
Basically, I have a Userform and am trying to have a user enter 1 datapoint into a Textbox. Based upon that datapoint (it's 9 digits), I am trying to see if I can therefore reference a linked Access Table to fill in other textboxes with information tied to that record (so if they enter a unqiue ID, I want to automatically return Name of Person, Location, etc.) . I liken it to a vlookup in regular Excel but am just not sure how to go about it in VBA.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have created a userform with 3 text boxes. It also has three buttons - clear, Cancel and Generate record button.
User form takes entries in the three text boxes and on clicking the Generate Record button, the values of the three Text Boxes are inserted in Column A, B and C of sheet1. The columns keep on populating with new data on each submit in the row below the last record.
Now it is required to enter data only if the value entered in TextBox1 is new and has not been entered previously in column A. If textbox entry is already aviailable in column A, a message box of 'Record available' shoud be prompted and the text entry must not be allowed until the data entered in TextBox1 is not unique.
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May 26, 2005
I am trying to search through an excel worksheet using the code below. I have a Form containg a text boxes and a command button (SearchTxt, FindCmd). The VBA program is able to search through XL but (1) It does not set the next value or text in a the worksheet active
(2) It only finds a value or text as an entire cell and not as a set of characters in a cell.
I tried to use Cells.Find method that solves the above problems, but i get an error message-Object variable not set (91) .
Private Sub FindCmd_Click()
Dim Rng1 As Variant
If SearchTxt.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter Vendor Number.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
End If
Set Rng1 = Range("A1:F10000").Find(what:=SearchTxt.Text, Lookat:=xlWhole, _
LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlNext)
If Rng1 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot Find" & " " & SearchTxt.Text & ".", vbOKOnly, "Sorry"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
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Aug 7, 2006
I've been given a spreadsheet to fix where someone has entered amounts as text ("$123,456.78"). I've tried re- formatting, using the copy and paste special method by adding zero to force it to a number but nothing seems to work. How can I convert these text entries to numbers?
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Oct 2, 2013
How do I prevent or allow text to be entered into a Cell or not. Ie if cell A1 contains the word "Text" I want text to be able to be entered in A2, but if A1 contains "No Text" if want to prevent text being entered A2. Is this possible, if so how?
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Mar 21, 2007
I have textbox within a userform and want it to function as the place where the user could enter a password. I just want that during the entering the entered signs would automatically be turned into stars (disguised as stars), but of course the entered password would remain its real value.
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Mar 10, 2014
The code I have (without splitting) is in the attached workbook (sheet1).
When you enter something into Column H, the value of =NOW() should appear in Column K.
The original code only went up to row 212 and it works fine. Now I need it to do the same up to row 411 but get the "Procedure too large" error.
I've tried some form of:
[Code] ....
but doesn't seem to work for me.
Attached File: OLE
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Nov 10, 2008
The problem i have is with the sum offset function. The formula i use is to sum up the totals for each page of an accounts document. At the top of each page there is a column with " £ p " in it and i use that as the basis of the formula. This formula is entered in the bottom of every page to calculate the total for each page.
This works all the time but when text is entered into column F (the column i'm adding up) it messes up with the formula. the formula will instead find the £ p but for a page 2/3 pages before the one i'm calculating on. This formula only faults when text is entered. Another thing; this excel sheet i'm working on is an output from a different computer program. it is outputted as csv file i think.
Like i said the formula works a treat except when text is entered. The obvious way around this not to enter text but that is not an ideal option. I cannot think of another way of calculating the total for each page although i'm sure another exists.
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