UserForm Text Box Code (whatever Text Has Been Entered Into The Userform To Be Put Into A Cell )
Feb 1, 2010
I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)
On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).
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Aug 6, 2009
I am trying to get a user form to popup when text is manually entered into a certain cell. Right now the cell has a drop down in it that the user can select from a list of people. What I would like is that if the person is not in the dropdown list they can enter their name in the cell or select not in list and a user form will popup and ask them to enter their name and weight which will then be put into a different cell. This may be a complicated way to do this but the workbook is very complicated as is already and I cant figure out anything else to work.
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Aug 1, 2012
I am not sure if this can be done easily but essentially what I have is a userform that fills out a form that will used by several different people and saved to a central location.
There is a blank combobox currently labeled "Supplier:" that each person fills out each time on the userform (there are no dropdowns yet).
What I am wanting to do is for every person who saves (I have coded the save button) with the "Supplier:" combobox filled out to save what they entered and input that into the combobox dropdown so when the next person uses the userform the entry the previous person entered would be in the combobox as an option to select.
Essentially, a combobox populates itself based on what previous users have entered into it.
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Apr 9, 2012
I am having some difficulties with my VBA code. It is a user form that prints the data entered on to a worksheet. However, I am having some troubles with the calculations I want it do. Here is code...
PHP Code:
Private Sub CommandButtonExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonClear_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
[Code] .......
I keep getting a run-time error.
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Jan 20, 2014
I have a userform and want to disable the command button unless a text box contains text. what I need to do?
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Jul 4, 2014
I have a table with huge amount of data. I use a UserForm with textboxes to populate the information of the required row.
There's a Comment Box text on a specific cell that I need to populate on one of the textboxes but I am unable to do it.
The code I have that works well, populates the cell content:
Now, on that cell, there's a comment text that I need it populated as well on another textbox but it doesn't work. I tried:
[Code] .....
But this doesn't work.
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Apr 8, 2009
I'm trying to make a command button copy the text from a text box on a multipage control to the active cell in the sheet. I have been able to make it paste the text once it is manually selected and copied to the clipboard but that is all. I've tried recording a macro but that doesn't seem to work in the userform. I need it to copy the text from the active multipage tab (from a textbox) and paste into the sheet's active cell.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a userform ("UserForm12"). It has a ComboBox ("ComboBox1"), and 2 Textboxes ("Textbox1" and "Textbox2), and 1 commandbutton ("Commandbutton1"). What I am looking for is the ComboBox to populate with all items on WS "Recommendations" in columnA starting at Row8 (this needs to be dynamic to adjust for when items are added to end). The user will select the item in the combobox then fill out "Textbox1" and "Textbox2". The user will then hit "Commandbutton1". This will take "Textbox1" and "Textbox2" to the columnR cell of the same row of the columnA value chosen in the combobox. It will be formatted as such:
"TodaysDate" + "Textbox1" + ":" + "Textbox2"
Todays Date will be in "mm/dd/yy" format.
The catch here is that These columnR cells already have text. My goal was for it to at this date onto the end of the existing text hopefully while using the ALT+ENTER function which skips it to the next line in the cell.
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Feb 22, 2008
What code should I use to display a certain text (or number) in a text box in a UserForm?
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Jul 29, 2013
I am making a buiness card request form, which I have attached. On the Master Sheet (Sheet 1), the user enters in his/her personal data, such as his name address, phone number, etc. After he/she finished entering all the relevant data, Business Card Layout (Sheet 2) automatically populates and shows the user what their business card will look like.
Everything works fine, however I just realized that the contact information might vary from person to person. Right now, a person can enter 5 different contact information, but most of them will probably only choose four.
I wanted to know how to shift the cells down if the user does not fill out one of the contact information.
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Jul 3, 2004
When I run the userform initialize procedure to reset the values in text boxes and the like instead of resetting like it should, now it closes the userform completely and then won't allow me to show it again, what could be the problem?
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0
TextBox3.Value = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Sales Invoice"). Range("G15").Value
Dim hWndForm As Long
Dim hMenu As Long
hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL2000
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWndForm, 0)
DeleteMenu hMenu, SC_CLOSE, 0&
End Sub
The Dim stuff down is to gray out the x button, there are also some module level declarations to go with that...
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const SC_CLOSE As Long = &HF060
the userform shows when the workbook opens and is then hidden when the user has finished entering values, then when the user goes through the process of being asked to print and save, they are then asked if they would like to create a new record, if yes then it shows the userform again, but the userform is still filled with all the stuff previously entered. I tried using the unload me instead of hiding and that wouldn't work at all, didn't give errors just didn't show the userform either, this at least shows the userform, but now when the user goes to clear the information by initializing the userform again, it simply closes the userform and then it can't be shown again either.
This is the link to the ZIP, and here are some instructions for setting it up to work.
The contents of this need to be unzipped into a folder called SyntheticShield that is placed in the C: drive that way all paths begin with C:SyntheticShield and then the other folders or files will be referenced correctly. The template I'm having problems with is the SyntheticShieldInvoiceMaker template, when you open it you'll be prompted whether you want to create a new invoice, number is final blah blah blah, say yes, then it will ask if you are importing from the Quotemaker which you aren't say no, it should then show the userform as it should. Then you can go through that process and by pressing either the create invoice or go to template directly whatever, you can hide the userform. Then you press the command button (red) a userform is brought up asking if you'd like to save without emailing, save with emailing or close controls, as for right now, I'm just getting the save without emailing to work the rest is all the same just a few tidbits of code. So click save without emailing, it should then prompt an are you sure message box, click yes it will do some things, then it will ask if you want to print, click no, then it will ask do you want to create a new invoice, click yes, this should then start the process all over again by calling the workbook_open procedure, however, when you go through everything, and click no to the import from quotemaker part it won't show the userform. And at one point it would, but then I couldn't initialize the userform without it disappearing and not being allowed to be shown...I tried putting a command button on the template to show the userform, but it wouldn't do it either.
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Aug 15, 2014
is there a way how to make text in a user form created in VBA dependable on a value of some variable? In another words: I want the userform to pop up at some point and I want the text inside of userform to vary depending on a variable which can take on four values.
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Jun 17, 2009
way to have more than one font style and/or to allow carriage returns within a TextBox?
Trying to use one large TextBox for "Help", but it won't be very readable if it's got no headings or paragraphs!
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Jan 26, 2007
I have an userform, with a label and several commandbuttons(for instance, command button A, B, C, ...) . Now if I click the command button A I would like to load in the label A text previously written in sheet1 range A1, if I click the command button B I would like to load in the label another text previously written in sheet1 range b1 (the old text shouuld obviously disappear)
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May 14, 2008
I want to add variable content to a textbox in a userform. I want to duplicate a Msgbox as closely as possible to allow me to position the box properly, and I would like a procedure to add a prompt to the userform as you would to a Msgbox.
That is, I have found a solution using a cell in my spreadsheet, but I would like a fully vba oriented solution. In the message box you can say
MsgBox Prompt:="Put your message here."
For a textbox in a userform, I can link it to a cell (say A1) and then put data into the cell
Range("A1").Value = "Put your message here."
and it shows up in the text box when I do a
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Apr 11, 2008
I have got a userform with lots of controls,
One of the action's on a large group of the controls is the same but except for one number
here is an example
If TextBox107.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell. Offset(0, 53).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If TextBox108.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 54).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If TextBox109.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 55).Font.ColorIndex = 3
This makes a cell that correlates to the textbox red if the text in the textbox is red.
Now, I loads of these textboxes that all need to run the same code with just the Offset value one digit higher than the last and I was hoping I could create a loop to avoid a huge block of code but I can't work out how to make a constant that will +1 with each loop.
Also, can I assume that a loop will start with the control with the lowest number i.e. Textbox1 and then work its way through the rest of them in order?
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a userform with a number of text and combo boxes. One textbox is called ("txtDate").
I would like the ability to type in "1-10" and have the textbox display "Friday, January 10, 2014".
There is also a command button that enters the data to a sheet in the workbook.
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Jul 20, 2009
As usual, I think this might be a really simple one but I can’t seem to find the answer. I want to create a userform that has text at the top (not the title bar) that looks at the value in the ActiveCell.
e.g. "Please enter information for " & ActiveCell
I have tried to place this in a text box and the code for the text box but nothing seems to work I am pretty new to userforms so could well be going about this completely the wrong way.
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Jun 16, 2009
I created a UserForm to populate client billing info and job location info (so it's a two-parter). A clicked button will then populate a spreadsheet with all of the information. That part works fine.
When the client billing info is the same as their job info, I'd like to offer a checkbox that will populate the job info with the billing info rather than having to type everything twice (like you see on online billing and shipping orders).
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May 29, 2007
The problem is even though the worksheet cell is formated to 3 places the text box in the Userform shows many more than this. I have used the Control Source set to read the cell value.
The answer I've seen 'txtValue = Format(Value, "000.00")' which seems very neat and tidy but I'm not sure how to use it or where to place it.
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a fixed height userform textbox that i would like to show the last line of.
After there is text in the textbox, enable=false.
I can see how to align for left, right and centre, but not for bottom.
I don't want to change the height or size of the textbox and just need to display the last line of data.
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Aug 11, 2004
I have a UserForm with several text boxes where dates are input, the user form is acts as a data entry form so the text boxes are not linked to individual cells. My problem is that when the dates are entered into my worksheet they are in Text Format even though the worksheet column is formatted to Custom Date dd,mm,yyyy.
My code is as follows:-
Private Sub TextD_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Len(TextD.Value) = 0 Then Goto zExit
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Jun 23, 2007
I have a userform1 with 12 text boxes with values/text and on this userform there is a cmdbutton to bring up userform2 to change the values/text of the textboxes on the userform1, it changes all the values/text on all the textboxes on userform1, however I want it to save these changes when the 1st userform closes & then re-opens?? How do I do this??
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a calendar userform that enters a date into a userform textbox in the format mm/dd/yy.
I am in the UK, so default date format is dd/mm/yyyy but i need it as above - mm/dd/yy
So, when I get a MsgBox to repeat Textbox1.Value (the date from the calendar object, formatted mm/dd/yy) and repeat it in format dddd mmmm dd yyyy, it reads the value not as I want it, mm/dd/yy, but as the usual dd/mm/yyyy - so instead of reading 08/01/12 as Wednesday August 01 2012 it is giving me Sunday January 08 2012 - even though in the cells on the worksheet that are populated from the textbox, the date reads correctly, so 08/01/2012 is indeed 1st August 2012 not January 8th 2012...
So it's the MsgBOx function reading the textbox in the userform wrong, and formatting makes no difference...
Can I fix this without changing my regional settings? Is there a way to set the region in vba then unset when leaving the program? I don't want to have to change regional, and anyway, the program will be used by others who won't know / want to do that.
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Jan 6, 2010
We can center horizontally with TextAlign (Left, right or center). Can we center text in a textbox on a userform vertically? I am working with multiple fonts, when a user selects a font I attempt to format a textbox as a display to show what is being created (Best WYSIWYG as I can). I have this particular font that is just ugly but is required. My textbox is set for a 12 point font but the displayed characters partially appear below the lower portion of the textbox. Think of cutting off about 1/3 of the bottom of all text in the textbox.
In my textbox it seems like the text could be moved up (some type of top margin?). All other fonts appear to display in the textbox vertically central, so I believe its the particular font selected causing the as displayed anomaly.
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Jan 14, 2012
How do i auto advance a text box in a user form to the next question. As long as that question was answered otherwise it doesn't advance and displays a msgbox telling them that something must be entered in that box? All done in vba.
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Jan 22, 2013
I am trying to get information to copy from one userform combobox into a text box on another userform when pressing the command button,
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Jul 23, 2013
I have a label in a userform which is picking up data from sheet1.range("a1") and i would like it to show along the left side of the userform so rotated at 90 degrees.
I do not have to use a label but I do need the data to be shown at 90 degrees.
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Mar 20, 2007
I'm building a userform (for the first time), and I'm working with a textbox control. I'd like to make it so that when the user clicks in that textbox, the contents is selected, so that if they begin typing, it will type over what is already there.
My question, specifically, is whether or not there is a property I can set to make this the default behavior, and if not - what event do I tie to this action? Is it the "Enter" event?
What I have now, which will probably be unacceptable to my users, is code that looks like this:
Private Sub tbName_Enter()
ActiveControl.Value = ""
End Sub
This makes the contents disappear, but I'd rather they stay there and just become "selected".
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May 29, 2007
'TextBox1.Text = Sheets("Shet1").Range("a1").Text'
However I have thirty text boxes on the Userform all linked to cells on a sheet. How do I apply this so that I dont have thirty lines of code. It just does not look elegant. I'm doing this because the number on the userform shows more decimal places than the cells format. Cell formated to 3 places Userform shows about 9 mostly .999999 etc
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