Using Enter In Userform?

May 30, 2012

I have this series of userform modules that error check the user's input of a date value.

Private Sub txtDate_Enter()
txtdate.SelStart = 0
txtdate.SelLength = Len(txtdate.Value)


Everything works fine, but I'm looking to improve it's efficiency. Most people will by habit press [ENTER] after inputting the date in the textbox txtdate control. As it is now, for the code to execute after the value is entered is to push the {SUBMIT} button.

What would I need to do to allow hitting [ENTER] to do the same as clicking submit?

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Userform Tab Using Enter Key?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a userform made with excel. I need to tab to the next field (in the tab order) when I press enter instead of having to press the tab key. Is there an easy way to do this. Im not that savvy with VBA.

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Enter With UserForm To 1st Empty Row

Aug 16, 2008

I have an excel sheet with a couple of rows/columns of data in it (i've attached the sheet to my post (zipped in two parts)). Since I'm not familiar with VB. I want to simplify data entering procedure and I need a simple Userform for that purpose. That userform should enable me to enter data in the first row which has an empty cell in Column C. I have found a relatively decent userform on the internet and incorporated it into my sheet, but it's not working particularly well (it allows me to enter data only in one row, not in two or three). If I hadn't been clear enough, try to enter data in my sheet and you'll see what's the problem

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("PartsData")
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 3) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
If Trim(Me.txtPart.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a part number"
Exit Sub
End If
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txtPart.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = Me.txtLoc.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = Me.txtdate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = Me.txtQty.Value
Me.txtPart.Value = ""
Me.txtLoc.Value = ""
Me.txtdate.Value = ""
Me.txtQty.Value = ""

PS you'll notice that I have a Command button/Macro that inserts new rows in the middle of the already entered data. It perfectly suits my needs since it also copies the formula from the Column L to the new rows. That code needs no repairs.

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Userform To Enter Data

Mar 15, 2007

I have a developed a UserForm to enter data into Excel. I can get the UserForm to enter data in row2 under the headings I have created. I have a Next button on the UserForm, which I want to go to the next row when pressed to enter dta in row3, then row4 etc. Is there anywhere I can find examples of how to do this?

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Userform To Enter Data On Worksheet

Sep 14, 2006

I have sheet (say Sheet3) that is in essence a Database. I need to create a Userform to insert a row above the highlighted cell and insert the data on the Userform in that row.

Userform would have 3 textboxes to enter data, a submit button and a cancel button. (the 3 boxes titled Part, Price,Vendor)

In the Worksheet the 3 Columns are
Part Price Vendor

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Enter UserForm TextBox Into Cell

Dec 24, 2007

I am having trouble using User Forms.

I am trying to enter data using User Forms to apply to a specific cell.

For example the user enters text or a number value into a text box and clicks a command button to submit that information into a specific cell. In this case D43.

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Enter Key On UserForm To Next Control Not Working

Apr 23, 2008

I have a User Form that is used to collect data. CommandButton1 loads the User Form data into the worksheet and CommandButton2 clears all data from the Form in preparation for entering the next record. Immediately after a user first opens the Form, the very first time CommandButton1 is clicked, the Enter Key stops working. At this point data can be typed into any TextBox on the Form, but when the Enter Key is pressed the cursor remains in the TextBox. (The Enter Key will not move the focus to the next Textbox in the Tab Order. Also, if I alter the code to set the focus on a CommandButton as the active control instead of a TextBox, pressing Enter on the active CommandButton does not execute the CommandButton's macro... the same behavior as a TextBox; nothing at all happens when the Enter Key is pressed even though the CommandButton has focus).

At the point when the Enter Key stops functioning, if the user presses 'Alt-Tab' to leave the Form and then immediately uses 'Alt-Tab' to return back into the Form the Enter Key suddenly works again and continues to work correctly from that point on even after CommandButton1 is clicked. Again, the Enter Key stops working ONLY the first time CommandButton1 is run immediately following initially opening the workbook and Alt-Tabing into the Form immediately corrects it. I saw one other post in this forum with this same problem in 2003, but unfortunately it did not get answered.

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Enter / Lift Data From Spreadsheet Into UserForm?

May 27, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet which uses a User Form to input data and then give it a reference number (this bit works fine).

I am now trying to use a User Form to enter a reference number which will then be searched across my spreadsheet, I then want all the entered data relevant to that reference number to appear in a User Form along with additional fields for entry of additional info.

In this User Form, the original data could be modified but more importantly, the remaining data added before then being placed into the main spreadsheet.

This is a booking in system where the person presents to a receptionist and the initial data is entered. Once that person has been dealt with, the remaining details regarding their visit will need to be inputted, hence this request.

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Enter Data To Correct Column Using Userform?

Jun 29, 2014

I have started a user form called submit stock. What i am trying to work out is if i can use this form to enter the data to the worksheet using the form to specific columns depending on the first choice.

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Userform To Carry Out Action When Enter Is Pressed

Aug 26, 2005

I have a userform that contains a number of controls. When I press the enter / return key, I would like this to have the same effect as hitting the 'OK' button i.e. run some code. At the moment, hitting enter sets the focus on the next control in the tab order.

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Enter Data In Cells While UserForm Showing

Oct 30, 2006

is it possible to enter data on a spredsheet while a form is opened or must the from be closed first. I thought I was smart to have a form remain open so users could change parameters but at the same time allow them to enter data in uprotected cells.

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Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform

May 9, 2007

Enter Data To Multi Sheet Through Userform. How can I enter Data from entryform to multisheet?

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Close UserForm When Enter Ket Pressed In TextBox

Apr 6, 2008

I have a userform with a textbox in it. Once you type what you want in the textbox, you click on one of two buttons - either Accept or Cancel. It would be much neater if the userform would close when the user hits the carriage return in the textbox. Anyone know how this can be achieved? Kjartan Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Doh never mind folks, I figured it out...

Private Sub Userform1Textbox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
End Sub

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User Inputs Information Into Userform When Click Enter?

Mar 21, 2012

Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.

Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?

say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?

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Password Userform - Login Function To Enter Data

Mar 10, 2014

I have a userform that numerous people need to fill in. I want to add a login function so that each person has their own login detail. Their will be a command button called login. Until they login in they cannot enter any data.

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To Create A Userform With A Textbox To Enter A Product Code

Jun 11, 2009

i would like to create a userform with a textbox to enter a product code , a command button to run VBA and a big text box to show output of VBA from Textbox 1 which i will connect to DB and pull back information relevant to that product code , is this possible i can create the userform no problem and already have code to pull back from DB into Excel ,

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Userform - Match Date And Enter Value At Adjacent Cell

Jun 21, 2009

I have this userform:

DATE : [TextBox1] WITHDRAWAL: [TextBox2]


In my sheet I have a list of all the days in a year in the cell range of AJ12:AJ376.

Basically I want to find the date in Textbox1 within the range of AJ12:AJ376 and enter the value of Textbox2 in a adjacent cell. The adjacent cell would be in column AT. This would be achieved hopefully via a code using the commandbutton.

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Enter Data From Userform Into Cells Starting From Specific Cell?

Feb 3, 2014

I need to add something to the code below to have my first row of data entered into cell "Q8". As it is now the data is starting on row Q9 instead of Q8, but the rest of it is filling in correctly.

[Code] .....

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Userform To Enter Data In Different Locations Depending On Selected Options

Jan 22, 2009

xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3

xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3
xxxxxxxxxxxxxTeam1 | Team2 | Team3 | Team4 etc.
Hours State1
Hours State2
Hours State3

Each team leader would then input hours in each state each day on their column. Make sense? Easy Peasy...

My question........... is it posible to have a userform where a TL would select their name (Column) and Day (Monday=Row 3, Tuesday=Row23 etc) from a dropdown and then input figures in txt boxes to submit them in the correct location?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Select Userform Button And Activate With Pressing Enter Key

Jul 2, 2012

I have developed a Userform button in Excel 2010 using the developer icons, which when clicked on with my mouse it runs my super dooper macro. It works great!

But one thing I want to have happen is to have the choice of using the Enter key to start the macro or use the left mouse button

For example, I place data in (say) cell A1 and the userform button is in cell A2. When I place the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves down to A2, but doesn't highlight the user button. When I press the Enter key again, the cursor moves to cell A3.

What I want is when I fill in the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves to cell A2 and selects the button, so that when I press the Enter key again, it activates the macro.

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Prefill Text Box In Userform With Today Date But Allow User To Enter Unique Date

May 29, 2014

I have a workbook that I'm using to tracking staffing patterns within a mental health agency. When the workbook opens the user is asked to pick a date range and an office location. I've placed code into the userform that pre-fills the "start date" with today's date and the "end date" 7 days from today's date. I would like the user to be able to enter a unique date range should they wish but I have yet to figure out the coding to accomplish my goal.

[Code] .....

Attached File : Staffing Report 1.90.xlsm‎

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Popup Or Userform Enter Date And Delete Rows Containing That Date

Nov 26, 2013

I wondering if it's possible to create a code to have a popup where the user can enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format and then all rows containing that date will be deleted.

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Enter 4 Columns Of Data In Row Then Shift After Hitting Enter?

Jun 1, 2014

I really know nothing about vba so here goes. I would like to enter data in a row with 4 cells of info. then hit enter and return to the first cell and move the row down. all four cells must have data entered. and all four must move down. i tried some code as below i found and i modified but it did not work as expected. this moved the row down when returning the cursor to A2. It also should not copy the data style of the top row.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False


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Formula Must Be Confirmed With CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER Not Just ENTER

Aug 15, 2008

This formula must be confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER not just ENTER. You will see { } brackets appear.

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Created Userform And Command Button But Data Entry Not Allowed In Userform

Jul 16, 2012

I have created a userform and a command button to bring up the user form but when I click on the command button and the user form pops up I am not able to enter any data, the entire page freezes

This is the code

Private Sub CommandButtoncancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click()
With Workbooks("RETS results version 2.xlsm")

[Code] ......

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Macro That Deletes Sheet With Control & Shows UserForm Causes UserForm To Disappear

Jun 15, 2009

This is weird - if you delete a sheet that contained a control then

a. showing a modeless userform resluts in a userofrm that goes invisible at subroutine End
b. public variables lose their value

These things do not happen if the sheet did not contain a control. Attached is an example file - put the inputfile.xls in your default file location (or add a path in the code) then open the ProblemDemo.xls and run the main macro to see it fal - isthis another Excelbug I've found?

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Userform Loads Combobox Values Upon Userform Initialize

Oct 1, 2009

I have one userform that loads combobox values upon userform Initialize. Though through a second userform changes can be made to anotherworkbook this workbook is saves any changes. when i close the second userform i need to rerun the 1st userform Initialize event to update the combobox's incase changes have been made.

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Referencing Userform Control From Another Userform / Class Via Variable

May 3, 2012

I have several non-modal userforms in my App, some of them have date-fields that require manual entry typing of dd/mm/yy etc (No single userform has more than one date-box in it, this I think may be pivotally useful)

Now the Userform 'Calendar' that is built on the class of the same (cCalendar) name, has the write value line 'ActiveCell.value = theCal.value'

I'm looking to change this to refer to the correct userform.Textbox value, depending on which form is open.

I would imagine I could simply have a global string, whose value is set (or re-set) whenever a Userform is initialized (some sort of 'ActiveUF.value = Me.Name), where I get lost is referring to the components by name, so as to have a case statement by where I go:


Private Sub theCal_AfterUpdate()
Select Case ActiveUF
Case "AddForm"
application.vbe.components("AddForm").controls("AddFormDatePicker").value = theCal.value
Case "EditForm"
'.... etc
end select
end sub

better way of doing this (instead of passing around the userform name as a variable) - or proper syntax for referring to controls outside of the 'active' userform (but an open userform nonetheless)?

Every time I have to do this particular thing with userforms, I completely forget how, and the object browser always leads me on an infinite loop of

PS - there may be one slight complication to the process - one of the forms, has a 2-tab page in it, each page having similar (but named differently) fields. So I may need to be able to throw in 'Activepage' or whatnot

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How To Print Only Contents Of Textbox From Userform Not Whole Userform

Apr 26, 2014

I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is

[Code] ......

But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...

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Change Values Of Labels In A Userform Through Another Userform

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to do: Let's say I have a simple userform with labels as follows:

(Label1) John's birthday: (Label2) 12.10.1974
(Label3) Mary's birthday: (Label4) 15.03.1978

(Button1) Change Birthdays

Let's say want to change the birthdays I see, so I press the button and enter the new values through another userform with inputboxes.

How do I make that change permanent, so that next time I start the macro in the labels 2 and 4 I have the last entered values for the birthdays???

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