Using SUMIF And INDIRECT Multiple Times In Same Equation
Dec 9, 2013
I am trying to stream line the recording of time tickets . I would like to create a Summary sheet that shows the amount of hours each worker has done based on that particular day. The trick is I want the summary sheet to be automatically updated when the each individual time ticket sheet is completed. I would also like to be able to drag the formula across a row so I do not have to recreate the equation each time a new time ticket sheet is completed. Each time ticket sheet is its own sheet and is identified by date. Each time ticket ticket sheet is identical and is already created to so all you have to do is click on that the sheet reflecting the date and fill in the information.
This is the equation I have created but keep getting #VALUE!
=SUMIFS((INDIRECT("'"&MONTH(J$8)&"-"&DAY(J$8)&"-"&YEAR(J$8)-2000&"'!$L$11:$L$34")),(INDIRECT("'"&MONTH(J$8)&"-"&DAY(J$8)&"-"&YEAR(J$8)-2000&"'!$B$6")),('Data (2)'!J$8),(INDIRECT("'"&MONTH(J$8)&"-"&DAY(J$8)&"-"&YEAR(J$8)-2000&"'!$C$11:$C$34")),('Data (2)'!$I$9))
The sum_range is Manhours from L11:L34 for each time ticket sheet. The criteria_range1 is date in cell B6 listed on each time ticket sheet, criteria1 is date listed on cell J8 of the summary sheet . The criteria_range2 is names from C11:C34 for each time ticket sheet, criteria2 is name of person on cell I9 of the summary sheet.
Each sheet is labeled as 8-19-13, 8-20-13, 8-21-13, and so on. Summary sheet is labeled as Summary
The table that I am using to record the data on the summary sheet has the date increasing by one day on row 8. The names are vertically listed on column I.
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Aug 11, 2013
Excel - 2010
I have the following formula:
=SUMIFS(FEB!TRANS_Cost,FEB!TRANS_Cat1,CAT_Main3,FEB!TRANS_Cat2,"Computer Items",FEB!TRANS_Status,"Paid")
TRANS_Cost = B:B on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat1 = C:C on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat2 = D:D on FEB tab
CAT_Main3 = "Everyday_Expenses"
TRANS_Status = E:E
In short the formula adds the total cost of anything 'tagged' as Everyday_expenses, computer items, paid. I want to adapt it so that it takes the value from a defined cell such as Month, so that data can be pulled by month.
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Aug 18, 2014
Is there a way to use =sumif to sum if the cell has the word you are searching for plus other words you haven't identified.
For instance if I have =sumif(a1:a3,"vacant",a:a) , is there a way I can sum if the cell has "Vacant until next week" without me typing the next week"
I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
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Oct 15, 2013
I am trying to use the sumif and indirect function together but I keep getting an error and I'm not sure why.
Actual formula:
Using the sumif/indirect function, I have the following:
> Cell B5 contains the name of the tab "SWG OR"
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Jul 12, 2006
I have a set of data as attached where the productivity of each staff is recorded on a daily basis.However, the cell in which their name is located on each tab of the day of the month might not be the same. I am thankful that the forum actually provided me with the formula located in cell c15.
1)However, I would appreciate if someone could translate what the formula means as I am not so sure what the formula represents.
2)The reason is I would like to calculate how many training days (TR), Medical Leave(ML) and Emergency Leave(EL) for the month of January for each staff.I tried modifying the formula but it didnt work.
3) Is it possible to use a vlookup function for this solution?
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Apr 23, 2008
I have a need to sum values in the right column of a 2 column table based on multiple criteria of the values in the left hand column. The table has 500 rows.
The two criteria are:
1 - that the cell contains a specific text string ("product a")and
2 - that the cell contains a text string for the month in question ("Jan")
The other limitation I have to work with is that the formula is in a different workbook to the source data. I have a worksheet that lists the external workbook/sheet and have been using INDIRECT in the DSUM.
I read through the examples here:
Basically they recommended DSUM as the most efficient.
I can get the DSUM working, but it needs the workbook to be open before it can evaluate the expression and therefore I get an error when I select to update values upon opening the workbook.
So in summary I wondering if anyone can show me how to write a SUMIF formula based on the above criteria.
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Jan 20, 2010
From some fleet data i am trying to total any journey which took place between two times.
The time format is hh:mm:ss. I want to total the miles travelled in each trip between 5pm and 5am for certain vehicles
Vehicle Registration is in colum A, the times of the journey are column B and the miles traveled are column D.
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A100=LG52RYT),--(B2:B1000=NOT Sure???, D2:D1000)
Would I use the above formular? And what would i put in the section i have marked "not sure"?
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to perform 2 SUMIF's on 2 columns of data to return a result and I'm not quite sure the best way of doing this. I'll give an example below.
I have 2 columns of data, both numeric and the SUMIF needs to say if H1:H100="10" and also if J1:J100="907". I can perform one or the other but not both.
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May 24, 2007
I have the exact same problem as was posted in the past, in this post:
I am trying to sum across a dynamic range of worksheets: sum(sheet1:sheet3!A1). I would like to have "sheet1" and "sheetX" in a separate updateable cell and refer to these for the sum:
Basically, do something like:
Cell A2 = Sheet1
Cell A3 = Sheet3
When I use the following equation I get a "#REF" error(posted as a solution in the earlier thread):=SUMPRODUCT(--N(INDIRECT(" Sheet"&ROW(1:3)&"!A1"))) what is the "--N" for. Is there something that I should add?
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May 16, 2014
I am building an attendance spreadsheet and trying to copy and paste all of the names from Sheet 1 to Sheet 6 for a different purpose. Thing is I need the names to match so I'm not having to copy and paste every time my data changes.
My problem was that when I insert a row into sheet 1, sheet 6 accommodates and then I'm missing data and have to insert a new line manually.
At first I tried using absolutes ($) to fix the problem, but that's a different ballgame.
I've discovered INDIRECT and so now use this formula: =INDIRECT("'DIRECTORY 2014'!B5"). It works.
But I have almost 300 entries. Is there a way to expedite the process without having to change each entry? I don't want to have to retype the function on every cell.
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Jan 19, 2009
My sheets are all categorized by date, and I want to be sum individual cells on each worksheet on one final summary worksheet. For example, if cell A1 on each sheet was units sold and I wanted to see how many total units were sold between Jan-04-08 and Jan-16-08 my formula on the summary sheet would be:
But I want to be able to easily modify what dates my summary sheet shows so I tried using the function:
where N14 was the starting sheet and N15 was the ending sheet. It keeps giving me #REF! however and I can't figure out why and don't know if this is something I can fix.
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Oct 9, 2008
These do not:
Where Sheets refers to =Sheet1!$A$1:$A$2
[A1=]Sheet1, [A2=]Sheet2
For the last two ONLY Sheet2 is summed, not sheet3
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Aug 18, 2009
I am trying to develop an Indirect Indirect Validation drop down list. Example, Building - Floor - Room, i.e. Select Building from a Validation drop down list. Then based upon the Building selected, select only the Floors applicable to the Building Selected. I am able to achieve this via an Indirect Validation drop down. However, when I attempt to then select the Rooms applicable to the Floor of the Building I selected, I can not produce an Indirect Validation off a previous Indirect Validation.
In the attachment, I have used Plant - Location - Room. I have name ranged the selections, and have used Validations Lists for Plant, and Indirect Validations for Location. The error occurs where I attempt to do an Indirect Validation for Room.
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Dec 18, 2012
I have a list of named cells (i.e. Group1, Group2, Group3, etc)
I have a form control that allows the user to select which of the groups they would like to include.
I need to create a series of formulas that average the price of all the chosen groups. So if they just want to average Group1, Group3, Group5 they could do so by simply selecting the checkboxes associated with those names.
I am struggling to be able to create a formula which will look at the list of chosen values and Average only those names. If all groups were chosen this would be easy as I would simply use the:=Average(indirect(a1),indirect(a2)...and so on. However that assumes that I always know which values are being chosen. I have a fixed list of choices but if they don't choose one of the options then the indirect statement will be referencing a null value which than either returns to me a #REF or will factor in a '0' which then throws off the average.
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:
A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................
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Feb 7, 2014
I have a data validation list where more than one value should show the same list. Instead of make multiple range, I want to make it so if any of the values are in a cell the data validation list will show the list that goes with those values.
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Sep 28, 2011
determining the correct formula to lookup various details from multiple worksheet:
Data as follows:
Sheet1: input
Sheet2: Data
b2,b3 Formula = Indirect(Address(match(a2,????,0),1,1,1,"Data"))
i dont know what is the correct range inside the match fuction to identiy the row number inside the Data sheet, i think the solution would be match(a2,Data!a2:a13,0) but things might get complicated if you have multiple worksheet such as sheet2: Data , sheet3: Data2, sheet3: Data 3
and each table has unsorted details compared to others sheets (Data vs Data 2)
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Jun 14, 2009
I have an old version of Excel and want to use sumifs()
This means I want to add data based on 2 conditions. What should I do?
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Aug 9, 2006
How does one add data to a field that has existing data? For example, say I have a list of different people names and want to say the word "visitor" at the end of each name how is that done for an entire list without have to do it one by one. Also how do I add a word to the beginning of a list of names as well?
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Jan 4, 2007
I'm trying to get a sum only if 2 conditions are met.
Column A has dates (ex. 01/02/2007) in a random order. Column B has a location in a text format (ex. London). Column C has a series of values formatted as [h]:mm.
What I'm trying to do is get a sum of the values in column C where the corresponding values in columns A and B = the date and loction I specify. I've tried...
=SUM(IF(('Jan ''07'!A$2:A$750="1/2/2007")*('Jan ''07' E$2:E$750="London"),'Jan ''07'!J$2:J$750))
but it's returning zero values regardless of the criteria being met or not.
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Jun 15, 2009
I am new to excel and functions I am trying to put together a spreadsheet of computer costs. Basically I am listing various mobos, cpus, psus, etc. I have a column that signifies which mobo/cpu/etc I want to include in the actual total cost of the computer. Currently the only way I can perform the summation is to create a long drawn out calculation, which is a pain if I need to add more rows to the spreadsheet. I want to try to do a summation.
So, the grid looks something like the following:......
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Apr 21, 2006
I have the following formula that I am trying to use but the result is #VALUE:
The formula should look in cell B1 of each sheet and if it is equal to "PMI"
sum of the value in cell A3 in each sheet.
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May 31, 2006
My book is telling me that I can't use multiple conditions with a SUMIF
statement but other sources are telling me I can. Either way, it's not
My situation:
Look at data in $V$2:$V$144 (range = "group"). If cells in "group" =
"Broth" then look at $Y$2:$Y$144 (range = "bldg"). If "bldg" = "1" then sum
corresponding cells in $R$2:$R$144 (range = "fcst").
This is one of my attempts - feeble...
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Nov 27, 2011
I want a sumif where:
if column f has a 7 in it and if column e is greater than 5
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Jan 25, 2012
I am trying to use multiple "ifs" and then summing the cells that obey my conditions.
Let me give an example:
Column A - place
Los Angeles
San Francisco
Column B - object
I want the ifs and sumifs to:
Check if place = NY
Check if object = keyboard
Check if condition = failure
and sum the prices when all of the above are true.How do I do it??
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May 21, 2012
How can I sumif over multiple tabs?? Without using sumif(a:a,sheet1!a1,c:c)+sumif(a:a,sheet2!a1,c:c)
Like sumif(sheet1:sheet2!a:a,a1,sheet1:sheet2!c:c) I do not want to use a macro. I have about 80 sheets.
Apples 93
Pears 49
Oranges 20
Bananas 35
Apples 100
Pears 13
Oranges 2
Bananas 350
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Sep 28, 2012
I have got a workbook with multiple sheets, each sheet is in the same format but with different products across the top. The below formula sums the relevant columns by looking for the column with the relevant product code then sum accordingly. How do I amend the formula so that it does the sum for multiple sheets. I could just copy the formula for each sheet but their must be a better way to do this.
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Aug 29, 2013
How to use formula approach to get the total figure for A & B
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Apr 23, 2014
I have to SUM vendor totals in my spreadsheet and SUMIF worked perfectly, but only for one column of expenses. I need to sum over fifteen columns but searching told me that SUMIF / SUMIFS will not work. Is there another way?
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm trying to sumif across multiple columns, only if there is NO data in the first cell of the row. Column A is not in use - B contains some blank cells and some with data. In columns C:AM I want to sum all data in rows where the cells in Column B are blank.
[Code] ...........
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