How To Sumif Multiple Criteria

Nov 27, 2011

I want a sumif where:


if column f has a 7 in it and if column e is greater than 5

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Multiple Criteria SUMIF Using Column As Negative Criteria?

Mar 24, 2014

I've attached a sample workbook to show what I am trying to do. I would like the formula to say "if Sheet2!A:A is "MON" and if Sheet2!R:R matches Sheet3!A:A, and if Sheet2!I:I doesn't match any of the values from Sheet1L:L, then I'd like the sum of Sheet2!F:F. It seems pretty simple but I've tried a million different variations of SUMIFS, SUMIF, IF, AND, etc. and I can't figure it out.

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Sumif - Multiple Criteria

Nov 12, 2008

Column A |Column B |Column C
Store_Name| Dates |Revenue_Generated

I want to sum the revenue generated in every row where:
Store_Name = "x"
Dates >= Date1

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Matching Multiple Criteria In SUMIF?

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to create an overview which shows a breakdown of the total minutes for each task on each given day.

I need to get a formula to work in the grey area which sums the total minutes (column C) based on matching two criteras of task (column A) and day (column b).

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SUMIF Multiple Criteria In 2003

Dec 15, 2009

I am using Excel 2003 and need help with sumif with 2 criteria. Please see attached worksheet.

I am trying to find total costs for repective projects if they happend in 2009 only, else leave blank.

In attached worksheet, see column c, row 17...thats what the result should be.

Find All Instances of:

Project A that happend in 2009 and from range c2..c7
Project B that happend in 2009 and from range c2..c7


and show their sum in c17,c18, etc.

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Sumif Formula Multiple Criteria

Jan 27, 2010

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the formula on page 1 cell F56? it is not adding the 666 gallons at the end of column F for 426 - cc. Any ideas?

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“Vlookup” Or “Sumif” With Multiple Criteria ?????

Feb 1, 2010

I would like to take a precise value from one table which corresponds to two different criteria. See the example attached with this message.

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SUMIF - Multiple Criteria Using Concatenate

Feb 15, 2010

Im tryng to do a SUMIF formula that has several criteria as answer but using the concatenate formula, but it doesnt seem to come back with the answer - im using AND/OR formula aswell, but have a feeling im doing it wrong.

It does work when i use the single concatenate, but not when i try a do more than one

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SUMIF With Multiple Criteria In 2003

Mar 4, 2009

I'm trying to return a value from a data dump based on 2 seperate criteria, 1 being the name of a person and the other being the name of an activity. Is there any way of using an array and the SUMIF function to do this?

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SUMIF - Using Multiple Criteria (10 To 20 Values)

Jun 12, 2003

Sumif formula. I need to somehow put a loop on the criteria or something...

The formula is sumif(range, criteria, sum range). The problem I am having is that I have about 20 criteria to select, and sumif is designed for one criteria. I know that I can type the exact same formaula in and have something like this...

=SUMIF(D25:D107,Variables!A6,F25:F108) + SUMIF(D25:D107,Variables!A7,F25:F108) + SUMIF(D25:D107,Variables!A8,F25:F108) + SUMIF(D25:D107,Variables!A9,F25:F108)+ SUMIF(D26:D107,Variables!A10,F26:F108)+ SUMIF(D26:D107,Variables!A11,F26:F108)

This is OK for a few variables but some formulas have multiple criteria in excess of 15-20. the other thing is that the criteria list will grow over time as more variable are added, and instead of changing the formulas throughout the spreadsheet, I would like to have a big range that I can slowly fill up as I go along

The ideal situation would be if I could put a range in ( ie A6:A30) and then when I get a new criteria I just add it to this range. This will make administration eaaseier by giving me one location to update data.

I will show you an example.. I want to calculate the amount of petrol I use based on three criteria - BP, Shell, Caltex ( the criteria being petrol stations that come up on my bill).

A/ B / C/ D
Row / description / Amount/Variables
1 / Shell Petrol / $10/Shell
2 / Cat Food/$13/BP
3 / BP Store/$24 / Caltex
4 / Dog Food/$23
5/Shell Petrol / $98
6/Caltex Petrol/$31
7/BP stuff/$30
8/Shell Store/$70

What I have been doing is this...

=sumif(B1:B8,D1,c1:c8) + sumif(B1:B8,D2,c1:c8) + sumif(B1:B8,D3,c1:c8)

If I could somehow get the formula to choose the whole column D as the criteria range and get the 'sum if' to somehow loop so it goes down the d column and does the same calculation, but just changes the criteria variable each time, then instead of changing the formula, I could just add to the D column each time I had a new criteria I wanted to check.

I looked into DSUM and Pivot Tables. DSUM seems to work well with numbers, not variables and Pivot tables did my head in, especially seeing I know that there is a way to do this in a formula based way..

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Sumif With Multiple Range And Criteria

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to do a sumif function where it only sums when a different criteria is met in several different columns.


sumif b:b shows portsmouth d:d shows calais f:f shows night then sum range g:g

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Sumif Multiple Criteria: Sum Spend In Certain Categories

Sep 1, 2009

I have a column which lists total spend by vendor. I am using the sumif formulae to sum spend in certain categories, for example spend greater than £500,000. I would like to use two criteria, for example greater than £300,00 but less than £499,999. I am also using countif to get the number of vendors in each range of spend. How do I adapt my current code of "=SUMIF(D2:D1463,">300000",D2:D1463)" to look at greater than £300,000 but less than £499,999. I'm sure this is simple but like most things only simple if you know how.

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SUMIF Or SUMPRODUCT For Multiple Criteria And A Negative?

Nov 12, 2011

I have an array that contains order numbers, tracking numbers and shipment costs. I want to get the total value of the shipment cost per order. the problem is, there are some duplicate shipments (ie same tracking number) and I don't want to include those. I can't delete the duplicate entries from the database for reasons I won't go into here.

so I tired to use a formula like =SUMIFS(C:C,A:A,A1,B:B,B1)
11462046 CJ225083125US 10.51
11462051 CJ225082247US 17.04
11462046 CJ225083125US 10.51
11462046 CJ225083564US 22.40

the formula doesn't work (won't even let me enter it) but if it did, it should give a result of 32.91. it would add C1 and C4 (but not C3 because even though A3=A1, B# also equals B1 and that is what I don't want to add.

I think maybe a sumproduct formula is what is needed but the negative criteria is throwing me for a loop.

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SUMIF Statement With Multiple Criteria In Same Column

Jan 26, 2004

I'm trying to create a SUMIF statement that that has an embedded OR statement within, and am unable to make it work.

Basically I want to say if "column Q" equals one of 2 criteria ("cat" or "dog") then sum the corresponding number in "column P" I've tried the following statement, but it is just resulting in a zero:


I've seen support on statements with multiple criteria in DIFFERENT columns, but not if searching for multiple criteria in the SAME column.

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SUMIF Multiple Conditions (two Columns Match Criteria Add The Third)

Mar 17, 2009

Im trying to have a formula look at two diferent columns and if they meet the criteria add the third column.

I tried using sumproduct but It wont give me anything but error messages or a zero.

Looks like this

Need it to say:
if column A = Stewart and Column B = Fiduciary then add up the amount in Column C

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Excel 2010 :: SUMIF With Multiple Criteria - How To Add INDIRECT To Formula

Aug 11, 2013

Excel - 2010

I have the following formula:

=SUMIFS(FEB!TRANS_Cost,FEB!TRANS_Cat1,CAT_Main3,FEB!TRANS_Cat2,"Computer Items",FEB!TRANS_Status,"Paid")

TRANS_Cost = B:B on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat1 = C:C on FEB tab
TRANS_Cat2 = D:D on FEB tab
CAT_Main3 = "Everyday_Expenses"
TRANS_Status = E:E

In short the formula adds the total cost of anything 'tagged' as Everyday_expenses, computer items, paid. I want to adapt it so that it takes the value from a defined cell such as Month, so that data can be pulled by month.

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Setup Sumif Statement With Two Criteria Where If Second Criteria Is True

Nov 25, 2013

I am trying to set up a sumif statement with two criteria where if the second criteria is true, the total in the sum range returned is divided by two.

I currently have this:


I want to add in "digital/creative" as a second criteria (from the same criteria range) but I only want 50% of the result of these to be totalled.

is this possible?

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Nested SUMIF Statement Or Multiple SUMIF

Sep 17, 2009

I need to perform 2 SUMIF's on 2 columns of data to return a result and I'm not quite sure the best way of doing this. I'll give an example below.

I have 2 columns of data, both numeric and the SUMIF needs to say if H1:H100="10" and also if J1:J100="907". I can perform one or the other but not both.

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SUMIF With Criteria

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to take a census by date and name for every half-hour using the attached data. So for example, I would like to know how many people Roger had that walked-in and walked-out for each date on the spreadsheet and during what hours. The census would be every half-hour and not double count times. I could actually deal with just the min and max time for the day (by date and name) and having some indicator (say a one or an X) in the cells when Roger had at least someone anytime between walk-in and walk-out. It's kind of like getting a "time worked" based on the data that's provided to me. So I know how many hours Roger worked by day.

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SUMIF 2nd Criteria

Jun 15, 2009

Im using a formula to identify a job description then add up the quantity which works fine. =SUMIF(Master!A1:A10,"Bread",Master!C1:C10)
But my problem is, I have a second description in column 'B' for example called 'White'. I've been trying to get the formula to look at column A & B and if they match criteria in formula, then add up C. But can't seem to get it to work with the second criteria.

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SUMIF 2 Or More Criteria

Aug 23, 2009

I have a workbook with several different worksheets. I am attempting to pull data from a worksheet, I will name it sheet1. Sheet1 has 6 columns. The data I am interested in is in B and F. Column B has account numbers ranging from 1 - 1,000,000 and column F has the total account balances. What I am attempting to do is to sum the data in F that falls between a criteria in B. For example I want the sum of F that correspond to accounts 4999 thru 7555.

I have tried several variations of the same formula from my online search and am still unable to get it to work properly. I have tried using ">=4999" "<=7555" and I cannot get it to work properly. It seems fairly straight forward, but I am perplexed as to what I am doing wrong.

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Sumif With Two Criteria

Jan 8, 2009

I don't know why I can't figure this out, but it has been too long, but I need a formula that looks for yesterday's date and adds up any time that matches that date and that person from the list. So like in this example, for yesterday, my answer would be 1 hour for Ashley.

1 1/7/09 Ashley 0:10
2 1/8/09 Ashley 0:10
3 1/9/09 Bob 0:10
4 1/7/09 Ashley 0:50

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SumIf Formula For Two Different Criteria

Dec 28, 2013

I need a formula which can sum the mode of payments separately occurring on different dates.

See the attachment. It is like

table 1
date cash credit card

table 2
product booking date booking amount payment date payment amount form of payment

a 1-1-14 100 2-1-14 100 credit card
b 1-1-14 150 3-1-14 150 cash
c 2-1-14 200 3-1-14 200 credit card

I want to add value in table 1 from table 2. In front of date CELL Both cash and credit card amounts should appear separately.


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Sumif For Non-blank Criteria

Nov 2, 2008

I'm trying to figure out how to get sumif to sum for non-blank entries- e.g.
sumif(A1:A5,"not isblank", B1:B5).

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Sumif Formula With 2 Criteria

Jul 24, 2009

is there away to do the sumif formula with 2 criteria? See attachment

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Non Working SUMIF (more Than 1 Criteria)

Jan 29, 2010

Normally, sumif formula works well with problems that have one criteria to take into consideration. With the table that I have, I'm unable to accurately use SUMIF. I'm not even sure if I should use it since what I really need is Average. SUMProduct proves to be even harder to use for me. Here's what I have:

122307Closed1/142/81/3112 DAYS
122265Closed1/142/22/214 DAYS
122265Closed1/142/101/3112 DAYS
122253Closed1/121/221/229 DAYS

Other details:

I used =SUMPRODUCT(--($B$21:$B$31=C4),--($D$21:$D$31=$D$3)) to count the total number of a specific task status per ID code, say, closed and ATD.

I manually added TAT that has "Closed" status on a per ID code basis.


ID Code# of Closed StatusAverage TAT
12265213 DAYS (14+12/2)

Is there a formula that will give me the average TAT taking ID Code and "Closed" status as conditions/criteria? What about Vlookup, average?

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SUMIF With Sequential Criteria

Jul 31, 2007

In the formula (range, criteria, sum_range), I have a fixed range and a fixed summary range for each column, i.e.: ($F$3:$F$805, "criteria", O$3:O$805).

HoweverI am trying to sum up units by income level (columns D, E, and F) using information from elsewhere on the sheet. I am doing this for each city, which entails changing the criteria for all of the cities I am using three times (once per column).

Is there a simple way to autofill the criteria? They are just names of cities, all in the same column, COLUMN B. Or do I have to type each individual change?

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More Than One Criteria In SUMIF Or SUMPRODUCT,

Jan 19, 2009

I need to add amounts in column B, based on column A’s account numbers, so I want to add only account numbers, say 17101 & 17201 and nothing else.

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Nesting A New Criteria In Sumif

Feb 13, 2009

I have the following Formula:


In this way I got the sum of all items located in column E wich have the same value than in B3 in Sheet 1....

How could I change the formula in the way that only returns the Values in Sheet2 E:E when (If equals to B2 and C2 in Sheet 1 then Sumif)

The value which I want to use to filter is in the same columns in both sheets

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