I have an interval, for example [1431, 1589] an I need to automatically generate consecutive numbers in this interval - for example 1431.1 , 1431.2 ..... 1588.8, 1588.9, 1589. How can I do that? I know I can do this manually by writing some values and drag down but I need this done automatically.
I've been using excel for quite sometime but have never tried the macro system or posting VBA code so I'm wanting to get my feet wet with a little project.
I want to make a button on a sheet that when pressed generates a random number between 3 and 18, ideally it would make a new set of random numbers if pressed again.
I'm trying to convert various codes from one column of an excel spreadsheet into different codes in another column. I was able to accomplish this with "If" statements, however I'm only able to string together seven of these statements in one command. Is there a better way to add formulas for more than seven conversions? Below is a copy of what I've done so far with the seven converts:
I have to create item code (col B) based on emp id (col Q). If emp id 9999 appears 3 times, the item codes should be 9999_1, 9999_2, 9999_3. If Emp id appears only once, item code = emp id. How do I achieve this?
Let me see if I can explain my question in an understandable fashion....
I have a table containing data for about 2000 ID numbers. Some of these numbers are unique and some are duplicates. I would like to convert the ID numbers into a consecutive list of integers while preserving the unique numbers. For example, if the first column of my table is currently:
I currently have an excel file of around 40.000 records with their zip/postal codes accompanying addresses in countries all over Europe, I would like to convert these into latitude and longitude coordinates.
I have entered a lot of functions mainly VLOOKUPs. I want to write VBA codes for the functions without manually writing them. Is there a way in which I could get the manually written functions converted to codes automatically?
I have a large sheet of data I'm trying to sort through. Each row of data has a column that contains a long string description. Each of these strings contains a three letter codes in all caps that I want to be able to pull out. I have a seperate sheet that has all of the possible three letter codes in one column. Is there a formula that can compare each string of text to this list of three letter codes and if it find a match put that code in a column on the original sheet?
Doc Number String Code
33333 This is an example string of text. An example three letter code would be HCB. The location of the code within the string varies. HCB
33332 This is an example string of text. An example three letter code would be CDQ. The location of the code within the string varies. CDQ
33331 This is an example string of text. An example three letter code would be RCA. The location of the code within the string varies. RCA
I'm looking for a formula which returns the longest consecutive series of occurrences of 2 chars in a text string.
In the case I'm trying to count the longest consecutive number of nine-spares (9/) in a bowling game.
For example:
|7/|X|9/|9/|9-|9/|9/|9/|9/|X8/|longest series of 9/ would be 4. |9/|9-|9/|9/|7/|9-|(8)/|X|7/|9-|longest series of 9/ would be 2. |9/|(8)1|X|X|72|63|7/|8/|8/|9/9|longest series of 9/ would be 1.
I've attached an example of the data I am trying to solve this problem for. Basically I am looking for strings of 26 blanks or more in a row, but I want to determine the ending location of the last string of 26+ blanks. I've been able to determine the location of the maximum string of blanks, but that max group of blanks isn't always the last set over 26.
Any link to find the location of last string of blanks of 26 or more? The example I attached is a good example since there are two strings of 26+ blanks with the last one being shorter. I've also include the answer I'm looking at the end of the data in the example.
I'm trying to use logic to identify trends...in each of the strings below, I want to count the occurrences of the left most character appearing consecutively. The answer is to the left
I'm trying to do this via a formula vs. vba if possible
I got some functions from some of you to spot duplicate bar codes
the first function was this =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D5;$D6:D$65536;0));"";D5) the second next to it this =COUNTIF($D:$D;$D5) and the third: =IF(COUNTIF(D:D;D5)>1;"DUPLICATE";"")
well fine but now I dlike to add the numbers of the 2 cells of those duplicate codes. In some cases I have more than 2 identical bar codes.
I have 3 columns, in column 1 and 2 there will be numbers and I want automatically to get in column 3 the range of numbers between Column 1 and Column 2 Column 1 - 100 Column 2 - 500 Column 3 - 100, 101, 102, ..., 500
I have a large list of phone numbers & some of the numbers do not have area codes. The area code is the same for all numbers. Is there a way to add the area codes to all of these numbers without keying all in manually
In column B & C, starting at row 2, there are first names & surnames. In column H there is a grade for each name, eg B. Columns AC through AH hold subject codes for each name, eg 18E/Hs1 (potentially all columns could contain a code or only 1). The identifying part of the subject code is the first 2 letters after the / . So in the example the subject code 18E/Hs1 the 'Hs' signifies it is History. A table of subject code and their subject name is contained in a named range called Subject_ID (see below). I intend to make this range dynamic.
For each name (starting at row 2) I want to achieve the following: Scan across the range containing the subject codes (AC:AH), identify the first two letters after the / and match it to the subject name in the list. Paste the subject name to a cell starting at AI1 and then insert the grade (contained in column H) for that student in the corresponding subject column. The next unique subject name should then miss a column be pasted in AK1.
should result in the word History in AI1 and English in AK1 and the letter D in AI2 & AK2. Note as there is already a reference to History this is not repeated again.
I hope this is clear. I have enclosed a sample workbook with expected output and colour coded the subject names so that the order that they are pasted in is evident.
I have a daily column of numbers of approx 600 rows and the number is either a 0 or 1 and the 0 or 1 are in a random order in each row like:
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
I would like to find the min number of rows with 1, the max number of rows with 1, the totals of consecutive rows with 1 ie 3 consecutive rows of 1 appear 4 times, 4 consecutive rows appear 6 times etc and the average of the consecutive rows with 1.
with this Excel problem? I have a set of data of 300 some odd rows of numbers. I need to find 24 CONSECUTIVE values that add up to the HIGHEST sum? For instance,
I have a daily column of numbers of approx 600 rows and the number is either a 0 or 1 and the 0 or 1 are in a random order in each row like;
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
I would like to find the min number of rows with 1, the max number of rows with 1, the totals of consecutive rows with 1 ie 3 consecutive rows of 1 appear 4 times, 4 consecutive rows appear 6 times etc and the average of the consecutive rows with 1.
I am preparing a attendance sheet. I am using 1 & 0 for present(=1) & absent(=0). I want to find out if a student has been absent for three consecutive days and if there is three consecutive 0 then the formula should return the value 0 ( the student gets 0 if he is absent for 3 consecutive days ) otherwise it should add all the 1s in the row. i.e
I want cell D28 to be text of the location to the file selected through CommandButton1.. tia
This is what I have so far:
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim browse As Long Set Application.GetOpenFilename("All PDF files (*.pdf*), *.pdf*", , _ "Choose a Filename") = browse ActiveSheet.Range("D28") = browse End Sub
I have the attached table of numbers and I need a formula at the end of each column to identify whether any cells in that column consecutively have numbers in them greater than zero. Ideally by a count of how many cells in the column have consecutive numbers greater than zero (so if there are three 1's in a row and then a zero and then another 2 1's I want it to count 5).Excel Help.xlsx
I have a spreadsheet that has a column of numbers some of which are consecutive, some of which are not. I would like to have a way to lump all of these chunks of consecutive blocks into ranges. For example: