Add Numbers Based On Duplicate Codes Only
Jul 30, 2008
I got some functions from some of you to spot duplicate bar codes
the first function was this =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D5;$D6:D$65536;0));"";D5)
the second next to it this =COUNTIF($D:$D;$D5)
and the third: =IF(COUNTIF(D:D;D5)>1;"DUPLICATE";"")
well fine but now I dlike to add the numbers of the 2 cells of those duplicate codes. In some cases I have more than 2 identical bar codes.
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Feb 28, 2014
I have a table that has:
in column a an number 1,2,3,4,5,6
in column b I have a code against each number
in column e I have numbers , 1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4 etc ....
What I would like to have is the code from column c replicates in column d that's matches the code from column c
I have attached a sample of what I need : Product Detail - Copy.xls
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a column full of 10 digit pone numbers. All different numbers and many different area codes (No dashes):
Is there a way to remove the three leading numbers from all of the numbers at once for the whole column?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a large list of phone numbers & some of the numbers do not have area codes. The area code is the same for all numbers. Is there a way to add the area codes to all of these numbers without keying all in manually
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Jan 10, 2013
If n = 5, then I want to generate a string like this: "1+2+3+4+5". Similarly, if n = 7, I want the string "1+2+3+4+5+6+7".
I can generate the consecutive numbers, but have not figured out how to generate the required string.
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May 6, 2008
I am creating a billing sheet that has a column where charges are coded (to determine what they are for) and I want a "Grand Total" for everything followed by a breakdown "Total" for things with the same code. Is there a way to set SUM code to grab all numbers next to codes?? (EX. Column A is Billing Code, column B is Cost in $$; I want a total at the bottom that takes the different amounts in column B based on the various information/codes from column A).
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Jan 3, 2014
I am trying to find the revenue generated by different groups of accounts to figure out which group is worth the most, and rank the others.Here is a attached screenshot of what I am working with, cell BK22 is the revenue of all of the accounts coded AADA but i need to find an easier way other than plugging it in for all 3500 cells.
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to do in the title so here it goes. I want a user to be able (on form 1) to enter a list of codes that refer to specific requirements (e.g. code PB114 may mean the user needs to perform a pressure test) and then excel will automatically display the requirement somewhere below. It is going to be somewhat of a database. In otherwords lets say in cell A1 you type in a code, e.g. PB114. In a range of merged cells or somewhere below that cell I want the information "Perform a pressure test" to appear.
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Mar 31, 2014
Is there any vba codes that can show tab/sheet that is based on the filter selection.
For example:
Cell A1 have a data validation of Apple, orange and Mango
I have 3 tabs named Apple, orange and Mango.
So every time I select Apple on the main in page filter. Apple tab will show. and if orange then orange tab will show.
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May 30, 2012
I'm currently creating a formula to look up the date based on the alphanumeric codes, my problem is if it crosses the year, say 2011 & 2012, the lookup will be distorted because codes for jan. 1 2011 & jan. 1 2012 is the same. Our alpha numeric code is A01= Jan. 1.
to elaborate further:
wanted to get the ageing days between todays date and item manufactured date:
today: May 30 2012
when the administrator enters the manufacturing date code of "A01" I have a look up of the code that equates A01=Jan 1. which will compute the difference of May 30 2012-Jan. 1 2012 and give me the Age date of 150. Now, if I enter H1, I wanted to have it look up at the 2011 not 2012 of Aug. 1; is there a look up formula that looks up the date already past (current date below), not the future date of under the same database?
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Aug 10, 2007
Having the Zip Code Tabulation Module from the US Census Bureau, I have the following and much more. But based on the 3 items :
5-digit Zip Code, Longitude, Latitude.
I'm wanting to Select a Zip Code and have (let's say) several Zip Codes plotted (maybe 4 - 10) out from the center point of the map.
either with, or without a connecting straight line .
And possibly a Scalable Miliage indicator |---- 10 Miles ----| which would be based on the distance.
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Jul 13, 2006
First it should Insert a Column to the left of A. Then it should go to column B and search for the number 99 and delete all rows after it. In column C I want it to do the following formula =vlookup(b2,descriptions!$b$2:$c$250,2,false) and have it copied all the way down to the end of data.
Next I need labels added to the tops of the rows
Next I need the description columns in C to be copied to column I
Finally, beginning at J2, I would like the formula (e2 * g2)/100 entered to the end of data. Attached is sample data.
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Jan 24, 2014
I am using Excel 2003.I need two distinct sums:
I need to calculate out the loan amount of approved loans by week (weekending on Sunday). For example for the week ending December 28th, 2013
$1,234,567,890 in total loans
I also need to have a list of sums of the loan amounts per code types of approved loans. For the week ending December 28th, 2013
$123,456.00 in total loans for Code: LTV/TLTV > Guideline max
$987,654.00 in total loans for Code: FICO > 10 pts below Guideline min
I need to ignore any loan amounts and codes for any loans that have not yet had a approved date entered and also ignore all loan amounts for any loans that are denied. I have tried doing this in many different ways with Pivot Tables and I am not getting the results I need.
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Jul 20, 2014
I have trying for 2 days now to write a macro/VBA that looks up IF the stock codes (i.e., in column A and G) match THEN insert the ID_ISIN from column H in the empty ISIN column C.
or should i use Vlookup?
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May 5, 2006
I'm trying to convert various codes from one column of an excel spreadsheet into different codes in another column. I was able to accomplish this with "If" statements, however I'm only able to string together seven of these statements in one command. Is there a better way to add formulas for more than seven conversions? Below is a copy of what I've done so far with the seven converts:
I want to add about 15 more codes to convert within this formula but it's maxed out in the format I'm using.
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Aug 5, 2009
I have two columns with item code numbers in them
if any numbers from column 1 are duplicated in column 2, i want them to be highlighted automatically, maybe with a coloured cell or something?
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Mar 3, 2012
With exception to Duplicate numbers on a single row, or column. I am hoping I can check an entire row against other rows, to see idf the same number are repeated.
Unlike the Lotto, this is about Safety boxes, where I have sequential numbering such as the following:
Row16: 2,8,12,17,18,33,
Row102: 2,6,8,14,22,44
Row645: 2,6,8,14,22,44
Notice rows 102 and 645
I can't believe all of our staff missed the duplicate lines 102 and 645 of duplicate Although these row numbers were rows 2, 16, 102, & 245
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Jul 18, 2013
I have data and i would like to number duplicates next to the data so that i can append the cells that are duplicates easily. The data i have is in the following cell format -
What i would like is to output serial next to the cells based on the cell uniqueness as in -
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Green 1
Green 2
Green 3
Green 4
Blue 1
Yellow 1
Yellow 2
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Jul 20, 2006
I use the following formula to count duplicate random numbers on Row 35 that occurred on Row 34:
I would like to continue to compare against Row 34 and count duplicates on other rows (ex. Row 36 or Row 37) one row at a time.
In addition is it possible to visually identify the duplicates through conditional formatting (ex. Bold or color change) or other ways?
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Apr 3, 2014
I realise there are a few threads on similar topics but I can't seem to get any of them to work for my scenario. I have two columns with a list of numbers in each. I'm after a function that will scan column A and identify any numbers that also appear in column B. If possible I would like it to then generate a list of these in say, column C.
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Apr 21, 2013
i want Counting duplicate numbers in a string for example Counting 2
22241278-------- Count(2)=4
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May 9, 2013
I would like a macro to highlight duplicate numbers in Col A in Sheet1.
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Nov 20, 2008
I have in my sheet from C13 to C350 many serial numbers which I manually type them in. These serials are 5 digit numbers, and I was just wondering if there's a function or formula that will not allow duplicate numbers in that column.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have 2 columns I need to compare, in column A a list of ref numbers aprrox 62000 rows, with some duplicates. In column C a list of ref numbers 38000 rows again with some duplicates.
I need to be able to compare Column C to Column A. I need to identify the first instance of a ref number that matches from C to A so that I can delete it. The second instance of this ref number I would like keep. I have tried the following with no luck.
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Jun 16, 2009
I need to remove duplicate Part Numbers where other information in the cells will not match. In the following two examples, the only difference is that the COMP_ID: number is different, but for my purposes, the second example is a duplicate and needs to be removed. I have hundreds of rows of this type of information with various part numbers: ...
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a column where i have to put document numbers, Column A, i want to avoid accidently capturing something twice, so the only thing thats unique is the document number. Can i get an error if i try to enter the same number twice?
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Jun 9, 2014
I have unit measures that are converted across four columns (FT, SQFT, SQM and SQY).
THere are three units in rows (BOX, Skid and Roll). I am trying to identify in a column labeled "Duplicate Volume" with a formula stating "YES" if there are duplicate numbers (volumes) in any of the four conversion columns listed above. I tried to attach an excel file here but the system will not accept it. Hopefully the diagram i make below will be enough to understand the concept:
Unit Name FT SQFT SQM SQY Duplicate?
BOX 0 0 15 0
BOX 0 0 20 20 YES
Skid 0 10 10 10 YES
Skid 0 0 0 15
Roll 100 10 2 1.5
Roll 0 0 40 40 YES
I have over 50 thousand rows of this looking at the data to decide if there are duplicates will not happen.
Any formula that i can put in the column titled "Duplicate" that can identify the duplicates with a "YES" in the cell where duplicates are found?
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Jul 18, 2014
Attempting to do a spreadsheet for my golf club, to record scores, etc...
Managed to get it to pretty much what I want despite some very extreme looking formulae! So for some scores such as 56,56,57,57,54,54, Rank would just give me 3,3,5,5,1,1, so I have put a second column next to 56,56,57,57,54,54 where I input scores to seperate ties (better back nine scores), so in the above I would have for example 30,29 next to the two 56s, 27,29 next to the two 57s, and 27,28 next to the two 54s, so the rank would return 4,3,5,6,1,2. I have gone three stages further, so if, the back nine score was also tied, I have a column for the last 6 hole score, the last 3 hole score and even the last hole score. This is some serious formulae at this point. However, I now want the OPTION to rank the original data as 2,2,3,3,1,1 if I don't put any data in the back nine column.
This is so that I can input doubles scores on the same spreadsheet as singles scores, so if two people shoot the same score in singles I can input the back 9 scores etc to decide who comes out ahead, but in doubles I would just leave the back nine score blank, and then two people would share 1st in the rank, but then I need two 2nd ranks NOT 3rd ranks as it currently is.
Just so you can see how complex it is the current forumlae in the rank is here is an example:
[Code] .....
There are other things in there to sort out a few other issues as well, but I cant see the wood for the trees so to speak, to get it todo what I want!
I have also attached a sample from my spreadsheet to better demonstrate what I want!
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Jun 4, 2014
I managed to find this great bit of code some time ago and would now like to add to it. The code basically identifies any duplicates in column A and then lists the results in a message box,e.g.:
Duplicate Name: REF12345
Rows: 2,3
Works great for 1 or 2 duplicates but if there are many it becomes quite difficult to keep track. I'd like keep the code as is but add highlighting to the identified cells.
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Aug 18, 2014
My boss gave me a project and need to be done as soon as possible. Basically, i just need to join all of database and then identify duplicates and put them in another sheet in order to investigate if there are any double payments.
Duplicates can be:
- invoices with same vendor name having same or comparable amounts
- invoices with Invoice No. which match or closely match (in case we're mis-keying)
I've tried so many ways to find duplicates that fulfill the 2 conditions above, but still cannot make it done.
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