Using Text In A Cell To Refer To Worksheet Name

Jun 6, 2003

How can I use (with or without macro) cell text to refer to different worksheets inside a formula. For example I've formula =INDEX(Mary!B9:E17...) but I wanted to write that 'Mary' or whatever sheet name to a cell in one sheet and sheet refenrence in this index-formula would change accordingly.

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Refer Floating Text To Specific Cell In Worksheet?

Jan 20, 2012

Is it possible to refer a floating text to a specific cell in a worksheet?

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Combo List Refer To Any Cell In The Worksheet

Mar 4, 2009

I need a list in my form, simple "Name/Number" list (only two options) but i don't want it to refer to any cell in the worksheet.
I want to input a text in a textbox and with the selection in the list above i want to have multiple choices at how to approach the text (if i input a name i want it to be different than if i input a number). All the info i came up on the web refers to lists made upon a range of cells.
How can i make a list without involving ranges of cells?

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Use Cell Data To Refer Worksheet In Closed Workbook

Jan 29, 2010

At the moment, I have a project where everyone is putting work data on seperate workbooks. Each months work is placed onto another worksheet within that workbook.

The supervisor has his own workbook, that grabs data from each of the workers books. Getting the data is easy enough, however because the supervisor has barely any knowledge of computers, I would like to make it as easy to set up for future months.

Right now, data is collected in each cell using the following formula:-

='[otherusersworkbook.xls]December 2009'!$C$620

Is there a way of getting that phrase to substitute the part that says "December 2009" with whatever is put into column A on the same row?

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2000: How To Refer To Worksheet In The Same Book

Nov 12, 2005

I have twelve sheets in the book called "Jan", "Feb" to "Dec". Now I will use value in the two sheets by this format:

Row1 will contain columns, "jan", "feb", and etc.

Row2 should be like "=JAN!b2", "=FEB!b2", etc till "=Dec!b2".

Now the question is, how can I use reference, but not directly put in the sheetname such as "Jan!b2"?

In another word, what I want to use is like "=Worksheets(cells(...))!b2".

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Refer To Worksheet Command Button From VBA?

Jan 5, 2014

I inserted a Command Button ("Button1") in a Worksheet ("Sheet5"). I want to disable this button while the vba is running. How do I refer to this form control from vba?

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Variable To Refer To A Worksheet.CodeName

Jan 22, 2009

This is a simplified version of an earlier, long winded post that clouded my actual question.
Can I use a variable to refer to a worksheet by its CodeName? For example, let's assume I have several worksheets, with CodeNames of mySheet1, mySheet2, mySheet3, and so on. I understand that I can refer to them directly,

mySheet1.Range(myRangeName).value = someValue
mySheet2.Range(myRangeName).value = someValue
mySheet3.Range(myRangeName).value = someValue
but what if I want to do this using a loop? Is it possible to preload an array of CodeNames and do it that way? I'm thinking along the lines of something like...

Dim CodeNames
CodeNames = Array( mySheet1, mySheet2, mySheet3 ...)

For x = 1 to HoweverMany
CodeNames(x).Range(myRangeName).value = someValue
Next x

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Named Range. Refer To Current WorkSheet

Jan 2, 2008

I put all my named ranges in a seperate worksheet in the workbook.

On a different sheet I have all my data with references to the named ranges. But what it gives me is the cell information from the sheet on which the named range is located and not on the worksheet where I actually need the calculations to be done.

How can I make the named range refer to the cells in the worksheet in which it sits?

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2
I name the function Red apples
RedApples =CONCATENATE($A1&"Red Apples")

Worksheet 3

Question #1
How do I make the name reference in worksheet 2 refer to
the cells located in the worksheet in which i use it. In other words, when I use RedApples in Worksheet 3, it gives me what is sitting in A1 in worksheet 2 instead of in A1 on Worksheet 1.

Question #2
How do I make the name reference in Worksheet 3 keep stepping down along Column A in Worksheet 1?

Formula at issue in actuality is

=IF($S5>0.149,Morethan15,IF(AND($S5<0.15,$S5>0.999 ),Morethan10,IF(AND($S5<0.999,$S5>0.0499),Morethan 5,IF(AND($S5<0.05,$S5>0),Morethan0,IF($S5<0,Lessth an0)))))

the morethan15,10,5,0 and lessthan0 is defined in the last worksheet

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Excel 2007 :: Get Cell To Refer To Date That It Contains And Change Cell Colour Based On That?

Dec 19, 2012

I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.

One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.

In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.

For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.

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Refer To Cell Without Offset

Aug 31, 2012

I have a selection that I am going through with a 'for each' and then performing actions if the cells meet a certain criteria. I have been referencing nearby cells with the offset function, but now my sheet is too big and I need to change the code often and the offset function is difficult, is there anyway to refer to cells without the offset function, preferably by column letter

PHP Code:

For Each Cel in SelectionIf Cel = x Thenvalue1 = Cel.Offset(0,39).Valuevalue2 = Cel.Offset(0,5).ValueEnd IfNext Cel 

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Conditional Formatting - Refer To Another Cell

Dec 31, 2013

In conditional formatting, which formula do I use to refer to another cell? Trying


without luck.

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Refer To The Cell In Dynamic Range

Oct 4, 2011

I want to know all times this one presents the number 3 in the last 10 cells of the A column

For a static range I use this function


If I add a new cell which is the function for a dynamic range?

I can refer to the cell with this function = ADDRESS(MATCH(300;A:A);1)

but not as integrate it.

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Refer To A Cell And Pull Value AND Colour?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a cell containing a 'bullet' symbol (•) and a cell containing text.

If I make the bullet red and the text is black is there a way I can combine them in the same cell and the bullet remains red and the text black?

Essentially the situation Im in is I have a load of text I need to add coloured bullets to and I dont want to individually paste in and colour format all the bullet points because it would be too time consuming.

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How To Refer To Cell In Which Custom Function Is Used

Feb 8, 2013

Basically i want to use a UDF to count cells in a range of a certain colour.

But i want to make it easy for the user to be able to change the colour the function counts, so i thought i could ask them to colour the cell in which the function is written.

Is there a way to tell the function to pick up the Interior.ColorIndex of the cell it is written in?

Use Application.caller.interior.colorindex

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Refer A Macro Back To A Cell Value

Aug 31, 2007

macro which can paste the value from A1, to another B1 and when A1 is edited again, pasted it in B2. This will probably go on and on until B30. I have tried the if else then in Macro, and even the if elseif, but both don't go futher than B2. E.G A1=1 B1=1 A1=4 B2=4 A1=3 then nothing happens to B3. If there is a way to make this work, it will be great. The way i am tryin to get it is to have =if(B1="","",1) for each cell from C1:30 and with C31 the formula "=count(C1:C30)+1". Then i formated C31 to a custom and make it so that before numbers, there is an B. This means that if B1,2,3 and 4 and numbers in them, then C31 will read B5. That will be the cell i want my next record to go. I would prefer it if there is just a code that i can enter that will go to the next cell when it knows the current cell has a digit in it but if i have to, the count way will do,

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Refer To Variable Cell Row Number

Jun 28, 2007

is it possible to refer to a cell by a variable cell number? For example suppose i want to refer to a cell on column B, by a value which is in cell C1, so the if C1 has the value 7, i would refer to cell B7, abd if it has the value 87 i would refer to cell B87.

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Too Many If Statements: Refer To A Cell And Use The Value Of That Cell To Print The Range

Aug 10, 2006

I use macros to print pages, depending on the number of entries I have. If I have 1500 entries, I have to have 1500 If statements. Is there a way to write VBA in a macro to where I can refer to a cell and use the value of that cell to print the range.

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Dynamically Refer To A Cell In A Macro Formula

Feb 17, 2009

I want to write a formula that inserts a column and then does a vlookup in that new column using the cell just to the left of it as the first variable. The problem is, this could be in any random column so I can't do a static reference to $A2 as an example. So, my question is...

Instead of using =vlookup($A2,Sheet1A1:B50,2,false)

How do I replace the $A2 part with some code that says, "the cell to the left of here..."

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Replace Folder URL String And Refer It To Cell

Oct 24, 2011

I'm using this macro to import txt files into excel.

Sub Bring_Articles_Into_The_File()
Dim sPath As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim strString As String


Id like to replace the folder URL string ("C:Articles") and refer it to the cell "E5" instead. (So I don't have to open the code and change the folder every time)

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Sheet Name Stored In Cell - Refer To In Formula

May 31, 2006

Sheet names in Col B
B2 : Sheet1
B3 : Sheet2

I tried


at C3 where $J$58 is the cell I would like to reference on 50 different sheets

Formula returns #REF!
Col C ref's $J$58
Col D ref's $L$58
Col E ref's $N$58
Col F ref's $P$58

So as I copy the 4 formulas down, the ref to the correct sheet should update but the cell ref's should remain

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Refer To Cell To Update Row Number In Index Formula?

Dec 8, 2012

I have 2 excel files A & B. In cell A1 of file B, I use an index formula to refer to a row in file A. "INDEX('[A.xlsb]A'!$10:$10,1,2)" is the formula used (referring row 10 in file A).

If I update the row number in another cell of file B, is it possible for this formula to refer to that cell to get the row number from file A?

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Refer Folder/Filename In VBA Code Through Named Cell Reference

Oct 31, 2008

I have the following codes in which I am to refer a file and folder to do some further processes.

myfilename = "C:Documents and settingsacsMy DocumentsEntrymyfile1.xls"
folderPath = "C:Documents and settingsacsMy DocumentsEntry"

I want to enter these two paths in a sheet in my excel report file (For example, I am running the report from Report1.xls, in which there is a sheet name "Filepaths". In this,

in B5, I would like to enter the Filepath (B5 named as "FILEPATH")
in B6, I would like to enter the Folderpath (B6 named as "FOLDERPATH")

So that, if I am copying the folder to another area, I no need to change the code every time in the VBA editor. I can do changes in these cells and it will be taken as the path to run the code further.

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Combining Two Values In Two Separate Cells To Make A Cell Reference Or Index Refer.

Jul 15, 2009

I want to use a value in one cell as a row designation, and a value in another cell as a column designation. Ultimately, the values will be text which will refer to row and column headers. What formula would allow me to do this? example:

A1 contains B
B1 contains 2
B2 contains "tribbles"

An imaginary function might go like this........

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Copy Data From Cell In One Worksheet, Add Text, And Paste To Cell In Another Sheet

May 14, 2009

I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.

Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.

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Using Cell Text To Lookup A Certain Worksheet

Oct 13, 2008

I want to be able to look up a cell and do an index lookup on the worksheet with that cells text. Eg.


Where 'B2'! is the worksheet I want to lookup. If cell B2 contained BAZ, the index would lookup worksheet BAZ. If B2 contained TAZ, the index would lookup worksheet TAZ.

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Find Last Cell In Worksheet Containing Text

Mar 26, 2008

I have seen a few examples which find the last used cell... but these seem to grab cells that have formulas in them, even though no text has been entered. I need to know how to find the last cell in a worksheet that contains text.

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Substituting Text In A Cell For A Worksheet Name In A Formula

Feb 18, 2010

The content of cell "animal!A1" will change according to a simple vlookup table. Let's say the value can be "dog", "cat", or "horse". In cell "animal!A5", I want to duplicate the content either "dog!A5", "cat!A5", or "horse!A5", depending on the current value of "animal!A1".

I've tried to do a simple reference like:




wanting the A1 to actually read either dog, cat, or horse so the reference would refer to the worksheet of the same names. This doesn't work, so I need to know if there is a way to do this.

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Searching For Text Within Worksheet And Selecting The Cell

Feb 17, 2014

I'm using a command button (p1) within Private Sub P1_Click()

It pulls the activecell as a string (for example $A$1) using a variable called CurrCell, I then want to search this string (currCell) within the worksheet "DATA" and select the cell 3 to the right of it, so that I can change the value.

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Vba Code To Link A Text Box To A Cell In A Worksheet

Jan 12, 2007

I have built a userform and want the text boxes to access information from a worksheet when I click on the button that displays the userform.

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Delete All But 1 Worksheet, Add New Sheet & Name As Cell Text

Jun 7, 2007

I need to cycle and extract row data from the A, B and D columns and copy it into another worksheet while maintaining the copied data structure. Right now I am manually selecting the data....

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