VBA Check Name In Range If Not Perform Action?
Apr 12, 2013
If a name is entered in cboRepName combo box, I want to check if the name matches the list of names in the named range "Names" found in sheet repInformation. If the name is not found, then perform tasks.
Here is what I have so far, of course is not working, but I think I am close.
Private Sub cboRepName_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim repName As String
Dim nRange As Range
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Aug 18, 2009
I have an excel file with a column (I) which lists the total number of businesses in a different tab (DATA) that meet certain restrictions (these restrictions being listed in the same row in different cells). When the cell under coluimn "I" is double-clicked, it pulls the businesses from tab DATA that meet the restrictions for that row and shows them all in another tab.
I don't know the person that created this and was wondering if there is a way to figure out what is being done to make this happen? I looked in macros, but didn't see anything relating to this. Anyone know how this is done?
So you know, I have tried double-clicking other cells, but nothing happens - not even editing into the cell (altho this can be done from the toolbar up top).
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Sep 22, 2009
In all the cells in column F I have a validation list with several predefined choices, but at the bottom of this list I want an "Other..." option, which when chosen, enables the user to enter a new string in that cell if none of the predefined did not match.
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Mar 10, 2014
Converting old reports to usable excel format. I am having trouble using VBA to set up a looping macro that would search Column A for cells with the text string: "ACTIVITY TOTAL". If cell has that value I would like to perform text to column action on the adjacent cell (R0C1). The macro recording for the test to column settings i need is :
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=ActiveCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, OtherChar _
:=":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
I have attached a sample of what I am currently working with. The actual file has roughly 6000 lines of data, so I would like the macro to go through all lines.
Attached File : LoopingVBA.xlsx
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Aug 23, 2013
I am trying to develop a system to allow me select different parts from multiple sheets and then add them into a bill of material on a separate sheet.
[URL] ...........
I have written some VB script the best I can and it includes a 'commandbutton' to make it easy for the user of the workbook to use.
This is how it works:
Go to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab and highlight one of the yellow cells.Once you have selected a yellow cell, you then click the 'select' button above.The value (along with other values) are copied to the 'Smart Calc' sheet.Then you go to 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' tab, select a yellow cell, click the 'Select' button.Notice how the 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' value is entered into a different group in the 'Smart Calc' sheet - this is great................BUT
The issue I am having is:
If the user goes to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab, highlights the desired yellow cell then presses the 'Select' button twice, it will add two lines of data in the relevant 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' section....This is ok.But when the user clicks a third time, the 'Step 1' data will overflow into the 'Step 2' section of the 'Smart Calc' tab...because the script tells the data to look for the next available line to write to. This is what I am trying to avoid!
Instead, i would like a message box to popup to indicate to the user that they cannot add anymore data into into the 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' sections of the 'Smart Calc' tab until they clear the data from within the relevant section in 'Smat Calc'.
I would like to set limits on where each 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' data is written to the 'Smart Calc' sheet (so it is within its relevant section). As you can see the script basically looks for the next available cell but this isn't really good when the data 'overflows'.
Note that you are able to highlight the yellow cells in the 'Smart Calc' tab and press the delete key, it will delete the data to clear the line. That is how i designed it to work so if the user makes a mistake they are able to just delete the relevant line and enter new data.
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Feb 7, 2007
I have a macro to copy/paste B14 to B14 in next months workbook. Once a year the event occurs twice in a month, resulting in B14 and B15 both having values, the other 11 months B15 is blank. For this one month I need to copy/paste B15 to B14 in next months workbook. The macro is quite long. So it is If B15 has value then copy/paste B15 to B14 in Feb workbook, otherwise copy/paste B14 to B14 in Feb workbook. Unable to work it out myself.
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Sep 17, 2013
Currently my Macro should: Turn off any filtersNumber column A from 1 to 1000 (starting in A14)Drags formula from K14-O14 down to last row of data shown in column Athen puts cursor in last empty cell in column B ready for user to enter data
On point 3 - I want the range to be K14-O14 if active worksheet equals "EXCHANGES" but if its on the "VALUATIONS" tab the autofill range should be L14-P14
I have found bits and pieces of macros on the internet and put them together so if my macro below is not the most effective for my needs but here it is in it's current state:
Here is my macro:
Sub AddNewEntry()
Dim wks As Worksheet
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Oct 6, 2009
I have account information with 4-digit customer location identifiers beginning at character 9 and ending at character 12:
No matter what changes in this string, these four digits (9, 10, 11 & 12) will always be in the same position.
What I would like to do is (I think) use the FIND funtion and then perform a VLOOKUP against an already defined table/range which identifies the actual location in the destination cell. Will FIND be the easiest for me to do this our should I use something else?
The what to interpret characters 9-12 (using 3600820040030500050005271000 as an example):
4003 is the location information which consistantly breaks down:
4 = Region Name
003 = Office / City (001 thru 024)
There are 7 possible regions with 24 possible Offices/Cities. I want to believe I can make this lookup happen using VLOOKUP tables that break them down - but I just don't have the brainpower to identify those 4 digits and then break them out for a look up.
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Jul 16, 2009
I am trying to write a macro that goes down column A, and whereever there is cell content, it will copy the row of the table to another spreadsheet.
The problem I am encounting is that there are gaps in the table, for example:
WKJ9900KBKBusiness Banking: Cheque CollectedWBJ90978JKCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque CollectedUHN98920HJCorporate: Cheque CollectedUCC1201DBKCredit Cards: Cheque Collected
WHH8989JKBusiness Banking: Cheque Collected Unidentified / ReconciliationWKU8987GHCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque Collected Unidentified / Reconciliation
WKJ9900KBKBusiness Banking: Cheque CollectedWBJ90978JKCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque CollectedUHN98920HJCorporate: Cheque CollectedUCC1201DBKCredit Cards: Cheque Collected.
The gaps are of varying length. So far I have been playing with the
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
'do copy action
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
of course, this stops when it reaches a blank cell.
I think the best way to do it is if I set a range, and then get excel to go down the column and copy whereever there is cell content.
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Jan 14, 2009
make this formula more concise and shorter, it was design to check a numbers in a range to see if any of them falls into a particular range.
=IF(SUM((COUNTIF(Fund,">11999")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">12999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">21099")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">28729"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">28730")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">33999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">58999")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">59999"))),(COUNTIF(Fund,">82000")-(COUNTIF(Fund,">84999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">11999")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">12999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">21099")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">28729"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">28730")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">33999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">58999")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">59999"))),(COUNTIF(FUND1,">82000")-(COUNTIF(FUND1,">84999"))))>0,"ATTACHMENT E IS REQUIRED","")
and if the any of the number fall into the range it will print the message, "Attachment is Required"
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Nov 20, 2009
Is there a formula that I can use to check that all the depths are in a range of 1 to 5. If one depth is say 6 then this must be flagged up
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Aug 17, 2008
Is there a way to test if let's say range a1:a10 contains a value of cell b1.
I would be thankful to get the VBA code to do that
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Mar 26, 2010
I have a range of cells which contains one of two text values (Ok and Not Ok). I would like to check my range of cells for these values. If this range have one cell that contains the text "Not Ok" I would like the formula to say "Not OK". If all cells contain "Ok" I would like the formula to say "Ok".
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Dec 18, 2008
I need some code that will check the valueof a combobox to see if it is a named range. i'm not sure where to start really? i know i probably need to use "ListNames" in there somewhere?
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Jan 13, 2009
Hi all, this might sound really easy but I have a Named Range in excel 2003.
Now I'd like to write a VBA code to check if this range exists before carrying on futher computations.
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Jun 16, 2009
If I have a named range ("colors") which contains a bunch of different colors, and in a separate cell, I want to test whether a particular color is present in that range, how would I do that? For example:
=if([range contains "yellow"],1,0)
this formula would return 0.
=if([range contains "green"],1,0)
this formula would return 1.
I'm having trouble with the part in []'s.
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Jan 20, 2012
I have this code that checks for blank cells and it works fine:
If Range("A15").Value = "" Then
I would like to change it to look in six specific cells, but the following code doesn't work:
If Range("A15:F15").Value = "" Then
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Mar 7, 2012
What would be the best way to check if e.g. all the values in range A1:A4 were the same?
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Aug 22, 2012
I have this code here, which run's fine, if I don't include the red line. The red code, should do the following: If the "D" Column and/or the "E" columns k-th cell have no value then it should increase the k by one. If theres a cell in "D" or in "E" (or in both of them) which have a value in it then it should start the "EXECUTING COMMANDS" part.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Do While ws.Range("A" & k).Value ""
But this won't start too after processing the do while line. How this .value command works.
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet in which I have named columns. All columns have associated columns in different tabs. Using a toggle button I want to hide or unhide these associated columns on all tabs at the same time. Here is what I have so far:
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ToggleButton1
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
My problem is I want to have a single string to hide/unhide the following Named columns on all sheets -- (Sheet 1 (COLU), Sheet 2 (DRCOLU), Sheet 3 (F1CCOLC), Sheet 4 (MSCOLC), Sheet 5 (PSCOLC) and Sheet 6 (POCOLC)
I was hoping to use something like -- Range("COLC, DRCOLU, F1CCOLC, MSCOLC, PSCOLC, POCOLC").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
I receive an error when I try to use it because only one of the names is used for each sheet. It needs to first verify the name exists on the sheet and if so, perform the Hide/Unhide function and if not move to the next name. When all names have been used, move to the next worksheet and perform the same action until all worksheet have been gone through.
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Apr 23, 2006
is there a way to check for a value in a range, and return the value if it is not in the range, else return nothing?
H1 =85
B | C | D
25 | 50 | 75
40 | 30 | 10
12 | 9 | 66
None of the following IF statements will work:
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Apr 26, 2006
I have attached a sample for better understanding. First of all, I need to check for the highest value in Col B and lowest value in Col C in the range from Time 0900 to 1100 only. I need to use the check time function (which i have no ideal how) rather than selecting the number of rows to check.
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Jul 19, 2007
If my cell range in Sheet 2, K2 to K25 is empty/blank, then I want to fill that blank range with the same number/Value. It can be a 0 or a 1 or any other Value as required. But an Error 13. Type Mismatch message appears. Where is the error if I'm trying to fill the range with a Value if blank ?
Sub Macro_2()
If Sheets("Sheet2").Range("K2:K25").Value = "" Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("K2:K25").Value = "1"
End If
End Sub
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Jan 11, 2009
I would like to check a 4 column range to see if a particular number has been added to a range of number.
this is the formula that I wrote but it does not test beyond the 2nd column.
Does anyone have an different way of check for this?
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May 28, 2014
This does not seem to be working and I do not know why.
If Range("T3:T999").Value = "Duplicate" Then
MsgBox "It did work"
MsgBox "What happened??"
End If
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Dec 11, 2008
Upon deactivation of a worksheet I am trying to check a range of cells("B8:M8") for empties. If any cells are empty I want to generate a MsgBox that asks the user to remedy the situation. It is not necessary to tell them which cell is empty but it would be nice. Can anyone help me format this code?
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Apr 12, 2009
I am using the following code to check data is entered in certain cells...
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Sep 1, 2009
I am trying to search a column for specific values.... if the cells in the column equal X, Y, or Z then I want to keep them. Anything else, should be deleted....and not just the cell the entire row that it is in.
So I'd like it to search column E for a number of different values, if equal keep the data. If not (say E6 is not any of those values) then delete that row (all of row 6)
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Sep 28, 2011
I have a list of strings as such
A1: A
A2: B
A3: D
A4: E
How can I check to see if this range is sorted with vba?
I have searched but havent found anything for strings.
I can only think of adding each cell to an array, creating a copy array, sorting the copy array and then comparing the two arrays. I want it to return TRUE, FALSE or 1, 0
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Dec 13, 2011
detecting if a range has colored cells. What would the correct syntax be for the line in red?
Sub CheckForDups()
Dim ColumnNumber As Integer
ColumnNumber = 1
Selection.FormatConditions (Selection.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
Selection.FormatConditions(1).DupeUnique = xlDuplicate
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