Check Cell For Value, Copy Or Other Action

Feb 7, 2007

I have a macro to copy/paste B14 to B14 in next months workbook. Once a year the event occurs twice in a month, resulting in B14 and B15 both having values, the other 11 months B15 is blank. For this one month I need to copy/paste B15 to B14 in next months workbook. The macro is quite long. So it is If B15 has value then copy/paste B15 to B14 in Feb workbook, otherwise copy/paste B14 to B14 in Feb workbook. Unable to work it out myself.

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VBA Check Name In Range If Not Perform Action?

Apr 12, 2013

If a name is entered in cboRepName combo box, I want to check if the name matches the list of names in the named range "Names" found in sheet repInformation. If the name is not found, then perform tasks.

Here is what I have so far, of course is not working, but I think I am close.

Private Sub cboRepName_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim repName As String
Dim nRange As Range


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Loop Copy Columns Action

Sep 6, 2009

I need to copy several columns (G:L) underneath (A:F)
I got this going using the recorder, and copy the action several times in the macro (See below).

I obviously would like to have this in a loop.

Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

Application.CutCopyMode = False....................

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Perform Copy / Paste Between Sheets With Command Button And Add Message Box To Indicate Invalid Action?

Aug 23, 2013

I am trying to develop a system to allow me select different parts from multiple sheets and then add them into a bill of material on a separate sheet.

[URL] ...........

I have written some VB script the best I can and it includes a 'commandbutton' to make it easy for the user of the workbook to use.

This is how it works:

Go to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab and highlight one of the yellow cells.Once you have selected a yellow cell, you then click the 'select' button above.The value (along with other values) are copied to the 'Smart Calc' sheet.Then you go to 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' tab, select a yellow cell, click the 'Select' button.Notice how the 'Step 2 - Gland Plate' value is entered into a different group in the 'Smart Calc' sheet - this is great................BUT

The issue I am having is:

If the user goes to 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' tab, highlights the desired yellow cell then presses the 'Select' button twice, it will add two lines of data in the relevant 'Step 1 - Manifold 8640' section....This is ok.But when the user clicks a third time, the 'Step 1' data will overflow into the 'Step 2' section of the 'Smart Calc' tab...because the script tells the data to look for the next available line to write to. This is what I am trying to avoid!

Instead, i would like a message box to popup to indicate to the user that they cannot add anymore data into into the 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' sections of the 'Smart Calc' tab until they clear the data from within the relevant section in 'Smat Calc'.

I would like to set limits on where each 'Step 1' or 'Step 2' data is written to the 'Smart Calc' sheet (so it is within its relevant section). As you can see the script basically looks for the next available cell but this isn't really good when the data 'overflows'.

Note that you are able to highlight the yellow cells in the 'Smart Calc' tab and press the delete key, it will delete the data to clear the line. That is how i designed it to work so if the user makes a mistake they are able to just delete the relevant line and enter new data.

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Check If Any Cell In Range Contains Value And Copy That Value To Another Workbook?

Jun 9, 2014

I have 400 source files containing (among others) 8 sheets with daily results: "Fri 23", "Mon 26", "Tue 27", "Wed 28", "Thu 29", "Fri 30", "Sat 31 (if applicable)", "Mon 2".

Each sheet contains also:
State - D1
Role - D2
Staff ID - D3
Date - D4

Activity group name in column A (starting from row 8)
Activity type in column B (merged with C and D) (starting from row 8)
Activity time in columns E:GV (starting from row 8). Usually, there is none or only one value in whole range (e.g. E8:GV8). But sometimes there are two values.

Customer ID in row 6 (value appears only if time was reported in E:GV range)
CC Number in row 7 (value appears only if time was reported in E:GV range)

It's all about transferring values from all daily sheets in all files (.xls) sitting in folder C:WADFinal to one simple table (WAD_Consolidation_file.xls, sheet "Consolidated") consisted of 9 columns: Staff ID, Role, State, Date, Activity Group, Activity Type, Minutes, Customer ID, CC Number.

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Check If Cell Contains Text Copy Number To New Column?

Jul 13, 2014


if a1 = aaa then copy a1 to b1 until the cell =bbb

if a5= bbb then copy a5 to c1 until the cell =ccc

if a8= ccc then copy a8 to d1 until the cell = ddd.........

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How To Check Activecell If Blank Then Copy Contents From Cell Above

Apr 16, 2012

with some basic code. I want to check the activecell, if it's blank then copy the contents from the cell above, if it's not blank, leave it & go down to the next cell & repeat until last row.

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Action With Cell Reference

Feb 20, 2009

I have the following problem to solve:

Cell x in col K is filled with a col number e.g. 'V' (validated via validation list).
Cell x in col L is filled with an amount.
How do I get the amount of cell Lx into cell Vx? This to be done only when the amount Lx not equal to zero.

Can this be done with a formula, or do I have to use a macro? I tried to find the solution for both options, but sofar I have nothing that works. Via the Excel help I could not find the solution. I know how to create a macro activated via a button. I prefer automatic filling by Excel.

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In Cell Drop Down Box Action

Oct 29, 2009

(using excel 2k7)

Is there a way to create an in-cell dropdown list, then when only 1 item is selected an action is done, plus this has to be repeated for at least 20 rows, preferably 200.

I can do it with an activeX combo box, but that will be tedious and looks messy. The form control box's were linked, or at least when I created them.

Data validation is the prefered method for my drop down list. It looks neat and is easy to replicate for 200 rows.

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Adjacent Cell In Row Action Not Then Repeated

Jun 13, 2014

Per the table below, I compute how many months to average project costs over, establish month in which the costs begin, and these accumulate in the work in progress (WIP) end columns, however in the month the final stage (to hit 100%) of costs are complete, the project is invoiced and the WIP is released - Noting the month in which the last costs are incurred are not added to total to reverse out. The 3 projects and final columns demonstrate the different scenarios and the results I would expect to see, I just can't formulate anything to release the previous months WIP without it repeating the negative for the rest of the year - if that makes sense?

*********Project start point*Forecast costs incurred*Work in progress2**% project complete
****** * * * * * * 1 * * * * * 2 * * * * * * * 3 * * * * * * *4 **********3

[Code] .......

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Activate An Action On Cell Click

Dec 4, 2008

I have made a Pop Up Calendar for my worksheet Called frmCalendar.

How do i get it to activate as soon as a user clicks in the appropriate cell?

Can i get it to activate on a column (All cells in the column) as opposed to just a single cell?

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Take No Action In Loop If Cell Is Blank

Feb 6, 2008

I ahve looked loads on here but I really did not understand the " find" statement (!) so have had to do a lookup the only way I know - with loops.

I have two problems:
The first being that it takes 6mins to run and return values.
The second AND MOST IMPORTANT is the following....

What i want to do with the following code is - on the first "If" - if I find an emptycell/blank, i want to exit the "if" so the first "next" statement is incremented - in other words, be able to check if the next cell along is blank/non-empty

I tried using the "exit for" but I only want to opt out of the if statement - not the actual ""

I would have used a goto to get to the line I wanted but it has different meanings with this language....

Numrows2 = Worksheets("File2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'Gets the File2 Row count

For e = 2 To 7 'Cols B-G (2-7) contain the headings
For d = 1 To 229 'There are 228 cells down to check
For f = 7 To 212 'File1 has 206 cells across cols 7-212
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("File2").Cells(1, f)) Then
Exit For

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Take Action Based On Change In Cell Contents

Dec 18, 2008

I have a range of cells that I want to watch for a change in contents. If any cell in the range has a change in contents I want to launch a MessageBox that asks if they wish the new value to be entered automatically in all of the other cells in the range. Example:
Range = B8:M9

User changes F8 from "empty" to 38. MessageBox should launch asking if they want 38 to be entered into all of the cells in the range. Upon answering yes new contents of F8 should be inserted into the rest of the range.

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AutoFill Cell W/ Data From Different Sheet After Action

Jun 22, 2009

I have an excel file that contains two sheets. Sheet2 contains rows of different types of products with each of the columns containing details about the product.

On Sheet1, I have setup a data validation list in which a certain cell contains a drop down box that selects a product from the first column of all the rows on t from Sheet2. I used

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VBA Macro To Select Cells With Certain Value And Perform Action On Adjacent Cell

Mar 10, 2014

Converting old reports to usable excel format. I am having trouble using VBA to set up a looping macro that would search Column A for cells with the text string: "ACTIVITY TOTAL". If cell has that value I would like to perform text to column action on the adjacent cell (R0C1). The macro recording for the test to column settings i need is :

Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=ActiveCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, OtherChar _
:=":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

I have attached a sample of what I am currently working with. The actual file has roughly 6000 lines of data, so I would like the macro to go through all lines.

Attached File : LoopingVBA.xlsx‎

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Call Or Go Back To Macro After User Action Such As Clicking In A Cell

Sep 27, 2012

I am about to write a small macro to do a iteration calculation. I would like though for the user to select me a cell so that the macro uses the value in that cell to start calculations. Now, what I think would be the problem is how do I code a "time" or notice an action such as clicking in a cell to continue with the macro.

Would it be by inserting a pause in the code of a certain time so that gives the user time to click and wait for the code to start? If so, how would much time is enough? Is there another thing that could restart the code such as "noticing a click in a cell" command in VBA?

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VBA Check If A Cell Is Empty - Move 7 Cells Over And Check Again (Loop)

Aug 10, 2012

I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.

Sub Tester()

Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range

Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)

[Code] ......

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Find Values, Copy, Check Date & Copy

Aug 6, 2007

The following macro does what it is designed to do and needs to be run from a control sheet called "Guide". When I run it from this Guide sheet it stops at around row 53 (out of 1400 rows) on each of the specified sheets in the macro. I have struggled with this problem and have now discovered that the macro will run correctly when run from one of the worksheets specified in the array, e.g. sheet "200 and 100".

Sub Calculateclosingtrades1()
Dim r As Long, c As Integer, LastRow As Long, rcheck As Long
LastRow = Range("J65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim shtTemp As Worksheet
Dim vntName As Variant

For Each vntName In Array("200 and 100", "100 and 50", "50 and 25", "40 and 20", "20 and 10", "15 and 10", "18 and 9", "200 only", "100 only", "50 only", "40 only", "25 only", "20 only", "15 only").............

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How To Copy And Drag Down Formula In A Check Box

Nov 9, 2013

i wanna to put check boxes in colums d4:d41 with a formula inside which beginning with this formula (=Sheet1!$D$4) in cell to copy and drag down this formula into d5:d41?

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Copy Sheet - Check For Duplicate Name

Feb 20, 2007

I have a command button that copies a template worksheet and names it with a date that the user chooses. Problem is, the user can choose the same date more than once. So, I need to have the command button check for all the sheet names, and if it finds a duplicate, prompt the user to enter some text to concatenate to the original sheet name, therefore making it's name unique. My existing code is as follows:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

MsgBox "Please be patient. Creating a new Week Ending sheet can take several minutes!"

Call AddNewWE

End Sub

Sub AddNewWE()..............................

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Check Table Then Copy And Paste Macro

May 16, 2014

What I have is a table of employees names, which site they work at and a comment.

I have a table on another sheet with the addresses of all our sites.

What I need is a macro which will:
>look at the active selection
>copy their name(sheet 1, row B) & comment (sheet 1, row G)
>look up the site they work at (sheet 1, row D)
>copy the relevant address (sheet 3)
>paste the name and addresses into different sheet
>paste the comments into another sheet

This will be used to make printable labels for letters that we post out to employees. They will need to be split up so each name and address is printed on a different label.

The comments will be printed onto letters which will have a headers which is the same for everyone, but would be nice if they could be personalised with the comments of their managers and perhaps their names (something like "Hi John, you have been selected by your manager for your great work, please find enclosed your badge. Jeff's comments: "Comment 1""). But this part is a nice extra, the important part is the address labels.

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Macro To Check For True Value And Copy To Another Sheet

Oct 28, 2008

I need a macro that would sort out the true value in column A, and paste it to another sheet (range A77)

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Macro Does Not Complete: CHECK For Sheets THEN Copy DATA

Jan 26, 2009

I have a macro that will not complete, and I can not figure out why. The macro is CHECK_for_Sheets_THEN_Copy_DATA:

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Copy Rows Represented By Checked Check Boxes

Sep 8, 2007

I have created checkbox for all the rows of items in sheet1 so that they will be able to select and then copy to sheet2.


If a checkbox at row 1 in sheet1 is selected, the entire row (which the checkbox represent) will be copy into sheet2 (which would have the same column headers).

If a checkbox at row 2 in sheet1 is not selected, nothing will be done there.

If a checkbox at row 3 in sheet1 is selected, then the entire row of 3 in sheet1 will be copy again into the next avalible row in sheet2 (in this case, row 2 in sheet2)


There will be other informations at the beginning (top) of each excel worksheet which does not need to be touch at all. Only the data portion (starting column C row 16 in sheet1 and column A row 16 in sheet2) will need to have the above function.

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Copy Range On CheckBox Check & Clear On Uncheck

Sep 13, 2007

I have a check box that when checked needs to take information from multiple cells and copy into multiple cells and then when uncheck remove the data from the cells.

I have attached a sample.

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Check Data For Changes In Multiple Columns And If Changed Copy To Another Sheet

Mar 8, 2014

This is my basic setup, each piece of equipment will have more than one routine to be performed:

Equipment Type

To Be Performed
Last Performed
Performed By
Next Due Date

[Code] ..........

I want to track changes on "Last Performed" and "Performed By" and, if changed, copy both values to a separate "log" sheet. In total, there could be up to 10 routines for each peice of equipment. That means I would need to track 20 columns for changes. I would like this check to be done on save because that ensures that the user is satisfied with their changes and keeps the log from being flooded. And lastly, it needs stored in the log sheet in a way that I can identify which piece of equipment it was for and which routine was done.

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How To Set Password For An Action

Apr 27, 2009

How to set a password before executing any action.

For example, I have "cancel" button in my userform. If i click "cancel" it unloads the form. Instead of that i need a password prompt. so when i click the "cancel" button ,it should ask for a password. only if i provide the correct password then only the form should be unloaded.

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Put A VBA Class Into Action?

May 28, 2014

JSON import to Excel - Stack Overflow

I understand most of what this post is saying, but I don't understand how to put it together in an excel module or class module.

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Undo Action In VBA

Jul 18, 2006

I have a database in excel which I want only selected users to have edit rights & others should have readonly rights. I have written the following code where a pop up would appear in selected cells warning user for editing the said cell. What I want is when a user clicks yes he should be able to edit it & when he clicks no the cell should get protected.

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rTriggerCell As Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D1:D100")) Is Nothing Then
Set rTriggerCell = Target
Application.EnableEvents = True
If MsgBox("Edit Cell?", vbYesNo)
End If
On Error Goto 0
Exit Sub
End If

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Copy Of Active Workbook Path Stamped Onto Spreadsheet With Date And Time / Edit Check

Feb 1, 2010

1) I need to add an edit check
2) have a copy of Active Workbook Path stamped onto spreadsheet with date and time to create a visual record of where the file has been saved (described after the code below).

1) I need to verify that two cells (S7 and S9) are not blank before running my code below (=IF(OR(S7<>"",S9<>""),RUN CODE,"You must select your Provider or Division before you can save this document")).

- If both of these cells are blank a message box should notify the user that they must select the provider and/or division before they can continue with the save.

- If one or more of these cells are not blank the code below should run.

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