VBA Code For Listing The Sheet Names Of Deleted Sheets
Oct 20, 2008
I have a workbook with 20+ sheets in it, I add sheets and delete sheets on a daily basis, except for one sheet that is like my summary sheet.
Is there a code, formula, or magic spell that will list the names of the sheets that I have deleted? For instance, if my workbook has 50 sheets and I delete 49 of them, I want to see cells A1 thru A49 (or where ever I wish to place them) filled with the names of the sheets I just deleted.
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Oct 15, 2013
Sheets(Array("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2")).Visible = False
How do I convert the above to using Sheet Codes Names, Sheet1 and Sheet2?
Want to ensure my code will work if the user changes the sheet name.
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Mar 22, 2014
I have created a file that has several worksheets with different naming convention - to specify what the sheets are for. However, as the sheets are added, I sometimes find it difficult to keep track of all the sheets that I have in the workbook.
Is there a Macro Code or formula that I can use so that a Summary worksheet can summarize all the names of the worksheets that I have in the particular workbook.
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Mar 25, 2008
I have added this bit of code to change the apperance of entered time from 0835 to 08:35
UserInput = Target.Value
If UserInput > 1 Then
NewInput = Left(UserInput, Len(UserInput) - 2) & ":" & Right(UserInput, 2)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target = NewInput
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
And it works like a charm. Except that if the content in one of the cells later is deleted a "Run time error 13" is the result. Debug leeds to the line "If Userinput >1 Then"
Can this error be avoided..?
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Oct 14, 2007
I copied the sheet and redid the format. I renamed the original dashboard sheet from count to "keep" and named the copy after the original "count" Everything still works great - until i either hide or delete the original count which is now named "keep". I get an error at the red colored line below ".publish false".
I have attached an image of the error....
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a music folder on my computer with a TON of music in it. Some folders have sub-folders as well.
I need an easy way to point to a specific folder and pull ALL the names of the files within that folder and all of the sub-folders and put them on an Excel worksheet.
So a brief example...
Main Folder: Now That's What I Call Music
Sub-Folders: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, etc
And within each sub-folder is at least 2 more folders named CD1 and CD2.
I want to pull the name of every song in ALL of these folders into one collective list in Excel.
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Dec 4, 2007
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. There is an overview sheet and then 14 sheets allowing for 14 days worth of schedule information. There are then 3 sheets following the 14 days to total some information. The workbook users frequently change the sheet names of the 14 sheets to reflect days of the week.
I'm creating a copy for distribution that takes the active workbook and copies the values to a new workbook. There are columns that I would like to delete from the 14 day sheets and that would be easy enough if the sheet names were never changed.
The code I'm using currently follows (my thanks to Turtle 44 for helping on that section)
Sub Copy_Visible_Sheets()
Dim arr() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
'Make sure template is saved as .xls
If Not ThisWorkbook.Saved Then
MsgBox "Please save this workbook before generating a Client Copy."
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Feb 23, 2014
I am writing a macro to consolidate data from different worksheets in more than one Summary Sheets.
My workbook has quite a number of worksheets, from different department e.g. OPS001, OPS002,OPS003, ADMIN001, ADMIN002, ADMIN003 and so on.
I want data from OPS001, OPS002 and OPS003 to go on one sheet e.g. "Summary-OPS" and data from ADMIN001, ADMIN002 and ADMIN003 to go on the other sheet name "Summary-Admin"
When I am working on Summary-Ops sheet I want to copy data from sheets starting with name "OPS" and so on.
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Feb 25, 2008
I've been referencing sheets in my code directly with things like
Sheet1. Range(NamedRange)
however in recreating a new workbook (to reduce bloat), the sheet-numbering has changed... to avoid having to mess around adjusting things again, I was wondering if it's possible to do some sort of indirection... something similar to
#define SHEET_SC_CONFIG Sheet1
#define SHEET_CUSTOMER Sheet2
'and then use these throughout the code....
(cannot reference by sheet name, as end user may change these)
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Dec 31, 2006
Reference Sheets in VBA.
If the default tab name varies from country to country, is the CodeName the same in all languages - "Sheet1", "Sheet2" etc.?
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May 18, 2006
How can I select sheets in a workbook based on the premise that the sheetname does not have the letter "Q" in it? New to forum, so apologies if format is not kosher.
I have a group of 50+ workbooks which are all set up in the following format:
-Contains 30+ sheets.
-Sheet names are varied, but follow a pattern. I try to keep the sheet names consistant on all workbooks so that it is easier to reference, but other users make this impossible.
-However, I managed to keep two things consistant: There are two categories of sheets. In one group all sheetnames have a "Q" in them and in the other group all sheetnames DON'T have a "Q" in them.
Here is my problem: I need to run a macro to perform retative tasks on the GROUP OF SHEETS WITHOUT A "Q". To begin the macro I need to select these sheets and copy them to a new workbook, but since the actual sheetnames are varied, I am having trouble coming up with a flexible way of selecting sheets. The closest I have come is using a IF ... LIKE ... THEN statement, but I can only get it to work to select the sheets with a "Q" in the name and not the opposite.
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Jul 18, 2006
I have a set of worksheets (Sheet31 through Sheet49 by codename) produced by a machine in the lab. I want to create a summary sheet that references cells in those worksheets.
Rather than go through the annoyance of doing this manually 40+ times I'm working on creating a macro to populate the summary sheet for me.
This is what I have so far
For J = 31 To 49
ResultSht = SheetJ.Name
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
It hangs up on the "SheetJ.Name" however. My objective is to be using the object SheetJ, where the object SheetJ is the codename of the results sheet I'm trying to reference (for example, in the first pass through the loop it would be Sheet31). Could someone point out my mistake in this object reference?
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Feb 20, 2013
I'm about get code for list out the sheet names in current workbook, list would be displayed in a new sheet at the end.
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Sep 7, 2007
I believe I have 99% of what I need. The code below has one bug. (See just the underlined text for a very quick overview. The rest is detail.)
My goal is to generate a TOC that:
1) has the VBA run from my Personal Workbook.
2) can be run in any worksheet of any open workbook.
3) can be run in a worksheet of any name.
4) will insert itself at the currently active cell.
5) has entries hyperlinking to the referenced worksheets - of any name.
Right now, I'm stuck with the last point. The macro below will generate the TOC at the currently active cell. The TOC will be hyperlinks to the referenced worksheets.
However, if the referenced worksheet contains a space, dash, or other special character then the generated hyperlink is broken. For example, if the referenced worksheet is "sheet1" then the hyperlink generated works just fine. However, if the referenced worksheet is "sheet-1" then the generated hyperlink doesn't work.
Sub IndexList()
Dim objSheet As Object
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim strCol As Integer
Set objSheet = Excel.Sheets
intRow = ActiveCell.Row 'Start writing in active row
strCol = ActiveCell.Column 'Start writing in active column
For Each objSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Cells(intRow, strCol).Select
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
objSheet.Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=objSheet.Name
intRow = intRow + 1
End Sub
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Jun 2, 2013
I have this code that removes a group of cells on any row that contains "Y" in Column L, but it does not move the remaining group of cells on a row up after the cells are deleted.
VB code so that when a range of cells are deleted, the row(s) below are moved up?
Sub RemoveReceived()
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row 'change "H" to the column that determines which is the last row
For x = LastRow To 4 Step -1 'assuming it starts from row 4
If Cells(x, "L") = "Y" Then
Range("H" & x & ":K" & x).ClearContents ' or use Delete
[Code] ........
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Apr 15, 2008
I used the code below for Conditional Formatting. This works fine but the VBA-code crashes when I delete more than one selected cell. Is there a simple modification possible to prevent this from happening?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:C250")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1
icolor = 6
Case 2
icolor = 12
Case 3
icolor = 7
Case 4
icolor = 53
Case 5
icolor = 15
Case 6
icolor = 42
Case Else
End Select
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If
End Sub
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Oct 19, 2009
I found sheet code on the forum that highlights the both the entire row and column when a cell is selected.
This is great, but is there a way I can make this an add-in so it is easily available in all workbooks and sheets?
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Apr 1, 2013
How can run a loop for all the sheets on the right side of sheet tab named Target?
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May 9, 2012
How do I selectively rename sheets by sheet code name?
Instead of sheet1.name = "New Name" I need sheet1 to be a variable of a specific sheet.
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Jan 9, 2013
I am creating an excel sheet where I have a list of names and dates to correspond with each of those names. Now, I have another sheet where I want an autopopulated list of those names and dates that are within a range of days since the original date.
For example, I own a company and I want to call back my customers 2 days from the first date, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 90 days, 120 days. I have a sheet where I have all my customer's information (Name, contact number, date joined the company etc.). Now, I on a separate sheet, when I enter the current date I want an autopopulated list of which customers I can call back within the 2-4 days, 10-12 days, 20-22 days, 30-32 days, 90-92 days, and 120-122 days.
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May 28, 2014
I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Both the sheet contains Column "Name,Avg,Max". Compare both the sheets and paste the Avg values in Sheet3(Avg) and Sheet4(Max). I have attached the sample file below.
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a workbook with 10 sheets.
Each sheets has data starting row 14 and column B with row 13 being column Headers.
I want to copy data from each sheet, having column headers suppose A, F & G in to a single sheet. The position of column headers I want to copy are different in each sheets
Means macro will go to sheet1 first, he will copy data from column headers A, F & G and paste in new sheet suppose main.
then macro will go to sheet2, he will copy all the data from column headerA, F & G and paste it in main sheet after the last used row and so on.
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Sep 14, 2007
I would like to know whether its possible to fix a sheet to always be the second sheet in a work book no matter how many other sheets are added. Currently I have set up macros to add subsequent sheets before the last sheet, so that Sheets("Number 2") remain sheets(2). Is there some way I can lock the first two sheets so that when I reference them in my code as sheets(1) and sheets(2) it will reference the right sheets. Right now I have it set up so that Sheets("Number 2") can be renamed by the user, and data inputted on this sheet, but I require that the user not be able to move this sheet and the sheet preceding it.
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Sep 18, 2007
I have a sheet (sheet2) that has cells in column L, M and N referencing cells in another sheet (sheet1)(same workbook).
If I delete a row out of Sheet1 it causes the formula in Sheet2 to go to #REF.
Normally the formula would be something like
How can I get these formulas to not change just because cells where deleted from Sheet1?
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Apr 2, 2014
I found the code below and it works perfectly if I want to copy all the other sheets to a master sheet. But, I need to specify specific sheets. Basically I have a workbook consisting of multiple sheets and multiple "master" sheets so I need to specify in the code which sheets it should be copying.
[Code] ........
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Mar 5, 2009
I have this code attached to a button on the first sheet of a workbook with hundreds of sheets.
it is suposed to look for a cell that contains "SAY:" and then move one column to the right and make it a zero. It works on the first sheet but not on any other sheet.
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Jul 23, 2014
On occasion I cut a table from a website and paste into Excel. If/when that data is subsequently deleted from the sheet the gridlines no longer show. I've tried turning the gridlines on and off to know affect. I've tried setting and clearing borders, but that made no different to the gridlines either. Even if I highlight the entire sheet and delete it makes no difference. I can't think of anything else to try.
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May 7, 2012
Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?
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May 1, 2008
Two part question:
1) I'm relatively new to arrays, but what I need to do is generate a list of file names and the sheets within each one. I would like to use an array for this, but since I don't have much experience.... well....that's why I'm here. Can someone point me in the right direction?
2) And the second part of this.... I was planning on using the FileSystemObject to determine the files in a selected folder and loop through that list of files, opening each one and harvesting the required info (file name and all sheet names). Should I use the FSO or is there something built into Excel that might be better (and also limit the number of dependencies for this little "project" of mine).
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Feb 25, 2011
Is it possible to produce a list on a new worksheet of all sheet names and their their internal names within a workbook?
If so I would like the tabbed name's to begin in say A2 with the corresponding internal name in B2.
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