Referencing To Sheet Names While Consolidating Data From Various Sheets

Feb 23, 2014

I am writing a macro to consolidate data from different worksheets in more than one Summary Sheets.

My workbook has quite a number of worksheets, from different department e.g. OPS001, OPS002,OPS003, ADMIN001, ADMIN002, ADMIN003 and so on.

I want data from OPS001, OPS002 and OPS003 to go on one sheet e.g. "Summary-OPS" and data from ADMIN001, ADMIN002 and ADMIN003 to go on the other sheet name "Summary-Admin"

When I am working on Summary-Ops sheet I want to copy data from sheets starting with name "OPS" and so on.

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Consolidating Multiple Sheets Into Summary But Able To Turn On Or Off A Sheet?

Jan 15, 2014

I am building a model for consolidating a number of different companies (possible as many as 30). I have a worksheet for each company and then a consolidated worksheet. I can create a consolidated spreadsheet that just adds all the sheets up but I would like to be able to include or not include a sheet in the consolidate worksheet through a simple yes or no cell. I saw someone do this a few years ago with a mining company where each mine had its own page and you could activate / deactivate the mine for the consolidated (but the mine page itself would be unaffected) but I can't remember how they did it.

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Consolidating Data From Different Sheets

Jan 21, 2008

I have a workbook with multiple tabs (sheets) I would like to make another tab to consolidate all the data, rows and columns into one master sheet.

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Referencing Sheet Code Names By Variable

Jul 18, 2006

I have a set of worksheets (Sheet31 through Sheet49 by codename) produced by a machine in the lab. I want to create a summary sheet that references cells in those worksheets.

Rather than go through the annoyance of doing this manually 40+ times I'm working on creating a macro to populate the summary sheet for me.

This is what I have so far

For J = 31 To 49
ResultSht = SheetJ.Name
ActiveSheet.Range("A4").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

It hangs up on the "SheetJ.Name" however. My objective is to be using the object SheetJ, where the object SheetJ is the codename of the results sheet I'm trying to reference (for example, in the first pass through the loop it would be Sheet31). Could someone point out my mistake in this object reference?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Hide Sheets Using Code Names Not Sheet Names

Oct 15, 2013


Sheets(Array("Sheet 1", "Sheet 2")).Visible = False

How do I convert the above to using Sheet Codes Names, Sheet1 and Sheet2?

Want to ensure my code will work if the user changes the sheet name.

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Basic Cell Referencing - Return Correct Names And Values On Another Sheet?

May 13, 2013

Here's the data table being referenced

Week Ending


[Code] ........

Now on another sheet, I want to return the top two 'Name's and their values like below:


There is a fluctuating amount of rows in the first table, too. So what formula can I use to return the correct names and values on another sheet?

I'm thinking it will use some form of concatenate for the first and use a sumifs function for the value column..

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Excel 2007 :: Consolidating Data From Multiple Lines Of Sheet

Jul 17, 2012

I've seen some examples here and I think I understand the consolidation function. However, my query has the added level of needing to consolidate each member:

I have a table of data that looks like this:



[Code] .........

There are a number of clients that have multiple investments that are shown by an alpha numeric code. I need to consolidate the number of units for each member in to one line. Ideally the output would look like this:



[Code] ...........

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Consolidating Sheets One Below The Other

Nov 12, 2009

I have written a macro to consolidate multiple sheets into one sheet. I have two sheets which are to be copied one below the other.I am attaching the code for this here.

ub Bingo()
Dim ws As Worksheet, n As Long, flg As Boolean, last As Long
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Sheets.Add(before:=Sheets(1)).Name = "Consolidated-Input"
n = 3
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name "Consolidated-Input" And ws.Visible And ws.Name "DCS-User" And ws.Name "Cal" And ws.Name "DCS" = True Then
If Not flg Then
Sheets("Consolidated-Input").Range("a1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Sheets("Consolidated-Input").Range("a1").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
flg = True...................................

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Reference Sheets With Variable Sheet Names

Dec 4, 2007

I have a workbook with multiple sheets. There is an overview sheet and then 14 sheets allowing for 14 days worth of schedule information. There are then 3 sheets following the 14 days to total some information. The workbook users frequently change the sheet names of the 14 sheets to reflect days of the week.

I'm creating a copy for distribution that takes the active workbook and copies the values to a new workbook. There are columns that I would like to delete from the 14 day sheets and that would be easy enough if the sheet names were never changed.

The code I'm using currently follows (my thanks to Turtle 44 for helping on that section)

Sub Copy_Visible_Sheets()
Dim arr() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False

'Make sure template is saved as .xls
If Not ThisWorkbook.Saved Then
MsgBox "Please save this workbook before generating a Client Copy."

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VBA Code For Listing The Sheet Names Of Deleted Sheets

Oct 20, 2008

I have a workbook with 20+ sheets in it, I add sheets and delete sheets on a daily basis, except for one sheet that is like my summary sheet.

Is there a code, formula, or magic spell that will list the names of the sheets that I have deleted? For instance, if my workbook has 50 sheets and I delete 49 of them, I want to see cells A1 thru A49 (or where ever I wish to place them) filled with the names of the sheets I just deleted.

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Sheet Indirection. Refer To Sheets With Changing Names

Feb 25, 2008

I've been referencing sheets in my code directly with things like

Sheet1. Range(NamedRange)

however in recreating a new workbook (to reduce bloat), the sheet-numbering has changed... to avoid having to mess around adjusting things again, I was wondering if it's possible to do some sort of indirection... something similar to

#define SHEET_SC_CONFIG Sheet1
#define SHEET_CUSTOMER Sheet2

'and then use these throughout the code....

(cannot reference by sheet name, as end user may change these)

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Getting Sheet To Lookup Data From Another Sheet Then Referencing Rows Data?

Jul 22, 2014

I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.

I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it copy and paste all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.

The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow

As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.

If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them

Example file :
Attachment 334122

Alternative link [URL]

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Automatically Consolidating Multiple Sheets

Nov 25, 2008

I'll be as succinct as I can, and I'm sorry if this question has been answered already. I've had a look at past posts and can't seem to find anything.

My service has an Excel workbook of patient details. These details are separated across three sheets called 'Generic', 'Heart Failure' and 'Falls and Fracture Management'.

The columns in each sheet are the same. Every month I produce a single report of data from columns A, B, L, Q and R in each sheet.

I've been doing this by copying/pasting each of those columns from 'Generic' individually into a new sheet, then putting the same data from 'Heart Failure' underneath, etc., then manually deleting all rows that contain a blank in any cell.

Is it possible that VBA code can be written to do this? I don't know anything about codes; I know I could achieve the same effect with linking, but it seems that this would be unreliable.

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VBA Select Multiple Sheets Of Varied/Changing Sheet Names

May 18, 2006

How can I select sheets in a workbook based on the premise that the sheetname does not have the letter "Q" in it? New to forum, so apologies if format is not kosher.
I have a group of 50+ workbooks which are all set up in the following format:

-Contains 30+ sheets.
-Sheet names are varied, but follow a pattern. I try to keep the sheet names consistant on all workbooks so that it is easier to reference, but other users make this impossible.
-However, I managed to keep two things consistant: There are two categories of sheets. In one group all sheetnames have a "Q" in them and in the other group all sheetnames DON'T have a "Q" in them.

Here is my problem: I need to run a macro to perform retative tasks on the GROUP OF SHEETS WITHOUT A "Q". To begin the macro I need to select these sheets and copy them to a new workbook, but since the actual sheetnames are varied, I am having trouble coming up with a flexible way of selecting sheets. The closest I have come is using a IF ... LIKE ... THEN statement, but I can only get it to work to select the sheets with a "Q" in the name and not the opposite.

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VBA Consolidating Multiple Sheets In A Pivot Table

May 9, 2009

I got a brilliant bit of code (which works perfectly) from Bill Jelens "Excel Gurus gone Wild" which loops through all worksheets in the activeworkbook and consolidates these worksheets into one pivot table, this example creates the pivot in a new workbook, what I would really like to do is add a new sheet and create the pivot in the active workbook where I am pulling the data from can anybody help me to modify the code?

I have not added the code yet to generate the pivot

Code below:

Option Explicit
Sub bob()

Dim i As Long
Dim arSQL() As String
Dim objPivotCache As PivotCache
Dim objRS As Object
Dim wbkNew As Workbook
Dim wks As Worksheet

With ActiveWorkbook
ReDim arSQL(1 To .Worksheets.Count)
For Each wks In .Worksheets
Do Until wks.Name = ""..............

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Getting A Sheet To Lookup Data From Another Sheet Then Referencing Row Data

Jul 22, 2014

I want to be able to paste the large amount of data I get each day into the first sheet in my workbook ("data dump" sheet), the data will be formatted in the way i have used in the example workbook.

I then would like to be able to just have to enter 2 values into columns A and B of "1st output" sheet (Label in A, and Item in B), then have it look up the data that corresponds to those 2 values that are both in the same row in the "data dump" sheet, and have it place all of the relevant data in that row into the row in the "1st output" sheet.

The data I would want excel to find and place for me in the first sheet is highlighted in yellow

As a way of keeping track of this every day, I then need the data from the "1st output" sheet, to be fed into the "2nd output" sheet. This sheet would have all of the peoples' names already in it, but would just need to look in the "1st output" sheet for references to these names. If one of the names pops up, I'd need the date shown in the row of that instance to be placed after their name. This will allow me to keep a log of how many times their name gets flagged up, as well as the dates on which it happens. Again, the data I'd need excel to look up in the "2nd output" sheet is highlighted in yellow.

If there was a way of having the 2nd sheet add new names it finds on the 1st output sheet, that aren't already referenced on the 2nd output sheet in column A, that would be amazingly handy if it could then enter that name into column A and start a new row for them

Example file : ExampleExcel.xls

Alternative link : [URL] .....

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Consolidating Equipment Sheet To Summary Sheet?

Dec 7, 2012

We have an equipment sheet that our sales team fills out when quoting customers. The sheet has everything from the items Brand, Model Number, Description of item, cost, MSRP, ect... on it followed with a QTY that is needed. Now one of my jobs is to go through the sheet and create a summary page of everything that is selected and place certain data onto this "Summary Page". This is what I am trying to do:

When a QTY of greater than 1 is selected on the "Equipment" page it will autopopulate the "Summary" page with certain data, mainly the description of the item followed by the QTY ordered. Let me see if I can do an example below

Say I have this equipment list below:


Now since a QTY greater than 1 has been placed into column E2:E5 I would like to populate data from the corresponding B, C & D column into the 'Summary' sheet

'Summary' Sheet

1 HD51 I/O, Rugged Dome, HiRes, VF Lens
3 HD73 IR, I/O, Rugged Dome, HiRes, VF Lens

I hope this makes since. If I am able to do this it would save me countless hours of CTRL+V CTRL+C work, that and its hard to catch every value when you have over 3,000 items on a equipment sheet.

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Dynamically Referencing Tab Names?

Nov 4, 2013

I'm pulling data into some graphs from multiple sheets. The data I'm after is in the same place in each of the sheets, and the sheet name is varying only in that they refer to different dates, such as "01-11-13", 02-11-13 etc...

How would I go about dynamically picking up the sheet name. and referring to it?

For example if I have a column with all the different sheet names in it:

Col AA:

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Copying Sheet Names And Cell Data Into New Overview Sheet

Mar 21, 2013

I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.

As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.

What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru

I attached an example : example.xlsx

Sheet 1

[Code] .....

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Cross Referencing Names On Different Worksheets

Apr 23, 2009

I have three different sheets, each with a column of names, titled "list1, list2, list3." I also have a fourth list of names on a sheet titled "masterlist." I am wondering if there is any way I could cross check the three lists against the master list to see if any names appear on the master list but do not appear on any of the three lists. Is there any way I can cross reference the master list with each of these lists?

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Referencing Nested Dictionaries Using Items Instead Of Key Names

Nov 18, 2012

I have a large dataset that I need to push into a dictionary, into that dictionary I also have to create other dictionaries and this can go on until I fill the entire dataset into the dictionary. The problem is that I do not know beforehand what the key names will be so I need to find a way to get the key names.

I have the following test code:

Dim player As New Dictionary
player.Add "val1", "hello123"
player.Add "val2", "piet123"


how to get reference the key in a nested dictionary not using the keyname?

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Consolidating Information Into A Master Sheet Based On Cell Value

Mar 14, 2013

I am putting together a register of information and it is broken up over a number of sheets i.e. LOG1, LOG2 etc.

I have a master sheet in which I want information to automatically populate based on whether a certain column has the words yes or no.

Ie Column I in LOG1 or LOG2 etc can either be yes or no. Is there a way to populate the Master sheet only with the information of a row in which column I is yes?

I know it would have to be a formula in the master sheet which checks all the sheets and then somehow populates the master sheet downwards if anything is yes but then removes it once that yes becomes a no....

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Sorting Sheet That References Data From Other Sheets (Google Sheets)

Jan 25, 2014

[URL] ....

I want to sort the Inventory Checklist sheet based on Column D but it gives me nothing but references errors.

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Consolidating The Data

Oct 13, 2009

I have a sheet with the following information in rows:

PO# Acct# Item# QTY

There are multiple lines that share the same acct#.

How can I create the sheet so that each row combines the records for the same acct#.

For example:

PO# Acct# Item# Qty PO# Item# Qty PO# Item#

There are never more than 6 rows that share the same acct#.

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Consolidating Data From Different Worksheets?

Sep 25, 2013

consolidate data from different workbooks into a single work book.

Each workbook contains one month payment information for employees.

i want to consolidate the the workbooks into one mastersheet such that i will have twelve columns (One for each month). On the consolidated sheet, i want each contributors monthly contribution displayed under the months to which the cointribution relates.

*find attached a dummy data illustrating the request*

i will like the results displayed as illustrated in the consolidate tab.

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Consolidating Data From Many Worksheets?

Jan 14, 2014

I have a clock machine report weekly which generates a spreadsheet very similar to the example attached.

The number of sheets can vary, the number of rows per employee can vary all of which makes me think that I can't use a formula to collate the data. how I can do this?

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Consolidating Data Into One File

May 28, 2009

I am trying to automatically copy and paste data from multiple source workbooks into one master file, and could use some assistance with building a macro to do so. Specifically, I'm trying to accomplish the following:

1. Open source file.

2. Within the source file, find any worksheets whose name begins with a 5-digit number.

3. For these worksheets only, copy values from a specified range (B15:B64, J15:J64, and V15:V64), and paste these values into the master workbook (into worksheets already existing in the master workbook, whose names match those in the source workbook).

4. Close the source file and repeat this process for the next one.

In total, I'll have ~20 source files to process in this manner. I have the file names listed in Column C of the "Import" sheet on my master workbook.

So far, I have been successful in taking care of the step 1 (opening the external files). I'm a macro newbie, though, and am not sure how to tackle the conditional cutting and pasting outlined above.

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Referencing Multiple Sheets And Sum?

Mar 21, 2014

There are 4 sheets in workbook.

Sheet name is 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-17.

that 3-15, 3-16 is not because of holidays. But, I want to display in 3-17 sheet sum of A1 cell from 3-12 sheet to 3-16 sheet.

nearly, =SUM('3-12:3-16'!A1)

=SUMPRODUCT(N(INDIRECT("'3-"&ROW(INDIRECT("12:"&RIGHT(A1,2)-3)) &"'!A6")))
is well work.. but

=SUMPRODUCT(N(INDIRECT("'3-"&ROW(INDIRECT("12:"&RIGHT(A1,2)-1)) &"'!A6")))
do not work..

I want to sum dynamic skip error value. namely, calculating to yesterday(3-16) from first day(3-12)...

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Referencing Multiple Sheets In One?

Jun 4, 2014

I am currently referencing data from 20 different sheets (11 columns each, varying amount of rows) all on one sheet. I intend to edit random data on each individual sheet with the added possibility that I will be adding or deleting rows....

So my question is, how can I set up this consolidated sheet so that when I delete/add a column in the referenced sheets, it will automatically add or delete these (additional) rows?

I have it set to the range of rows that I currently have, but all together I have about 1500 rows and I do not want to go through all of these rows deleting anything blank or adding in more. This consolidated data also is also filtered so finding out where to add to any ranges would be difficult unless I wanted to "un-filter" them (which I do not).

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