VBA Code To Copy Contents Of Cell A1 To End Of All Rows In Worksheet?

Nov 17, 2011

i have a workbook with over 600 worksheets and any vba code to do the following.... (each worksheet contains different number of lines)

At the moment the data is in columns a to d

What i need is the data currently in cell a1 (in each worksheet) to appear beside every line in that worksheet

Then i need to take all this data and put it onto one single worksheet .

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Code To Copy Contents Of DDE Feed - Modify Worksheet

Dec 14, 2011

I am using the following code to copy the contents of a DDE feed.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:F1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

What I want to do is only copy the row when the columns contain data, as it stands at the moment it's copying blank rows to sheet 2. Is there a way that I can do this?

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Code To Clear Cell Contents For Rows?

Sep 12, 2012

Small piece of code to clear the contents of

Rows 33 thru 100 , then
Rows 142 thru 209 , then
Rows 251 thru 318 , then upto
Rows 43524 thru 43591 then finish

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Copy Cell Contents To Different Worksheet On Save

Oct 28, 2008

I have an Excel invoice set up and working well. It does a bunch of things with macros - e.g. on save it increments the invoice number well as creates a jpeg screenshot for the invoice archives. I have added an additional worksheet (titled 'VAT') to the workbook. The new 'VAT' worksheet has five simple columns; Invoice no, Subtotal, VAT, M.O.T. and Total.

What I need:-
On saving the workbook I would like to add a macro function that copys the final contents of the Invoice no (H2), Subtotal (C37), VAT (C38), M.O.T. (F38) and Total (I38) cells from the 'Sales Invoice' worksheet to the newly created 'VAT' worksheet in the respective columns. I would like this to be cumulative, i.e. continue to add the contents of the afore mentioned cells to the appropriate columns in the 'VAT' worksheet every time the invoice is saved. I would also like to have the Subtotal, VAT, MOT and Total columns summed and outputted in a cell of their own - but hopefully I can handle that.

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Copy Row To A New Worksheet Based On Contents Of Cell

May 6, 2007

if colum s has a n then can i copy that entire row to a new sheet

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VBA Code To Copy Cell Contents In Column1 Sheet1 To Row1 Sheet2

Nov 27, 2013

I have data beginning in cell A6 and continues through cell A13 for this instance. I want data in cell A6 on sheet 1 to be copied to cell B1 in sheet 2; data in cell A7 sheet 1 to be copid to cell C1 sheet2 and so on till all of the data in the continuous range beginning in cell A6 of sheet 1 has been copied to row 1 beginning in cell B1 of sheet2. This seams relatively easy but below is my failed attempt at this.

Sheets("Data Request").Select
TYPES = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
DATAREQUEST = Range("A6", "A" & TYPES).Rows.Count
Sheets("Data Retrieval").Select
For i = Range("B1", "1" & DATAREQUEST).Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Sheets("Data Retrieval").Select
[B1] = i
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next i

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VBA Code To Copy Rows To A New Worksheet Based On Criteria

Dec 17, 2008

I need a macro that will search data from a range of cells in one column for multiple criterias and them copy the entire rows to a new worksheet.

Example I have a list of group names

Help Desk

I only want to choose all Network and Telcom rows copy to another worksheet.

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VBA Code To Copy The Contents Of Column

Aug 9, 2007

What is the proper VBA code to copy the contents of column T and column W (beginning at row 2 and ending at the last nonempty cell) in sheet 1 to column D and column E in sheet 3? Column T and column W always contain the same number of nonempty cells.

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Set A Range And Copy Contents To Another Worksheet

Jul 7, 2006

I have a workbook with lets say 10 sheets. 9 of the 10 sheets are identical as far as layout, they just hold different information for different employees. I need to get a range of cells that are NOT empty and copy that data to the 1 different sheet (summary page). A6 through A25 is where the data is going to be, but all those cells may not be filled up, so I want to drop the empty cells from the range. So If only A6-A15 are filled, then those are the only ones that get copied.
ALSO (dont you love that) I need to take that number range and have columns A, F and I as well. So if I have A6-A15, I will need the data out of F6-F15 as well.

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Copy Contents Of Worksheet Textbox To Another

Aug 13, 2008

I have a multiple sheet workbook designed to collect information which is all collated on the last sheet. On one sheet I have a textbox (not the drawing textbox) which is designed to take a string of characters of a specific lenght (150chars) and works well. I'm just trying to get the code to work with a textbox on the same sheet for now, then when its working change it to copy over to another sheet.

Sub TextBox_To_TextBox()
Dim x As Integer
Dim PreEmp As TextBox, PreEmp2 As TextBox
Dim theText As String
Set PreEmp = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes("PreEmp")
Set PreEmp2 = ActiveSheet.TextBoxes("PreEmp2")
For x = 1 To PreEmp.Characters.Count Step 150
theText = PreEmp.Characters(Start:=x, Length:=150).Text
PreEmp2.Characters(Start:=x, Length:=150).Text = theText
End Sub

I'm calling the sub routine but nothing seems to happen.

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VBA Code To Copy Data From Text Box And Input Into A Cell In Another Worksheet

Mar 24, 2009

This is probably far easier then I am making it but I need to take the information that is in a textbox created through the control toolbox and copy and paste that information into a cell on different tab in the workbook. I have tried the infamous google and haven't been able to find much. The excel books that I have don't really touch on the control toolbox functions.

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How To Copy Rows To New Worksheet Based On Cell Value

Aug 10, 2014

I am making a workbook for our 4H horse shows. I want to be able to list the kids on the first page and check off (x in the cell) which classes they will be entering and then have the program move their info to each of the specific class worksheets where we will record the results. I'd like to move rows A thru E to each applicable class sheet. I've attached the workbook.

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Using A Cell Reference To Copy Rows To A New Worksheet

Jun 14, 2006

I've been tasked with redoing a revenue report at work, and in my head I've conjured up what could potentially be a huge time saving way of doing things in the future, although have searched help files and looked around online and can't find the formula/macro (if it exists) to enable me to do this.

The problem is this:

Sheet 1 of the workbook is a large input sheet. Every row contained in that sheet will, in column A, be titled 'red', 'yellow' or 'green'. Columns B onwards contain other data which (at the moment) is irrelevant to the problem.

Now what I want excel to do after I've put the raw data into the input sheet (sheet 1), is to read the text in column A for each row, then automatically copy ALL data in that row over to the next empty row on another worksheet.

ie Sheet 2 will have all rows that have 'Red' in column A on the input sheet, Sheet 3 will have all those titled 'Yellow' and Sheet 4 will have all those titled 'Red'.

I know I can use a filter on the input sheet to just show the data I want, but each colour coded row will contain different data to another, and if there is a formula/macro setup i can use to do the above, then I can set the subsequent worksheets up to hide the superflous columns from the input sheet.

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VBA - Get / Download Excel File From Server And Copy Contents Into New Worksheet

Dec 20, 2012

For some reason the following Macro won't work:

Sub ExtractDataTest()
Dim FilePath$, Row&, Column&, Address$
'change constants & FilePath below to suit
Const FileName$ = "Dxo.xlsx"
Const SheetName$ = "Open"

[Code] .......

I get a run-time error '52' on line ("Bad file name or number"):

If Dir(FilePath & FileName) = Empty Then

And when location is 'C:' it works and I don't get an error.

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Worksheet Name Based On Contents Of Cell

Oct 13, 2013

Is it possible to dynamically chance the name of at a worksheet that already exists based on the contents of a cell on another sheet?

I.e. If the name of a sheet is linked to the value of the Cell A1 in the "Data" sheet and I change A1 to read "Group1" it changes the name of the sheet as well?

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Delete The Contents Of Every Cell Without Deleting Any Code From My Module

Apr 16, 2009

I want to delete the contents of every cell without deleting any code from my module. The reason I ask is, I'm reading from a text file into excel.

I want to run my code to read text into excel one time through. Then i want to delete all the text, make some alterations to my code, and run the code again. That way each time the worksheet is fresh and clear before i run the code.

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VBA Code Prevent A User From Changing Cell Contents

May 26, 2009

Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?

More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?

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VBA To Copy Selected Rows In One Worksheet To The End Of A Table In Another Worksheet

Jun 22, 2006

I would like to be able to select several non-sequential rows in a worksheet called "Data" (using a check box or just entering a value in Column A) and then be able to press a Command button to copy the selected rows to another worksheet called "Estimate" at the bottom of a table, and delete the designators in Column A (i.e. deletes the value, or unchecks the boxes) so I can repeat the process again if needed.

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INDIRECT - Sum Contents Of Column On Another Worksheet Up To Certain Cell Reference

Jan 24, 2012

Trying to use INDIRECT to sum the contents of a column on another worksheet upto a certain cell reference which is in another cell on the worksheet.


I have taken it back to simply having sheet1 with numbers in A4 to A23, then sheet2 with A23 in cell B1, and the formula above it C9, but I keep getting #REF!.

The formula works fine if on sheet1 without the worksheet names in it. Formula evaluation gets to =SUM(INDIRECT("Sheet1!A4:Sheet1!A23")) then gives =SUM(#REF!)

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Split Cell Contents To New Rows?

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to split the contents of a cell to a new row (with data from other columns on the row copying across) below the originating cells row. Most of the split cell macro posts I've seen split the contents to a new row at the bottom of a range, however I'm looking to split the contents to a new row directly beneath the original row where data will already exist. I don't want to copy over this data I just want to push the data down depending on the number of rows created.

The contents in the cell being split can vary (1:n), so the number of rows needed to be inserted depends on the count. The majority of the contents in the cell is separated by a line feed (Alt Enter) but some may be separated by a tab or comma.

Essentially what I'm trying to achieve is something from this


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Copy Cell Contents And All Formatting

Nov 23, 2008

I am trying to copy a column of cells from one sheet to another, but also want to keep all the formatting. The origin sheet has times, but when I copy these to the destination sheet they are displayed as decimal numbers (using the code snippet below). I can change these back to times by formatting the cells using the format painter after the macro completes but I would like the VBA to do this for me. (using 2002 SP3).

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Copy Part Of Cell Contents

Dec 2, 2011

I need a way to copy part of contents from a cell, the cell contains product information like size, name and weight of a product, and I need a copy the weight to be put in it’s own cell, here’s a copy of one cell “E65 MAPP SKDV 5 DIGIT 90G ST.K” the information I need from this is “90” the number is always followed by a capital G, but it’s between two and three digits where the lowest is 55G and the highest is 300G. Is this possible?

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Copy Cell Contents To Textbox?

Mar 9, 2012

I would like to copy the contents of a cell from a sheet in workbook 1 into a textbox that is on a userform in workbook 2. This is what I have but I get a runtime error 438:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ID").Range("a1") = Workbooks("Key.xlsm").userform1.TextBox1.Text

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Copy Contents Of Cell To Text Box

Mar 10, 2004

I need a macro to automatically copy the contents of a cell to a text box.

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Copy Cell Contents Between Tabs Provided Cell References Match (VLOOKUP)

Apr 29, 2014

I have 2 inventory reports: what my store has and what my supplier has. I need to copy Tab1:K# to Tab2:T# provided that Tab1:A#'s contents match Tab2:A#'s contents. The A column represents the SKU of the item, but there is a difference in the amount of SKU's in each (my store sells ~6,000 items, supplier has ~10,000 items), so it's not as simple as sort by column A and copy pasting column K to column T.

For instance:
On Tab 1, A2's value is [1], K2's value is [9.38].
On Tab 2, A70's value is [1], K70's value is blank, but I need it to be [9.38], to match Tab 1's respective SKU.

I almost thought I had it figured out with VLOOKUP, but I cant seem to get it right... It doesn't reference the correct number.

Screenshots for reference

First tab, from the wholesaler: [URL]
Second tab, store's stock: [URL]

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Duplicate Rows Based On Cell Contents?

Mar 12, 2013

Every week I get a report that contains 1 or more (sub) part numbers in each row down column E, separated by a space. I need each part on a separate line, with the rest of the data on that row intact. Because these are the sub-components of an overall part, the data in column E is stored grouped together like that.

I currently use text to columns to break those up, separating them by the space, add a count of those cells so I know how many sub part numbers there are, run a 'duplicate rows' macro on that count, then manually delete out numbers so I'm left with one part number per row. The report is already over 100 rows long, so after I run the 'duplicate rows' macro I have a lot of rows to work through.

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Split Cell Contents To New Rows 50 Characters In Each Row

Jun 6, 2014

I have data in Col A. and i want to split (50 characters) in each row.

I know the formula but dragging formula to following rows is not working.

I have to write the formula manually. I write in b1 B2 and B3 as follows.

I want following


When i drag down the formula to bottom rows it repeat

Desire Formula in COL B

aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd

aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd


I want to copy down the formula to 10k rows. When i select b2 and b3 and drag down i get following results.

aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd

aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd

aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd


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Move Cell Contents & Delete Rows

May 23, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.

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Delete Rows Based On Cell Contents

Aug 29, 2007

I have merged two workbooks into one. What I need to do at this point is to delete all rows that have a duplicate entry, basically anytime the cell content in one cell matches the cell content in the cell right below or above it, BOTH rows should be deleted. At this point, this is above my VBA skills so I'm asking for help in how to do this. The stripped version of the workbook is attached (only 100 rows) but in reality this is a huge workbook with almost 22,000 rows.

You will notice in the attached workbook, that cell contents for A2 and A3 match. For what I need to do, I need both rows (2 and 3) to be deleted. If you go down a bit, starting in row 89 all the contents in column A are unique so those need to remain.

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Identify Rows Where A Given Cell Is Equal To The Contents Of The Cell Below

Apr 26, 2006

I need to identify rows where the contents of a given cell are equivalent to the cell below. I have managed to get this working based on iterating through the cells and selecting them both for cutting.

However it doesn't work effectively: It seems to be leaving blank lines in the original sheet and further fails after the first execution. I would be grateful for any suggestions on a good method to perform the following operations:
(1)to compare the cell with the cell below
I have used

If cell = cell.Offset(1, 0) Then

(2)to act on the rows for the two connected rows

Sub Test4()

' Loop through rows

Dim TheExtract As String
Dim cell As Range

'Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In Worksheets("Sheet 1"). _
Range("A1", Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
TheExtract = cell
If cell = cell.Offset(1, 0) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
Next cell
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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