Copy Cell Contents And All Formatting

Nov 23, 2008

I am trying to copy a column of cells from one sheet to another, but also want to keep all the formatting. The origin sheet has times, but when I copy these to the destination sheet they are displayed as decimal numbers (using the code snippet below). I can change these back to times by formatting the cells using the format painter after the macro completes but I would like the VBA to do this for me. (using 2002 SP3).

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Conditional Formatting Look At The Cell Contents And Check If The Value Exists In A Range

Oct 17, 2008

I am trying to set up a conditional formatting which will look at the cell contents and check if the value exists in a range.

The range to compare will be over multiple columns and multiple rows.

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Excel 2007 :: Saving File With Name Based On Cell Contents With Custom Formatting

Aug 16, 2012

I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:DataExcelFORMSDelivery Note" & Range("K5") & ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, ReadOnlyRecommended:=True, CreateBackup:=False

I know I must make reference to format within the above....but how? if try something like

" & Format(Range("K5").Value, ("TN""0000")) & ".xls"

I get TN00000.xls

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Copy Part Of Cell Contents

Dec 2, 2011

I need a way to copy part of contents from a cell, the cell contains product information like size, name and weight of a product, and I need a copy the weight to be put in it’s own cell, here’s a copy of one cell “E65 MAPP SKDV 5 DIGIT 90G ST.K” the information I need from this is “90” the number is always followed by a capital G, but it’s between two and three digits where the lowest is 55G and the highest is 300G. Is this possible?

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Copy Cell Contents To Textbox?

Mar 9, 2012

I would like to copy the contents of a cell from a sheet in workbook 1 into a textbox that is on a userform in workbook 2. This is what I have but I get a runtime error 438:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ID").Range("a1") = Workbooks("Key.xlsm").userform1.TextBox1.Text

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Copy Contents Of Cell To Text Box

Mar 10, 2004

I need a macro to automatically copy the contents of a cell to a text box.

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Copy Cell Contents Between Tabs Provided Cell References Match (VLOOKUP)

Apr 29, 2014

I have 2 inventory reports: what my store has and what my supplier has. I need to copy Tab1:K# to Tab2:T# provided that Tab1:A#'s contents match Tab2:A#'s contents. The A column represents the SKU of the item, but there is a difference in the amount of SKU's in each (my store sells ~6,000 items, supplier has ~10,000 items), so it's not as simple as sort by column A and copy pasting column K to column T.

For instance:
On Tab 1, A2's value is [1], K2's value is [9.38].
On Tab 2, A70's value is [1], K70's value is blank, but I need it to be [9.38], to match Tab 1's respective SKU.

I almost thought I had it figured out with VLOOKUP, but I cant seem to get it right... It doesn't reference the correct number.

Screenshots for reference

First tab, from the wholesaler: [URL]
Second tab, store's stock: [URL]

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Copy Based On Cell Contents Macro

May 13, 2013

Basically lets say I have in cell A1 to A10 floor access data i.e. Users who used their ID cards to access a room.

Now the data always starts with either Rejected or Admitted then the user's name and then the card number and the access floor etc. the card currently has.

What I am looking for is that the macro should first check if the cell has Rejected or Admitted written in it - this I can do myself using =Left(A1,8) which should give me the helper column I need.

Then based on this I want it to only copy the name of the individual i.e. it should look in the cell and only copy whatever is written between "Rejected" and "(Card". The cell data is something like this:

Rejected Doe, John (Card #123456) at ABC 123 Floor1/Floor2/Floor3/Floor4 Door 1 [In] [Clearance]

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Copy And Paste Cell Contents From One Sheet To Another?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a line of code that returns a run-time error 1004 whenever it is passed through. All I am trying to do is copy and paste. I am missing some glaring error? (It is only a selection of the code to highlight the part I am having issues with. "maxdate" and "d" have been set)

Dim ws, ws1 As WorkSheets
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Target")


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Copy Cell Contents From One Sheet To Another Within A Loop

Jul 8, 2014

I have a loop function that goes through a list of employees and i want to move their name to a different sheet(monday, tuesday...) so that I know who is in on what day. is there a simple way to have it add the next name to the bottom of the list?

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Copy Cell Contents In Given Order From One Workbook To Another?

Apr 5, 2013

How can i copy contents of cells in desired format from one workbook to another in the following format with VBA code :


A!H1 to B!K1
A!H2 to B!L1
A!H3 to B!K2
A!H4 to B!L2

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Copy Cell Contents To Different Worksheet On Save

Oct 28, 2008

I have an Excel invoice set up and working well. It does a bunch of things with macros - e.g. on save it increments the invoice number well as creates a jpeg screenshot for the invoice archives. I have added an additional worksheet (titled 'VAT') to the workbook. The new 'VAT' worksheet has five simple columns; Invoice no, Subtotal, VAT, M.O.T. and Total.

What I need:-
On saving the workbook I would like to add a macro function that copys the final contents of the Invoice no (H2), Subtotal (C37), VAT (C38), M.O.T. (F38) and Total (I38) cells from the 'Sales Invoice' worksheet to the newly created 'VAT' worksheet in the respective columns. I would like this to be cumulative, i.e. continue to add the contents of the afore mentioned cells to the appropriate columns in the 'VAT' worksheet every time the invoice is saved. I would also like to have the Subtotal, VAT, MOT and Total columns summed and outputted in a cell of their own - but hopefully I can handle that.

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Copy Row To A New Worksheet Based On Contents Of Cell

May 6, 2007

if colum s has a n then can i copy that entire row to a new sheet

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Find Highest Value In Column And Then Copy Contents Of Another Cell In That Row?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a worksheet where columns C, F, I, L, O record scores within a league. Each row records a persons score in that league and there are two rows per person recording their score and their handicap score. So Person A would be on rows 3, 4, Person B on 5, 6 etc. The persons name is recorded in Column B.

What I would like to do is to have a cell(s) elsewhere in the worksheet which show the highest score in that league and display that score and the name of the person who achieved it. This ideally would need to be done for the highest score and the highest handicap score.

For the life of me I can't even begin to work out how to do that or even know if it is possible in Excel.

So to clarify, lets say the highest score is in cell L7 and the highest handicap score was in M3. The cell(s) containing this formula should then show the name in B7 and the score in L7 and below it the name in B3 and the score in M3.

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Match 2 Cells On 2 Worksheets And Copy Contents Of Another Cell

Jan 3, 2014

Setup: I have 2 worksheets with between 8 and 9,000 rows on each

Column A in both worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2 have an email address in them.

Not all addresses in sheet1 will be on sheet2 and visa versa

Column J on Sheet 2 contains a date

What I need: Column M on Sheet1 is empty

I need a formula to place into Column M on Sheet1 that will

Look at Sheet1:A

Locate the corresponding value on Sheet2:A

Pull the date from Sheet2:J same row into Sheet1:M

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VBA Code To Copy Contents Of Cell A1 To End Of All Rows In Worksheet?

Nov 17, 2011

i have a workbook with over 600 worksheets and any vba code to do the following.... (each worksheet contains different number of lines)

At the moment the data is in columns a to d

What i need is the data currently in cell a1 (in each worksheet) to appear beside every line in that worksheet

Then i need to take all this data and put it onto one single worksheet .

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How To Check Activecell If Blank Then Copy Contents From Cell Above

Apr 16, 2012

with some basic code. I want to check the activecell, if it's blank then copy the contents from the cell above, if it's not blank, leave it & go down to the next cell & repeat until last row.

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VBA To Loop Column And Copy Cells Contents To Another Cell

Dec 17, 2013

I have a script that copies data to files based on many cells contents but where I am having a problem is creating series numbers for each file.


In my current code I copy files to folders by date and each folder I need series of files (Lab Testing series)

In column A1:A100 I have a series of numbers 01, 02, 03 ...100

Column B contains the Files to be saved

So this works fine

I now need the Script to do is to loop to Column A and select Cell 2 and do the File Copy again on the Next series


When Complete repeat until it reaches the end of column A

Since my Cells are populated by all the data in the workbook I thought at the end of my copy script I would take the next Cells data in A and put it in Cell H8 where all the constants are for the file names.

Column B is built using


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Excel 2010 :: Copy Contents Of Column Based On Value In Another Cell

Jul 30, 2013

I'm using excel 2010 and windows XP with a moderate amount of experience tinkering with macro programming. I know what I need is very doable but I can't get my head around what the code would look like. I must not be wording my searches correctly because most of what I'm getting for results are iterative programs based on a cells value which isn't what I need.

I'm trying to build a macro that will check a cell (C3) and based on the contents of that cell copy a column (I) to one of 12 different columns (K:V). So if the value in C3 is 1 it should copy I to K, if the value is 2 it should copy I to L, and so on.

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Copy A Cell Contents Until A Blank Cell

Mar 17, 2008

I would like a macro that copys the contents of a cell and pastes it into the column before it and continues to copy that same number downward as long as the cell next to it contains numbers. So: ....

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Cell Contents From A Permission Protected File

Apr 17, 2013

S/W Environment: Excel 2010

Some of my worksheets are permission protected. They will allow me only to view the sheets - No editing, copy, cut, sort, add filter, etc. Is there a way to hack this and copy data (including formating) into other / new worksheets?

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VBA Code To Copy Cell Contents In Column1 Sheet1 To Row1 Sheet2

Nov 27, 2013

I have data beginning in cell A6 and continues through cell A13 for this instance. I want data in cell A6 on sheet 1 to be copied to cell B1 in sheet 2; data in cell A7 sheet 1 to be copid to cell C1 sheet2 and so on till all of the data in the continuous range beginning in cell A6 of sheet 1 has been copied to row 1 beginning in cell B1 of sheet2. This seams relatively easy but below is my failed attempt at this.

Sheets("Data Request").Select
TYPES = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
DATAREQUEST = Range("A6", "A" & TYPES).Rows.Count
Sheets("Data Retrieval").Select
For i = Range("B1", "1" & DATAREQUEST).Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Sheets("Data Retrieval").Select
[B1] = i
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next i

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Copy Paste Special As Values Based On Validation Cell Contents

Jan 27, 2007

Need VBA macro that will copy & paste (Special > AS VALUES) from one of two (Data A & B) sheets based on the contents of a validation cell ($D$4) in a third (Report) sheet? The destination starting cell would be $F$11. ALSO - I'd like to have the Named Ranges "DataAExtract" & "DataBExtract" used in the code (for the COPY region) so I can see an example of how to reflect my actual named ranges in my working file.

The reason for doing this is that the "c.Characters...." lines in my conditional formatting macros (attached) are not working on cells containing formula output (in my working file the Report page is all populated by VLOOKUP results), but the macros run fine on hard-coded values. In my attached workbook, I'd like to have the "NEW" macro for the copy & paste step fire first in the sequence of macros running after the FORM button-click (control located in cell $D$5 of the Report sheet), whether that's by writing a new macro and calling mine before the new one ends, OR by consolidating all of my macros plus the new one into one smooth progression.

With this low-tech approach I can get updated VALUES into the report area once the user selects a data source and a customer on the report sheet. The COPY ranges in my working spreadsheet will update based on the selections made in the report page. I tried recording a macro and then modifying the recorded code to add the "If > Then" functionality I'm looking for, but I'm pretty green when it comes to VBA code and syntax.

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Formatting Table Column Contents

Nov 22, 2011

I have converted a table from PDF to Excel format....

The table consists of longf columns with rows of data in each column.

Once converted to Excel format, the columns become single cells with say 100 rows in each cell.

My question is this:Can I reformat these larger cells such that each row within the long single cell gets its own single cell.

This would enable me to copy paste the data into a spreadsheet and avoid the data entry....

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Copy Or Link Formatting From Conditionally Formatted Cell To Another Cell?

Aug 12, 2014

I have a column who's content is determined via about 6 nested if statements from data on that row. That cell is then conditionally formatted to a certain color based on the text that is ultimately printed from the nested ifs (simply an extra visual legend for the text). All of this contributing info and about 1000 lines items make a very large and difficult to print page. What I am trying to do is a make a summary sheet that simply takes the index number of these 1000 rows and copies or links the conditional formatting of the mentioned cell onto this number on another sheet. I have already linked this status cell and put it adjacent to the index number which works well in that with two columns I can show the index and status but if I could combine the color of the status cell onto the index cell, it would be even better. I am pretty sure another conditional format for this summary sheet would not be possible or be extremely complex since the contents of the index cell I am conditionally formatting have no bearing on the conditions for the format. Was hoping there is some VBA magic that could simply mimic the conditional formatting from one cell and put it on another.

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Compare Cell Contents With Given Range Of Contents

Dec 30, 2013

I have attached a workbook stating my problem.


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Pivot Table - How To Clear Formatting And Just Get Contents

Apr 22, 2014

How do I clear the pivot table formatting? I want just the content of the pivot table, but can't figure out how to get rid of the formatting?

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Date Formatting - Combining Contents Of Two Columns

Mar 18, 2013

Date formatting. I have two columns first column is for the date (3/6/2013) and the second column is for the time (12:37:16 AM). I would like to combine the content of both columns to be like (2/11/2013 12:35:00 AM) .

I am using concatenate but I don't have any luck. How to combine the content of my two columns.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Another Cells Contents?

Sep 19, 2012

I'd like to format (colour fill) C1 when H1 contains the word "Bills"

I've tried to "use a formula to determine which cells to format" but it keeps using absolute references ($H$1).

Ideally I'd like to apply the "format" to the entire column C.

I did think I'd be able to use OFFSET but it's not working.

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Conditional Formatting - Based On Another Cells Contents

Apr 27, 2007

I have a worksheet that I've applied conditional formatting to which works very nicely apart from when I use the formatting and apply it to a cell based on the contents of another.

What I don't understand is when I put a formula in cell b1 to read =$a1="yes" and format accordingly it works. So when I type in "YES" in to cell a1 ,cell b1 is highlighted. When I type in "NO" the B1 cell isn't highlighted which is what i would expect. IF however I delete what ever is in cell A1 the cell B1 is still highlighted.

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