I have two question for Excel in combination with microsoft outlook:
1. I was wondering if it is possible to create an email from Excel which automatically adds the From-field with a pre-defined emailadres. I am using CreateObject("Outlook.Application"), but I can not add the From-field.
2. I also would like to know if it is possible to do automatically fill the To-field with the emailadress from the user who send me the original file. Maybe this needs some more explanation (sorry my english isnt too good):
* A user can download an excel-form from the internet
* The form is sent to my emailadress
* I give a number to the form
* The user will get a message that his question is attend to with the number of the question
So I use a macro-button to reply when I have filled in the question-number.
I'm looking for a way to prompt outlook to create a new email and in the body copy the contents of Sheet1, but instead of sending, I want it to just hold it so that the user can review the email contents.
Similar to this, but instead of an attachment the email body contains the data from sheet1
I have a macro that sends a worksheet via email [Outlook] to a list of recipients.
Everytime an email is created, outlook pops up a confirmation window and waits for user input "yes".
Can I set up vba or outlook to skip that step?
I really want to create a macro with a loop to go through a list of files, execute a macro in each one, save the files and send emails to various people. This process will create about 40 emails and I don'd want the admin person to have to sit there and confirm each message going out.
We have an Office issues spreadsheet where our staff post questions/issues they have. These items are then allocated to a member of staff to look into and resolve. Each issue is entered on a seperate row on the spreadsheet, with the issue in column C, the allocated persons initials in column H, their e-mail address in column I (pulled in from a look-up table based on their initials), and the response required date in J.
I would like the spreadsheet to automatically send an e-mail when the issue is allocated to a person, or is re-allocated to someone else, ie when the 'allocated to' cell changes.
The e-mail message would only need to inform them that an issue on "column C text" in "filename" has been allocated to them and that a response is required by "column J date". We use Excel and Outlook 2003.
i have outlook message stored in my desktop. I want a macro to open that outlook message and update or change the subject name and boby of message. is it possible through macro.
I am writing a code wherein I want to assign specific excel range to a declared variable and then paste this excel in outlook message ody but I am finding difficulty in assigning that range to variable " brng"
I think code is right and issue is there in excel setting.
Code: Sub mailer() ' ' ' Dim Ash As Worksheet Dim brng As Range Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object 'Windows("Copy of FF RPL REPORT_JULY").Activate
I have a spreadsheet with client names, email addresses, and appointment info. I export a .csv file from outlook. I have been doing a mail merge in word and then coping and pasting into an Outlook message and sending it out. I did some reseach and found code that I have made changes to. Of course they it doesn't work. I can't get anything to happen when I run this code.
Code: Sub Qualls_Email_Confirms()
Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim cell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
I have created a macro to run different imports on the system and I need a message box calculated at the en displaying the message "Write Total Charges to Import: xxxx".
The total is the Sum of the cells listed on Column B. I have defined my total and need to show the message, and after the user has writen down the total and clicks OK, the cell showing the total is deleted. how to make it work?
The calculation to display is the result of (Range("B" & EndRow + 2) = "=SUM(B2:B" & EndRow & ")") but when I add the formula next to "Write Total Changes to Import" does not work.
I am probably overengineering my macro, but I would like to setup an outlook appointment in two peoples calendars from my userform. The macro has access to the email addresses of the selected persons, I just want to send date/time and subject.
I have successfully adapted some code to create e-mails in outlook, insert text, add an attachment and specific who to send - all from within excel.
However, all of the recipients are contacts in our internal address book and what I would like to do is use the "shortened" version of their contact to send the e-mail.
e.g. Simon Jones e-mail address might be simon.jones@mycompany.co.uk - but if I simply type in Simon Jones; and then tab to the next line, outlook works out who this is all on it's own.
The problem is, if I specify in my code to send to Simon Jones; it does not convert it / work out who it is.
I'm generating a letter (Word doc) and populating bookmarks with data on a worksheet using the following code which is assigned to a Button and it works a dream (in terms of opening the Doc and populating the bookmarks with whatever data is in the relevant cells on the worksheet):
Sub test() Dim objWord As Object Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") objWord.Visible = True objWord.Documents.Open "location of the letter.doc"
However, what I now need to do is Create an Outlook Item (email) with a Standard Subject and send to an email address that will be on the same worksheet (in cell M2 for instance) and with a standard Body.
I dont really need to open the Word doc, like it does at present, but I do need the Bookmarks contained within it to be populated with the source data contained within the Worksheet and subsequently have it attached to the email fully populated - maybe I need to 'close' / 'save as & close' the Doc post generation?
I want to email with excel, and I know how to do it if I have a distribution list already set up in outlook. I want to avoid having this DL in outlook though, and instead keep a list in the actual excel workbook. I tried having the list and then combining all the cells with a semicolon inbetween the addresses into one single cell, then assigning that cell to a variable and inserting it in the cose in place of the DL name, but it doesn't work. Apparently you can't mail to mutliple address thru the VB code, either a single address or a DL. Am I incorrect in this? So I thought maybe I could somehow create the DL first using the names in the list thru code, and then using that DL name to send the workbook.
I've used some code from another thread on the forum to create an Outlook Appointment and email this as an attached .ics file from an Excel spreadsheet. Everything seems to work fine. The email is sent and the attachment when double clicked opens in Outlook with all the correct information, but when the recipient clicks 'Save and Close' it doesn't save in their calaendar....
My range("C4") has the time "10:00 AM". The field has been formated to DATE format. With my code to create an Outlook appointment, I can get all of my required fields to populate from the spreadsheet except for the time. I would like to populate the time for the appointment with the data in C4.
I have had some help with this (thanks!) but am stuck.
Can someone add to the code below and make it so that multiple tasks, with multiple assignees, can be created from a range of cells, such as:
Column A Column B Row 1Task SubjectAssign to Row 2GV LP for AZJohn Brown Row 3GV LP for COJohn Brown Row 4GV LP for ILSuzy Smith Row 5GV LP for INSuzy Smith Row 6GV LP for KYSuzy Smith Row 7GV LP for MNSuzy Smith Row 8GV LP for MSBob Barker Row 9GV LP for NCBob Barker Row 10GV LP for NJBob Barker Row 11GV LP for NMBob Barker Row 12GV LP for NVBob Barker Row 13GV LP for NYBob Barker Row 14GV LP for OHBob Barker Row 15GV LP for SCBob Barker Row 16GV LP for WVBob Barker
(Sorry, it didn't translate well. The "GV LP for AZ" is cell A2, "John Brown" is cell B2.)
Currently I have been tasked with trying to develop a link between an excel spreadsheet and outlook. What they want is for a button to pickup new entries into the sheet and then create outlook events based on several criteria. The first been that is put on several shared calendars, second that the category of the event is call "BID" and gold in color. The last part is where specific information from the spreadsheet fits into the event areas (ie. subject, location, start time, body). I did find code that is a possible solution but manipulating it to what i need. Here is the code.
Code: Option Explicit Sub AddToOutlook() Dim OL As Outlook.Application
As you can see for the most part I have been able to fill in most of the program with what i needed. I have column B on the sheet that has r's on it. If there is an r in that column then the macro creates information from that row, else it skips to the next one. so i need a loop. Also like stated above, how do you make it an event and not a meeting, how do you set the category and lastly for the boy how do i set it so it copies the entire row (column A, Column C to Column L)?
It is for a calibration spreadsheet that I run that keeps track of when items are due to be calibrated.
It works at the moment and has populated my outlook with calendar entry and reminder 2 weeks before they are due - which is perfect.
The problem is when I update one of the calibration dates I will want to re-run the macro to create a new appointment - but this will duplicate all the appointments that already exist! very annoying since there are over 200 items.
Sub outlook_appointment() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
I have some VBA code that in one portion of it an Outlook e-mail is created and the active workbook is attached and sent. This code used to work on Excel & Outlook 2003, but now in Excel & Outlook 2007 I'm getting the error:
FY If I comment out the Set OutApp... and If OutApp.... lines and uncomment the Set OutApp create object line, I still get the same error.
Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim SigString As String Dim Signature As String
'Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") If OutApp Is Nothing Then Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
OutApp.Session.Logon Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
I'm trying to reduce some manual labor that I do each month by figuring out a way to create additional tabs for every different "branch" within a given column from a master table. The branch numbers may not necessarily be the same each month as some old may go and some new ones may come.
I have attached two excel workbooks. One shows the master "Data Table" and the other shows what I want it to look like "After Sorting". As you can see, I have to create a separate tab for each of the branches listed in column A on the master table. This becomes really cumbersome, especially when we really have about 20 branches but I'm only using these 6 for the example.
Is is possible to create a message box that will have an option to "do not display this message again" that will reset the button each time the workbook is opened?
Can I create a calculated field based upon the count of data items in fields as opposed to sums. My data is confidential so here is a dummy example:
Can I take the count of Cars per individual salesmen and divide by the total count of vehicles? Ultimately, I will need to code this into VBA once I know if it can be done.
Vehicles l salesman car1 Bob car2 Kelly car3 Bob car4 Bob car5 Tim car6 Tim car7 John
With this result:
Salseman l Percentage of Vehicles Bob 43% John 14% Kelly 14% Tim 29%
I get the error message "The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a pivot Table field, you must type a new name for the field." when I try to make a pivot-table.
I'm trying to create a situation where the user would get an error message when they tried to enter numbers in two specific columns in the same row. That is, in row C they can only enter a number ( 1 or 2) into C5, C6 or C7. If they enter a number into two of these cells, I want an error to appear. They would have to stop and correct the error.
I've tried two scenarios with no luck:
1. I've data validation where I did SUM(C5:C7) and hid the answer in C8. I then tried to get a data validation to display an error code when C8 exceed 2. This didn't work.
I have a Pivot table that pulls the Avg of two fields for two months, see example below.
Avg Gross $ Avg Net $ Jan 2014 20 10 Feb 2014 30 20
sample 1.png See sample attached.
The Avg Gross and Net is shown by going into the values and selecting "Summarized value by -> Average".
On the right side of this Pivot, what I wanted to do is to show a Avg Gross to Net $ in this pivot. So the formula should take "Avg Gross $" - "Avg Net $" = Avg Gross to Net $.
I am having trouble calculting this new field in the pivot table using a calculated field because the Calculated field pulls the variables from the existing field list and there isn't a field called "Avg Gross/Net"....I need to find a way to calculate the Avg Gross to Net into the Pivot table so I can pull a pivot graph out of it.