I've used some code from another thread on the forum to create an Outlook Appointment and email this as an attached .ics file from an Excel spreadsheet. Everything seems to work fine. The email is sent and the attachment when double clicked opens in Outlook with all the correct information, but when the recipient clicks 'Save and Close' it doesn't save in their calaendar....
It is for a calibration spreadsheet that I run that keeps track of when items are due to be calibrated.
It works at the moment and has populated my outlook with calendar entry and reminder 2 weeks before they are due - which is perfect.
The problem is when I update one of the calibration dates I will want to re-run the macro to create a new appointment - but this will duplicate all the appointments that already exist! very annoying since there are over 200 items.
Sub outlook_appointment() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim olAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
I am probably overengineering my macro, but I would like to setup an outlook appointment in two peoples calendars from my userform. The macro has access to the email addresses of the selected persons, I just want to send date/time and subject.
My range("C4") has the time "10:00 AM". The field has been formated to DATE format. With my code to create an Outlook appointment, I can get all of my required fields to populate from the spreadsheet except for the time. I would like to populate the time for the appointment with the data in C4.
How to add an appointment to a shared outlook calendar from Excel. I will be entering shipments in an Excel page and would love to just click a button and have an appointment made. I am very much a novice on how programs communicate with one another. The only information that will need to go on the appointment is the subject, location, and time. We set all our appointments at 15 minutes duration. The code I have so far is this:
[Code] ....
The problem is it only adds it to my default calendar. I need to be able to add it directly to the shared calendar in Outlook.
i was just wondering if anybody know of any good resourses for excel to outlook macros, specifically for copying contact and appointment details from excel to outlook. I've had a good search on the net, but it just yields lots of code, im looking more for learing resources etc.
Currently I have been tasked with trying to develop a link between an excel spreadsheet and outlook. What they want is for a button to pickup new entries into the sheet and then create outlook events based on several criteria. The first been that is put on several shared calendars, second that the category of the event is call "BID" and gold in color. The last part is where specific information from the spreadsheet fits into the event areas (ie. subject, location, start time, body). I did find code that is a possible solution but manipulating it to what i need. Here is the code.
Code: Option Explicit Sub AddToOutlook() Dim OL As Outlook.Application
As you can see for the most part I have been able to fill in most of the program with what i needed. I have column B on the sheet that has r's on it. If there is an r in that column then the macro creates information from that row, else it skips to the next one. so i need a loop. Also like stated above, how do you make it an event and not a meeting, how do you set the category and lastly for the boy how do i set it so it copies the entire row (column A, Column C to Column L)?
I have some VBA code that in one portion of it an Outlook e-mail is created and the active workbook is attached and sent. This code used to work on Excel & Outlook 2003, but now in Excel & Outlook 2007 I'm getting the error:
FY If I comment out the Set OutApp... and If OutApp.... lines and uncomment the Set OutApp create object line, I still get the same error.
Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim SigString As String Dim Signature As String
'Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") If OutApp Is Nothing Then Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
OutApp.Session.Logon Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
I have successfully adapted some code to create e-mails in outlook, insert text, add an attachment and specific who to send - all from within excel.
However, all of the recipients are contacts in our internal address book and what I would like to do is use the "shortened" version of their contact to send the e-mail.
e.g. Simon Jones e-mail address might be simon.jones@mycompany.co.uk - but if I simply type in Simon Jones; and then tab to the next line, outlook works out who this is all on it's own.
The problem is, if I specify in my code to send to Simon Jones; it does not convert it / work out who it is.
I'm looking for a way to prompt outlook to create a new email and in the body copy the contents of Sheet1, but instead of sending, I want it to just hold it so that the user can review the email contents.
Similar to this, but instead of an attachment the email body contains the data from sheet1
I'm generating a letter (Word doc) and populating bookmarks with data on a worksheet using the following code which is assigned to a Button and it works a dream (in terms of opening the Doc and populating the bookmarks with whatever data is in the relevant cells on the worksheet):
Sub test() Dim objWord As Object Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") objWord.Visible = True objWord.Documents.Open "location of the letter.doc"
However, what I now need to do is Create an Outlook Item (email) with a Standard Subject and send to an email address that will be on the same worksheet (in cell M2 for instance) and with a standard Body.
I dont really need to open the Word doc, like it does at present, but I do need the Bookmarks contained within it to be populated with the source data contained within the Worksheet and subsequently have it attached to the email fully populated - maybe I need to 'close' / 'save as & close' the Doc post generation?
I want to email with excel, and I know how to do it if I have a distribution list already set up in outlook. I want to avoid having this DL in outlook though, and instead keep a list in the actual excel workbook. I tried having the list and then combining all the cells with a semicolon inbetween the addresses into one single cell, then assigning that cell to a variable and inserting it in the cose in place of the DL name, but it doesn't work. Apparently you can't mail to mutliple address thru the VB code, either a single address or a DL. Am I incorrect in this? So I thought maybe I could somehow create the DL first using the names in the list thru code, and then using that DL name to send the workbook.
I have two question for Excel in combination with microsoft outlook:
1. I was wondering if it is possible to create an email from Excel which automatically adds the From-field with a pre-defined emailadres. I am using CreateObject("Outlook.Application"), but I can not add the From-field.
2. I also would like to know if it is possible to do automatically fill the To-field with the emailadress from the user who send me the original file. Maybe this needs some more explanation (sorry my english isnt too good):
* A user can download an excel-form from the internet * The form is sent to my emailadress * I give a number to the form * The user will get a message that his question is attend to with the number of the question
So I use a macro-button to reply when I have filled in the question-number.
I have had some help with this (thanks!) but am stuck.
Can someone add to the code below and make it so that multiple tasks, with multiple assignees, can be created from a range of cells, such as:
Column A Column B Row 1Task SubjectAssign to Row 2GV LP for AZJohn Brown Row 3GV LP for COJohn Brown Row 4GV LP for ILSuzy Smith Row 5GV LP for INSuzy Smith Row 6GV LP for KYSuzy Smith Row 7GV LP for MNSuzy Smith Row 8GV LP for MSBob Barker Row 9GV LP for NCBob Barker Row 10GV LP for NJBob Barker Row 11GV LP for NMBob Barker Row 12GV LP for NVBob Barker Row 13GV LP for NYBob Barker Row 14GV LP for OHBob Barker Row 15GV LP for SCBob Barker Row 16GV LP for WVBob Barker
(Sorry, it didn't translate well. The "GV LP for AZ" is cell A2, "John Brown" is cell B2.)
I have an Excel 2003 file that contains hyperlinks to OneNote notebooks on a Sharepoint site. An Excel macro looks for these links and determines the full hyperlink address which is then assigned to a variable. An Outlook message is generated which includes the hyperlinks.
The hyperlinks work in the Excel file. I can also copy them from OneNote and manually paste them into an Outlook message and they work. However, when I obtain their full address and transfer that to the email through code, the links do not work. The hyperlink address from OneNote starts with "onenote:http" which is not recognized as a link.
If I can do this manually, there must be a way to do this with vba. Are there characters I need to include in the OneNote hyperlink address to make this work? Is there another way to transfer the working link from Excel to Outlook?
I'm in search of a VBA macro which will send a mail through outlook automatically with the count of files(.pdf + .msg files) in any given folder.
I work for an organization, where we use Outlook for mailing purpose.
Everyday Inventory(.pdf files and .msg files) will be saved in a folder that is to be processed.
I want a macro which should automatically send the total inventory (.pdf files + .msg files) through my outlook mailbox(say: me@outlook.com) to a my superiors outlook mailbox(say: superior@outlook.com).
If the macro sends that email to my superior before me and my superior logon to computers at perticular time (say: 7:00AM daily), need to plan our day at work.
I have to send out emails to all of my staff with their new login ID's and PW's and other misc information one by one to each user. Reason being is that all ID's, PW's and other information pertains to that specific user and includes sensitive information.
I know there's a VBA script I can use to send out the emails, but the script I found online keeps crashing my Outlook and requires it to go through my personal inbox which takes 15 minutes every time.
I have the pertinent information split up into different columns/cells.
A1: email A2: subject A3: body (ID, PW, verbage) A4: attachment link (if required) A5: if I could have Outlook automatically stamp each email with my signature that'd be awesome as well.
I'm trying to identify a way of setting up a booking system for some meeting rooms we have at work. Always looking for a way of simplifying something that soaks up one of my colleagues time.
I read this post about a golf booking system and it looks like it could be adapted to suit, I can imagine a different worksheet for each room and the fields for entry on choosing the timeslot being the meeting title, who booked and a contact number and the slot showing the meeting name when hovered over possibly.
I noticed a similar thread about Outlook, I know nothing about this sort of stuff within Outlook and not sure it may be possible. I am just in my infancy with hyperlinks and macros and do not feel confident enough to start there as I do not know where to begin. Keen to learn and would love to figure out and play around within a program; learn best this way.
I run excel 2010 on a windows 8.1 machine. In excel I have email address that I need to mail from however when I click the hyperlink it automatically directs me to Hotmail. Is there a way to change that to automatically load Outlook instead?
i have the following code in my Excel worksheet. This code successfully send out email to our customers when if the criteria is true. I have tested this at home and it works perfectly as I use Outlook at home. However when I take this code to work I couldn't get this working as at work we use Outlook 365 and we use web Outlook, OWA.
Is there a setting I can specify to use OWA as I don't think I am allowed to install outlook at work.
I am trying to export the emails from outlook to an excel by the normal method. Here the body of the method is not exporting properly in to my excel. Is there any macro or a vb code to export the body of the messages to excel.
Trying to find a way to close outlook from excel workbook close. If outlook is open then delay excel workbook 45 seconds from closing.If outlook is not open then close excel normal. Here is what I've tried with no luck
Bank a1a $50,000.00 1008:00 PM Bank b1b $51,000.00 2009:00 PM Bank c1c $50,000.00 30010:00 PM Bank a1a $53,000.00 40011:00 PM Bank e1e $54,000.00 50012:00 AM Bank f1f $55,000.00 6001:00 AM
I use a report daily at work that is filled in during the day; I'm wanting to minimize some of the work to be more efficient. VBA to search a particular folder in outlook (ex: inbox - cust info ) and search within those emails to verify 3 items match (Cust ID / $ / items) before extracting data and putting it into column F for that item. For instance, bank a and bank c have $ values that match, but the other criteria dont - Cust ID and items. Also is there a way to attach a copy of that email to the spreadsheet, say in column G, it doesnt have to populate in the spreadsheet, but maybe the attachment will open even 6 months down the road? I am worried that a link will eventually get lost if an email is erased.
I am trying to make a macros for sending an email through excel using outlook.
The body of the email should contain ..(The following case has been processed and ready for Quality Check and also picks the case# from Cell "C3" and "D3")
The subject line should say "Case Processed and take the case # from Cell "B2".
Wanted to know can I transfer excel sheet to outlook pst?? If yes then how can I do so??? As I have lots of contacts list in Excel sheet but now I wanted to import those contacts to Outlook.