Macro To Create Outlook Events From Excel Data?

Oct 24, 2012

Currently I have been tasked with trying to develop a link between an excel spreadsheet and outlook. What they want is for a button to pickup new entries into the sheet and then create outlook events based on several criteria. The first been that is put on several shared calendars, second that the category of the event is call "BID" and gold in color. The last part is where specific information from the spreadsheet fits into the event areas (ie. subject, location, start time, body). I did find code that is a possible solution but manipulating it to what i need. Here is the code.

Option Explicit
Sub AddToOutlook()
Dim OL As Outlook.Application


As you can see for the most part I have been able to fill in most of the program with what i needed. I have column B on the sheet that has r's on it. If there is an r in that column then the macro creates information from that row, else it skips to the next one. so i need a loop. Also like stated above, how do you make it an event and not a meeting, how do you set the category and lastly for the boy how do i set it so it copies the entire row (column A, Column C to Column L)?

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To Create A Macro Based On Events

Aug 28, 2009

I am trying to create a macro based on events. The event should be triggered as soon as the user leaves the cell by clicking on a different cell or by using the arrows on the keyboard. So if the user type SONY in cell A1, A2-A10 will be populated right on the spot automatically based on the word Sony, for example A2 will have electronic populated automatically, A3 will have Japan...and so on

If the user enter GMC instead in cell A1, A2-A10 will be populated right on the spot automatically based on the word GMC. A2 will have Automaker populated automatically, A3 will have USA, ...and so on.

After I created a small VB sample it looks like I need to press the execute button every time to run the program in VB instead of triggering an event automatically.

Here is a small sample I am using to test:

Sub test()

If Range("a1").Value = 10 Then

Range("c1").Value = "Yes"
Range("c1").Value = "No"
End If

End Sub

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Create PDF From Excel And Send It From Outlook?

Mar 15, 2012

VBA code which will create a pdf file from excel (for a specific range in a worksheet) and then send it to a destinator via my outlook mail?

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Create Outlook Appointment From Excel

Sep 21, 2009

I've used some code from another thread on the forum to create an Outlook Appointment and email this as an attached .ics file from an Excel spreadsheet. Everything seems to work fine. The email is sent and the attachment when double clicked opens in Outlook with all the correct information, but when the recipient clicks 'Save and Close' it doesn't save in their calaendar....

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Macro From VBA Create A Task In Outlook?

Aug 1, 2009

Can a macro from Excel VBA create a Task in Outlook?

I would like to have Excel create a task populated with a date in a given cell in Excel.

Basically, click a button and a task is creaed in Outlook based on the date in a given cell.

Is this possible?

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Create Outlook Appointment From Excel Dates Column Without Duplicating Existing Appointments

Jul 16, 2013

It is for a calibration spreadsheet that I run that keeps track of when items are due to be calibrated.

It works at the moment and has populated my outlook with calendar entry and reminder 2 weeks before they are due - which is perfect.

The problem is when I update one of the calibration dates I will want to re-run the macro to create a new appointment - but this will duplicate all the appointments that already exist! very annoying since there are over 200 items.

Sub outlook_appointment()
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem


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Vba Error Run-time 429 Activex Component Can't Create Object - Excel & Outlook 2007

Aug 11, 2008

I have some VBA code that in one portion of it an Outlook e-mail is created and the active workbook is attached and sent. This code used to work on Excel & Outlook 2003, but now in Excel & Outlook 2007 I'm getting the error:

Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object

and is stopping on the line

Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")

FY If I comment out the Set OutApp... and If OutApp.... lines and uncomment the Set OutApp create object line, I still get the same error.

Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim SigString As String
Dim Signature As String

'Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If OutApp Is Nothing Then Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

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Macro To Export Outlook Calendar To Excel?

Sep 27, 2012

exporting outlook calendar to excel using a macro?

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Excel Macro That Will Send Emails From Outlook

Feb 13, 2014

I got this VBA code from a colleague which he uses when sending multiple emails from Outlook. This code sends email based from the last cell. What I would like to do is send emails to all the recipients listed in column C. Column A will be the sender and column B will be email subject. Attached is the sample file.

[Code] .....

Send email.xlsm‎

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Get Outlook Contacts For Organization Using Excel Macro Vba?

Mar 14, 2014

How to get the outlook contacts for the organization using excel macro vba.

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Update Outlook Message Through Excel Using Macro

Jan 28, 2014

i have outlook message stored in my desktop. I want a macro to open that outlook message and update or change the subject name and boby of message. is it possible through macro.

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Can't Create Events In VBA

Nov 14, 2013

why am I unable to create events on my worksheets? They were usually available to me when I selected "Worksheet" on the dropdown in vba.

When I open Excel, only "General" comes up in the drop down menu. What am I missing?

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Outlook Not Recognizing Digital Certificate On Excel Macro

May 30, 2013

I've digitally signed a macro in Excel, where I'm sending mail from using outlook, but I can't seem to get Outlook to recognise the certificate in outlook, even though both programs have my name as a trusted publisher...... so still getting the "A program is automatically trying to send mail on your behalf" Pop up.

How to get outlook to recognise the certificate on the macro that I'm running from excel?

The main issue being it is sending roughly 50 separate emails, and to wait five seconds and manually have to click 'yes' for each one is not really desirable!

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Macro To Add Excel Attachment In Outlook Doesn't Work

Jul 31, 2013

i have a macro which i have created to send outlook notification email through excel 2010 when the excel file is saved. I would like to attach the same excel file as an attachment in the outlook email so that everyone in the mailing list can view the attachment. however the macro which i created does not work. i would like to know what is the problem with the macro below. there's an error which says "file path does not exist" when i try running the macro but i have verified my filename is correct & the drive i have saved the excel file is in Z: drive. My file name is 'Tracking File.xls'

'Save Workbook
'Criteria to send Email


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Excel Macro (VBA) Sending Active Worksheet In PDF By Outlook

Mar 17, 2014

I find out a code to create a PDF (with opening the Save As dialog box) from an active worksheet, but I can't find out how to send this PDF by e-mail (Outlook). The code is working till the words 'Set OutApp'.

Just what I want is to send the active worksheet as PDF (as attachment) by email (Outlook). Here the present code.

Sub SendPDF()
' SendPDF Macro
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim v As Variant
v = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Range("E2").Value, "PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf")


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Excel 2007 :: Macro Or Formula To Create Summary Of Data In Various Worksheets

May 5, 2014

I'm trying to update a the summary sheet that will run through the 10 worksheets and bring back the entire row (or the columns I specify) that matches the creteria MS.

MS will appear against each row in the same column in all the tabs.

So in the summary sheet I would see all the rows individually that appear in tabs 1-10.

Excel 2007.

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Extract Data From Outlook Into Excel?

Apr 27, 2012


Cust Cust ID $ Items File SentFile Confirmed

Bank a1a $50,000.00 1008:00 PM
Bank b1b $51,000.00 2009:00 PM
Bank c1c $50,000.00 30010:00 PM
Bank a1a $53,000.00 40011:00 PM
Bank e1e $54,000.00 50012:00 AM
Bank f1f $55,000.00 6001:00 AM

I use a report daily at work that is filled in during the day; I'm wanting to minimize some of the work to be more efficient. VBA to search a particular folder in outlook (ex: inbox - cust info ) and search within those emails to verify 3 items match (Cust ID / $ / items) before extracting data and putting it into column F for that item. For instance, bank a and bank c have $ values that match, but the other criteria dont - Cust ID and items. Also is there a way to attach a copy of that email to the spreadsheet, say in column G, it doesnt have to populate in the spreadsheet, but maybe the attachment will open even 6 months down the road? I am worried that a link will eventually get lost if an email is erased.

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Macro To Send Email From Excel Through Outlook Basis Of Different Conditions

Aug 11, 2014

creating a macro to send email from excel through Outlook basis of different conditions and with embedded text and subject.

There 2 workbooks attached with this post. The workbook named "Data" contains the data and the workbook named "Emails" contains the Dealer Names (in Column A), the Email ids of the contact person (Column B, C and D), the subject (in Column E) and mail content (in Column F).

I need a Macro which first split the data basis of "Dealer Name" Column F into multiple sheets from "Data" sheet. Now, each sheet will contain only the Individual dealer's data. The data whose ageing is 2 or more than 2 days (in Column H) is highlighted in yellow.

Now, I need to send a separate email to dealers with their data details from range A to F (including headers) as an embedded text with subject and mail content which is present in "Emails" workbook.

Now the twist is, if any dealer having the Aging value in Column H is 2 or more than 2 days (highlighted in yellow color) than the email should be sent in CC to Column D email ids but if there is no Aging more than 2 days than the email should be sent in CC to Column C email ids.

"To" email ids (in Column B), subject (in Column E) and mail body (in Column F) will remain same in both conditions. Column A is containing the Dealer Names through which macro will identify the email ids.

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Excel Macro To Send Email Through Outlook When Expiry Nearing

Aug 15, 2014

I am trying to make an inventory list with the expiry date of various chemicals. There is a user form which I have not coded yet. What I hope to do is have the macro send an email regarding which chemical is expiring within 90 days to a group of people.

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Create Calendar From Events Table

May 22, 2011

I receive input for events from three regions (East, Central, West) and have to match those against a calendar. Multiple events can happen at the same time. I want to be able to read the input into an area under the calendar dates, create a merged cell with those start-end dates (inclusive), then input the region and event (concatenated) into the merged cell. It would look like this (with example of the input data below the calendar), but over the course of a year or more. There can be as many as twelve events occurring simultaneously.


Input from the regions can happen sporadically, so it is a "living" spreadsheet that can change dynamically.

I'm pretty good with formulas, but this seems like it would need a VBA solution - which I'm not good at!

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Copy Data Range From Excel To Outlook

Oct 6, 2011

How I can email a data range from a worksheet and copy paste into a blank email as a picture (Windows metafile).

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Send File As PDF From Outlook To Multiple Users?

May 13, 2013

I currently have a spreadsheet setup on a Macro to send & distribute a message from an 2007 Excel file to multiple users through Microsoft Outlook 2007. It is currently setup to send as an attachment. I need to find a way to have this file be sent as a PDF file. I know you can save Excel as PDF's so there must be a way to send them & attach them to as a PDF.

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Macro To Generate Outlook Emails With Data / Information From Multiple Rows Of Data?

Apr 30, 2014

I am attempting to create a macro to generate emails based on data in a sheet. The goal is to run the Macro, and have it generate emails to send to contractors letting them know what they are going to be paid. For instance:

Name in Column J
Email in Column L
Memo in Column N
Balance in Column T
Due Date in Column P
Week Ending Date in Column H

Now what I would like to happen, is to tie a macro into a button that will create the email as follows:

To Field: Email address from Column L
Subject: "Company Payment Remittance Payment Date *Date from Column P*"
Body: Hello *Name from Column J*,
For *WE Date in Column H* you will be paid *Balance from Column T* for the time worked of *Memo in Column N*

Now the tricky part is that I want the email to contain all line items for each email address. So instead of sending one email per line, have the macro automatically put all of the information that needs to be sent to one email address into the message. I don't know if that is possible, but it sure would make my life easier if it was.

I have attached a sample workbook of the data that will be used

Example Workbook for Email Macro.xlsx

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Create Click Events For Command Buttons Created Dynamically At Runtime

Apr 2, 2013

I have a userform that has one combobox at the top created manually. When the userform is opened, the user select an option in the combobox (these options are taken from a range on 1 worksheet). From the selection of the combobox, I use the comboxbox's change event to create and display 5 columns of textboxes and 2 columns of command buttons on the userform.

The number of rows of textboxes created depend on the option selected from the combobox since each option links to a different range of cells. Each of the 5 textboxes in each are set to be ".enabled = False" and display text as per the cell values within a range on another worksheet. 2 Columns of command buttons are created at the end of each row of textboxes - 1 is enabled and the other is not.

The creation of the textboxes and command buttons works as required. However, I am having problems with setting click events for each command buttons. When the 1st column of Command buttons are created, I need the click events to be created and filled out with 2 actions:

1. Enable all textboxes in the same row as the command button

2. Enable the other command button in the same row.

Here is the code I have so far that creates the textboxes and command buttons.

Each of the 5 textboxes and 2 command buttons have a unique name so the 1st row will have textbox and command button names of cTxtA1, cTxtB1, cTxtC1, cTxtD1, cTxtE1, CmdAmend1 and CmdConfirm1. The 2nd row will have the same names but with 2 on the end and so on. The bold sections is the code for the creation of the command buttons that I want click events for.


Private Sub CboTeamSelect_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If CboGroupSelect.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim cTxtA As Control, cTxtB As Control, cTxtC As Control, cTxtD As Control, cTxtE As Control
Dim CmdAmend As Control, CmdConfirm As Control
Dim iNum As Integer
Dim TxtTop As Long


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Runtime Error 4065 - Pasting Copied Data From Excel To Outlook Email Body

Apr 24, 2014

I have a VBA excel file that pulls data from a CSV file downloaded from a link. I format this data into a table through excel and then copy it over to Outlook. This is where the problem is. I get a runtime error 4065 for "file is locked for editing".

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UserForm Textboxes Triggering Events - Even After Events Have Been Disabled?

Oct 20, 2012

I have a UserForm with a Text Box, I populate that Text Box with a number (say 5) and then the following code runs:

Private Sub tbOverrideMokWh_Change()
Application.EnableEvents = False: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With tbOverrideMokWh


After the Sub is run 1 time, it runs again. Why? I've disabled Events?

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Create Outlook Appointment From VBA

Sep 2, 2009

I am probably overengineering my macro, but I would like to setup an outlook appointment in two peoples calendars from my userform. The macro has access to the email addresses of the selected persons, I just want to send date/time and subject.

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VBA To Create Outlook Emails?

Jul 21, 2014

I have successfully adapted some code to create e-mails in outlook, insert text, add an attachment and specific who to send - all from within excel.

However, all of the recipients are contacts in our internal address book and what I would like to do is use the "shortened" version of their contact to send the e-mail.

e.g. Simon Jones e-mail address might be - but if I simply type in Simon Jones; and then tab to the next line, outlook works out who this is all on it's own.

The problem is, if I specify in my code to send to Simon Jones; it does not convert it / work out who it is.

Is there a way of doing it via VBA?

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Create New Message In Outlook - Don't Send

Mar 20, 2014

I'm looking for a way to prompt outlook to create a new email and in the body copy the contents of Sheet1, but instead of sending, I want it to just hold it so that the user can review the email contents.

Similar to this, but instead of an attachment the email body contains the data from sheet1

[Code] .....

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How To Create Outlook Email And Attach

Jun 10, 2014

I'm generating a letter (Word doc) and populating bookmarks with data on a worksheet using the following code which is assigned to a Button and it works a dream (in terms of opening the Doc and populating the bookmarks with whatever data is in the relevant cells on the worksheet):

Sub test()
Dim objWord As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open "location of the letter.doc"


However, what I now need to do is Create an Outlook Item (email) with a Standard Subject and send to an email address that will be on the same worksheet (in cell M2 for instance) and with a standard Body.

I dont really need to open the Word doc, like it does at present, but I do need the Bookmarks contained within it to be populated with the source data contained within the Worksheet and subsequently have it attached to the email fully populated - maybe I need to 'close' / 'save as & close' the Doc post generation?

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