VLookup Data On Combobox Selection By Formula?
Jun 16, 2014
I require is on combobox selection to bring in the data "type" from collumn ag and put it in collumn "c",i then want to get rest of data from the row but get me started I will try and do the other data,do not know how to do formulas ,started first with userforms and would now like to learn formulas
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May 8, 2009
In this file, I have a Work Summary worksheet in which I'm extracting some data from the other worksheets to "summarize" all jobs into one nice work summary log On Basis of Average of data from 3 other different sheets A,B,C
The following form works great to if onyl formula calling is applied
C6 = Worksheet name or Worksheet tab name ....
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Aug 14, 2013
I have a spreadsheet in version Excel 2007 that is refreshing data from Access tables. Users are needing charts to show progress by month, but are also needing to filter by area and one to filter by a section.
What I have so far is the data being calculated using SUMIFS so that I can pull between dates. I then added two comboboxes so that the user could filter by an area and by section. This is working, except that I have not been able to figure out how to allow the user to select "All" so that they can see all data from on or both of the selections.
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Jul 18, 2014
There are two Combo boxes in the form. ComboBox1 is being populated from a named range - "ParticipantName". (Located in Sheet1!C2:C500) ComboBox2 has been populated with "No" and "Yes" with additem in Form1 Initialize.
There are 3 (Three) Command Buttons - "Save", "Cancel" and "Close".
"Cancel" shall clear data in both Combo Boxes. It is done.
"Close" shall unload the Form. It is also done.
My problem is with the "Save" button. The user will select a name in the ComboBox1 and Select "Yes" or "No" in ComboBox2. Then if the user press "Save"; only the selected data of ComboBox2 will be written in the 26th Column (Column "Z") of Sheet1 in respective Row of the name selected in the ComboBox1.
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Jun 11, 2006
I have a computer build worksheet I use to configure the cost of my notebooks.
There are 2 worksheets, on one I have all my data seperated in 2 colums. One column is the name say Intel Core-Duo 2500 2.0 Ghz, and next to it the price, say $300.
The other worksheet is the actual form for "building" my systems. Right now I am using combo boxes that feed their output to another cell, then a 3rd cell with complex nested IF statements to retrieve the data from the 1st worksheet.
This way I have the form look like
1. Combobox selection: Intel Core-Duo 2500 2.0 Ghz
2. It feeds a second cell its value 1 (if this is the first value in the list)
3. 3rd Cell reads second cell value with a complex nested IF statement: 1 and goes back to the data sheet and reads the price from the second column: $300
This is a total pain in the butt when I want to add products or change their order in the data sheet. Can someone point me to a direction that this could be made easier, a good book on the subject and what I should be looking for and whatever syntax I need.
Here is the file: [url] You need to have iterations set for the sheet to work properly because there are circular references to calculate percentages of the total for shipping insurance paypal fees and ebay fees etc.
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Feb 14, 2013
I am using the combo box that lists the loan officers number from the selection the loan officers name and branch is loaded. I want to be able also base on the officer selected add get the total new loans opened by that officer. I added an if statement that checks if the loan officers number from the "Oct_2012" is equal to the loan officers' selection from the combo box then add all the loans than match that criteria. I am not sure if what I am doing will work but when it reach to the For block it only reads the For statement and then go to the endif and don't execute the statement within the block.
Sub cmbLnOffNum_Change()
Dim idx As Long
Dim LnOffRow As Long
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Jan 27, 2012
I have a question on how I could populate data using a combo box selection in Excel 2010.
For example, I have a table with values in Sheet 1, & below that table there is a combo box whereby another table of values can be populated based on the selection of the combo box.
Maybe to make it clearer...
Table 1
Name | Address | Phone number
Andy | Avenue 2 | 999
John | Road 5 | 998
Combo box (selection of names): John
Data derived from combo box - Table 2
Name | Address | Phone number
John | Road 5 | 998
how I could solve this Also, do let me know if this can be done without the use of VBA.
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Dec 5, 2008
I am using a VLOOKUP formula, but when I drag it down it doesn't keep the same array selection. Is there a way so that I can drag it and it relates to the cell to the left, but the array selected stays the same. I don't really want to type the same thig out for every cell as there are 6000. I am using: =VLOOKUP(D2,Working!A2:C23,2,FALSE) and want D2 to change accordingly but for working!A2:C23 to stay the same.
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Sep 28, 2013
I created a UserForm then linked ComboBox1 to range A2:A, TextBox2 to range E2:E, and ComboBox3 to range M2:M of the same worksheet, named Sheet3. The row contents in Column A, Column E, and Column M are associated. Therefore, when the UserForm is active I want to be able to select a row from Column A in ComboBox1 and have the UserForm pull the contents from the same row of Column E into TextBox2, and Column M into ComboBox3. Here is what I have so far, but its not quite doing it.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ColARange As Range
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Jun 12, 2006
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a list of departments on "Employee Data" sheet on column A and list of staff names on column B. It looks like this:
pdi Bob Tan
pdi John Christian
aftersales_bikes Jim Yeo
I have 24 departments in total and 300 over employees in mt employee data sheet.
On "Jan - June 2014 Training Hours" sheet, when employees attend training courses, I will have to update what courses they went for, no of hours etc.
My problem is:
I would like to select the department (using combo box for the auto complete function) and when department is selected, the staffs in that particular department will show. I have attached the file for your understanding. Currently, I am using data validation with indirect function in that file but would like to switch to combo box.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a userform used to input data. I contains textboxes and comboboxes and a command button that is clicked on to record the data onto a worksheet.
What I am looking for is a combobox that is linked to a list of clients (column A of worksheet "Clients").
I would like the user to click on the combobox and select a client name. If the client is new then I would like the user to be able to type in the new name and, then have that name available in the "Clients" names that appear the next time the user clients on the combobox.
I have it almost working, but not quite.
I have a defined name on the "Clients" worksheet as follows:
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May 26, 2007
I have a cell range with the following data:
A 1 2 3
B 4 5 6
C 7 8 9
On another worksheet, I have multiple comboboxes from the Controls toolbar in a column, each having possible selections are based on the data in a column 1 above (ie. A,B,C). When a selection is made in any of these comboboxes, cells to the right of the combobox get populated with the corresponding remaining data from the above cell range - ie. when A is selected, 1,2,3 appears to the right of the combobox, when B is selected, 4,5,6, etc. I want to be able to make selections from within combo boxes, not only by using the combo box dropdown and select mechanism, but also, if possible, by pasting a cell range whose data matches one of the existing selections available in the combobox definition. In other words, if I have a single column cell range from somewhere with the following data in 1 row:...............
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May 30, 2007
I am programming some kind of database in excel and using comboboxes as drop down lists to enter some of the information in the DB. My problem is that when the file is saved, closed and then opened again, all of the comboboxes have lost their selection. I think that using the ControlSource might help but for some reason I can't find the proper syntaxe to make it works. Actually I am getting a Run time error 438: This object doesn't support this property or method.
I have included the relevant portion of my code below. Is the ControlSource property going to solve my problem? If so, what is the syntax I must use? If not, what can I do to make sure that my ComboBoxes are going to keep their selection?
ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms. ComboBox.1", Link:=False, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=hori_offset - 220, Top:=vert_offset + 78, _
Width:=180, Height:=24.75).Select
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("ComboBox1").Object
.Font.Size = 14
.Font.Bold = True
.Style = fmStyleDropDownList 'Use drop-down list
.BoundColumn = 0 'Combo box values are ListIndex values
End With
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("ComboBox1")
.OLEFormat.Object.ControlSource = "Q1"
.OLEFormat.Object.ListFillRange = "M1:M8"
End With
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Mar 28, 2009
I need to link the textboxes of a form to the appropriate cells associated to the selection made by a combobox. And in the process I need to be able to Edit one of those Textboxes on the fly while the rest will be locked to the user.
Not sure if the editing of the Notes section can be real time of if it must be updated through a button.
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Dec 9, 2009
Is there a way to filter a listbox from the selection in a combobox?
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Mar 22, 2012
I'm using two comboboxes to simplify data query of a database: the first narrows the query by displaying employee names, the second narrowing the selection further by displaying the equipment that employee owns. I am able to populate both comboboxes fine.
The first combo box for employee names:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("User&EquipOverview")
Where I am running into trouble is that I want the selection made with the equipment name combobox (ComboDevice) to populate several textboxes with values related to that specific selection in the database. That is, the combobox population needs to have the cell location included as information to pull the correct information.
Each employee has several pieces of similarly named equipment, so it's not so easy as to search the initial list for the value of the combobox selection.
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Nov 22, 2013
How do we populate a List Box based on two Combo Box Selection on a userform?
Sheet2 has 5 Columns of datas all the way down...
Combobox1 is the Column A
Combobox2 is the Column B
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Feb 5, 2008
I have got 8 sheets in a workbook having the following names first one is Main,and others are Aw,Nzm,Mhk,Gul,Qta,and Hdr.
I want a ComboBox in every sheet displaying names of all sheets in combobox and when i select a name of sheet from combobox it goes to that sheet after hidding sheet where selection was made and running macro codes which i have developed for sheet. I want only one sheet display on the screen when one selection is made other one is invisible.
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Dec 25, 2009
I have a problem involving two combo boxes in a user form.
I need to populate different “lists” to combo 2, based on a selection in combo 1.
I browsed through the forum but could not find any solution that made sense to me.
Here are the specifics:
Combo 1 (called Cbo_Act) is populated with a list based on a named range in one of the sheets. The range is named “activity” and holds 2 records (“Income” & “Expense”).
This list is loaded as part of the form initialization.
If the user select “Income”, I need combo 2 (called Cbo_Act_Type) to show a list of various income types (derived from a dynamic named range called “Income_type”) and if the user selects “Expense”, I need the same combo box (Cbo_Act_Type) to show a different list, specifically – a list of various expense types (derived from a dynamic named range called “Expense_type”).
I know that this should be with a Cbo_Act_Change () routine, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do it.
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Jun 8, 2006
can i use a combo box with a dropbuttonclick to run the macro only when the arrow is selected . The problem I am having is the macro will run on the selection of the arrow which is whatt I want but it also run when I make a selection it the combo box
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Jan 25, 2007
I have created a userform to keep track of "Customer Call Cycle".
This is what I have:
1) I have 3 Sales Reps with 50 Customers each.
2) Each customer has multiple contact persons
I have a userform with 2 combo boxex, 1 list box, 1 textbox and 2 buttons.
I want to be able to select Sales Rep from the 1st combobox which will automatically populate the second combobox with customer names related to that sales rep.
and when I select a customer name from 2nd combobox, I want all the contact persons in the database that are related to that customer name to populate in the listbox.
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Jul 6, 2007
I want to dynamically list items in combobox placed in excel sheet. I have a list of 10 values in a column in excel sheet. I have placed two comboboxes in the same sheet. Now depending on the first combobox selected value i want to list either all or only few values from the available 10 values.
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Nov 8, 2012
Attached is my sample data.
In sheet "support data" I have two columns.
One column is a client reference and the one next to it is a client name.
On my form the combo box is populated with the client references.
When i select a reference in the combo box I would like to populate textbox1 with the corresponding client name from "support data"
(as an advanced feature it would be good if the textbox1 kept changing as the mouse was hovering over the list of client references in the combobox)
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Apr 19, 2013
My data resides in a workbook in sheet2 and sheet3. I have 4 comboboxs refering to different columns in sheet2 and sheet3. Basically when the user selects all the four comboboxs, the criteria should be satisfied and the results in terms of rows matching those values should be shown in the textboxs below.
Each three of the textboxs refers to individual columns in sheet2 and sheet3. All I want to do is simple search criteria on both sheet 2 and sheet3 and put the results in textboxs.
I have populated my comboboxs but dont know the macro to do the search results .
my userform,which has 4 comboboxs
combobox1 = sheet2 column C
combobox2 = sheet2 column BL
combobox3 = sheet3 column K
combobox1 = sheet3 column F
The results which satisfy the above 4 criteria should come from ,when user presses POP UP DETAILS BUTTON,
textbox1= sheet3 column C
textbox2= sheet3 column N
textbox3= sheet2 column T
Actually I have many records which satisfy the above 4 criteria, dont know how to display them whether in textbox or any another method.
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Apr 7, 2014
I need to populate a textbox based off 2 combobox selections. My first combobox selects the worksheet. "08BOG, 09BOG, 10BOG...15BOG" My second combobox lists majors based off of the worksheet selected in combobox 1. I need my textbox to populate the value 18 rows over the selected worksheet and the selected row.
Currently I have something like this:
[Code] ......
But obviously this is all wrong because it is only referencing one sheet instead of the selected sheet in the combobox.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have attached a work book.
At the moment when you click the macro botton on the sheets a calender shows and you can select the inspection done tab, this gives you a list to select witch then updates the selected task in the sheet.
How can i get this to allow single or multiple sections so that if more than one task is completed on the same date they could be updated all at once.
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Mar 31, 2014
I have 3 name range in a control sheet ("Control")
Namerange Cat1, Cat2, Cat3. All of the name range are different. I am trying to cut down on my Userform that have each a userform with combobox selection.
Frmcat1, frmcat2 frmcat3.
I need to simplify my life. I need that if the user selects anything between F5:F20 to generate the userform and select range Cat1. If the user Select G5:G20 then to generate Cat2 and so on...
So on userform Initialize look if the user is in Column F, is yes then Cat1. If user in Col. G then Cat2 and final if user is in Col H to have Cat3 generate in the combobox.
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Jun 26, 2014
My table contains 26 columns, I have Column E header as 'Assignee' and Column J for 'Date_Closed'.
I have a form containing a combobox and a listbox. The combobox is populated with 10 Assignee Names.
I want the listbox to be populated with all rows containing the selected Name ONLY if Date_Closed column (J) is blank/null.ie.date not filled yet.
For example, if i select "Ann", the listbox will show all rows in the table that have Assignee Ann for and closed date is still blank.
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Jul 14, 2014
What I'd like to do is fill specific cells with specific information drawn from other pages based on a combo box selection.
For example, if I were to pick 10131 in the combo box, I'd like it to fill out cells X, Y and Z with information from the three cells to the right of 10131. Assume X, Y and Z are not touching.
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