Is it possible to VLookUp Data between multiple workbooks (12 different workbooks to be exact) in one master sheet?
I would like the master sheet to find the empty data for the item number. Basically, how can I automatically populate the empty data for each item number in the master sheet. Every item will be different. The 12 workbooks are invoices throughout the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc) and these workbooks have the data needed to fill the master sheet. How is this possible? Or is it not?
Master sheet.xlsx -Contains item number -Purchase Date -Sell Date -Purchase Price -Sell Price -Profit Price
The 12 workbooks are the 12 months out of the year, which are invoices.
- Contain the data needed in the master sheet such as sell date, sold price, and profit.
The reason I would like to keep the 12 invoices as workbooks instead of worksheets in 1 big file, is due to the high capacity of item numbers each monthly invoice would have. For example (approximately 500 items in each workbook)
I have for hours and weeks, actually months, But I haven't found any sources on the internet, although I have seen the VLook Up how to's on youtube between 2 workbooks, but not the 12 I would like.
I have multiple workbooks ( with unique names) under same folder. Each workbook has "Report-Corn" sheet.
I would like to copy cell "P15" from each (workbook-> report-corn -> P15) and paste to Master.xls workbook -> Sheet 1 one after another which is also located under same folder.
How to Automatic open others Workbook when we opened the Master Workbook. Examp.: I have a workbook (Master.xls), and when this file be opened, and then others workbook (Transactions.xls, Order.xls, etc.) is opened too.
I am currently working on a project that has six worksheets with information to populate into one master worksheet.
I would like it to work as if the information is not in the first worksheet to search the second sheet and so on and so forth.
Here is the complex part, the information that I need does not always appear in the same spot…Example: Sheet 1 has Weekly Benefit under B20, Sheet 2 has Weekly Benefit under B22, and Sheet 3 has Weekly Benefit under B23.
Here is what I have, unfortunately not working very well for me…
I think the title pretty much says it all... Now I have a file I can't send to anyone to do anything with... I've googled a few things but I've found nothing to work with... It was only a few hours worth of work but this seems ridiculous...
I have six files that are formatted the same(fld1-1.xlsx, fld1-2.xlsx...). Each file contains an I.D. number (random 25 digit number) in column A and a note (1-9) in column B. The only thing that changes between files is the note column. I want to pull from these six files into a master file. When all six files are combined the note column in the master file is complete, there are no duplicates. Because a blank vlookup returns a zero, could I use an IF formula. Something like IF VLOOKUP FROM data01(ISNUMBER(0), then vlookup in file data02. IF VLOOKUP FROM data02(ISNUMBER(0), then vlookup in file data03.
In the attached file, the "importer.xls" is the file that has the ADO code and range of area for the data to be pasted, while the "Data to be imported.xls" is the source data that i want to copy which is in range "B1:D5" from each sheet "nightshift" & "dayshift". If you run the code, if would only copy partial of the data, could anyone plz fix the problem for me
I have a master workbook the needs to be updated from another workbook. I have adapted the following code that I found hidden away in this font of knowledge.
Sub test1() Dim wb1 As Workbook Dim wb2 As Workbook Dim OldLastCell As Range Dim lookRng As Range Dim foundRng As Range Dim iCel As Range Dim loopRng As Range If IsWbOpen("Update") Then Set wb2 = Update Else Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsCompaq_OwnerDesktopAreaUpdate.xls") End If Set wb1 = Workbooks("Original.xls") With wb2. Sheets("Sheet1")...................
I changed the code below to add an extra column(E) this worked. However it does not keep the formatting from the top row in column E, How can i change the code to column E to keep the top row formatting ??
Also i added a list to cell A2, but this moves down, I would like to have the selected data move down but the list stays in cell A2, Was this possible ?
why the macro "try()" in the attached workbook does not work?
I get the error message: "Unable to get the Vlookup property of the WorksheetFunction class"
Sub try() Dim i% For i = 1 To 35 Sheets("Sheet2").Select myValue = Cells(i, 1).Value Sheets("Sheet1").Select n = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(myValue, "A1:A11", 1, True) Sheets("Sheet2").Select Cells(i, 2).Value = n Next i End Sub
I am using the vlookup command, I have a table with 2 columns, the left one has text and the right one has numbers in currency. the vlookup works for all the text bar one, which is AX.
I have a VLOOKUP formula that works when searching some cells but not others when both cases should work.
Q: Does VLOOKUP have a certain maximum amount of characters it can search? If a cell contains more than this amount of characters will VLOOKUP not work?
This is what seems to be happening on my spreadsheet. The VLOOKUPS that refer to the cells with more than the average amount of characters seem to fail. The same happens with INDEX.
I have a VLOOKUP formula, so when the cell above (C5) has a value, it returns the value from a defined list. Simple so far and it works great when I manually input the value in the cell (C5).
The problem occurs when I change C5 to contain an AVERAGE formula? Any ideas why it will only work when there is a plain old value in there, but not a formula?
i have created a Vlookup that pulls data from another work sheet, it all works fine apart from this one thing....
On a work sheet i have a lot of hyperlinks that work fine, but as soon as they get pulled over using a Vlookup, the name of the hyperlink comes accross for example "link 1" but you can not click on it to take you to the link like you can on the original one.
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(ActiveCell, Sheet8.Range("C16:Y1000")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim rw As Integer Dim arw As Integer rw = 16
[Code] .....
As you can see, my code is located in the sheet8 worksheet object. Now, I have a few questions about this. Because I am located in the sheet8 worksheet object does that mean my code can only work in sheet8, i.e., the following won't work because I am in a Sheet8 worksheet object?
Sheet10.Range("B12) = ..... ....... .....
This is not returning a value in Sheet10? My question is how do I make my code return a value in Sheet10?
My problem is that my VLOOKUP formula will not return any data when it doesn't like the format of the data it's looking up.
Example: I have a spreadsheet that displays revenues earned by assets.Every month I export a table of data from an accounting software program with (a) asset numbers, (b) invoice date, and (c) monthly revenues.Then I copy the data into Tab 2 of my spreadsheet.On Tab 1 of the spreadsheet there is a table that lists Assets 100 through 120. Column A has all the asset numbers.Each month it varies as to which assets earned revenue and which one's did not. Usually between 10 and 15 assets earn revenue in any given month and about 5 do not earn revenue.On Tab 1 there is a column with VLOOKUP formulas that looks up the asset number in column A of Tab 1 and points to Tab 2 where the data that was exported from the accounting software program is located.Let's say that in July 2012 that Asset 1001 earned $35,000.On certain months, the VLOOKUP formula looks over to tab 2 and "returns" the $35,000 revenue with no problem.On other months, it will not return anything, apparently it does not like the formatting and does not "recognize" the asset number.
Is it a good idea to merge xls workbooks in to one master workbook?
I have read online that some say it is ok and nothing will happen and others say it isn't a good idea because macros and formulas will not work right once merge in to one workbook.
So I have many workbooks with 2 - 4 worksheets in them. All have formulas as well as macro's and everything is working fine just as it is. But I would like to have 1 Master workbook with all workbook/worksheets combined in to 1, so that I can stop opening so many workbooks.
I wish to be able to get data from several workbooks (.xls), and gather all the data in one master workbook.
As I said, I've got a number of workbooks with data I wish to copy and merge into one master worksheet. Each workbook contains a sheet called "MILESTONES" (project) in which I want to pick up data. The data ranges from A5:J88, but I think this can be expanded by the users (more rows). There is no guarantee that the users will enter data in all the columns. Columns A and B occur frequently blank, so the users usually starts entering in information in column C (heading = description).
The Master workbook contains of exactly the same headings, except that the columns has been expanded by 1. Column A1 has the heading "Workpack" which is the name of the workbook the information has been gathered from (description is in column D1). This name can be found in a sheet called "REPORT" in all of the workbooks, and I want this to be copied over, row by row so it matches the data. I don't know if it can cause any trouble, but the names are merged through C to J in row 12 in all of the workbooks.
The workbooks (or workpacks) and the master workbook (summary) are placed in the same folder. Let's say C:Project. The workbooks also changes names frequently (each month). Lastly, if there is a way to automatically update the master workbook every time it is opened.
I have spent many hours trying to research and create a code to enable me to create a master workbook with very little success
I have attached the "master workbook"!!!
I have a file C:workjobs
In this folder I have many workbooks all named differently normally with the customers name and a description of work completed ie: Mrs Jones, Bathroom refit, etc and the file is updated with new workbooks all the time as we complete new jobs
I need create a macro that automatically starts when the masterfile is opened that grabs all the information needed from all the individual workbooks and then inputs the totals into the cells in the masterworkbook so I can then analyse the information
The master workbook I have attached is exactly the same layout as the individual workbooks
I think this needs a For Each loop, but I am stuck on how to get it accompished. In the folder I will have about 26 workbooks with all different titles, but the beggining is always the same for the workbook and the worksheet (Bldg). There will be only one ws per wb and the wb I am using to collect all of the worksheets is Final.xls. The code attached works fine, but the only way right now I know how to capture the next wb/ws is with a call.
Using a Command button into my Master file, I'm looking for a code that give me an option to select an existing file that will have a variable name & path, open it and then copy all worksheets contained within it, into my Master workbook. Then close the selected file on completion.
Not sure if it's important but some of the copied worksheet names will contain copies. e.g. Apples, Apples (2), Pears, Pears (2). etc.
There are 7 files on the network that everyone updates. These are contact databases for clients, insurance companies, our agents, etc. Any changes that need to be made are made. The first person to open a file will get edit mode, the others will only get read-only mode. I rarely have to edit, so if I'm first then I'll invariably be asked to exit so others can update them. I've tried doing the share workbook, but it's not working. That's not what I'd like to do anyway.
I've made a workbook with 7 different sheets, each tab named after one of the network databases. I'd like for these sheets to automatically update if/when changes are made to the master - but keep my formatting intact. Right now I'm relying on import external data, but that doesn't update. Therefore, I have to delete and re-import every morning, losing all of my formatting. Surely Excel has an easier way to do this?
The databases are highly sensitive information so I can't really attach one - but I will attach a dummy example of what they all look like. Each file is hundreds of rows and maybe 15-20 columns, so the thought of linking each cell is more than I'm looking to do.
I have 600+ variations of the same workbook. Contained within each workbook is a worksheet, from which I need to copy and paste a range of cells into one "master" workbook. For example, in workbook 1 I need to copy rows 2:5 and paste that into the master workbook in cells 2:5. Then I need to open workbook 2, copy rows 2:5 and paste them into the master workbook starting at row 6. I have fumbled my way through everything except the pasting part into the Master workbook.
I have problem with a spreadsheet that I am trying to create.
I have a large sheet of data which is dumped in from another program. This contains our deliveries and orders etc.
Now for planning purposes, I would like to see how much of each item I have on order.
I can use VLOOKUP, but that will only give me the amount for the first order it encounters. But not the 3rd, 4th etc. I could use SUMIF but I need the dates as well. After doing some searching I think I have found a way of doing this: I can get the first easier enough:
=VLOOKUP(D$11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,5,FALSE), this gives the first order than the another =VLOOKUP(D11,'purchase order'!$A$1:$K$6000,11,FALSE) for its date.
For the second column to check any other orders I thought I could find the cell referance for the first SEARCH: which is
A108: ="A"&MATCH(D11,'purchase order'!A:A,0).
Is there any way of using this Reference to start a new VLOOKUP. So the Lookup Range starts at this reference?? To make things harder it is on another sheet.
I am having difficulty with a Vlookup in Excel 2003. Basically I have converted both fields to Text using the text function =TEXT(A2,"0") and have tried matching the values but just get an #N/A error and I have also converted both back to number format but still get the #N/A error....when I do a "=" operator function it returns a FALSE value but I cannot see why as both cell are just 4 or 5 digit number.