VLookup :: Find An Identical Value

Apr 20, 2006

=If(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B2, 'TableB'!$Y$2:$Y$100,1,FALSE)) , "",Column A in tableB)

I want to search tru all column B in table A. If i find an identical value in table B i want the field in table A to show the corresponding field in Column A in table B.

Also if there is 2 occurrences of column B in table B, i want the field in table A to show both values.

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Find Identical Lists And Sum

Jan 15, 2009

I need a formula to sum column C if data in column A and Column B are found anywhere else in the list. For Example


Column D would show

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Find All Identical Dates On Worksheet

Dec 1, 2009

I need to find ALL occurrences of a date on a worksheet, but could not find a macro on our forum.
I found this macro on the web.

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Find Identical Item, Look For True 2 Columns Over

Feb 19, 2010

I’m putting together a blackjack odds calculator. I could use some help with a formula. If I have an A,7 (ace low) it needs to return a 0 (or false) for a “Possible Hand” because further down the column A,7 (ace hi) has a true “End Hand Total”

I was going to use an IF and a VLOOKUP (looking lower on the column), but then I cannot sort the column. Is there a formula that will find the hand and check for true 2 columns over from identical hand. There are 169 starting hand combinations. The attached worksheet only has 31 – for simplification.

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How To Find Duplicate Rows That Are Not EXACT Identical

Dec 6, 2013

Is it possible to find duplicate rows that are not EXACT identical. Conditional formatting can find duplicate rows but they must be identical exactly(ofcourse)(even extra SPACE,COMMA,DOT wont find duplicates)

I have name and address(street address) columns. I don not want my invitation cards or mails go to same address twice.

As you can see in the file ..all 5 records belong to same address.(address entered in diff styles,some comma,space extra..etc) 4 and 5 are Son and Wife of 1st person. Row 5 and 6 have same text but one extra space in 5th row makes it unique so i need to eliminate such records with same address So can i set some formula so that duplicate rows will be highlighted if any 3-4 words match ?

Attached File : inwell.xlsx‎

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Find And Remove Identical Entries In A List

Feb 13, 2007

I regularly have to add a few new lines to what is in fact a very simple data base I've had running for a long time in Excel. About 1200 lines now, one line per person. I add a dozen or so lines (i.e. people) at a time in a different colour.
When I re-sort the whole thing I run my eye down the list to spot partial double (i.e. duplicate) entries (the new ones in their own colour helps). Then I delete the double entries one by one. Pretty stoooopid, in'it?

How can I do this better, faster and more accurately with Excel to find just two duplicated data ( NAME and ID NUMBER) in a person's line (there are 15 columns altogether)? Or: Where and what can I search for (I've just spent nearly an hour trying to find an answer by myself, but don't really know what to search for)?

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Match & Delete (find And Remove Identical Rows)

Feb 24, 2009

I have over 2000 rows with 20 columns and i need to find and remove identical rows. I can do a match with MATCH() by concatenating the columns and comparing them as a whole but i need to apply this to the whole table and i need it to remove all the duplicate rows it finds.

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Hyperlinks And VLookup: VLookup To Find EMail And Web Addresses

Oct 5, 2009

I have a sheet using VLookup to find EMail and Web addresses. I can get the address to show up but not as an active URL address. Is it possible to have the address "active" so I can click on it and activate the EMail or Web Site?

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Sep 5, 2006

I have a Spreadsheet that's essentially a results report...
At the top there's a header section containing fields for Project Name, Job#, Address, etc, etc...

I want to be able to enter the Job# and on a button click, have the other fields auto filled from a separate Workbook (Job Log) containing all this data...

What are your recommendations for the most effective method of doing this in VBA...
Will VLOOKUP or FIND be the better way to approach this task?
Column 'A' in Job Log contains the Job#'s, and the subsequent cells across the row contain the rest of the info that will be used to fill the fields in the report header...

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Find Highest Value With VLOOKUP

Nov 8, 2009

using vlookup I am trying o find the highest value>>>>


Column A Column B

111036 01/05/09
111036 08/08/09
111036 09/10/09 <<<<

Is vlookup the correct way to go,,, if not could someone point me in the correct direction

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VLOOKUP Find The First Value , And Copy

Dec 18, 2008

VLOOKUP find the first value , and copy the whole the field that you wan. What if I want the VLOOKUP the entire column and sum up all qty of the search criteria, how to modify the formula?




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Find The Name Vlookup Or Match

Feb 4, 2009

I am trying to insert a formula to find the name (match?) from one column on say sheet 3 and return the value in the next column.

column a sheet 1
my name
your name
someone else

I would like it to search sheet 3 column a and return value sheet 3 column b

as sheet 3 would look like this

col a / col b
john q / 11a
my name / 13b
someone else/ 9a
your name/ 12b

What my goal is - is to only have to enter the column b in sheet 3 one time per name and have it fill in on sheet 1 for every entry of multiple entries of the same name in column a if that makes sense.

I know this should be simple- I want to avoid the if statement as there will be about 50 names to sort and return the proper class (column b)

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Vlookup Cannot Find Numbers

Nov 8, 2006

I have a very large database (42455 lines) which has three columns. The column A is a shipment number which is a combination of numbers and letters, column B is a ship date, column C is a dollar value for each shipment. This range (A2:C42455) is named SHIPMENTS. I have a second database right next to it that contains warranty information. Column D has the shipment number, Column E has the date the warranty call came in. These last two columns have only 2788 lines.

I'm using VLOOKUP in column F to match Ship dates with Warranty Call dates. The formula is:


and was dragged down all 2788 lines.

Out of the 2788 lines it did not find dates for 301 of them. Some of those 301 have Shipment numbers that are only numbers (no letters). As a test I copied one of the "unfound and all numbers" shipment numbers and did a control+F for all of column A and it found it. Clearly VLOOKUP is missing some of the Shipment numbers. I made sure that the Shipment number in column A matches the number in column D by cancelling out of the Find window and clicking on the found cell. Then I made sure there are no stray spaces tacked onto the end of the number and there were none. I hit enter.

At this point excel starts calculating again and when I go back up to the VLOOKUP (In column F) it has now found the data I've asked it for originally. I've not changed any of the values of either cell...All I've done is use Control+F to manually find the Shipment number in SHIPMENTS and then verified that there were no spaces in the found cell by clicking on it and using the arrow keys. Once that was done I hit enter.

Somehow this sequence of actions allows VLOOKUP to now find the cell.

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Use The Same Vlookup To Find Two Different Values

May 15, 2007

can I use the same vlookup to find two different values? I need to find two different values and return the correspondent value or values.

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Merge Identical Cells In A Row

Jun 15, 2013

In the attached Excel file, the data has been place from d2 to dyo2.

For example, value "2607" is placed from cells va2 to wk2.

I need to merge cells from va2 to wk2.

I can't use horizontal alignment - center across selection because my boss wants it to merge only.

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Identical Data Does Not Match

Feb 20, 2008

I have a list of data which doesnot match with my database and am hence failing to understand what to do.

2 sheets attached.

Was trying to find the employee ids of the advisors from the database.

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How To Rename Identical Files

Aug 19, 2014

I would like to open 3 excel files (with identical names) from 3 different mapped drives eg M,N and O. How can I use Excel VBA to rename these 3 files based on their original locations and save them in a folder in the C drive eg M_Filename,N_Filename and O_Filename.

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Identical Data Being Classed As Different

May 29, 2007

I am retrieving data from 2 different sources in a database.
i am having problem with identical data being classed as different, see below.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA3=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

These two cell are identical (have checked theer are no random spaces) however the formula is saying that they are not equal. They are also in identical formats.

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Merging Two Identical Spreadsheets

Aug 11, 2006

I have three large txt files. All three are the same number of columns but are of a different number of rows. (Each month the number of columns will increase but the 3 source files will still contain an equal number).

Therefore I need to open the first text file, select all data and paste it into my master file.

I then want to open the second txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of my master file.

I will then open the third txt file and paste all the data at the first empty row of the master file.

Finally I will close the txt files.

I will then have several other amendments to make to the master data file.

So to my problem....

Opening the txt files is fine.

However I want to select all the data in the first txt file but excel gives me an error message. (On the line highlighted in my code). I remember there being a function in VBA that selects all data around a cell, can anyone remember how to do this?

My code so far is:

Workbooks.OpenText Filename:= _
"C:CUSTOMERPass 1.txt" _
, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier _
:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:= _
False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:= Array(Array _
(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8 _
, 1), Array(9, 1))
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized

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Tables Must Have Identical Rows

Jun 7, 2007

i have got two tables each on a different sheet. The column headings are not the same but in both tables column A contain names. Users can enter names in column A in the first table, and these should be copied to the second table. However, users can insert rows in the first table which should automatically be copied to the second table to ensure the tables haven an identical number of rows (names)

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Precision With Identical Variables

Jun 10, 2007

This "If" wont work, does anyone have an idea why? I have try hard coded, with "" and without, i tried to assgind the field value to another double patameter and still nothing. This is my last try where i converted it to double type

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VLOOKUP To Find Multiple Occurrences?

Dec 18, 2013

I'm trying to use a VLOOKUP formula in a blank cell on a separate sheet from my data.

Essentially I'm trying to search the sheet for the word "VIOLATION" and then report back what it says in field 1, which in this case is a date.

=VLOOKUP("VIOLATION",'Master sheet'!1:1048576,1,FALSE)

Right now I just get #N/A.

Eventually I would like to be able to find all occurences of the word VIOLATION and then have the dates all show up in one cell together seperated by commas if that's possible.

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VLookup - Find Words In Sentences

May 30, 2014

The idea is try to search the words from Column C in Column A and if some key is found, show value from Column C (As a simple Vlookup but column A contains sentences):


This is a test test 1
This is a tst excel 2
test case 3 tst 3
case for excel
test 4
tst nº 5


And expected result should be: (column B, contains the formula):


This is a test 1 test 1
This is a tst 3 excel 2
test case 3 1 tst 3
case for excel 2
test 4 1
tst nº 5 3


The idea is not to use. Column C could have more of 1000 entries.

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Vlookup To Find Data From All Worksheets

Oct 28, 2008

I have a workbook with 32 worksheets. Data on 31 of these sheets all filter through to the one "Summary" sheet. The data on all the other worksheets is input manually and the lay-out is identical on each sheet. What I want to do is a Vlookup on the summary sheet for every sheet in the workbook, but without typing VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1A:C,3,0)+VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2A:C,3,0) etc etc (my sheets aren't actually called Sheet 1/2/3 etc, they have specific names).

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Vlookup Find A Particular Code In One Sheet

Jul 20, 2009

I am using the Vlookup function to find a particular code in one sheet then give me the cost data that is associated with that code and put it into a similar cell in another sheet. It will work fine if I use (for example) A2 to E39 as my table_array. This would be fine if I only had 38 rows of data to look for the code on. However I have thousands of rows of data that need to be checked. Therefore when I change the table array to anything greater than E40, the vlookup will not work and it will only return a value of zero instead of the actual cost data. This is very weird and does not make sense that anything is wrong.

The only thing I can think of is that the vlookup function has a limit on the number of rows that it can look for data in. However, I did not think that it had a limit at all.

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Find And Add Multiple Vlookup Values

Aug 5, 2009

I have run into serious trouble with a file I am working on. I have 12,000 companies (roughly), and each of them appears in an Excel file multiple times (some 1 time, other 18 times) with a few parameters. The big file (about 90,000 entries) is sorted so it looks like below:

I will illustrate for 2 companies:

Company A 0 200
Company A 0 0
Company B 300 400
Company B 0 50

I need for every company to do a countif for each column on condition
that the value is larger than 0.

In this case I would end up with:

Company A 0 200
Company A 0 0

Countif result 0 1

Company B 300 400
Company B 0 50

Countif result 1 2

However, I need to extend this to the whole 90,000 entries and 12,000 companies and this cannot be done manually. I thought about vlookup but that returns the first entry only, and I have multiple.

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Using Vlookup To Find Text On Different Sheet?

Apr 14, 2014

I know vlookup can find specific text in a column when the formula resides on the same sheet. But for my actual application (a 15 page price list) I was attempting to use vlookup on sheet 2 and have it find specific text on sheet 1. Note that sheet 1 will be having additional rows added through out the table over time, so vlookup cannot use a specific cell location.

My attached example can simulate the problem by sorting the table by name (A-Z).

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Vlookup: Find Data From Sheet 2 In Row B

Apr 19, 2009

on sheet 1 in cell C39 i need to find data from sheet 2 in row B that is 534 as in C32 is 11.2 and on sheet 2, 11.2 equals 534

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VLOOKUP To Find Data In Another Workbook

Mar 18, 2008

The table to the right is actually in another workbook, both workbooks will be linked. What I'm trying to achieve is a vlookup formula that will count the items in the left table that have numbers entered into them. (This table will be located within a different workbook).

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VBA To Find Variable Data Or VLOOKUP

Jan 6, 2007

I have a large amount of data Range A1:DA6000 on Sheet2 in the following format:

120200 1885 | 42.43 | 130112 1992 | 49.65

120200 1886 | 45.95 | 130112 1993 | 48.08

120200 1887 | 47.65 | 130112 1994 | 49.77

120200 1888 | 45.97 |

120200 1889 | 48.34 | 130133 1887 | x

120200 1890 | 49.42 | 130133 1888 | 41.6

120200 1891 | 48.85 | 130133 1889 | 45.45[/list]

Cell A1 Sheet1 will be variable and I need to find the same value on Sheet2 in all that data and copy the number in the cell to the right to the clipboard. For example:

If Sheet1 A1 = 120200 1885 I want to find 120200 1885 on Sheet2 and copy 42.43 to the clipboard

Or if it's 130133 1887 I want "x" copied to the clipboard and so on.

I think I want to have a macro "Find" the cell and copy the one next to it, but I don't know the syntax to do that. The macro recorder only takes me part way.

I can't figure out how to make a VLOOKUP formula work, as there's way more than 65,000 lines to make a lookup table out of the data.

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