How To Find Duplicate Rows That Are Not EXACT Identical

Dec 6, 2013

Is it possible to find duplicate rows that are not EXACT identical. Conditional formatting can find duplicate rows but they must be identical exactly(ofcourse)(even extra SPACE,COMMA,DOT wont find duplicates)

I have name and address(street address) columns. I don not want my invitation cards or mails go to same address twice.

As you can see in the file ..all 5 records belong to same address.(address entered in diff styles,some comma,space extra..etc) 4 and 5 are Son and Wife of 1st person. Row 5 and 6 have same text but one extra space in 5th row makes it unique so i need to eliminate such records with same address So can i set some formula so that duplicate rows will be highlighted if any 3-4 words match ?

Attached File : inwell.xlsx‎

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Deleting Duplicate Rows When ALL Columns Are Identical

Aug 8, 2007

I found a useful resource on the web that gives a macro that deletes rows when the cells within a SINGLE column are identical. [url]

Does anyone know of a macro that can do more than that, one that will delete rows if ALL cells within ALL columns are identical?

For example, the macro should delete row 4 of the attached spreadsheet. It should leave row #2 there because it's the orginal row. But the duplicate row #4 should be deleted. The macro should leave row #5 there because not all columns are identical for that row.

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Match & Delete (find And Remove Identical Rows)

Feb 24, 2009

I have over 2000 rows with 20 columns and i need to find and remove identical rows. I can do a match with MATCH() by concatenating the columns and comparing them as a whole but i need to apply this to the whole table and i need it to remove all the duplicate rows it finds.

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Find Duplicates In 1 Col Then Copy Entire Rows Of These Duplicate Rows?

Feb 2, 2014

The below code compares the Data in a Field that must be set and collect the duplicate Values in a second Worksheet.

The thing I want it to copy the rows, when a duplicate is found in Col A. editing the code below:

Original Sheet:
"A" "B" "C" "D"


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Find Duplicate Rows

Jun 28, 2009

I'm treating a set of data in excel in wich I have three long columns of values. I need to find all sets of three equal values in these columns (for instance, I need to find all lines with 1,1,1 or 2,2,2 and so on). How can I make a programe to do this?

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Duplicate Cells Not Exact Match

Jan 25, 2013

I have text values in 2 different columns A and B. I can use the conditional formula to find and highlight duplicates but only if they are an exact match. How do I modify if they are not exact match but for example start with the same 3-4 text values?

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Macro To Copy Rows Based On Moving Date And Paste Rows Into Identical Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)

e.g. 28/1/2014

I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.

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Find Identical Lists And Sum

Jan 15, 2009

I need a formula to sum column C if data in column A and Column B are found anywhere else in the list. For Example


Column D would show

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VLookup :: Find An Identical Value

Apr 20, 2006

=If(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B2, 'TableB'!$Y$2:$Y$100,1,FALSE)) , "",Column A in tableB)

I want to search tru all column B in table A. If i find an identical value in table B i want the field in table A to show the corresponding field in Column A in table B.

Also if there is 2 occurrences of column B in table B, i want the field in table A to show both values.

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Prevent Duplicate Data Entry Via Userform Based On Exact Match In 2 Columns

Jul 16, 2012

I have a userform with several textboxes and 2 comboboxes. The data that I need protected from duplication is based in the comboboxes. If I ignore the other fields and presume the following it may be easier to understand:

The comboboxes are populated by the data stored in sheet1 and when the userform is complete, the OK button populates all the data into sheet2

Combobox1 contains names eg, John, Julie, Bob etc
Combobox2 contains colours eg, Red, Blue, Green etc

I want the userform to allow the data to be entered into sheet2 only if it is not an exact duplicate of the choices in BOTH of the comboboxes

For Example
John Red
Julie Red
Bob Blue
John Blue

These are all ok, however, to try and enter John Red again would bring up a message box indicating a duplicate entry and prevent the data from being entered.

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Find All Identical Dates On Worksheet

Dec 1, 2009

I need to find ALL occurrences of a date on a worksheet, but could not find a macro on our forum.
I found this macro on the web.

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Find Identical Item, Look For True 2 Columns Over

Feb 19, 2010

I’m putting together a blackjack odds calculator. I could use some help with a formula. If I have an A,7 (ace low) it needs to return a 0 (or false) for a “Possible Hand” because further down the column A,7 (ace hi) has a true “End Hand Total”

I was going to use an IF and a VLOOKUP (looking lower on the column), but then I cannot sort the column. Is there a formula that will find the hand and check for true 2 columns over from identical hand. There are 169 starting hand combinations. The attached worksheet only has 31 – for simplification.

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Find And Remove Identical Entries In A List

Feb 13, 2007

I regularly have to add a few new lines to what is in fact a very simple data base I've had running for a long time in Excel. About 1200 lines now, one line per person. I add a dozen or so lines (i.e. people) at a time in a different colour.
When I re-sort the whole thing I run my eye down the list to spot partial double (i.e. duplicate) entries (the new ones in their own colour helps). Then I delete the double entries one by one. Pretty stoooopid, in'it?

How can I do this better, faster and more accurately with Excel to find just two duplicated data ( NAME and ID NUMBER) in a person's line (there are 15 columns altogether)? Or: Where and what can I search for (I've just spent nearly an hour trying to find an answer by myself, but don't really know what to search for)?

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Find In VBA Code: Find Exact Match

Oct 9, 2006

I'm using the below VBA

Dim c, DataRow
With Data
Set c = . Range("A5:A350"). Find(KPI, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
DataRow = c.Row
End If
End With

Now,If KPI is for example = "Favourite Hotel" and if i have data that looks like :

Favourite Hotel - London
Favourite Hotel - Cardiff
Favourite Hotel
Favourite Hotel - Birmingham

Then it seems to not look be looking for an exact match (e.g. Favourite Hotel) and rather is finding the first item in the list that contains the KPI string (E.g. Favourite Hotel - London).

How do i make it search for an exact match?

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Tables Must Have Identical Rows

Jun 7, 2007

i have got two tables each on a different sheet. The column headings are not the same but in both tables column A contain names. Users can enter names in column A in the first table, and these should be copied to the second table. However, users can insert rows in the first table which should automatically be copied to the second table to ensure the tables haven an identical number of rows (names)

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Deleting Specific Rows That Are Identical

Mar 8, 2012

I want to delete some rows that are identical. Aside from creating a macros to do this, is there a way to find a row with a specific criteria and delete it if value returns TRUE?

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Sum Identical Rows Meeting Criterion

Aug 10, 2007

In each row of my data set, columns A thru E contain different three-digit numbers, in ascending order (e.g. 012 312 344 798 880). No number is repeated more than once in a single row, and no two rows contain the same set of five numbers. Column F contains a value (these are what I'd like to sum).

The variables I want to create a formula with are each three-digit numbers, call them X and Y. I want to find the pairs of rows where one row contains X in one of the first five columns, and the other row contains Y and the same other four values as were contained in the four non-X cells in the X-row (note that X and Y may or may not be in the same column, since each row is in ascending order). If X=344 and Y=955, an example of a match would be one row with 012 312 344 798 880 and another row with 012 312 798 880 955. For each X and Y combo there could be many such matching pairs of rows (with different sets of the other four values). I'd like to sum all the values in the X rows of such pairs (and then I'd do the same with a different formula for the Y rows).............

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Find And Remove Exact Value?

May 27, 2014

I am using the above code to find and remove data, at present the code does not find the exact match.

For instance if someone enters as it will remove any entry with as in it.

I want it to only remove specific data, so if someone types in as, and as is not in the list to look through I wan't them to recieve a message telling them to check spelling and enter exact value of data to be removed.

IE (enter Blauv to remove Blauv, Not BL and remove Blauv, Black, Blue)

The find method has a lookat arguement which you can define as xlwhole or xlpart, by default it is set to xlpart.

If you have a cell containing Blauv

.find("Bl") will find it, .find("Bl", lookat:=xlwhole) will not.

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Find Exact Series To Get Value?

Mar 11, 2013

I have a series of numbers in cells A1 to A5, e.g: 5,15,19,3,105 now my target value is 23. Is this possible that we can come to know which values we can sum to get our target value. in this case cells sum of A1,A2,A4 is 23 which is my target value.

in the same way i will set other target value , it should show which are the number which should be summed to get my target value.

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Take Value And Find All Exact Values In Another Sheet?

May 16, 2014

I'm trying to create a macro that will take a value found on Sheet 1 in Column A and search Sheet 2 Column D. If the value matches exactly it will highlight the row on Sheet 2 in Red and if a match is found but it has some extra characters in the list it will highlight the row in Yellow. I have included a sample sheet to show you exactly how the outcome should look. It will need to run on a loop until there are no more values found in Column A on sheet 1.

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Macro Find&replace Only Exact Value

Sep 24, 2009

This macro finds and replaces multiple values found on another sheet. however, it does not only take the exact value, also others.

If i want to change "Example 1", "Example 2", ... "Example 10" into "One", "two", etc. Example 10 then changes into "One 0" because it changes the Example 1 (without the 0 in 10) into One. Is there any way to alter this (or do you have another macro to replace multiple values?

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How To Find Exact Match To A Cell

Feb 18, 2012

I'm trying to find an exact match to a cell and not xlPart of it, but not sure what the syntax is, (Always where can I find a list of the properties?


Set Ran2 = Worksheets("TicketsList").Range("B8:IV200").Find(Count, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not Ran2 Is Nothing Then
CallRow = Ran.Row
CallCol = Ran.Column
End If

MsgBox "Row is " & CallRow & "Column " & CallCol

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VBA Find Exact Match And Nth Occurrence

May 30, 2012

This section of code I am working on requires me to find an exact text (I tried lookat:=xlWhole, but I can't get it to work right). The problem being is when it searches for Q1, Q10 is an acceptable answer ans so on. I need to get the 4th occurrence, but my research into Nth occurrence stuff is confusing.

The search is in a single column.

With Workbooks("FY12-Q3 Data Tables.xlsx").Sheets("PBA Crosstabs").Columns(1)
Set c = .Find(rCell, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
Set c = .Find(rCell, After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With

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Find Exact Value Within Range And Tell Value In Corresponding Column?

Jul 1, 2013

I have a list of names in column A1:A20 and have a number im trying to match within cell A22.,

The data with all the values in is B1:K20.

what im trying to do is find the exact number (somewhere within the B1:K20 field) and then tell me what the corresponding name is in Column A1:20.

Ive tried match, vlookup, array, all with no success. i can match it 1 row at a time but cant get it to work when there is more than 1 column to look in.

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How To Find Exact Match In Range

May 10, 2014

How do i find an exact match in a range (Text exactly the same just like the exact function)

=MATCH(A1,B1:B10,0) This will match the rad and Rad to be the same but what i want is the exact match

I know the exact function does not take an range so how can i amend to take this to account?

Something like =Exact(A1,B1:B10)

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Find An Exact Match In A Column

Apr 27, 2009

I am having a slight VBA issue I need a little help with. I have created a catalog of books in Column A. As each new letter is reached there is a new heading. For example:

Cell A1 : A
Cell A2 : Book beginning with A #1
Cell A2 : Book beginning with A #2
Cell A3 : Book beginning with A #3
Cell A4: B
Cell A5 : Book beginning with B #1
Cell A6 : Book beginning with B #2
Cell A7 : Book beginning with B #3
Cell A8 : C

What I am looking to do is create a macro for each letter so that if I went to the "B" macro it would make the active cell A4. However the list of books will grow as my library does, so the macros have to find the letter rather than go to a predefined cell.

The code I have so far is (this example is for the letter B):

Sub B()
Selection.Find(What:="B", After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, _
End Sub

However this code finds the first time the letter B is used in a word, not the cell that only has the letter B in it. Also I need to make sure that if the active cell when the macro is run is below the letter that it needs to find that it will still find it. I'm not sure if my current code would do that or not.

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Find Exact Or Closest Lower Date

Dec 19, 2009

I am looking for a formula to return the expected row/location in range B2:B13 as shown in col. F

Col. B dates are and cannot be sorted
The idea is to find the exact or the closest lower date to those in col. E
as per two criterias (col. D+E)

I prefer no helper column and no macro
(see attached WB)

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How To Find Exact Text String Match

Jun 16, 2014

In the four rows of text below I'm trying to match each gas stick to its corresponding gasline.

I think I can count over to "GAS STICK" and get the number. <15> From that point I can count over to "," (comma) and get that number. <26> So the gas stick will be between the first number and one less than the second number. <GAS STICK 1>

I need completing this code to place a the line or stick number in a cell B of the same row. Column A would have the description and column B of the same row would either be "1" or "11" respectively. Column C would be the shortened description (GAS STICK 1).


[Code] .....

Attached File : ExactMatch1.xlsx‎

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Find Exact Word In Column & Copy Cell

Feb 23, 2008

I went through all the forums but confused a little. In the work sheet I want Excel to find an exact word such as letter "a" in all over the work sheet (not a column name) and paste it to the destination work sheet. I am attaching an example file, can some help me to solve the problem.

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Find Exact Matches On 2 Sheets And Export Results To 3rd Sheet?

May 24, 2014

I have a workbook that contains 3 sheets. What i am looking to do is:

1. Use the names in Sheet 1 (Column A) and find the names on Sheet 2(Column E).

2. If there is a match, put the whole row that contains the match on Sheet 3

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