VLookup / Finding Reverse Entries In Two Columns?
Dec 23, 2013
I have a dataset that looks like below -
Header1 Header2 Data
100 101 20.50
102 19
103 1003.2
101 100 20.50
200 300
102 100 20
200 104 30
Now, what i need to do is for each of the rows in my dataset, I need to find the reverse entries (consider first row where header 1 is 100 and header2 is 101, I need to search the entire dataset to find if I have some data for header1 is 101 and header2 is 100). In this case, I do have such data where header1 is 101 and header2 is 100.
Header1 Header2 Data Reverse Entry Difference
100 101 20.50 20.50 0
102 19 20 -1
103 1003.2 Not found Not found
101 100 20.50 20.50 0
200 300 30 270
102 100 20 19 1
200 101 30 300 -270
let me know if that's possible through excel formulas?
I need a column D with such data and column E for differences. So that, my final output should look like below -
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Jun 16, 2006
Columns A & B contain several thousand Project Numbers (e.g., P1052, PA844, etc.). Many of the Project Numbers in column B are the same as in column A, but column B also has additional (i.e., newer) Project Numbers scattered throughout. Ideally, I would like to use a built-in function (versus a custom function if possible) that compares all the Project Numbers in both columns and then separately lists those that are unique to column B.
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Jun 16, 2014
how to reverse the entries in a 3D chart. I want to have the blue ones appearing before the red ones visually, not the other way around?
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a column, call it E.
I have table, call it Cities. It has a column of, um, cities, but entered in various ways; and a column of regions:
South Cumberland SW
So. Cumberland SW
So. Cumb. SW
Cumberland SW
Galveston S
Rangeley NE
Galv S
If any one of the entries in Column 1 is contained in column E, I want my formula to return the appropriate region code for each row of E.
Note that E8 may or may not be an exact match for the table entry - it may have additional text before and/or after the match text. It may also not appear in the table at all.
I could contruct a whole sequence of "Find" formulae, but I'm thinking there has to be a better way. Also, if I find I need to add another city permutation, it's way easier - & less error-prone - to just extend the table than to create a whole new "Find" calculation column, and then add that column into the calculation that extracts the region.
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Jan 25, 2008
I have a large table with data to which I want to retrieve a name to the left of a certain cell.
Clear as mud so far!
I've put together a small example of what I'm after. In cell F9 is the MAX of cells F2:F7. In cell H3 I then want a formula that will find the MAX of F2:F7 and return the text five rows to the left of that cell. In this example it would be Fred.
The second part of this question is how could I get it to display if more than one person had the same total....
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Jun 20, 2008
I'm using the vlookup function to pull numbers off an array. Is there a way that I can get the vlookup function to pick the smallest number greater than or equal to my Look_up value. If not is there a function that can do that?
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May 7, 2014
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
the function I'm working with right now is
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May 16, 2009
I have a list of search words in column A and in column B is the products that address that particular search word and the products are separated by a comma in column B. Each product is listed multiple times under various search words.
What I am hoping to do is reverse this so that the product is listed in column A and the related search words are listed under that product in column B.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.
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Jun 20, 2013
I have a spreadsheet I use for creating golf score cards. I select the golfers from a drop down list and display a message if a golfer has already been selected. The ranges I want to use are A7:A15, A25:A33, A43:A51, A60:A68. My code is below and I am getting an error saying 'compile error, argument not optional' and UNION is highlighted.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Union(Range("A7:A15, A25:A33, A43:A51, A60:A68"))) Is Nothing Then
With WorksheetFunction
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Dec 5, 2009
I have a lengthy excel spreadsheet in which I catalog all of my Karaoke song collection. I would like to be able to automatically locate (not delete) cells in which there are duplicate song titles. For my purposes just finding these items quickly so I may deal with them in a manner I've already developed is all I want to do. VBA, Macro or whatever would be appreciated. I'm a relative novice with macros and VBA.
For example row 12 may have the song title "Crazy" in column C and later row 1200 may have the same song title. Manually searching the spreadsheet for dupliates is way too time consuming so I think it can be seen why I'm looking to unlock the power of excel to do this for me.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a list of names that are mixed and in no order (and need to stay out of order, so not sorting allowed). I need to parse this list to give me the FIRST instance that each name shows up in the list. The one exception is that the first name, cell A1, will be auto-generated from a different workbook, and it is automatically named Name1.
So, in the example spreadsheet, Name1 (cell E2) must equal "Alice". The problem arises on Names2-4. Name2 (cell E3) should be David, Name3 (cell E3)=Jerry, and Name4 (cell E4)=Mark. I tried an array formula:
But it is yielding "Jerry" as Name2, when it needs to be Name3. And, of course, this doesn't work on Names3-4 at all. I don't think it matters, but just in case, A2:A13 will be data validation lists.
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Jun 27, 2007
I wonder if there is any easy way of findinig (numerical) duplicate entries in a column? Some cells are empty, in case this might cause a problem. I do not wish to delete duplicate rows automatically, just to find them. Why not just sort it? Because indirect referenceing is used where each row corresponds to a separate spreadsheet in the workbook. What I need is to find the duplicate so that I manually can erase one of the spreadsheets for the particular case and adjusting a reference list.
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Feb 8, 2010
I want to get value from reference one column and return value by corresponding row from another column. This can be done by vlookup column. But it find value from 1st column and return value from given relative column. That mean find from Left column and return value from right side given column number.
But I want find from Given column number and return value from given left column. For Further detail see the Attached file.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have an excel file containing more than 70,000 lines (items and their corresponding orders) and in second file i have all the items listed. I want to find how using excel functions like vlookup i can return all the orders (from first file) against the items (in second file).
Attached a simple example of my problem. Please note that both tables are in different sheets of an file.
[Code] .......
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Jan 30, 2009
I've tried to amend the formula's posted above but to no avail so am hoping someone can have a look at the attached.
I would like to be able to use Vlookup or similar to complete a table (starting in cell A19) based on the surname added in B16.
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Feb 4, 2010
I love using vlookup, but what do I do if the value I'm looking up is listed more than once in my array? The default is that it will use the first value found.
I have a spreadsheet with 1000's of commodities and for each commodity the volume is broken out by month. For example, here's the sheet where I'm pulling the data from:
So my vlookup for the RC020 for the december Actual Quantity will default to the 5867316. For for January (period 2), if I do the vlookup it will still take the 5867316 again since its first in line.
So my question is, how do I alter my formula in January so it will vlookup the 2nd RC020 and give me the "4668300"?
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Jan 15, 2010
Writing this workbook in 2007, but it will be used in 2003. Have searched but can't find answer to this. I have a 5-column (A to E) table array and I'm using VLOOKUP in several other cells to return values in col2, 3, 4 & 5 with my lookup value being col 1. However, col 1 will contain numbers which occur more than once. How can I get VLOOKUP (or something else?) to pick the last occurence (lowest row) and use that one? Also, the array will be sorted - smallest to largest - as the rows go down - how will the SORT work on duplicate entries? I'd like, if possible, for the entry made most recently to be the lowest of the duplicate entries so that VLOOKUP (or whatever) will pick that one to use. Will any kind of SORT do that?
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Feb 2, 2009
I have a table (table1) with material numbers which have a price . This value is time dependent i.e., a material 999 could have a price of $10 for 1/1/2008-1/15/2008 and $20 for 1/16/1008 - 1/31/2008.
999 1/1/2008 1/15/2008 $10
999 1/15/2008 1/31/2008 $20
998 2/1/2008 - 2/25/2008 $15
I have another table (table2) in another sheet in the same workbook have a material and date.
999 1/10/2008
999 1/20/2008
998 2/15/2008
My requirement to take the material value and date in table2 and match it with table1 and get the value of column D in table 1 to column C of table2.
I have tried using vlookup but it only works for the first match and doesn't check for other values
below is the function that i tried
=if(and(vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A1:D4,2,false)<=Sheet1!B2,vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,3,false)>=Sheet1! C2)),vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,4,false),"error")
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Jun 12, 2014
I have a VLOOKUP that needs to bring back the sum of all entries that meet the criteria. At the moment it is only bringing back the first entry.
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May 9, 2007
i have a couple of columns (J2:K393) and a cell (O2) elsewhere.
i need to look for the max and min values of that cell within my 2 columns.
this formula (i thought it would work) doesn't return the correct number.
what am i doing wrong?
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Feb 16, 2009
So i have a spreadsheet that has a list of members and how many events they have attended. That is fine because i achieved this by doing a countif function on their account number. The spreadsheet has to sheets Events Attended TOTAl and List. In the list it has their name account number and what event they attended and what date. What i need is to have a function that will lookup their account number and return what event they attended but they might have been to 4 different events.
I have a total of 5 columns dedicated to Event attended so we can tell it to lookup first event and return result then have an if function in the next column to lookup event and if its returned in previous column move onto the next event attended.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have some intersting issue. Actually there are lot of functions in excel but my purpose is somewhat is solved by VLOOKUP , MATCH, OFFSET, INDEX functions.
Prob: Here i have a database contains as below
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 123 i/p o/p
222 301
111 321
333 456
If i keep 222 / 333 in C1 i will get output at D1 as 301 / 456 respectively. But if i keep 111 , i want a desired result to be most lastly updated value in the array that is 321 but it is printing 123.
let say if have
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 123 i/p o/p
222 301
111 321
333 456
111 500
then if i enter 111 in C1 then i want to get 500 but still am getting 123 only. tht is the first hit.
i want to return a value which has lastly updated.
So if i use any fuctions from above i may getting correct results for 222,333 but i want result for 111.
Thoughts and rules:
1.The new entry will added at the end of the array.
2. A1/B1 are only numbers.
3. free to use any functions
U can have flexibility to create one more array or even update the column B1 if any i/p matches in column A1. So there will always a single output for each unique input.
Imean to say u can have a array with
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 321 (replace 123 with 321) i/p o/p
222 301
(remove this entry)
333 456
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Feb 26, 2010
Excel 2002
I have a number (22.3) in a cell that is there from an Hlookup function. I am then using a vlookup to lookup the 22.3 (from the hlookup) in a column. The number is in the column, but the vlookup function cant find it. If I were to type over my hlookup formula so that I am hand-typing in "22.3" instead of it being their from the hlookup, then the vlookup works just fine. I hope that is not too confusing. I dont understand what is going on. I checked to make sure none of my cells are rounding and therefore creating a look-alike number when it really isn't and that is not the case.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a Workbook with 18 "sheets and a recap sheet. Each sheet will have a different number of rows between A9 and N60. On my recap sheet I want to be able to find what the last row with data in Column A and then be able to do a vlookup on that row to display the data in Column 2,3,4, exc. I know how to do the vlookup's fine but I don't know how to specify to select the last row. The data will always be different and the number of rows will never be the same either.
I tried the below formula because everyone complains that if you use True is returns the last row but that didn't work.
Is there a way to do this without VB, I don't understand VB at all and that would get way over my head really quickly.
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Jul 24, 2006
I am getting #N/A errors even when I have an apparently exact match in my
table array to the lookup value. I know that excel requires the formats to
be exactly the same and I can force the match if I copy the lookup value from
my table array and paste it into the worksheet. Is there an easy way to
"fix" my table array. The table array is a reference worksheet I have
created which has worked in the past.
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Nov 15, 2013
I am currently having real problem using the formula below:
What i am trying to do with this formula is return the cell address of an item that is in a different sheet.
The reference the for search is in Cell B7 which is a date, it then looks at a different sheet "Data" for this date which is in Column A. It then returns the Cell Reference of Column C of the same row.
Currently it is just returning the value of column C and not the cell reference.
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Jun 6, 2008
I haven't had issues with vlookup on other worksheets, but this one is giving me trouble. I have attached the excel file for your consideration.
The lookup value is in cell U2, formatted as a date
The table array is V2:Z19
The column index number is 2 for C3
False lookup
I've tried the formula with and without the text function for the date and I've also tried different formats for the dates in columns V to Z because I know the format of the cells have to match for vlookup. It is very frustrating because this should be simple, but it is messing up.
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Apr 26, 2014
I have two lists of product data, one for buyers and one for sellers (these are listed as A, B, C). The product names are not exactly the same (Eg Playstation and playstation three should be matched), I would have thought using the FuzzyLogic add in to match these would be the way forward! I need to rank the sellers by how many of their items appear on the buyers list
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Dec 18, 2009
I am trying to write a formula to reverse data in a cell. Basically I am converting a number to hex then I want to take that hex string and reverse it. So it would be something like this my original number is 400001001 my hex number would be 17D787E9 because I am only allowing it to show 8 characters. I want to reverse the 17D787E9 to read 9E787D71.
My question is: How can I reverse that cell? I have searched google and this forum and can't seem to figure it out. I am sure I could do it in VB but I don't know any VB code.
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