Workbook File Not Accessible

Oct 8, 2007

I tried opening an excel 2003 file in an xp environment and it says that the file is not accesible? how can i open the file?

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Code To Check If File Is Accessible

Apr 2, 2007

i want to improve some of my application by testing if a folder is accessible to the user... i've got some code to check if a file is already is use which is useful... but before that we have folders in work that are only accessible to certain users for reporting and if the person doesn't have access to it within a macro it Errors out... i'd like some kind of macro to display a message box like windows does... Directory is not accessible, Access Violation... it has to check directly for the Accessible part and not just an error...

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Protect Conditional Formatting For Accessible Cells In Protected Excel File?

May 13, 2014

Is there a way to protect the conditional formatting of accessible cells in a protected sheet.

Detail: I have a protected excel sheet. However some of the cells are made accessible so others (my secretary) can fill them up. The accessible cells have conditional formatting which become nonfunctional during pasting from other sources if "special paste" is not used.

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Making Excel File Accessible For Few Users But One User Should Not See Other User Entries

Jul 11, 2012

I have an excel file with multiple sheets. I want my HR team to update that file, but one user shouldnt see the entries of other users. I want to make a consolidated file out of three files. This excel template is for salary input.

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Macro To Save Workbook By Referencing Cell In Another Workbook For File Name And File Path

Mar 21, 2013

I have got a master workbook and I have written macro to copy and paste data on another workbook. write a macro to save the new workbook to a file path with a file name where both file name and path are stored in master workbook sheet...

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Can Hide Function Be Made Accessible In Locked Worksheet

Jan 5, 2014

I have a protected worksheet that is shared between 2 departments. Is there a way of making the hide/unhide function available without unprotecting the worksheet.

Macro would be the most obvious way but believe you can not share a workbook when a macro is incorporated.

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Making User-defined Function Accessible To All Workbooks

Apr 16, 2002

I've got a couple of user-defined functions that I coded in via one workbook (wkb A), but would like these functions to be accessible to any workbook (wkb B...Z). How is this done so that when I start a new blank wkb I can use these user-defined functions there as well?

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Saving Cell Contents To XML File Saved As Current Workbook File Name

Dec 12, 2012

I have numerous spreadsheets that I need to open and unhide a sheet, that has XML data stored in cell A1. What I need to do is copy that data in cell A1 and paste it into a text document and save that as an XML file saved as the XLS workbook name with a date stamp.

I'm running into many issues, the main issue is the saving as current file name, and the formatting of the text/XML file.

Here is my current code, which doesn't reference the current file name and is just very generic. Once I get the saving as file-name correct and the formatting of the xml file correct, I will work on it a bit more.

Sub Test()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim wb As Workbook
Set Rng = Range("A1:A2")
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
With wb


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Import CSV File Using Cell As File Name & Active Workbook Path

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to import some csv files so I can combine them, but am having probs with the filename and location.

Sub test()
Dim wsName As String
wsName = ActiveCell
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastRow = .SpecialCells(11).Row
End With

With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT; &thisWorkbook.Path &" " & wsName &", Destination:= Range("A" & LastRow))
.Name = wsName
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells.....................

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Open Text File From File Manager Vs. Within Workbook

Oct 2, 2006

I've encountered a bit of an odd one. I am opening a tab delimited file, which has been sved as an xls. When I open from file manager, it opens correctly. When I open from Excel, I have to go through 3 screen dictating how the data is set up, and the end result is that a couple of the numbers come through as text, rather than numbers.

Failing an explanation - how do you open workbooks as file system objects - currently I am opening them using

Workbooks.Open Filename:=wb.Path & "/" & ws. Range("B1").Value

If I open them by mimicking the FM, perhaps it will work OK.

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Convert Each Column Of An Workbook File To New Text File

May 30, 2007

I want macro which export each excel column to new text file. The data in excel file is number. The column has only 5 rows that means each new text file should contain five lines of one column. It looks simple but couldn't manage to do macro for it. I have very big data set in one excel file, and have to be splitted into text files. The file name in new text files can be any kind as long as it can be in some sort of order for each export.

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Save PDF As Accessible Text Instead Of Plain Text

Oct 17, 2011

I recently built an Excel macro that takes a manually generated accessible-text file made using Adobe Acrobat, parses it and processes the data in a number of ways. Rather than open the text file I would like instead to open the original PDF, save or export it in accessible-text format (not plain text) then process the data. I've been able to find some code that opens the pdf then saves it as plain text but then half the data is missing; thus, I need to save it as accessible text.

Here's the code I've found that works that I'm currently using (I realize it's probably JavaScript but it seems to get the job at least partly done

Sub test()

Dim AcroXApp As Object
Dim AcroXAVDoc As Object
Dim AcroXPDDoc As Object

[Code] .....

Perhaps there's an alternate format in which to save rather than "plain-text", but I just can't seem to find out what it is.

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Button Not Accessible Until Another Button Pressed?

Mar 5, 2013

I'm trying to make it so that when I hit one button it unlocks the ability to hit two other buttons. I've been trying to do some OnEvent things but they just haven't been working for me.

Ideally I'd like it so that button B and C look like they shouldn't be pressed, perhaps translucent or grey, before button A is clicked, after that they should turn to another a specified colour.

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Import A .bas File Into A Specified Workbook

Jan 9, 2007

At work I have a folder full of .bas files containing useful UDF's.
At the moment I am the only person in my team that makes use of these files as importing a .bas file is beyond the rest of the team (i.e. then know it contains code so they get scared).

What I'd like to do is create a workbook where they can select one of the files (each file contains a single UDF), maybe see what it does (I put an explanation in the Comments section of the properties for each file) and then have it automatically imported into the workbook of their choice so they can make use of these functions.

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Does File / Workbook Exists

Nov 28, 2009

a macro to check if a file exists before saving. The code saves the file OK if the filename does not exist but fails if it does.

Sub CheckFileName()
Dim FName As String
FName = ThisWorkbook. Name

'saves file
Dim FPath As String
FPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & ""
Dim y As String

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Convert Workbook To PDF File

Apr 26, 2006

convert all spreadsheet in a workbook to one pdf file. I use PrimoPDF to convert, then I only convert 1 sheet to PDF even that I have select all sheets. My be it is a better PDF converter for free you use or other ways to do it.

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Open Workbook Within Another File

Nov 12, 2006

I have tried to work this problem out by myself, but I'm afraid it's beyond my ability. Is there a way to open a file from inside excel. Can I open " Master1.xls" from inside " Master 2.xls, (Master 2 is running, Master 1 is not open). I've tried linking but I think that's beyond me as well.

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Put File Name In Cell Of Workbook

Feb 7, 2007

Is it possible to have the name of a workbook referenced in a cell via a formula or VBA in that workbook? I'm trying to extract the date that is in the filename, and input that in all cells in column N that have data in column M. I know I'll have to do some manipulating, but if I could somehow automate getting the filename input into the workbook, I might be able to muddle my way through it.

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Determine If A File IS A Workbook Before Opening

Aug 6, 2009

Is there anyway I can test / inspect a file before attempting to open it to check that it is indeed an Excel workbook?

I don't want to do it by file extension as that can / will be changed, but rather wondered if there was anyway to examine the ACTUAL file?

I'm wondering if all Excel workbook files start with a particular section of data or anything?

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Saving Workbook And Changing File Name?

Mar 20, 2014

I've got a macro set up to copy a range of cells in one workbook, open another existing workbook, and then paste that range. So far so good.

However, I need the macro to also save a copy of that second workbook with a filename that is derived from the original workbook.

To be a bit clearer, let me give an example of how I'd like this to work. Let's say the original workbook is titled Pickle2014-03-14.Raw.xlsm, and I have a second workbook titled UploadFormat.xlsx. I want to run the macro in Pickle2014-03-14.Raw.xlsm, have the data pasted to UploadFormat.xlsx, then save UploadFormat.xlsx with the file name Pickle2014-03-14.Final.xlsx.

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File Path From Cells In Workbook

Jul 23, 2014

here I have a few good and perfect codes, the issue is my systems changed so I need it to look in some different places for data.

basically I need to create a file path that includes the data from a cell. this cell is found be searching a table full of data.

see the code below


Sub saveandprint()
Dim MyPath As String
MyPath = MyPathstart & "Invoice" & "" & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yy")
MyPath1 = "Z:Invoices Temp GKL " & Range("B16").Value & Format(Now, "hhmm")


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Trying To Import File Into Current Workbook

Jul 21, 2008

Sub Macro1()

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, "COOPtbl1", "C:Documents and SettingskanegrMy DocumentsBook1.xls", True, ""

End Sub

Heres the code I keep getting a

"Run-time error '424':

Object required"


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Workbook Growing In File Size

Aug 12, 2008

I have a workbook that I am working on that seems to be having file size growth issues.

All it is is 2 worksheets.

Worksheet 1- Columns A-S & 63 rows. That worksheet alone is 7mb.

no macros..No VBA..No formulas. Just straight text data with a handfull of auto-filters. I took the auto filters off and saved to see if that was the issue and it did not make a difference.

Worksheet 2- Columns A-S & 35 rows. This worksheet is almost 3mb.

Now I can make a change (when my computer catches up) to 2 cells and sometimes it will jump in size by 1mb or more.

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Save A Single WorkBook Tab To A New File

Aug 28, 2008

I am using Excel 2003 and need to save via VBA code a single tab in a workbook to a new workbook. I need to be able to specify the new workbook file name and location. The copy feature on the tab won't work because the data is too large and I get an ugly message using that option.

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Open Workbook Using File Name In ListBox

Mar 8, 2009

I've created a Form (Userform1) and a Listbox(ListBox1). The listbox is initialized by creating a File System Object so that all XLS files within a folder(Test1) are added to the Listbox. I have a Sub to call the form from a workbook. The files saved in the "Test1" folder appears in the list but I get an error when I select and launch the command to open.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim fld As Folder
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set fld = fso.GetFolder("c:Documents and SettingsEricDesktopTest1")
For Each Fil In fld.Files
If UCase(Right(Fil. Name, 3)) = "XLS" Then
ListBox1.AddItem Fil.Name
End If
End Sub

Code to open workbook from the listbox

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.Path & "" & ListBox1
End Sub

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Room Reservation Workbook File

Jul 3, 2009

Following on from this thread: Create Room Reservation System

There are 3 problems that i've spent all morning trying to work out but can't:

1: I need to change back the layout of the Gantt chart (as it matches the paper system we have been using here, so it will be easy for the other volunteers to use it) - I did change it back and played with the conditional formatting and macro's but i can't get it too work like the version that AAE changed...

2: If I make a reservation ‘Booking’ is placed on the gantt chart, though only on the first date (I.E 22/09/09 – 25/09/09 – The first date is blocked but i can still double book the room via 23/09/09…) so I need the entire date range blocked out and I’m helpless at writing or even attempting to change VB Code…

3: Booking rooms and checking availability is great for single rooms, but I have realized that for dorms (upto 10 Beds) then once I book one person in, then I won’t be able to book the other 9 beds, which is a pain! Is there a way to have the room list but also a bed list for each room.
So for instance Dorm 1 has 4 beds – I book 1 person in it and it still appears as available until I book another 4 people in it, then it blocks me from booking someone else in the room?

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Wildcards In File/Workbook Open

Aug 17, 2006

Is it possible to find/open a workbook if we know its name partially.I mean just like that.

Sub Open_WB
Dim wb As workbook
Set wb ="D:*xyz*.xls")
End Sub

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Cell Content As File/Workbook Name

Aug 23, 2006

how I can use the contents of a cell (in this case D2 and its a number) as a file name and then save in a specified location. I am using a template to create invoices and then wish to save them all in one folder. Each invoice will have a different invoice number so there will not be any problems with duplications.

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Run Macro If File/Workbook Name Matches

Sep 5, 2006

I have a macro attached to a button. The file with this button is distributed among several people via outlook. The macro can only then work properly if the user saves the file on his/her hard drive with its original name. Outlook sometimes automatically saves the files as: Copy of... etc. I was wondering if there is a way to add a condition to the code so that the macro could only then be executed if the name of the saved file was exactly the same as stated in the code.

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Oversize Empty Workbook File

Mar 15, 2007

I have a workbook which was quite large 1.4mb. I wanted to reduce the size so peice by peice I deleted forms modules and sheets to see which were the problem parts.

But interestingly enough I have now deleted eveything in my workbook and It still remains and 400kb?

I have deleted all code modules, sheet code, user forms, defined names and custom views.

I have tried saving as an html but alas it still remains at 400kb.

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