Move/Copy A File Workbook Without Opening

Sep 6, 2006

copying within a workbook...

I have an external .xls file I'd like to copy to a new directory from within VBA. I know how to create the directory, but is there a way to do it other than opening the required file, and doing the " saveas" thing?

Can I just create a copy directly?

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Opening A File Without Opening A Workbook

Apr 17, 2007

I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.

This is the path:

So the command is this:
Workbooks.Open [url]

Links are not actual links

So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.

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Determine If A File IS A Workbook Before Opening

Aug 6, 2009

Is there anyway I can test / inspect a file before attempting to open it to check that it is indeed an Excel workbook?

I don't want to do it by file extension as that can / will be changed, but rather wondered if there was anyway to examine the ACTUAL file?

I'm wondering if all Excel workbook files start with a particular section of data or anything?

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Show UserForm Upon Opening File/Workbook

Oct 17, 2006

I have a range named "start" and I have a form named "fMenu". I have used this same code in other spreadsheets to have the userform automatically become visible when the spreadsheet is opened and it works in other workbooks. Apparently I have been struck with the stupid stick this morning. I have a hotkey of "M" and when I use control M the form shows up and the macros invoked by each button on the form are working properly.

Sub open_menu()
Application.Goto "start"
End Sub

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Workbooks.Open Not Opening File Or Workbook

Oct 27, 2006

I was wondering if anybody could catch an error in the following code. I have a file, let's call it a "Guide" which is opened by user and at this time this file has only one purpose - to help user choose the program. After clicking on the "Choose Program" command button, an Inputbox appears where the user types in a program. Then the code should open the file with this program and this is pretty much it. But something is not working with the code below, and I do not see anything wrong with it after looking at it for so long. It just does not do antthing. how to handle the "Choosing" option

Private Sub CmdBttn_ChooseProgram_Click()
Dim sFilename As String
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
sFilename = "Approval_" & Application.InputBox("Input Program")
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsjsmithDesktop" & sFilename & ".xls"
'if file name does not exist error message should display. Not defined yet
End Sub

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Blank Workbook Opening When File Opened

May 31, 2008

When I open a saved excel file I am having a problem with one workbook opening(a blank one), then the box saying that the program contains macros, and then the second actual workbook opening. I do not know what I changed somewhere alone the line, how to make just the one workbook I want (the second one) to open?

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Opening Saved File Also Opens Blank Workbook

May 3, 2013

When I open any saved Excel file the saved file opens along with a blank workbook titled "Book 1". How can I make it so when I open any saved Excel file it only opens the file I want and not a new workbook every time?

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Excel 2007 :: Using Parameters While Opening Workbook To Get File To Autoload

Oct 5, 2012

I need to combine AHK and Excel, and in this I came up with the solution to save my parameters in a file, and let the workbook autoload it when I open the workbook. To do this I need to pass a command line parameter, or working directory to the workbook, as I will be using many different work directories for this to make sense.

This is only a matter of how to execute my workbook so that the path is included (and usable) to the working directory

I have tried

..workbook-name.xlsm /p "workdir"

But it results in a "grey" version of Excel aka. Excel is open, but no workbooks are.

I have also tried

excel.exe workbook-name.xlsm /p "workdir"

But this did not work either, and is not an option as we use both 2007 and 2010 at my workplace where this is intended to be used.

I can do it very easily by using absolute paths in the Excel auto-load, but as I have explained already this is just not an option.

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Copy Colour Palette On Opening A New Workbook

Apr 15, 2009

Is it possible to import the palette whenever a new book is opened by clicking the "New" command on the toolbar? I'm aware of Workbook_Open Event, however this only works on a saved workbook. And I suppose I could use a template and open that every time I need a new book, though I was hoping to avoid this solution.

The best solution for me, that I can think of, would be to replace the "New" command with code that will 1)open a new book and 2)import the colour palette from an external workbook at a specified path. Some of you may have done something similar in the past in a more logical manner, if so I’m open to alternative ideas. My main priority is the result, not necessarily how it is reached.

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Copy Data From Closed Workbook Without Opening

Nov 24, 2004

I amended the range with the code from the J.Walkenbach's book. However, the closed file "budget.xls" will be populated weekly with same columns but different number of rows. For example, if file budget.xls has data populated over 18 columns and 50 rows, the code will populate row 31 to 50 in the active workbook with "zero" values. Need the code will copy all the values in the closed file in Sheet1 over?

Private Function GetValue(path, file, sheet, ref)
path = "d:files"
file = "budget.xls"
sheet = "Sheet1"
ref = "A1:R30"
Dim arg As String
If Right(path, 1) <> "" Then path = path & ""
If Dir(path & file) = "" Then
GetValue = "File Not Found"
Exit Function
End If.......................

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Open File And Move Cell Data To New Workbook

Sep 12, 2006

I created a new workbook that contains a list of additional design requirements than our old checklist. These requirements are answered by placing a 1, 0 or .5 in the cell next to the requirement (1 = yes, 0 = no and .5 for half credit). I can't simply go to the old workbook/worksheet and copy the results into the new workbook/worksheet as the rows of requirements don't match up since some requirmements have been deleted and new ones added between the old and new checklists.
I created a command button in the new checklist and what I want it to do is:
- open a dialog box that lets me select the old checklist file (these are all excel files, but with different names).
- go the the proper worksheet in the old file (DFT Checklist) and copy a column of results from the old checklist ("DFT Checklist" worksheet) and paste them into the proper cells of the new checklist ("DFT Checklist" worksheet).
- The macro would know (i'll have to tell it) which requirements and cells are still valid answers between the old checklist and the new one. It would disregard requirements that are no longer in the new checklist.
- Once complete, it would close the old checklist without saving.

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How To Copy And Move All Worksheets To New File

May 20, 2014

I want to copy all 25 worksheets to a new file and don't know how to do this easily.

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Copy/Move Worksheet To New Workbook

Sep 12, 2006

I want to copy old worksheet from old.xls (screen 1) to new book new.xls
(screen 2 ) on an extended desktop.

Screen 1 containing old.xls file in originally opened excel.

Screen 2 has new file new.xls in newly opened excel.

Dragging over is unsuccesful.

So is Edit-Move or Copy to new.xls.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy File / Rename And Move To New Folder

Jan 15, 2013

I am trying to copy a file, rename it, and save it to a new folder. I keep getting a "Compile Error ; Syntax Error" at line FileCopy (ImagePath & oldName, NewPath & newName). I am using Excel 2010.

FileCopy (ImagePath & oldName, NewPath & newName)Sub RenameFiles()
'Renames file based on "sheet 1" - Column 1 Old file name - Column 2 New file name
Dim oldName As String
Dim myfile As String
Dim newName As String
Dim ImagePath As String
Dim NewPath As String


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Excel 2007 :: Chart Disappears When Copy Tab Or Move To Another Workbook?

Apr 15, 2011

In versions prior to Excel 2007, I was always able to copy a chart when I copied a tab. However, when I copy a tab in 2007, the data copies fine, but the chart does not. Something similar happens when I try to move a tab with a chart on it to another workbook.

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Copy / Move Slicer Linked Pivot Charts To New Workbook

Mar 15, 2013

I have a Reporting workbook I designed. There is a "Parent" workbook with the following design.

It has 6 Pivot Tables on a Sheet called "Data"

It has 6 Pivot Charts that were created from these tables on a page called "Summary"

These 6 Pivot Charts are all linked through a pair of slicers.

There is a "control" page which has instructions and buttons that trigger "Refresh All" and "Create Child Workbok".

This design is so that someone unfamiliar with excel could conceivably create the final product.

Essentially I have written/put together VBA to Create a new workbook "child" which has should be a funcitoning copy of the "parent".

The problem is the copiedmoved (I have tried both) Pivot Charts no longer update/refresh when the pivot tables change. I have script that reconnects the Pivot Tables to the Slicers. Slicers are fully funcitonal. Links in cells are fully functional.

Some of this code might look familiar.


Sub createWB()
' Copies VBA modules, Calls
Dim wbNew As Workbook, wbT As Workbook
Set wbT = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Kill ("PATHmod1.bas")
Kill ("PATHmod2.bas")


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Opening Excel File From List Of File Names Located In Single Sheet?

May 31, 2013

loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.

I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).

I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.

a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value


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VBA Code For Opening File With Variable Version Number In File Name?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a file that I save with a new version number each time I make major changes. The file name currently is: "Telephony Equipment Inventory v26 (Summary).xlsm". The "26" is the variable number. give me the vba code to ensure I open the file with the highest version number?

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Copy Workbook Sheets To New File

Jun 6, 2007

I am having difficulties copying a entire workbook into a separate new workbook (to make a number value copy for printing and saving purposes). My problem is the hidden sheets are not always hidden and the unhidden sheets are sometimes hidden. This all depends on a different macro that i am running through the workbook.

sometimes i need sheets 1,2,4 to be copied to the new workbook
other times i need 1,2,3 to be copied to the new workbook

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Copy Into New Workbook & Save With Date In File Name

Aug 7, 2008

I have a report which I have written a macro to reformat, I then want to copy the sheet (Remake) containing the report into a new workbook as the only sheet in the new workbook. I want the sheet name to be changed from "Remake" to "Duty to Consider" and I want the new workbook to save itself automatically as "Duty to Consider - Month/Year" - in this case it would be "Duty to Consider - August 2008".

I think that a Pop Up box which lets me input the Month and Year of the report I am working on would be useful in naming the new workbook, if this box popped up when I click the button which runs my Macro that'd be great. Here is the code I am using to reformat my report. This works fine I just need the changes I mentioned. Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'this will turn on screen updating, making the macro run faster

'This will select the DTC Tab and remove rows 1-4
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

'This will add a filter to the data to remove duplicate rows
Range("A1:J1307").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True

'This will copy the data on the DTC tab and copy it into the Remake Tab

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Opening New Workbook And Pasting Values Into Current Workbook?

May 13, 2014

I am using the below code (i have combined different bits of code which i found on these forums) to open a new workbook, copy all the data in it and paste it into Sheet2 in the active workbook . Also, i want the data to be pasted on the next empty row as there is already data in Sheet2. The data that is being copied and pasted has the same format and it is going to be repeated many times.

The problem i am having is that it is not offsetting the data to the next empty row - i think it is a simple change but i can't seem to get there :s

Also, the code is currently selecting all of the data from the workbook that i open - is there a way i can select all of the data, excluding the first row (the first row contains the headings which i already have in Sheet2 in the active workbook).


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Copying Data From Userform To Another Workbook Without Opening Second Workbook

May 16, 2014

I have created userform and it works fine. Following code assigned to 'SUBMIT' button in userform - works fine. I am trying to include code where certain data from userform is also copied to workbook2 ( of course without opening it)- as marked in red...below


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File Copy Macro - With Directory Specified In Workbook Cell

Feb 23, 2010

I am continuing to struggle with my first attempt at a macro, and wonder if someone would mind taking a look to see where I have gone wrong? All I am trying to do is create file copying tool where the user can define the source and destination directory in workbook cells, and assign the macro to a button to complete the copy of all files from source to destination.

The macros do this:

Source and Location directory defined in Sub Archive1.
These are passed to file copy macro Sub ArchiveScript.
This macro checks for presence of destination directory, ensures that the directory backslash is in place, specfies the variables fn and fn2 to make sure the filecopy command copies all files in the directory, and then carries out the filecopy function itself.

However, I am getting two errors from the code that I can't figure out (I am still very much a beginner!)

- Invalid procedure call or element on fn = dir() at the bottom

- The copy still works, but only seems to copy one file from the source to the destination, and not all of them.

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Open File & Copy Paste Cells From Workbook To It

Apr 30, 2008

Is it possible, in vba, to copy two sets of cell values to two clipboards (clipboard1 and clipboard2?), open another workbook and paste those two seperate clipboard values into another two cells?

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Getting Data Form Workbook Without Opening The Workbook

Apr 6, 2014

Can I search a document without opening it?

If not how do I open a file if not already opened without using "ON ERROR"

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Opening A Workbook Then Switching Back To First Workbook

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to make one of my macros open a file then switch back to the orignal file and then running the macro.

here is my

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Save Data From One Workbook To Another Without Opening Workbook

Mar 1, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that data gets exported to from a software program. There is information such as customer name, part number, inquiry number, etc that I'd like to use to develop a log of all my estimates I create for parts. I'd like excel to take the cells I select and insert them into certain cells in the other workbook and automatically save that workbook. This will create a log of all my estimates where I can then link the full estimate to the log. The information will have to go in the next available row. Is there any way I can accomplish this without having to open the other workbook and save the work book each time?

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Prevent Workbook Opening If Other Workbook Open & VBE

Aug 29, 2006

how to prevent a workbook from opening if another excel document is open and if a visual basic window is opened.

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Copy Data From Open File To Current Active Workbook

May 2, 2008

I want to create a standard macro that will copy values from a Master workbook to the current, active workbook I have open. The problem I have run into is when I record a macro it also records the name of the active workbook I'm copying data into and I would like it so when I bring up a workbook I just run the macro and it copies the values in. I'll be doing 8 different macros that each copy different values from the Master spreadsheet

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Open Chosen File, Copy Range & Paste Into Workbook

May 4, 2008

I'd like to know if it is possible to run a macro in a workbook that will open another workbook (of the users choice) extract data from it, such as columns from its sheets then paste that data into the workbook the macro is running from. The file to be opened will change, so i've found some code that enables the user to select the file to open then open it.

Dim strFile As String
strFile = Application. GetOpenFilename
If strFile <> "False" Then Workbooks.Open strFile

This brings up the standard windows choose file to open box, then opens the selected file. Am I correct in thinking that the Dim here will store the file name I select in the open file box? If so, I'd like to know how to select the workbook using the dim so I can manipulate it from the workbook I'm running the macro in. Incidentally, once the the data has been copied, I'd like the workbook opened with the macro to be closed.

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