Add A Twist To The SumIf-function

Dec 12, 2006

I want to add a twist to the sumIf-function, and need some help. My request is similar to lots of other sumIf-issues posted here, which were resolved with the sumproduct-function, but is a little bit different.

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Using Fill - With A Twist

Jul 14, 2008

I have a list of SSN #'s. I need to increment them by 1 - but in the middle. For example:


Get it? That third number is the one I need to increment by 1 and fill down the column.

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Counting Overtime With A Twist

Feb 5, 2010

Each employee has a different plan time each day of the week.
Mon - 9 Tues - 9 Wed - 7 Thur - 8 Fr - 7

Overtime is really counted after 40

There are 5 sheets for each day of the week mon-fri lets say sheet1..2...3...etc, on each sheet there is a column a with plan and column b with actual hrs. What I'm looking for is a summary sheet for each employee to see where they trend in OT after each day so...

person1 works 10 hrs on mon with a 9 hour plan thus 1 hr trending OT. On the summary page person1 would now show 1 hrs of OT. Now if they would work 9 hrs on tues it would still show 1 hr of OT. On wed however they worked 6 hrs so now the summary page would 0.

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SUMIF Function To A Particular Value

Apr 17, 2009

I am trying to used the sumIF function in refer to a particular value, e.g. Name 1.

Question 1 - What formula I can used to make sure the SUMIF function refers to that specific value, e.g Name 1?

Question 2 - Is my SUMIF function correct to calculate the SUM of hours to a Task? This is due to the data table setting? find attached:

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Sumif Function.?

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Excel 2003. Worksheet named: Table_Data has the following code in cell: B2

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Sumif Or Other Function

Nov 6, 2009

Sum amts based on first left character of code
code amts
102 100
200 500
101 100

1 200
2 500

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Unique Records In A Column With A Twist

Jan 11, 2013

I would like to place a formula in cells A2 down that does a running count of unique combinations of columns B and C.

For example, the first record is a white dog, so at that point there is 1 category of dog, next is a brown dog, so there there is now 2 categories etc.

I initially tried to adapt an array formula 1/COUNTIF($B$2:$B8,$B$2:$B8) but this wont quite do the trick.

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Delete Duplicate Rows, With A Twist

Dec 4, 2008

I can delete duplicate rows easily enough, but I can't seem to capture a couple variables where I would not want to delete the selected row. There are no headings, all data starts in Row 1.

I start in Row 1 Columns C and D, compare that to Row 3 Columns C and D (Every other row). If it is a duplicate entry in both columns, delete that row and the row below it. Pick up at next row and continue. See attached Excel file (Excel 2003). The rows with fonts colored RED are the only rows from this data that should get deleted.

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Using A Macro To Print All Sheets With A Twist

Feb 15, 2010

using a macro to print all sheets in a workbook. During this process each sheet has a print area to print as well. A button will be placed on all the sheets. No matter which sheet you are on I would like it to print all sheets. The code I have works I think, but I would like to not have to go by sheet names in case there are some added later, etc. Also, is there a way to do this without going to each sheet and the user seeing all this? Would like to do it in the "background" so to speak.

Range("H1:K1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("O1:S1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("V1:W1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("Y1:AC1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("L1:N1").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
'Print range column A thru AD
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "A1:AD84"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.Zoom = 58
' .FitToPagesWide = 1
.BlackAndWhite = True
.PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
.CenterHorizontally = True
End With
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=False, collate:=True

Range("H1:K1").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("O1:S1").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("V1:W1").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("Y1:AC1").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("L1:N1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

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Macro For A Sumif Function?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm having a little problem with the function Sumif. I have data like this:



I want to some all the Totals that appear before the "End Notification" text. I have more totals after that text and the number of rows are variable.

In my data, I have always 4 totals before that text, so I thought perhaps that the way to do this would be to impose to the sumif function to stop summing after counting 4 totals. I didn't find a way to do that.

I thought a little more on the problem and I find out that the easy way would be to record a macro with the sum if function, where, in the range part, I would do a Find for "End Notification"; and select all the cells to the top of the sheet. The problem is that the macro dont record that part, only the row number.I think I need to turn the range a variable, where the variable is equal to the find selection.

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Dynamic Sumif Function

Jun 3, 2009

I'm trying to create a sumif formula that finds the column the information is in that it needs to sum. I have attached a copy of the file I'm trying to create a formula to get results that I want.

Generally you would normally use the "=SUMIF(range,criteria,sumrange)". I was wondering if there was a formula I can substitute "sumrange" to also search a range of data (Eg: "G16:DA28"). I need the range to be dynamic as the column to be sum can change based on the criteria/option button being selected from the product category. I assume there is an indirect function involved, but I am not familiar with it. If you have a better and less complicated formula please suggest.

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Arguments In A SUMIF Function

Sep 4, 2009

I’m using a SUMIF function to evaulate some date. The second argument in the function, the criteria, is that the numbers to be summed are greater than 25 but less than 50.

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Function Sumif() That Used For Do Sum() Under Condition

Jan 9, 2007

There is a function sumif() that is used for do sum() under condition

Nevertheless, if I want to do max() under condition, how can I do?

There isn't a function maxif().

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How To Sumif With Year Function

Feb 27, 2012

How do I sumif on the amount in column A when the year in column B is 2010?

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Sumif With Offset Function?

Jul 2, 2014

I was wondering if there was a way to use sumif and offset to guide the summing column in the example below. Perhaps I need to add an additional column, then formulate a solution. I want to sum the daily returns for the TSX when the slope is positive (green), and sum the S&P when it is negative. Currently, on signal day, I am summing that day's return, which I don't want to do. I want to sum starting on the next day (blue). The B column switches back and forth from positive to negative, so I will summing different data periods going back 1000 days. I am summing the TSX returns and S&P returns seperately to make it easier. Currently I have in C1=(sumif(b2:b1000,">0",c2:c1000)) Same for D2.





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Double SUMIF Function

Sep 1, 2006

I was wondering if it is possible to have a double sumif. For example asssuming you have a table with three columns:
Col 1 (far left) is called Name
Col 2 (middle) is called date
Col 3 (far right) is called values

Now assuming that column 1 contains 4 different names, each repeated for each date in column 2. In turns the dates are repeated for each names (see below example)

Name Date
AAA Jul 06
AAA Aug 06
AAA Sep 06
BBB Jul 06
BBB Aug 06
BBB Sep 06
CCC Jul 06
CCC Aug 06
CCC Sep 06

Column 3 contains random values.

How can I sumif column 1 at the same time as column 2 (i.e. sumif for criteria AAA and Aug 06). Or if not possible is it possible to write a double Vlookup?

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SUMIF Function In VBA Macro

Sep 18, 2007

I have a macro[A] that sums a column based on parameters passed to it from another macro[b]

Macro A

Sub SumColumns(varASheetName As Variant, varFormulaCell As Variant, varSumRange As Variant)

Sheets(varASheetName). Range(varFormulaCell).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(varSumRange)

End Sub

' Macro B

Sub SumDebtorsStuff()
Call SumColumns("DebtorsRaw", "D10", Range("D21", Range("D65536").End(xlUp)))
End Sub ...........

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Count Blank Cells In A Column With A Twist

Jan 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that has 36 columns and 6000+ rows. Each column has a mix of blanks and content, which is an X. See example of the pattern below, column A. I want to run the COUNTBLANK function through the entire column A so that it assigns a value in column B, next to the content it relates to. Line B4, B9, and B11 would have results, in the example below. I want to be able to apply a formula the entire worksheet, all 36 content columns, and over 6000 rows, so that I can obtain the results quickly by filling down, across, etc. I suspect a loop might be in order. Currently, I have to run the COUNTBLANK between one X and another, repeating that tediously over and over again.

1 X
2 blank
3 blank


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Concatenate Cells And Delete Rows With A Twist

Jun 5, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with three columns (check #, invoice #, vendor #). If a check pays multiple invoices, there is a separate row for each instance of invoice #. (ie if a check pays 10 invoices, there are 10 rows all with the same value for check # and vendor #, but different invoice #s). I need to concatenate the multiple rows to just one row per check #, with all the invoice #s in separate columns on the same row and delete the duplicate check # rows.

However, I can only use 10 columns, so if there are more than 8 invoices matching the same check #, the 10th column will need to contain invoices 9-n concatenated and separated by a space. I have over 5000 rows in the spreadsheet.

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Return Value Based In Contents Of Another Cell With A Twist?

Jan 7, 2012

I would like cell CM2 to look at cell G2 and get the value there. Here is where it gets interesting. I would like it to reference sheet "LookupTables" in column A.

Cell G2 will be a 4 digit number.

Cells in column A of sheet "LookupTables" will be formatted like this: 3 digit number-4 digit number-4 digit number, like this "001-0001-0001".

If cell G2 exists in column A of the LookupTables sheet, (but it needs to ignore the first 4 digits and the last 5 digits of that number) then it should return that value in cell CM2. I would like it to look through the entire column A of the LookupTables sheet and return all numbers that match the above criteria, and separate them with a comma.

So, if G2 is 0001 and column A of the LookupTables sheet contains several values including:

098-0002-4356 (it should ignore this since the middle numbers don't match the value of G2)

then CM2 should display: 001-0001-0006,004-0001-0187,089-0001-0874

Also, if there are no matches, then it should just return a blank cell.

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Find & Replace - Entire Workbook With A Twist

Feb 27, 2010

I have a workbook with many different worksheets containing data. I am looking to find a certain city name in each worksheet and then replace the region name immediately to the left of the city name.



Region City


Region City

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Adding Another Condition To Sumif Function?

Jan 8, 2014

Below is my function.

="Profit $"&SUM(IF(Sold!D15:D8998<>"",IF(MONTH(Sold!D15:D8998)=A4,Sold!H15:H8998)))

I would like to edit this function to also count profit only if Cell A15:A8998 in my Sold sheet has the words "Shipped". The text value Shipped is not a text value I entered, it is automatically written based on a Vlookup formula I created.

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Sumif Function Using Drop List

Nov 28, 2012

I have a drop list for selection of staff in an area, but can i then do another droplist and use the sumif function to sum up the total time depending on the value of the list.

i.e., if i selected name 1 it would search all of the sheet to see if name 1 was there and then add the times.

See attached : Utilisation.xls‎

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Sumif Function Condition Cell Value

Nov 24, 2009

I have a worksheet where two columns of data are written. In another worksheet I have a list of data in one column. In column next to it (so the rows are the same) I am trying to write a list of sumif formula, where the range is first column of the first worksheet, condition is a value of the cell next to where I am writing the sumif equation (list of data) and the sumrange is the second colummn in the first worksheet. I can't get it. I tried with --- "C" & i --- but I get an error saying expected:end of statement. It goes like that:

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Large Function Combined With Sumif

May 23, 2012

I know how to use the large function when looking for a specific criteria as the example below illustrates:


What I'm trying to do is take this one step further and not only find the nth largest numbers in a set of data based on a particular criteria, but also sum those numbers because they repeat in a table: for example a sample table is below:

Account Accout # Store # channel $ sales
A 1000 10001 green $100
B 1001 10011 green $230
A 1000 10002 green $120
C 1002 10021 brown $145
A 1000 10003 green $100
D 1003 10031 red $20
B 1001 10012 green $50

So what I'm basically attempting to do is bring in the nth largest accounts within the "green" channel. Now if these were the top 5 stores I was looking for, the formula from above would suffice. However since this deals with accounts and the account # repeat I need to bring in the total sum of those repeating accounts instead of just one of the unique stores. So if I was seeking the largest account (NOT store) within the "green" channel the correct values this formula would be:

Account A $320

I would imagine we would need to combine a sumif with a large function or maybe involve sumproduct somehow.

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How To Use Date Range In SUMIF Function

Dec 22, 2013

I am trying to use a date range as a criteria in a SUMIF function. Below are the data and formula I am using.


Formula =SUMIF(G2:J2,">L1",G1:J1)

G1:J2 - raw data shown above. L1 = 2/2/2014. Desired result = 8. Result obtained with formula above = 0 how to make this work?

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Linking 2 Sheets With SUMIF Function

Oct 1, 2008

I am trying to link 2 excel sheets together and I am wondering if using the SUMIF Function is the best way to do this. I will try to explain and illustrate my position.

First I have a sheet called Master where I import my companies inventory and prices. It contains ALL our inventory. Looks like this:

(Column A) (Column B)
(Item Code (Item Price
(ROW3) ZPIN $0.30
Now this master sheet is changing all the time as we import new products and prices all the time. So, this is a "list" where I can sort it by Item Code alphabetically.

Now, I am trying to make another worksheet with a list of what each of our kits contain and there prices. I will call this ThumbPiano. Like this:

Column A: COLUMN B:

We have many different kits, that only take a couple of products, and our inventory list is at like 3,400. I want to be able to go into the Master sheet and update an Item price and have it automatically update it in whatever worksheet contains those items. But how can I do this if I add an item into the workseet. Then the cells move and whatever data was in that cell before is not there now.

So, that is why I chose the SUMIF function. Maybe there is a better one? Here's what I tried...assuming the two lists before, and the code Zpin is extra in the Inventory list because we do not use it in the thumb piano hardware pack.

I tried:

It works, but then when I save it and close out of it and then re-open the ThumbPiano sheet it asks me if I want to update the sheet. I click yes, and then all the cell says "#VALUE!" "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type." Please let me know what is going wrong. I know there has to be a way to do this. I just wonder if the SUMIF formula is not the way to link 2 sheets together...but if it isn't please keep in mind that I have this looking through 3,400 parts and I will be adding to them all the time, so it needs to search through all those parts and display the correct price....

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SUMIF Function Based On Row Selected

Apr 22, 2006

I would like to create a UDF similar to the SUMIF function but the UDF would be dynamic in that it would sum based on a dynamic range that would change based on the row the user is in.

background: I have a very large input template for 12-18 months for multiple cost categories. I would like to have the UDF in a specific cell above each category that would show the user what the sum of the range in the current row they are inputing data. Each row represents a specific project/task (along with 12-15 descriptive columns) that makes the freeze pane option unusable.

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Sum Numbers For Each Month By Sumif Function

May 4, 2007

Column A have random dates and column B have numbers. How can sum numbers for each month By sumif function?

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