Adds A Consecutive Digit To A Repeating Cell Value?
Mar 12, 2014
I have the following code which adds a consecutive digit to a repeating cell value in:
So, this formula has put in cell B2. This means, that if if A2:A5=1 for each row, then B2=11, B3=12, B4=13, etc.
What I'm trying to do is put "-" between the original value and the extra digit. So, B2 would instead look like 1-1, B3=1-2, B4=1-3, etc.
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Jan 6, 2010
=COUNTIF(F3:F38,"=VL") This works for totaling the VL in the cells in the column but what if I need it to add DVL in the same column to that total? So I need it to add both VL AND DVL as one total. I can make it add one or the other but not both
5 2
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Apr 20, 2006
sorting data I use in a workbook for athletics. I've really chopped down my workbook for upload, In the worksheet "Leaderboard" I can call up stats for different lifts, and it finds (in this case) the top 5 lifts and the names for the kids that have those corresponding lifts.
My problem is that when two or more kids have the same lift, it will only call up the name of the first instance of that lift. You can see this in the "Leaderboard" worksheet, and the name "Adams, Andrew" appears for both lifts of 75. I would appreciate any help on how to correct this, as I've searched the Internet for weeks now looking for a solution. I've tried experimenting with different things as well, all to no avail.
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Jan 17, 2007
I have a spreadsheet for my local camera club that needs a few "IF" formulas that I have not a clue at how to accomplish. I have done the rest of the spreadsheet.
The formula needs to be
IF cell A1 = 22 or 23 or 24 (a manually entered number) then the answer = 1
IF cell A1 = 25 or 26 or 27 (a manually entered number) then the answer = 2
Also need another IF formula that adds up various cells: A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 and then adds the same cells on a 2nd and 3rd worksheet, and if the total is zero, then the cell will remain blank in the answer field, rather than having a zero in it.
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May 10, 2014
AVERAGEIFS(X$2:X$1000,$AT$2:$AT$1000,1)& TEXT(BE2/BD2," 0%")
The formula is working , but the result is : 3.50239234449761 58% Formatting the cell did not work. Can these decimals be slashed?
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Aug 20, 2009
I have a market data linked to excel through DDE link so prices are updated real time.
Cell A5 contains last traded volume which updates whenever a trade is done.
I would like to SUM/ADD all last trade volume in cell C5. Is there any function or macro can help me to do this?
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Jan 27, 2010
How would I write a formula that takes cell values from six worksheets and adds them up as a percentage (quarterly updates)? I realize this is wrong, but here's what I'd tried (for three sheets).
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that includes items I sell as well as the packaging it goes in.
The formula I'm looking for basically will tell a cell that if one cell (# of box) is equal a certain # it will add two separate cells by the weight of the box.
I have cells for each of the following: Weight in lb and weight in oz of the item (no box), a cell which holds the number of the box (ranging from 1-15) and two cells with weight in lb and weight in oz which would be the total weight of the item + box.
So, for example, if weight of item equals 1 and box cell equals 2 then it will put the weight of item + weight of box into a third cell.
Here's a picture of my current spreadsheet : [URL] .....
Basically, I would like to do something such as if P3 = 5, then Q3 will equal N3 + U6 and R3 will equal O3 + V6.
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Apr 3, 2008
I know you can take a number from one cell and combine it with number from another cell and make it one number. What I need to do is the reverse. Take a two digit number in a cell and separate it into single digits in two cells. If you have the number 50 in a cell, then is there a formula that will take the 5 and put it in cell and take the 0 and put it in the cell beside it?
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Mar 22, 2009
I am trying to organize it in a way that I can have all my purchases added based on my text criteria of certain purchase... Ill try to be as clear as possible. I have already organized it in a way that when I paste new months statement in my Excel file it sorts it by date, newest on the top, and I made Conditional Formatting by color on column D which states the Description of purchase. Starbucks appears in description cell but it is followed by number and location making each Starbucks cell in column D different in name. So its hard to use Exact phrase formula to combine the amount for that purchase.
My question is: Is there a formula that find a PORTION of text in a D column and automatically adds the price to the right of it together in one cell. There is a formula that looks for the whole text in the cell but that doesn't work when my name has always some extra numbers at the end of the word Starbucks
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Jun 13, 2014
How to calculate a check digit in excel. The details to calculate this are as follows:
All variables in the calculation are positive integers.
We take each integer of the pro number and multiply it by a value and sum them to get a total.
An Example: 8 Digit Pro Number: 66988757
Pro Number: 6 6 9 8 8 7 5 7
Position in the Pro Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Multiply each digit in the pro number by (10-position) in the number, to achieve a sum.
Using our example pro again:
6*(10-1) + 6*(10-2) + 9*(10-3) + 8*(10-4) + 8*(10-5) + 7*(10-6) + 5*(10-7) + 7*(10-8)
6*9 + 6*8 + 9*7 + 8*6 + 8*5 + 7*4 + 5*3 + 7*2
54+ 48+ 63+48+40+28+15+14 = 310
Take the Sum of the previous calculation and divide it by 11
310/11 = 28
(Actually, it's 28.181818, but since we're working with integers, we truncate everything behind the decimal).
Figure a remainder by multiplying the quotient by 11 and subtracting from the sum.
Remainder = 310 - (28*11) ---> Remainder = 310 - 308 ----> Remainder = 2
Check Digit = 11- Remainder
Check Digit = 11 - 2 ---> Check Digit = 9
Note: if the check digit is 10 or 11, need to subtract 10 from the Check Digit.
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May 2, 2014
I have a column of repeating names with ids (column A) and money they earned (column b) and would like to output a sum for each name (which is the first two words of every cell) for the total amount of individual earned money.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have a weather graph I am putting together for fun and cannot figure out a way to bring data in for a table based on a consistent data pattern. My high temp averages are in column C along with other annual averages (High (Cell C7), annual avg. (Cell C9), low (Cell C8), precip (Cell C10) etc.) for that year, my data will go back 50 years. I am trying to find a formula that will bring the temp data into another column so I can create a graph of just the high temps or precipitation or any other measure. I have color coded the cells I am looking for.
Essentially, I am hoping that in column H, I will have a year (2014 for example) and column I will search for a match between column A and H (year), if a match is found, it will bring in data from that year for a specific category (Temp for example). OR, another option would be to to skip the cells and just pull in data from the cell (High temps would be in cell C7, C18, C29, C40 etc.) through a =C7+11 (cell count, not adding to number result) type of formula.
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Sep 19, 2006
I have an excel sheet that we need to type in an account number it always starts with 8774100 then has 9 more numbers. If I leave it on number formating it always changes the last number to 0 so I format the cell as TEXT. Anyway is there a way to get the 8774100 to automatically go in and only have to type the last 9 numbers? I know I can copy paste but then I have to double click or make sure I enter the last 9 numbers at the end or use the top entry. The data entry people just want to hit enter and go from line to line fast. In the past I just divided the cell into 2 cells and made the 8774100 in column A and columb B was the ending 9 numbers. But they need to be in the same cell.
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Aug 23, 2014
Imagine a cell has a value of "008281" at A1
I want to return the first digit of the 6 digits in A1 which will be "0" in A2.
I tried using the formulae in A2 with "=left(A1,1), it returns "8" instead.
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Jan 10, 2009
How can I get one cell to increase by 1 after I change the date in another cell. The spreadsheet is used to keep track of Oxygen Bottles at the local Fire Dept. and I want the " Times Filled" cell to increase by 1 after the " Date Filled" cell is changed. I'm not sure if they key the date in or if they use a calender add-in pop up.
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Apr 8, 2013
I have some alphanumeric mixed data which is from 15 digits to 18 digits. In each data there have 5 zeros in the middle. I want to keep all the alphanumeric to 15 digits only. It will delete the zeros not any other value which length is greater than 15 digits. If a length of a character is 17 digit it will delete 2 zeros & if it is 15 digit then keep it constant.
Like: AJSPP00000125467 change to AJSPP0000125467.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a column of Cells.
Each cell has five, two digit number pairs with spaces between the pairs.
IE: 25 03 48 19 33
How can I get those number sets to sort numerically on the first digit, and still maintain the two digit grouping?
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Feb 20, 2010
I am trying to get a formula to return the last digit from a number in a cell as a number.
If the cell (B3) contains a number such as 164 or 34 I want to return a value of 4 and have it be formated as a number.
I have tried =RIGHT(B3,1) and it returns a 4 but I cannot get another formula to recognize it as a number.
It shows up in the cell on the left side as text would and if I format it as a number nothing happens it is still on the left and the formula does not work.
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Oct 14, 2013
I'm trying to search a column that has cells with various length strings. Included in the strange (at random locations) could be possibly be a 7 digit number starting with 4. I want a formula that counts the number of cells with contain that 7 digit number. Is this possible?
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May 9, 2014
Image below has a 500 cells I want to delete the 12 digit number but the numbers that align to the 12 digit was in one cell so it is hard to do manually how to delete it
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Mar 19, 2014
I have a set of data in once cell and its strung out. I'm trying to pull the numbers that follow certain words from that data. That's easy enough with the find and mid function for the first one. But after that I have a repeating word (see below) and different numbers that follow it. So I want to pull the second number string after that word, the third and so on.
I've attached an excel file that explains this better.
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Aug 16, 2012
I need to achieve the situation below with a formula. I have tried simply doing, for example, = B3+1 but this throws an error, probably because the value being checked is alphanumeric.
Add next number (A003) when data entered in cell to left
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May 6, 2009
This is my code. It is for checking that only a 4 digit fiscal year is entered in a cell. The code works fine except it only checks a max of three time. So if the user enters xxx it will prompt for a correct response three times, if xxx is entere a 4th time then that value appears in the cell. I was wondering why this is taking place.
Here is my
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Feb 27, 2013
I have two colums of data; A = buyer name(s); B = seller name(s); there are 30,000 rows.
I'm looking for a function than can tell me if any 4 consecutive charactetrs match between A1 and B1, A2 and B2, A3...
eg. If cell A1 = John James, Holly Judd. B2 = Emily James. I would like the function to return True in colums C as James appears in both cells (the aim of this is to identify trades between family memebers)
I have searched forums and know of MATCH and EXACT but don't know how to adapt for this example.
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Dec 11, 2009
Split from Count Of Groups Where Last Character Is Unique
The A1 B1 C1 were not the data items in the table, but the cell addresses. The new title of the thread does not reflect what I am asking either. The focus of the question is the counting of groups, not counts of cell contents.
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Mar 2, 2009
I have a column of 6 digit numbers in excel, and I need to remove the last digit from each number, turning it into a 5 digit number. No rounding, just simply remove the last digit. Each number is different. Does anyone know how to quickly and efficiently remove the last digit from each number? I can convert to alphanumeric string if need be...
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Jul 3, 2014
I need a macro where I can highlight a column and change all of the 2 digit years to a 4 digit year (actually, some of the 2 digit years are only 1 digit, e.g. "9" instead of "09").
I have an if then statement that I can use in the column after it, but I'd rather change the actual numbers in the original column, rather than adding another column (and having to keep the original, too).
The statement I had was:
I just copy dragged down to get the cell numbers for the rest of the column... but using A1 was just for an example, here, it's not necessarily going to be in that column. It needs to be just whichever cells I select.
It seems like it should be pretty simple, but I don't know how to word it in a macro.
Starting Column Example:
[Code] ......
For some reason I can't get rid of the borders...
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Aug 18, 2009
Column C is the tricky one. It comes from the bank and somewhere in there is a 4-digit tenant reference. I did a formula to try and isloate it and it worked on most but if you look at the very first row, there is a spurious 99 in there, so it didn't work. Is there a way of EXTRACTING the first four consecutive numbers and placing them in another cell?
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Jul 25, 2013
I was wondering if it would be possible to filter by two consecutive cell values or colors. For example if I have in "A"
X1 (red fill)
X2 (blue fill)
X1 (red fill)
X3 (xx fill)
X3 (xx fill)
X1 (red fill)
X2 (blue fill)
X4 (aa fill)
I want to be able to filter so that the consecutive cells for x1 and x2 show up or red followed by blue.
So when I filter it will only show rows 1 & 2 and 6 & 7.
and there would be many of these values in the spreadsheet.
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