Array Functions With * And | And . And ; (2007)
Jun 13, 2009
I occasionally see array and/or sumproduct formulas that incorporate symbols that I don't really understand in an array context.
These symbols include:
* (asterix)
| (vertbar)
. (period)
; (semicolon)
Also: are there other powerful symbols that have meaning in an array or sumproduct context?
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Dec 9, 2008
I have a list of part #s that i need to group together and sort by their corresponding dates. The formula I've written does what I'd like it to do (assign a value to part groups that i can sort by first before sorting by the date) , but is too large/has too many nested functions to be applied. This formula is going to be used with multiple queries from a database that updates regularly.
EXAMPLE OF DATA(6000+ entries)
This is the breakdown of my formula, I've bolded the parts that aren't constant
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Apr 7, 2014
In sheet1 I have name(column A) and value(column B)
In sheet2 I have name (column C) and key(column D)
In sheet 3 I have results
Example ( It is just a total nonsense example, the real data is net inflow of some funds that are unique)
House 1000
Car 1500
pet 2000
Sheet 2
So in the sheet 3 I want to put a formula that is capable to sum all values of the sheet2 if the name has a key of 1in the sheet2, the key columns has values of 1 or 2
I think in SQL will be something with join and group by with having clause.
The result will be 2500 in the sheet 3.
What I tried: My attempt is to do something like this code ( using array functions).
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Sep 15, 2012
What I am trying to do is to automatically build a "tree" diagram representing the links in a huge model which is dynamically configured. What I have a problem with is the following:
The tree consists of layers, I start off with the top layer and for each entry in the top layer I can add all its subsidiary layers and draw links between them, this uses a function which takes as its arguments the node name and its layer number (how far down the tree it is) and the number of items in that layer so far.
So I start at the first item in Layer 1 and there are as yet no layers below it. I start at the first one and add the first item in layer 2 then I kick the function off again and that adds the first item connected to item 1 in layer 2 in the layer below (3) starting at the first one, and so on. When I reach the bottom I go up one layer and add the second item in the bottom layer and so on. When I have added all the connctions to the first item in the next to bottom layer I go up one layer and add the second item connected to the first item in that layer and then add all the items connected to it and so on and so on.
In this way I build up the network exhaustively (to make things more complex more than one item in a layer may connect to the same item in the layer below).
I can do almost all that, the issue I am struggling with is I need to keep track of how many items there are in each layer (as some layer 1 items connect to 1, 2, 3 ...8 layer 2 items and so on). my idea is to keep a running total of these in an array LevelCount(1), LevelCount(2) etc. so when I add a new item to a layer I know where to put it. However I cant workout how to do this final step.
Currently I have a function that draws the nodes below a specified node this and takes the correct value from the array LevelCount(n) by passing Levelcount(n) (where n represents how far down the tree you are) into the function and the function then updates the value of LevelCount(n) (ByRef) so that next time I use it it is correct. That is fine but what I want to do is to is to call the same function from within itself when it adds each node which would make it work automatically - it would keep calling instances of the function until it reached bottom and then go back one step at a time to the top but I cant work out how to reference the right value in the array to pass into the second (and subsequent) instances of the function.
I don't think I can simply pass (n) into the function and in the body of the function set LevelCount(n) = LevelCount(n)+1
I also dont know ahead of time how many layers the model will have, nor can I tell which layer a node sits in as it depends on the links that are dynamically configured.
Beyond this a node can also be subsidiary to nodes in more than one level so it needs to sit at the lowest level - but I suspect if I can work out how to do the first bit i can do this too.
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Jan 31, 2014
Attached is a small spreadsheet, my problem is I am using Excel 2007 and it only allows me 7 nested functions and I need to do 31.
Nested Function.xlsx‎
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Apr 30, 2010
Is there any formula that I can use when working with a specific date range and if someone's birthday falls in that range a certain text or value would be displayed? For example I want to create a spreadsheet for my soccer players and have them sorted into teams according to their birthdays. So if their birthday falls into the following date range: 08/01/05-07/01/07 a U-8 or U-10 would be displayed in the corresponding cell. I tried working with the IF function.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have an array with dimensions (5000,30). I want to perform a worksheet function "Percentile" on specific columns within the array. So for instance I may want to know the element falling at the 50th percentile in column 5 of the 30 column array. Is there a way to do this without having to place the array onto a worksheet?
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Dec 13, 2006
All I am doing is counting text values in a table.
The table has 3 main columns(which are relevant to this thread anyway).
Shift - Area - Status
The example I have attached shows examples of DCOUNTA, SUMPRODUCT and a Pivot Table.
I have read many threads stating that the best one to use is Pivot Table followed by DCOUNTA followed by SUMPRODUCT.
The most effective for me seems to be SUMPRODUCT (although this does slow excel down dramatically when you use a lot of these formulas). As do Array Formulas
The Pivot Table does not update on its own, therefore constantly needs to be refreshed. (I could use code to do this)
The DCOUNTA seems to be the least effective at doing what I want (unless I am doing something wrong)
In the attached example can the DCOUNTA be used more efficiently as I don't like the fact that I am duplicating rows to apply the criteria for a different shift. e.g
Area 1 - Late Shift - Banned
Area 1 - Early Shift - Banned
I want my table to be as follows (as the SUMPRODUCT shows)
AREA - Early Shift - Late Shift - Night Shift - Area Total
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Shift Total
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Sep 25, 2009
My excel (2003) is stuck in array mode - is there any way to get it out of Array Mode and put it back in the letter:number display for formulas/functions? It's doing this in VBA too which is totally killing me.
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Feb 16, 2009
I had an Excel 2003 spreadsheet which used =average(if... array formulas.
I'm trying to do the same thing in 2007 but it's not working....I know there is an averageif function in 2007 but some of the people who'll be using the spreadsheet are still on 2003 so I need a formula that works for both.
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Aug 6, 2009
I am trying to create a purchase order that has blank item cells, but when you click on one a drop down list appears. By selecting the appropriate item, I would like the price to come up in the next cell for the item selected.
What would be even better is if once that was done there is a cell next to the item and price and this cell will be for the type of the item selected. In this case the flavour, flavours are specific to different item though?
I think the first bit can be done through a drop down list of some kind, not to sure about the flavours drop down menu though.
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Jun 13, 2009
I often see array formulas written with "extra zeroes", like this: {=SUM(IF(let=1,IF(cost>5,cost,0),0)). Yet I was taught to write the same formula without the zeros, like this: {=SUM(IF(let=1,IF(cost>5,cost))).
My question are:
1) what do the zeroes mean or do?
2) what happens if I replace one or both of the zeros with a different value, like the number one?
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Sep 12, 2010
I am using VLOOKUP with the not_exact_match set to True, however instead of finding the next largest value that is less than value, I want to find a way of returning the next largest value that is greater than value. I have looked at using MATCH and OFFSET to try and increment the returned value by 1.
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Oct 22, 2011
I have 4 comboboxes in a formcontrol (excel 2007, vba), each combobox has the name: Combobox_01 Combobox_02 Combobox_03 Combobox_04 I want to give all comboboxes the same array values "A","B","C","D","E","F" How do I do this efficiently?, I tried a For-NEXT loop, but I am not sure how to assign the For value from 1 to 4 to each combobox and it gives me an error...
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Jul 23, 2012
I have this formula, ( which i found the basis of on a You tube video and Richard Scholar was accredited with improving the soloution)
This forumla generates a number for each player, the higher the number the more inline they are to get a game
Problems are this works for the 29 weeks of this year but more weeks need added to the end of the year as we get there. Can i generate the array numbers from a formula and shorten.
This is a sample data ignore row 2( just a count of players) and data actually goes back to 6th Jan
Excel 2007BCDEFGHIJ1Wk21Wk22Wk23Wk24Wk25Wk26Wk27Wk28210101010101010103Player 1111104Player 210001105Player 300101016Player 4010101107Player 50110118Player 600009Player 7111000110Player 8011100011Player 9000012Player 101011113Player 11101114Player 121010115Player 13016Player 141010017Player 15118Player 160101Sheet1
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Aug 10, 2012
Excel 2007 is my version. I'm trying to build an array from a dynamic range. I will know the column letter and lastrow.I think I could do this via a FOR and NEXT routine but there has to be a more efficient way. Here is my inefficient code idea:
Dim orgctarray(65000) As Variant 'because I don't know how long the array will need to be
Dim cnt as integer
Dim startrow as integer[code]....
So as you see, technically, I need to take sheet1.range("B3:B" & lastrow) and turn it into a vb array (I don't want to copy the data to some hidden worksheet and do the work there)I'd also like to remove duplicates and sort orgctarray alphabetically after I have completed building it.
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Sep 7, 2012
Excel 2007.
I'm basically copying and pasting a bunch of columns. Currently, my code is very long because I'm not using a loop to plug in the column header. how I'd store all the column headers in an array (I think) and loop through 1-by-1.
Here's a look at what I'm doing now:
' ''Project Number
x = "Project number"
i = Sheets("RawData").Rows(FirstRow).Find(x).Column
how to store these column headers in an array and then pull them?
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Mar 21, 2013
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=Array("CHF", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SEK", "USD")
I am trying to use VBA to filter a list for not equal to. See line above. I want to filter a table I have for unknown Currencies basically.
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Jun 13, 2009
I have collected some data from survey respondents, and I have the following array formula:
What I'd like to do is make the 3rd criterion -- $H$1:$H$400="american" -- dependent on whether the string value in cell A1 ("Evaluate Americans only?") is "yes" or "no".
Because, my actual situation is considerably more complex (see below), I'm looking to insert a test within the MIN array formula to check the value of A1, and calculate the answer accordingly.
I'm aware that I could theoretically create two array arguments (one with & one without the American test), and place them inside an IF function that tests the value of A1. However that isn't practical for my real-world situation...
I occasionally see array formulas with all sorts of symbols that I don't really understand in the array context (such as * and | and . ), and I'm wondering if one of those magic symbols might be the doorway to my solution.
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Feb 17, 2012
Excel 2007, Windows XP
I am concatenating some cells into an array. The amount fields should always have just 2 rounded digits following the decimal. What should change in the following VBA code to achieve that result?
Currently Cells(r, 6) & Cells(r, 7) could have these values:
What I want is rounded values to 2 decimals:
The array is used as an input parameter in a remotely called function module, after logging into the remote system, SAP.
' delim is a | character
' Populate Myarray with data from all rows
' - Only from rows which are not hidden ' 05/23/2008
For r = 1 To row_count 'r is row number
if worksheets("JEMASTER").rows(r).hidden = false then
i = i + 1 'increment myarray index by 1
[Code] .........
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Jan 24, 2010
I need to check each of 13,000 job titles to see if they include the string "VP".
For the time being, I want to find the most efficient way to check an individual title, before building an array or SUMPRODUCT function that will check all the titles in swoop.
So... I have tried:
..but it returns TRUE if A1 and B1 are both blank -- which they can be in my spreadsheet.
And I have tried:
but it returns #N/A if A1 cannot be found within B1.
If I can, I want to avoid introducing an IF statement because, looking ahead, I am already concerned that this analysis will be complicated enough without multiple paths.
So.. what's the most efficient way to return a TRUE/FALSE, or 1/0, result depending on whether A1 is in B1?
An extension of the above problem... arrays and SUMPRODUCTs welcome:
What's the most efficient way to return a TRUE/FALSE, or 1/0, result depending on whether (A1 or A2 or A3... or A99) is in B1?
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Mar 14, 2008
I am aware of the following topic in the VBA Help file:
"Using Microsoft Excel Worksheet Functions in Visual Basic
You can use most Microsoft Excel worksheet functions in your Visual Basic statements. To see a list of the worksheet functions you can use, see List of Worksheet Functions Available to Visual Basic.
Note Some worksheet functions aren’t useful in Visual Basic. For example, the Concatenate function isn’t needed because in Visual Basic you can use the & operator to join multiple text values."
And I'm aware of how to call Excel funcitons from within VBA; e.g., answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(myRange)
However, not only are some Excel functions not useful; the fact is they cannot be used because VBA has a native function that does exactly the same thing and you have to use that native VBA function to achieve your goal. It is these overlapping functions that I am especially interested in. I want to know what I should use directly in VBA and what I need to go to Excel for.
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Jul 30, 2012
in C a string is nothing more than an Array of characters ending with a null character.
in VBA this does not seem to be the case.I am trying to use the BlowFish code from David Midkiff for some encryption, however the code sometimes fails:
When encrypting a string a string of a specific length should be returned. however sometimes one of the characters of the encrypted string is a null character, and the returned encrypted string (with a embedded null character) is causing me problems. I want to check for the null character and if present redo the encryption. But how do I check for the presence of this null character in a unicode (double-byte) string?
Checking with Len(encrypted) gives the correct length (!) but trying to move each (unicode)character into an array fails when using the Mid() function past the null character in the string.
Now I can use
byteArray() = StrConv(unicodetext,vbFromUnicode)
to get the lower byte of each character into an array easily, but how do I do this for both bytes of the unicode characters?
Using an integer array does not work other than through
intArray(j) = CInt(AscW(Mid(Outp, j, 1)))
which fails on the nullstring in my encrypted text.
I have tried with variants but so far no luck. I thought if the string was entered into a variant then I could also address the variant as an array of bytes, but that does not seem to be accepted by VBA.
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Sep 9, 2012
I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.
Sub populate()
Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer
Dim r, c, num As Integer
The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.
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Dec 20, 2013
I need to export this to Xcelsius which doesn't support any macros/vba. Btw I can;'t use Row() in xcelsius too.
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:
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Apr 7, 2009
Say I have 3 columns of data: A1:C10 and I want to run a Match() function on them all together to see if I get a match any one those cells, say the value of have in X1.
Since, Match only allows a One-Column lookup array.. is there a way to "concatenate" or "append" the 3 columns together within a formula so now I would be looking to Match in an array that is 1 column * 30 rows?
Basically want to convert =Match(X1,A1:C10,0) to =Match(X1,A1:A30,0) without moving around the raw data in the sheet.
And I want to avoid doing an AND or OR formula that uses 3 separate MATCH() for each column.
I have a hunch that the MMULT or MMULT/TRANSPOSE functions are involved, but can't seem to get it right.
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May 2, 2013
I'm only starting to get to grips with arrays. I have what I consider to be a lot of data that I need to 'cut' into separate workbooks. I have written some code that does this by simply looping through each line, 250k+, checking against a variable and copying the row into a separate sheet. This took longer than it would have doing it manually. It was suggested to me that I use arrays to speed up the process. I have managed to store the test data into an array but am struggling to find a way to loop through and pull out an entire 'row' from the array based on a variable. I have looked for 2 days in various places to find some way to loop through the data held in the array, but to no avail.
That code will appear here from about 8am GMT tomorrow. I know that once I've cracked this I'm on the road to some very significant time saving and comprehensive report writing.
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Aug 5, 2014
I want to pass an array to Offset in the "Height" parameter, without having to type the array.
I can't seem to figure out how to build the {1,2,3,4,5}. I've tried another ROW(1:5) and have tried nesting that like N(ROW(1:5)) but nothing works.
How I can get the {1,2,3,4,5} without having to type it out (so that I can expand this to a larger list)??
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Aug 26, 2009
I am trying to filter an array (the longer one) using the shorter array as the criteria. I am currently doing this using the following method
IF(LOOKUP(lookup cell, array)=lookupcell, lookupcell, "FALSE")
I then copy and paste 'values' and filter out the 'false' to get my final result.
This has worked in the past, but for some reason that I simply can't figure out, the formula isnt working! I've attached the example, and I've highlighted a number in blue (cell E522 and C103), (that should be being found in the 'LOOKUP' function) but is returning a "FALSE". I have looked over the code and simply can't figure out why Excel isn't returning the right value.
This is obviously happening for a quite a few of my numbers, as my filter result is returning an array that is about 1500 shorter than it should be. I have highlighted E522 as the 'example cell' to look at.
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