Attempting To Sum Only If Certain Text Is Present

Feb 1, 2008

I'm currently trying to sum across a row only if certain text is present. So, if A1 has CT8 and A2 has 5 and A3 has CT5, I want to just sum the cells with CT in them. I've already worked out how to strip the CT from the numbers in the sum, but not how to specifically only sum if CT is present. And of course, the sheet uses other letter/number combinations that need to be separately summed.

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Copy For Cell Values Present And Not Formulas Present

Sep 11, 2009

The following code fills down column B for rows 3 to 110, regardless of the inserted "If Not IsEmply' statement. I've got formulas in Column A from row 3 to 110, but visible values in rows 3-5. I want it to fill the for the visible values only.

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Selective Concatenation, If Text Is Present

Aug 18, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with many many columns...the top of each column has a string (it's a bird name). Below in the same column are various blank spaces or letters (defining species abundance, if there), example:....

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Add Text In One Cell If Text Is Present In Another

Feb 7, 2008

I have a macro which is identifying unique values between two sheets (sheets '4' and '5') then pasting these unique values at the end of the list (column C) on sheet '5'. It also drags down the formulas in columns D and E in sheet '5' as long as there is text in column C.

Does anyone know how i can add to the macro so that for every unique value added from sheet '4' to sheet '5' the word "uncategorised" is added to the respective cell in column F on sheet '5'.

I only want this to be for the new text added (the unique values form sheet '4') because column F will be blank for these cells.

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Copying Certain Rows Into Another Workbook Only If Certain Text Is Present

Mar 7, 2013

I want to transfer certain data from one workbook to another. The problem is that I want to copy certain rows from my main workbook which has 3026 rows to a smaller workbook which has 1545 rows, both workbooks have the same product numbers in column A - except my smaller workbook has 1481 products omitted

These are the first 3 rows in both sheets:

Main Workbook
Dar ABACUS Spare Glass Dropper For ABA4750/5050/5250
ABACUS Spare Glass Dropper For ABA4750/5050/5250

Dar ABACUS Spare String Accessory For ABA5240
ABACUS Spare String Accessory For ABA5240

Dar ABACUS 800mm G9 Square Flush Polished Chrome
ABACUS 800mm G9 Square Flush Polished Chrome

Second Workbook

As you can see both 'ABA19' and 'ABA191' are not included in my second workbook but 'ABA4750' is, therefore I want to only copy the row of data for that product in my main workbook to my second workbook.

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Delete Contents Of Cell If Text Is Present?

Feb 13, 2014

Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "Requirement". If found then i want that cell to become blank.

so in sheet1,

i have a number of columns and a number of rows

in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements"
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is"

since both cells have the word requirement, I want these cells to become blank.

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Delete Contents Of Cell If Text Is NOT Present

Feb 19, 2014

Need to search a sheet and find cells that contain the text "."

Want all cells that don't contain a "." (dot) to be erased from the sheet

Example : so in sheet1,

I have a number of columns and a number of rows

in cell A3 the value is - " there are requirements."
in cell F23, the value is -"the Requirement is."

since both cells have "." ( dot) , I want these cells to remain in the sheet, but the rest of the cells should become blank.

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If Statement (return A Text Value If Numbers Are Present)

May 13, 2009

Column A consists of cells with a variety of five digit numbers. My formula needs to return a text value if numbers are present in column A, this is what I tried:
=if(A1="","Chassis") but it returns "False" instead of "Chassis".

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Enter Text In One Cell If Specific Text Is Present In Another Cell

May 9, 2008

is there a formula that will find a word in a sentence written in a cell and if present then enter specif text in another cell? for example, if the word "Hotel" appears in the sentence in cell A5 then put in the text "Hotel and subsistence" in cell B5...

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Attempting To Copy Date From One Sheet To Another

Apr 14, 2014

I have been attempting to copy a date & time with a specific format from one sheet to another and add " before and after it in the same field. This is being done to create a specific csv format for date.

The Formula I am using on sheet3 is - =IF(Sheet1!A3="","",Sheet2!I3&Sheet1!G3&Sheet2!I3)

The Values I am using are below
Sheet1!G3 Format = yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Sheet1!G3 = 2014-02-11 07:00:00
Sheet2!I3 = "
Formula Results = "40219.2916666667"
Intended Formula Results = "2014-02-11 07:00:00"

I have used a similar formula for other fields within the xlsx, and the only one I am having issues is with the date field. It keeps converting to a serial number when the calculation occurs and the copy and formatting occurs. Formula to get it to come out with the intended results?

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FOR, IF, NEXT... Error In VBA While Attempting A Simple Code

Jan 9, 2009

Had a bit of code I was working on for a guy on here, and came across a problem while putting the finishing touches on it. It's since been solved by someone else, but for future reference...

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Attempting To Create Inventory List....

Mar 4, 2008

(Excel 2007)

What I'm trying to create is a way to populate a quick inventory list with my bar-code scanner.

I've already learned that in order to have excel move to the next row each time a 12-digit SKU number is scanned, I'm going to have to utilize a userform text box.

My problem:

I don't even know how to begin coding the text box to accept a 12digit number, enter it into the next available blank cell (I'd like it to populate vertically) and then ready itself to accept the next available 12digit number.

My desired end-result:

My scanner is attached to a lengthy USB-Extension, so I can roam my store and quickly scan the inventory on display. For that reason, running back to my laptop and striking "Enter" each time makes the whole solution pretty useless.

Once finished, I'm assuming I could use excels count feature to tell me the quantity of the items I have on hand.

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Attempting Complex Lookup And Match

Sep 7, 2008

I am attempting to match data entered into two cells. The data input goes into Worksheet 1. In Column A Row 1 the user inputs data... Example: 5. Then in Column B Row 1 the user inputs separate data... Example: B. I would like the result returned to Column C Row 1. The lookup would be on a table in Worksheet 2.
Worksheet 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A Pig A Cat A Dog A Fish A Ox A Bat A Six A Pie
B Pie B Six B Bat B Ox B Fish B Dog B Cat B Pig
C Fish C Ox C Cat C Six C Dog C Pie C Pig C Bat

Therefore the Entry 5, then the entry B would Return: Fish
So it's a lookup and match Column A-P. Then using that match lookup Row 2-4 for the second match. Then Return the data from the cell next to it.

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Attempting To Speed Up The Time It Takes The Macro To Run?

Jan 8, 2013

I have recorded 7 different macros and then combined them all into one macro to achieve one end result. I am not sure if you can just look at the codes to determine different ways to improve them or if you need the excel spreadsheet as well.

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Attempting To Use Countifs / Sumproduct Where The Data Contains Dates

Jun 13, 2014

I"m attempting to generate a report to show the number of occurrences for a particular product within a calendar month.

Data is stored on the first sheet, output is populated on a separate sheet. Seems simple enough, but getting the "month" out of the date, whilst referring to another sheet seems to be the sticking point.

2014/03/24 14:34:17
2014/03/24 13:45:51


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Attempting To Use Goal Difference As Tie Breaker (Possibly Using IF?)

Apr 18, 2014

Basically it is another sports modelling experiment that I have had (I get the day off work and come up with things like this ), where I just had a curiosity to play out the last games for the top 3 teams in the English Premier League (just to see if I could get some percentages).

The attached, is just the values from one run of my model (I have taken the workings out to reduce the size and for other reasons).

Basically everything to the left of column K, is the model and I am happy with it (and I know goals have to be integers - this is basic);

This plays the games out, and feeds the data into the table at M36 (highlighted yellow), which feeds the data tables at M42 (highlighted green), which are counted to get percentages in the tables (highlighted yellow at M6).

I have put some example output from runs on the second worksheet (so you can see how it works - I like that it suggests Chelsea can win even though it won't be very likely )

Basically you can probably see the problem in cell O22. The percentage chance of finishing first should equal 100% when totalled (e.g. the sum of Liverpool, Chelsea and Man City finishing first, as it has to be one of them should equal 100%). I tracked this back to the fact that I had no way of splitting teams level on points. As a result I added Goal Difference to the model (crudely - e.g. decimal) and here's the question;

How would I go about using Goal Difference to break tie's effectively?

I am thinking I could do some kind of IF function in Q37 (and then have a tie-breaked rank in column R to feed the data tables), on the basis of if anything in N37 to N39 was equal but I am not sure how I would go about applying this.

Example Values_EPL.xlsx

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Excel 2007 :: Paste Grayed Out When Attempting To Copy Or Cut

Oct 28, 2013

copy or cut then paste - paste grayed out in excel 07 tried several popular fixes from the web without luck.

Tried: the Excel repair and diagnose tool

Tried: uninstall / reinstall Excel program as well

Tried: go into Hikey - user - software - Microsoft - excel - new - 32 binary and tried adding new rule

Tried: Close Excel.2. Go to C:Documents and Settings[userID]Application DataMicrosoftExcel3. Delete the XLB file.4. Open Excel (the XLB file will be recreated - like the ------> This one - I could not find the XLB file - looked everywhere.

Tried: Open excel hit alt-f11 (to get to the VBE) hit ctrl-g (to see the immediate window) type this and hit enter: application .command bars ("cell").reset Then back to excel to test it."

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2 Rows Of Data For Individuals In A Population - Attempting To Average The Rows?

Apr 30, 2014

I am an undergraduate biology major working on a geometric morphometrics project. It is focusing on wing asymmetry, so I have data for the left and the right wings for a sample population of 30 individuals. The data from the software is exported as a spreadsheet with two rows of data for each individual, since each wing was calculated separately, and my mentor has asked me to average the data for subsequent analyses in another program.

I'd like to do this easily with an Excel formula, but when I try to do the averages I'm having a little trouble getting the formula to carry on correctly. I need it to average, say, E2:E3 then the next cell average E4:E5, but instead the only thing I can get it to do is average E2:E3 then the next cell do E3:E4. Which obviously doesn't work for me, since E3:E4 is data from two different individuals.

Is there a way I can do this for my data? One of my spreadsheets is a 60x32 matrix of landmark coordinates, so I'd really rather not try to do all the cells individually.

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Net Present Value

Jul 30, 2008

I'm trying to set up a "simple" calculator for a co-worker who sells memberships at a country club. The purpose of the calculator is to help show an individual why it makes financial sense to join now (mid-year) and have monthly dues waived for some number of months as opposed to waiting until December and joining right before the membership deposit goes up in January and be required to pay dues from day one.

I'm not exactly sure how to build an NPV formula for the 'join later' column (cell C11). The assumption I am using is that the prospective member would take his money and invest it at the assumed rate and then use those funds to join and pay dues at the later dates. I've got a formula in there right now, but it is only giving me their net out of pocket expense, not the net present value of those funds.

here is what I have so far: ....

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Present Value Of Negative Value?

May 29, 2014

How can you calculate the present value of a negative value in excel?

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Get A List To Add Only If A $ Is Present

Oct 20, 2008

I have a list of sales which is mixed with Dollars and Euros in the same column. I want a formula which will detect which currency is which and make 2 seperate totals for the corresponding amount. I have the currency signs in the same column but seperate to the amounts.

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Link Formula To Next Row Up With A Value Present

Feb 4, 2014

I've created a spreadsheet that I use to calculate weights of steel members for my job for estimate purposes. I'm trying to figure out how to save some time by not having to enter/copy/paste formulas every time I do takeoff for an estimate.

The bold green cells in column K are always linked to the yellow "Part Heading" above in Column A. As I do my estimates, I copy and paste a "Part Heading" with a "PL/Member" formula below for the next piece I'm working on. Every time I paste a new "Part Heading" with a "PL/Member" formula, I must change the formula in Column K to link to the next cell up in column A with a value present. In the screen shot, cell K/90-K/96 are linked to cell A/89. Cell K/83-K/87 are dependent cell A/82; K/74-K/80 are dependent on cell A/73, and so forth. Since each "Part" varies on total number of "Members", I can't seem to write a formula that will stick when copying and pasting.

My question is: Is there a way that I can automatically link each cell in Column K to the next cell up in Column A with a value present?

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How To Extract Data If A Value Is Present

Aug 28, 2008

how to use COUNTIF to count up the number of times something appears. What I want to do is add up values if an H is present in the cell with the value eg. if 3 cells contained:

H, 3.5
H, 3

...then 6.5 would be returned.

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Returning Zero If Date Not Present?

May 27, 2012

I have a list of dates in column A which are in order but non consecutive. I am creating a new table with all consecutive dates. I need a formula to check whether a date is in column A and then give out a number in the corresponding column to the right. I am able to use Vlookup for this but if the date is not present in the first coumn it returns an N/A response. Is there a way of returning zero if the date is not present?

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MsgBox If One Of X Sheets Is Present

Jul 1, 2014

I have a command button that is linked to a sub procedure that sends emails by sales rep. When the information is separated by region I want to disable this option. So I have the following sheets that may or may not be present: "Southeast", "Midatlantic", "South East", "North East", "Central West" "Southwest" and "Mid Central". If one of these sheets is present in the work book I would like a simple:


msgbox "You cannot distribute email whens sales have been grouped by regions", vbcritical

Not sure of the logic I need to include for this specific case.

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If Date Is Present Add 45 Days

Oct 19, 2009

I would like to do in the column next to it is where there is a date add 45 days, and where the cell is blank just leave the cell next to it blank.

I've have tried several methods, as below and I either get an error message or the cell doesn't return what I would expect.


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Use Of For Loops For Values That Are Present

Nov 22, 2006

If you want to create a FOR...NEXT loop for values that are present, how would you go about it? Sometimes you may have 1,2,6,8,12,13 and the next 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,14.
It may be a number between a certain range, but the sequence and step will change every time (for trying to get a Auto-filter to cull a list based on descriptor)

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Formula For Present Value Factor

May 22, 2007

Which formula should I use to look for the present value factor if I have the interest rate and the # of periods. attached file.

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Counting Unique Values If Certain Value Is Present?

May 7, 2014

I have 2 columns with approximately 200K lines of data. There are only 84 and 823 unique values in each column respectively. On my report.

Column A is essentially a customer list, column B is a product list. I am trying to find out how many unique/individual products a customer orders. I have a separate column that has the customers in it (Column G), and in Column H, I want it to count the unique products ordered by customer.

I changed some of the data, but essentially what I attached is what I need.

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Why Match Turn Out NA But Data Is Present

May 12, 2014

why match turn out NA but data is there ,I'm not very good in this or this formula don't really work,

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