Calculating Project Costs With The Costs Different Each Month?
Jul 28, 2014
I'm dealing with Projects that have an X amount of Units used in a certain period of time. The amount of units are evenly spread among the time the project runs. The problem is that many projects start in 1 month and end in another.
To clarify, the code in my head is like this:
Total Units in project: 80
project starting on 12 jan, project ran 19 days in Jan.
Project ending on 14 feb, project ran 14 days in Feb.
Cost of a unit in Jan = 200
Ofcourse, the code needs to be smart, since the data will be filled in to a table, so the code has to change automatic every time a new project is entered. I cant use pivots 'cause of a standard format sheet.I have the costs per month in a raw data sheet. Start date and end dates in different cells next to each other.
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Jan 9, 2013
I have 3 columns
Column A is a list of suppliers
Column B is a list of purchase orders (there may be several purchase orders for each supplier)
Column C is a list of values
I am trying to show the top 10 suppliers in terms of value, not sure on the best way to go about it
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Mar 6, 2014
I am having trouble calculating multiple full packages in the attached spread sheet, at the moment the formula is multiplying the number of packages by the price of one full package instead of looking for the correct price for that number of packages. 2014 rates checker formula.xlsx
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a form for calculating costs of products ordered which imports quantity and descriptions from another sheet. The imported info and basic calculation of appropriate cost based on ordered quantity seems to work okay. These formulas are as follows:
First column: =IF(ORDER!A5>0, ORDER!A5, "") inserts the quantity ordered
Second Column: =IF(ORDER!A5>0, "Part Description and Part Number", "") inserts the product description
Both those formulas return a blank cell if nothing is ordered. Then using an outlying cell (G3) I enter the following formula to determine appropriate cost based on total order quantity e.g. $2.57ea if total ordered quantity is less than 50 and $2.37 if total quantity is greater than 50.. {Q: How do I put a third pricing level in here??}
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Oct 27, 2008
I'm developing up a spreadsheet to conduct a feasibility on a 50 unit townhouse development and I was wondering if there was any way of allocating costs across the project without physically typing in the data in each month? (96 months in cashflow!)
ie: - In a row headed "Roads & Drains" can I allocate the say $500,000 worth of works across the months by using a formula or other methods?
My current method is very time consuming when I want to conduct a sensitivity analysis,
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Sep 7, 2008
I am trying to put together a sheet to calculate item cost after shipping and taxes. To be honest I may have complicated the whole thing but what I have is two
order volumes that need to be changed to calculate the most cost effective solution.
For example: Item 1 (a1) is $40 and item 2 (a2) is $10, if I was to order 100 (a3) of (a1) and 50 (a4) of (a2), then multiply them in (a5) and (a6) to give me total
order values without taxes etc. I then have (a7) which is the shipping (a8) the import tax and (a9) the VAT.
What I am stuck on is how to work out how much a1 and a2 costs me per item, if I was to order 100 of each then I think it would be simpler by calculating
the total cost and divide by 100 then again by 25% which is the cost difference between $40 and $10. So although I may have gone around the houses on this
one, I want to be able to change cells a3 and a4 and then see how much it is costing per item after shipping and taxes.
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Oct 7, 2008
Plan numbers are contained in Row 1 (1518, etc). Options are listed in Column A (L101, L102, etc). I want to add the costs of each option, resulting in the total and each option code only listed once, with that total, below each plan. Example:.......
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Oct 29, 2008
Is there a possibility to make a sum off the amount of a cell (C59 in my example) of all the sheets in the workbook ?
just like =sum(sheet1!c59,sheet2!c59) but with all sheets.
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Apr 12, 2013
I am going to convert different costs during life time of a product to Net Present Worth (NPW), consisting Maintenance and Rehabilitation costs (M&Rj) and Salvage Value (SV), according to the following formula: [URL] .......
SV occurs only once at the end of life time, it's NPW in Excel can be calculated as following:
=PV(i discount, AP,0, SV,1)
But M&Rj costs occurs J time during life cycle, and formulating manually their mathematical formula most times takes much time. Exactly what should I write in the cell to get their total NPW? In other words, how can I get the following formula by Excel functions: [URL] .......
Reminder: NPW= FV( 1/(1+i Discount))^n
FV: future value
i Discount: discount rate
n: numbers of years (periods)
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Jan 7, 2014
I am trying to set up a spreadsheet to record business costs, I have a column [A] and [B] with start times and finish times respectively. [C] is the shift length say 10 hours but I always get an error if its a night shift as the start time is invariably later than the finish time. Is there a way around this without inputting the dates into the cells as I am trying to not duplicate data entry.
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Dec 3, 2013
See attached. (I added in some arrows for the first month so it is easier to follow the logic)
I am working with monthly revenues. Revenues are earned in a specific month but only a % is received in that month and over the next 4 months. I need a formula that will spread these revenues earned in 1 month over the next 4 months.
Currently, I have a complex Index/Match formula which works until September. September, October, November, and December do not work correctly because once the months roll over from month 12 (December) back down to month 1 (January), my formula cannot recognize the range.
Essentially, I need the formula to return the correct amount that is being paid, even across different years.
I don't know if my formula can be modified or a new formula would be more efficient.
(This post originated from Commercial Services, which I just requested be removed from that forum)
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to set up an IF formula for real estate operating costs. I am guessing that this is going to work best with an IF statement.
(Sample of the spreadsheet is attached)
I know this is wrong but it expresses what I am trying to do.
=IF(C5="Gross",B10=following year of B9 with month/Day being 1/1), if not B10=the folling year of B9 with same month/day)
1Cell C5 can either be Gross or Net from a drop down list.
2Cell B9 lists 3/1/2008
3If cell C5 is gross, cell B10 should be the following year from cell B9 but with starting with 1/1/??? As the month and day(year start).
B11 would then be the following year from B10
(following month/day pattern).
4If Cell C5 is NET, cell B10 should be the following year from cell B9 using the same month and day 3/1/????
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Nov 18, 2009
I need to change cells to reflect new costs. Then have these costs roll into new totals. I attached a worksheet to demonstrate how it works. The numbers in gray should be adjustable. The numbers in tan are summing up incorrectly with my "SUMIF" formula.
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Dec 20, 2007
I have downloaded .csv files with my phone call costs. I want to compare phone companies, so I need to calculate the h:mm:ss amounts to $ based on flagfall and rate per 30 seconds. I can open the .csv files in Excel but I do not know anything about Excel.
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Jan 8, 2014
So I can easily put together a formula that maintains a consistent markup price across varying costs. Is there a formula that will give me a consistent gross margin % as I drag down a series of costs?
So if the cost is 158 a 42% mark up would be 224.36 but the Gross Margin % is only 29.58. I want to be able to hit a 42% mark up across the board.
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Dec 1, 2008
I am looking for a way to get a spreadsheet to automate calculations of unit costs based on variable packaging names.
I have a series of packages that are denoted by text phrases. Examples:
For our purposes let's say the package names above will always be in column A. Column B contains the frontline price of a case of product represented by the phrase in column A. Column C will contain the cost per unit of product - this is obtained by dividing column B by the number of each package arrangement that can be found in one case. Most of the time the number of package arrangements per case is denoted by the very first number in the package name (ie, 4/6/12 would be 4). This won't always be the case though (18/12 would be a package arrangement of 1).
I am looking for a way for the spreadsheet to do all of the following and return the results in column C: if the package name contains "4/6/12", divide column B by 4; if the package name contains "2/12/12", divide column B by 2; if the package name contains "6/4/12" divide column B by 6; if the package name contains "18/12", divide column B by 1; if the package name contains "24/12" divide column B by 24.
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Apr 30, 2014
calculating project completion % based on Project start date and end dates .
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May 8, 2014
I am trying to create vba macro that allows me to calculate cost per month.
I have created a basic table with two columns
I have another sheet , that has two columns
Month - Cost
I am trying to sum up the value on sheet1 and input into sheet2 on the allocated month.
So far logic , that I have came up with is.
I create a For loop statement that looks column and sort each month into an array.
Than the second loop will use the array to find the cost with the allocated array value to sum it.
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Sep 27, 2006
I need to calcuate how many times a date( any date for the month) aprears in the list. it needs to be calucated by each indivual month form a list that will span over a 12month period.
the problem i'm having is how do i get it to only read the month that i want?
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a table of projects with 1) duration in year, 2) time window (number of years of our planning cycle), and 3) start year of the project. I want to generate a list of project parts of all projects where they may take place. This will serve as an input to an optimization program.
So a project of 2-year duration should have 2 parts over any year within the time window. I am including the "impossible" ones for my developer to tag them as "0" when we run it through his code.
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Sep 5, 2013
My task is to consolidate 4 Excel Project Lists (Workbooks) to a Master Workbook. The Project Lists has a different structure and almost different content. The relevant information is always on Sheet1 but it has completely different ranges. The only constant is the Project Number, which should be used to sort the information. Every Project should be listed only once with all the existing information.
I found a code written by Ron de Bruin which has already some components that I want to have in my VBA but I think there are still a lot of necessary adjustments to do.
Sub MergeSelectedWorkbooks()
Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim SelectedFiles() As Variant
Dim NRow As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim NFile As Long
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
The Master Project List should has the headers in Row1 and the information listed below. The Macro should automatically places the correct information to the correct column. Some of the information are in 2 or more of the lists but they should be listed only once in the Master List.
Project Number
Project Description
I guess a problem is that the structures of the Lists are quite different so there must be a kind of sorting process.
In the end I want to have an Excel File with the Macro and a Command Button and by clicking the Macro creates a new Workbook with the Master List.
It would be better if there is a variable range instead of a defined. Like the Macro searches the last row and starts at this row and column.
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Jan 8, 2014
I have to calculate the flat revenue split by month between 2 different dates. The two dates may be in the same year or different years.
excel formula for the same.
Is it possible to do the same in pivot?
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Jan 13, 2014
In cell A1 I have a date 1/1/14
I need to get the number of business days for the month that is entered in the cell. I tried NETWORKDAY formula but needs a start and end date.
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Aug 1, 2014
I am looking for a formula that counts from each particular month
The main List has the following
Column C has all dates
Column D has hours worked
Column E has engineers name
The Second List is broke down into months and hours
Column I Has month ie I4=Jan 14, I5 = Feb 14 etc
Column J I need to have a total taken from column D from the month in column I
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Jan 24, 2008
I trying to find a formula to give the difference between two dates in year and month.
For example, the start date is Feb 1 2006 and end date is Jan 1 2008.
The formula should result in 2.11
I tried the following formula from a previous thread but it gives the answer in text but I need it to result in 2.11.
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to get excel to open a MS Project file and then run a project macro on it.
What is happen is that when I run my code it works, and then excels VBA window freezes up and the run arrow goes away, and if I try to open project I just get a chiming noise and it won't open.
For now I have to select the MS Project file from a directory, but in the future I would like it to go through the folder and open all of the file in the folder
Sub ImportMSProject()
Dim FileToOpen
Dim mpApp As MSProject.Application
Dim prjmacro As Object
'Identify the File to Open - START
FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files (*.mpp), *.mpp")
If FileToOpen = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Identify the File to Open - END
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Mar 14, 2013
I've managed to sort the first half of this issue, in that I can calculate the number of days within a given month which fall inside specified to and from date parameters..
The formula I've used is thus :
This examines a date value (A13 in this case) and assess whether any days within that month are between the two date parameters specified in H9 and I9.
H9 = 01/01/2011
I9 = 15/05/2011
What I need to do now is specify a second set of date parameters in H10 and I10 and add those into the assessment. The dates will NOT overlap.
So, for example, if I were to set H10 as 01/07/2011 and I10 as 15/07/2011, the results would appear as below
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May 11, 2006
I have a sheet with 3 columns. First one is a date in the format dd/mm/yy, second is category type (numerical 1-40) and then the final column is cost in the format 0.00. These columns will need to run from A2:A65536, B2:B65536 & C2:C65536 to cover all later additions. I need to work out a cost total for each of the categories in each month.
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Feb 25, 2013
I need to get a general formula which if possible, automatically calculates the frequency of unique texts (no duplicates) under a particular month (January) without manually inserting the cells which is under january. If possible, the formula will also check to see if the company is either Cash or Cheque.
I have three columns; Date, Company name and Payment mode.
Date ranges from 1 jan 2010 to 31 dec 2012. Cell A2 to A234
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Aug 29, 2013
At the end of each month, my agency collects data about clients served in our programs. One of the many pieces of information they want is the number of "bed days" a client was residing within our programs for the given month.
For example:
Jon Doe entered the program on 7/16/13 and discharged on 8/15/13. I would like to know how to calculate the number of days in July that Mr. Doe was residing in the program. (The date of discharge is not included.)
I recently took over the responsibility of completing reports such as this one at my office. The previous person who completed the monthly reports would count the days by hand for each client, but I know there must be a better way.
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