Change Goals Each Item With Constant Variable
Oct 22, 2013I have goal table on table A and i want it data fill to tabel B with constant sum. maybe like sudoku in sum right and sum down.
View 1 RepliesI have goal table on table A and i want it data fill to tabel B with constant sum. maybe like sudoku in sum right and sum down.
View 1 RepliesI try to adjust chart range using variable value instead of constant value.
My current code :
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 4").Activate
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='Check_2G'!$Z$2:$Z$32"
I need to make range ( "='Check_2G'!$Z$2:$Z$32" ) adjestable with varible like m instead of 32 in previous code.
I want to basically set a varible that can be called back into a multiple of documents I will try and explain this as best as I can but it is a fortnightly pay date... i.e. 22/04/2009 Wednesday... as the payroll is fortnightly I want to be able to use the current date or todays date in a future proof macro.
i.e. if todays date is the 14/04/09 then the next pay date has to be the 22/04/09, if this was run in two weeks it would be 06/05/2009.
I was thinking a long the lines of lock in one start date... 14/01/09, then adding increments of 14 days until todays date - variable + 14 * r = "-"
assume we have constant P = 100, K=50 and F=10.
I would like to "lock" these cells, and have a variable which could adjust and this variable would multiplicate each one and put out the number.
For example:
P = 100
K = 50
F = 10
Variable: 10 this would generate a sum of:
P = 1000
K = 50
F = 10
My current dataset goes to row 256, when I use the Macro Recorder it produces the following "static" code.
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"claim_export!R1C1:R256C23", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12). _
CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="Sheet5!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1" _
, DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion12
Each month the amount of rows could be different (columns should be the same)... I have tried (3) different ways to replace the 256 with my variable name called "numbers"
SourceData:="claim_export!R1C1:R " & numbers & "C23" OR
SourceData:="claim_export!R1C1:R[" & numbers & "]C[23]" OR
SourceData:="claim_export!R1C1:R[" & numbers & "]C23
They all produce the same resulting error:
Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument.
Note* I am sure my variable is working, because when I "step into" (F8) my code and hover over my variable I can see it showing the number I expect.
I have the following array function that I am trying to get to work properly:
ActiveCell.FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(NCR!O2:O100=39326,NCR!Q2:Q100,0))"
39326 is the value of 9/1/2007, and this formula works properly.
I am looking for a way to use this formula but replace 39326 with whatever date is in the first row of the same column as the active cell when it is run.
That is, if the macro was run with cell B8 as the active cell, "39326" would be replaced with whatever value was in cell B1.
I have 800+ files the problem is that the file name ends in 80 different combination so I need to try all of those for each file.
eg: one of the 800 is "109 st no 103 av" the file could be called:
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1._cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av sb1_cleaned.xls"
I wrote a code to try all those combinations, the issue lies a space the code adds before _cleaned, how to remove it?.
So the name should be
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls"
but my code is letting it be
109 st no 103 av nb1 _cleaned.xls
Where the variable Ord is the "1" after nb.
Find the code below:
[Code] ....
I have data from 100 trials. Each trial has a variable number of data points (rows), but each row is labeled in the first column with the trial number. I would like a macro to identify the first row of each trial, calculate the difference of the value of the cell in column G of that row from a constant (718), and then add that difference to that cell and all other cells in that column of that trial.
So based on the attached sample, I would like all values in column G for trial 2 to be +1, for trial 3 to be -5, and for trial 4 to be +2.
In the file, I've cleared all the data from the impertinent columns. Eventually, I will also want to perform a similar process on column H but with a different constant.
I am creating on the fly an array (2 columns) in which the one row cell is mathematically derived from its neighbor (A left-hand cell). However, when the mathematically derived product exceeds a value, the row neighbor changes to another constant until its neighbor's product exceeds another value, etc. Can I create such an array without resorting to VBA?
I have a userForm (Form1) that contains a persons name that I would like to reference in a separate UserForm (Form2). In the separate UserForm (Form2) I need to reference this persons name many times, so I was wondering if there was a was to declare this name in the separate UserForm (Form2) as a constant. Only thing is that a constant, to the best of my knowledge, must be an expression and not a variable. Mainly, I'm trying to avoid declaring the myName variable in each Sub within Form2, which it will be needed for a ton of Sub's.
Code for Form2: Const myName As String = Form1.txtName.Value
I am trying to write a macro which will autofill specific columns. The macro will set the range from the start of my autofill to the end of my autofill as a constant range.
The problem I need to get around is the end of my range can always change each time I run the macro. For instance, the first time I run the macro I may only need to autofill from row 4 to row 15. The next time, I may only need to autofill from row 4 to 23 (because of user updates). How can I make the end of my range not be a constant address but variable?
how can i get excel to read column c and return the answer into column f i have scores in column c that look like eg. 2-2 what i need excel to do is count the goals
in the example obviously 4 and then in column f if its over 2.5 return the value over but if its under 2.5 it returns under is this possible please given the format of column c?
I need to get a percentage, whether it is negative or positive or 100% of goal for column E (for ie. Chardonnay would be +168%; CS would be -61%). Everything I have tried from previous posts just brings me to a % sign in column E with no number.
Shipment Goals thru January
Actual Shipments YTD
(+/-) Percent of Goal(Col E)
Cases Needed to Order
I am trying to add up the same item until it changes. I have attached the file with the desired outcome in the 2nd column.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to number rows based on criteria. when the value changes add a 1. This is what I need to have happen
Apple - 1
Apple - 1
Apple - 1
Orange - 2
Orange - 2
Plum - 3
Plum - 3
I can get an if statement to number everything 1.
Instead of having the goals and objectives already in the form I would like to have buttons that would allow my clinicians to add as many goals and objectives as they'd like to the attached treatment plan. I'd like them to be able to click a delete button as well when they review the plan and need to delete a goal that's been met. When my team clicks into the second worksheet they would see rows 10-16 (below). They would then type a STG 1 and an Obj A. They then would click the Add Obj button and add as many objectives that they needed. Then when they clicked the add goal button a blank copy of rows 10-16 (including the Add Obj button) would pasted one row down and would update to read STG 2. Neither of these buttons would appear when the document printed.
Here is a screen scrape of what I'd like the attached form to look like before goals and objectives are added.
add goal.jpg
The original form is saved in an .xltm format but I saved it in an .xlsm format so I could upload it here.
HCT ITP (2-25-14) Abbr.xlsm
I found a thread on this forum that came close to answering my question but my attempts to pull out the coding that I needed was unsuccessful. Here's a link to the thread: [URL] ........
I am trying to change the caption of a toolbar item but for some reason it does not work.
Application.CommandBars("Format").Controls("Item...").Caption = "I&tem..."
for example works just fine
I'm trying to create code where a user can input criteria into a cell then run a macro. The macro would then use that criteria to filter the pivot table. I have attached an example. The first portion, using date to filter the current page - pivot item is working. I need to creating the code to use the "supplier" to filter the pivot items on the row. As a note, both the Date and Supplier cells are named references.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSuppose I have a department List, and I made a list from that column (Department List), and I enter more staff and selected a department for them during registering, now one of the Department List Item change, How is it possible to change all the entry which has that department?
For more info see the attachment.
I have a Multi-Select Active-X Control Listbox and an associated Button. I am trying to create a dynamic Select ALL, Clear All Button. Clear All Function Works, but Select All triggers the Change Event for the Listbox.
figuring out a way to either
1. Disable the Change event until the "Select all" loop is completed or
2. Find a way to write the action for the Button directly, such that the click event is programmed as part of the Change event, and everything is done in one.
Cannot Attach file due to file size, code below:
Option Explicit
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
I have a spreadsheet with a pivot table that is based on a table within an SQL Server database. Every month a stored procedure is run creating a new table. Using the pivot table wizard I can modify the underlying query to access the new table. The pivot table functions properly with the new data.
I also have a macro that I created that will cycle through all the combinations of page field pivot item values, setting the page field currentpage, do some calculations, and save the results.
This is bombing because it seems that some old date values from the previous month's table are still in the pivot items and when my macro attempts to set the page field's currentpage to one of these values it generates Run-time error '1004' Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class.
I have tried putting a pivotcache.refresh in but that doesn't seem to help.
I have an Excel file with text records, 1000s of lines long Trancriptions of Customer sales reps and Customers, or Distributors. All data is in Collum A.
Each Record has 7-10 Entries
BILLNUM : 060501
ORIG : 12345678909090
REP : 45672222222222
AREA : LK787878000000
SD : 060401
ED : 062025
Excel Userform
'enables user to click [U]highlight and select[/U] an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item (same row in index) is also [U]highlighted[/U] (highlighted only not selected)
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
ListBox2.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListIndex
End Sub
Question: Is it also possible to enable a user to click to select an item in ListBox1 and ListBox2 item is also selected simultaneously (same row in index). Is there excel vb code to do this?
I think the code may be along the lines of the ListBox SelectedIndex property. What would be the Excel VB code equivilant for the ListBox SelectedIndex property, if so?
I need some way that can identify when the item in the description column doesnt match the first item of the same number- for example, here the 1-blue and 3-orange would be flagged because they should match the 1-yellow and 3-green.
I need to do this on a much larger scale (approximately 20,000 data points), so I wanted to create a formula or macro that could do this for me.. I thought making a reference page with would work but I keep getting an error.. I haven't done VBA in a while, so I may have syntax errors.
If Range("A2:A9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("A2:A6").Sheets("Ref") And Range("B2:B9").Sheets("Sheet1") = Range("B2:B6").Sheets("Ref") Then
Range("C2:C9").Sheets("Sheet1") = "x"
End If
I am getting close to finishing the drop down menu capability when filling in column L in tab Transactions. However, there is a snag. When I enter part of account say "fin" (the important part here is that the part of the word should not be the beginning of the account name) - then I select an account from the menu - but it does not stay in the cell if the part of the name is the beginning of the account name - all is fine.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to change the variable value in my following code through array.
What I want is that both the statements
Debug.Print testarray(0) & "........" & testarray(1) & "......." & testarray(2)
Debug.Print custname & "........" & custaccount & "......." & worthcredit & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
should deliver me the same values i.e changedname 123456 and true
for testarray(0),testarray(1),testarray(2) i am getting the values but I am not able to change the variable values for custname ,custaccount and worthcredit, although I am accessing the same elements.
Here is full ....
Trying to create a VBA code that will enter a formula such as: SUM(Q2:Qt) in a range of cells for instance A2:A10, and if there is information in B11, B12, B13 etc., it will consider that variable change and enter the SUM formula in cells A11, A12, A13.
I read that Dim LR As Long is the solution but not sure how to apply.
I have a list of Variables Dimentioned a Range. They are sequential; ie. A1, A2, A3, etc. How do I write the code to switch between these? Obviously, I am looking to correctly reference ("A" & aNo).
For Test = 1 To aNo
With ("A" & aNo)
I am trying to write a formula in code that uses a changing variable, "X".
here is what i have thus far:
.Value = (("G" & X) + 1) - (("G" & X) + ("B" & X))
I am trying to say: ((GX)+1)-((GX+BX))
X is a variable that changes in a loop. it will be the row number. so for example:
I have a text variable MtgDate containing "25/03/2014"
I need to produce another text variable (to build into a file name) MtgDate1 with the text "2014-03-25"
I was going to use the Substitute function to replace the "/" with a "-" then Mid to juggle the dd-mm-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd but at the moment I can't even find the right syntax for the Substitute.
Got as far as:
[Code] .....
but this just sets MtgDate1 as "=Substitute(MtgDate, " / ", " - ") ie reduces the double quotes to single ones.