Code Which Converts Cells With Formulas To A New Formula

Jul 2, 2009

Someone here wrote up this code for me which converts cells with formulas to a new formula (It adds a division to the formula in the cell). It works great with one problem. If the code is rerun multiple times it doesn't check if there is a division added already and just keeps adding and adding to existing formula. For the last our I tried to add a check to the code. Something along the lines "If cell already has "/H2" inserted" skip to next cell. But nothing is working.

Here is the code I'm working with:

Sub Macro2()

Dim MyRange As Range, NewFormaula As String, Delim As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim MyString As String
Dim Format As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet

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Converts Into Array My Formula

Jan 15, 2009


here i have one scrip name ABB and there are 4 rates for the given thing i need thats if on a different sheet i write ABB i want to get the higest rate and the lowest rate in the next Colums as result so plz help me ,with the formule that i should be using for the required thing to get my out put.


Assuming that the data is in A2:G5...

Control+shift+enter, not just enter:



This was the answer which i got this converts into array my formulae but then i am facing a problem when i save my excel sheet then my answer to the solution is there but the formule doesnt appear when i reopen my excel sheet so i cannot make use of it again i have to again write the formule so i need a solution where once the formule is writen then is should not diappear when the file is saved and closed .

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Formulas In Offset: Run It The Cells Remain Blank But The Code Is Above In The Fx

Apr 26, 2006

s1. Offset(1, 2).Range("K4:K464").Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)),"""",(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)))"

How do you get code like above to work in Offset? When i run it the cells remain blank but the code is above in the fx.

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Add AVERAGE Formulas To Cells Using Variables In Macro Code

Apr 15, 2008

I am trying to have the formula =( SUMIF(S2:S125,">0",S2:S125))/(COUNTIF(S2:S125,">0")) Put into cells through vba. What I did to get the formula is typed it into an excel cell to find the average of a group of cells that do contain blank cells. The formula brought out the proper results. So all I did is put the formula into vba and changed the appropriate parts. The range will not be the same of course, but there is what I have.

ActiveCell.Formula = "=(SUMIF(" & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & ","">0""" & "," & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & "))/(COUNTIF(" & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & ","">0""" & "))"

When I show a msgbox for ActiveCell.Formula (Msgbox activecell.formula), it shows me the formula as above - =(SUMIF(S2:S125,">0",S2:S125))/(COUNTIF(S2:S125,">0")) Except instead of the s:ranges, it shows $L2:$L125 (which is correct). The quotes do show up around the criteria in both the sumif and countif. I keep receiving an error. I put a msgbox err.description & ", " err.number dialog in. The error comes up as ", 0" (no quotes).

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Dragging Formulas: Replicate A Formula In Cells

Feb 11, 2009

If I need to replicate a formula in some cells, I usually drag it down or sideways. Is there any easier way to do this? I have large numbers of cells into which to drag the formula. Can I specify which cell range the formula is applicable to (i.e. A1:A10,000 or something) instead of dragging? If so how?

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Creating Macro That Converts Spreadsheets To PDF?

Feb 3, 2014

So I am starting to get ambitious with Excel now and am looking at creating a macro that will automatically create a pdf file of several worksheets at the same time. However this is my problem. Using the current version of Excel there is a wonderful record macro button, however when I try to include a function that would create a PDF, it says that I need to save any changes before creating the PDF. However when I save the file, I have to stop recording which defeats the whole purpose of creating the macro in the first place.

How can I use the record macro function to create my pdf macro without learning visual basic? If I cannot, how to write what it is that I am trying to accomplish?

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Type Celsius Into Cell And Converts To C/f

Dec 3, 2007

is there a way to type a number into a cell and for it to alter the cell upon hitting enter?

for example...

typing -10
and it displaying -10 / 14 in the same cell

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Current Recordset Converts In An Array

Nov 30, 2009

I have a sub-routine I call on that takes a current recordset and converts it to an Array.

I would like to make this sub-routine tool more flexable by being able to specify THE NAMES for the recordset and an array involved.

For example

Sub My_Code()

....blal bla bla.... current code...

Call Recordset_To_Array( Recordset_name, Array_name )

....bla bla bla... continued

end sub
And the subroutine tool:

Sub Recordset_To_Array( Recordset_name as String, Array_name as string )

'Code that generates RS
'Need to take Recordset_name string value and use it in the line below at "XXXXX"
Dim XXXXX as Recordset

'Code that generates array
'Need to take Array_name string value and use it in the line below at "XXXXX"
Dim XXXXX as Variant
End Sub

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Macro That Converts Abbreviations Into Actual Numerical Values

Jul 22, 2014

I extracted data going back to 1980 from Bloomberg and realized that BB uses abbreviations rather than pure numerical values. For example, 3,000,000 is "3M," 300,000,000 is "300M," etc. I need a macro that converts "M" into the actual value, "B" into the actual numerical value, etc. For example, a macro that converts "3M" into 3,000,000. I know that I can identify the values in VBA with "###M."

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas In Cells Not Being Recognized As Formulas?

Jan 10, 2013

I am running Excel 2007 on Windows Vista Business 32 bit. Recently I have noticed that if I enter a formula into an empty, unsused cell, it is recognized as a formula. If I modify that formula, it is then recognized as text and does not work as a formula. The only way I can get the cell to recognize a formula is to delete the cell and start over. This same scenario does not occur on previously stored workbooks. I have checked all of the flags that I know about, including the Options function.

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Hide Formulas From Formula Bar While Still Having Formulas Active?

Jan 16, 2014

Is it possible to hide formulas from the formula bar while still having the formulas active?

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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VBA Code To Copy Formula To Cells Blow

Apr 25, 2006

I need some come code for a macro to copy a formula down a set of cells (I want to highlight a set of cells then run macro). I've looked all over the web, and the ones that looked right didn't work. I'm afraid I don't have enough experience yet to edit them.

In detail: Have cells b2 down list the price of an item
Have C down list item price plus VAT
Create a formula in C2 (ie =(b2/100)*117.5
Copy C2 to all rows with a value > 0
Create a macro where I highlight cells to apply this macro to

This is all in aid of an interview tomorrow, so if I'm lucky, I can spend more time afterwards learning this stuff. I get the principles, just don't know the language enough yet.

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Formula Or Code To Delete Cells If No Text Entered Inside Them

Jul 29, 2013

I am making a buiness card request form, which I have attached. On the Master Sheet (Sheet 1), the user enters in his/her personal data, such as his name address, phone number, etc. After he/she finished entering all the relevant data, Business Card Layout (Sheet 2) automatically populates and shows the user what their business card will look like.

Everything works fine, however I just realized that the contact information might vary from person to person. Right now, a person can enter 5 different contact information, but most of them will probably only choose four.

I wanted to know how to shift the cells down if the user does not fill out one of the contact information.

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Importing Formula / Code From One Cell To Another To Affect Multiple Cells?

Mar 5, 2014

The idea is to select an item i one cell, which in return will affect the following cells with the nutritional values. So far so good. I would then like, if a given amount is entered, it calculates the values.

A food item is typed in Cell A. The following cells will Index Match a table (on a different sheet), importing calculation formulas based on the food items nutritional value (Cells C - G). If an amount is typed in Cell B (i.e. 100 grams) the following cells will then calculate the correct nutritional values.

i learned to make an INDEX MATCH function, so that when i type "Gulerod" or something like that, the following cells import information from the Table tab... When the table contains fixed values, this works just fine. However - i tried to make the table (the cells) with calculation formulas (i.e. =SUM(4*B3))... this means the values in the tables are 0 untill a value is typed in B3 (in this example).

... however when i do the Index Match in my main tab, only the "0"'s are imported, and no matter what value i enter in B3 in the main tab, the following cells remains with the fixed value 0.

... so my question is - is it even possible to have the Index Match function import the calculation formula from the table and have it work in the main tab as well? Or is there any other way to make this work in Excel? Basically - to have the main sheet find the relevant data to use for calculation on a different tab/sheet, and then do the actually calculations on the main tab/sheet.

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Convert Formula To Macro Code (combining Data From Two Cells)

Jul 28, 2009

I received assistance from NBVC for combining data from two cells. Post I need to convert the formula into macro code. I thought I would be able to convert it on my own, but running into some troubles with run time errors. Here is the Excel formula, which is working fine.

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Add Formula To Cell To Equal Product Of 2 Other Cells Via Macro Code

Apr 18, 2008

I'm trying to set a cell on one sheet to be equal to the product of two cells on another sheet. The problem is that one of the cells on the other page is dependent on the variable T. This is what I've got and it's giving me errors

Worksheets("Output").Range("K14").Formula = "Worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17")*worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17").Offset(10+T,0)"

When I record a macro it gives me this, but again, I need the last cell in terms of "T"

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Calcs!R[3]C[-7]*Calcs!R[14]C[-7]"

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VBA Code For SUMIF Formulas?

May 5, 2014

I need to run the following formula in multiple excel documents so I want to creat a macro for it, creating the needed code for this.

The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B125


The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B126


The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B127


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Code To Protect Formulas

Dec 8, 2008

is there any hard code out there that protects formulas in a cell

i have a sheet with formulas down a column
that used once disappear
is there any way to code this so they are always there?

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Code Is Pasting Formulas Instead Of Values

Jul 10, 2014

I am trying to copy data from an employee worksheet into a database that tracks the history of that data when they click submit. Everything is working well, except I can't figure out how to change the code to copy and paste values instead of the formulas.

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Code To Add Rows And Continue Formulas

Jan 25, 2014

I am looking to create a userform to add new rows to a sheet, and continue the formulas in certain columns.

The user starts by entering a number in the text box tbRowAdd. When the user clicks on the button called btAdd it first checks to make sure the number entered is equal to or between 1 and 1500. If this is not the case it should display a message box saying "You must enter a valid number from 1 to 1500 in the tex box."

If the number is valid it should then add that amount of rows below the current active cell in the worksheet ReturnData.

It should then continue the formulas in the A, B, C and F columns. The formulas are as follows:

A: =IFERROR(IF($D6="", "", ROW($A6)-ROWS($A$1:$K$5)),"")

B: =IFERROR(RANK($C6,$C$6:$C$99986, 1),"")

C: =IFERROR(IF(OR(AND(ReturnData!$D6>=Search!$E$1, ReturnData!$D6<=Search!$E$2),OR(Search!$E$1="", Search!$E$2="")), IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$3,$E6,1),"")-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$4,$F6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$5,$G6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$6,$H6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$7,$I6,1),""))+ROW()/100000, ""), "")

F: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($G6, EquipmentData!$B$3:$C$1048576, 2, FALSE),"")

Each number in bold should match the row number (I dont know if this happens automatically or requires coding).

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Code To Add New Row And Copy Formulas Only (not Values)

Jan 28, 2014

Im looking for code to add new rows and copy the formulas only (not values) into the cells A, B, C, D and F. I have found code that does this in various places online but in every case I have found they duplicate the row then remove the values (so the formulas are left behind). The issue I have however is that it triggers some change event code I have on the sheet which interrupts the process.

Is it not possible to simply insert a new blank row, then copy down the formulas only without values?

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Modify Code To Copy Only Value Not Formulas

Apr 7, 2009

Thanks everyone that has helped me with this so far. I am very new to VB so I definitely appreciate all the help.

I have the following code to select rows that meet 2 different criteria and copy them to a new sheet.

The problem is I only want to copy the values not all the formulas - the formulas don't work in the new location as they are referencing cells that are no longer there.

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Excel VBA Code / Hide Formulas

Jan 6, 2012

I am new to programming in excel. For example user enters the value 1 in A1 and 2 in B2 The answer should be in 3 in C1. How to write this code ? Also is there any way where i can let the user copy the VALUE from the result (C1) into another Sheet in case if am using + Sign to obtain the result in C1 instead of writing a VBA Code.

Basically i am looking for the user to in put data in A and B and the result should come in C like wise i want the user to input the values in few rows and the user should get the result in the respetive rows under column C. The user should copy the values from C into another work sheet/ work book. The user should not have access to the formula but should be able to input values and copy the result. can i do this without vba code if so how ?

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Formulas Added From Macro Code Don't Update

Mar 12, 2008

I used VBA to write a number of formulas into various cells in a workbook. After the VBA is done running, I change the values in the cells that are referenced by the cells I wrote formulas in. The formulas do not update after I enter this new information. My calculation is set to automatic, and F9 doesn't help.

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Macro Code To Add Formulas To Reference Different Sheets

Aug 8, 2008

How do I change the code so that the macro looks up the next sheet (instead of by sheet number, which is how the code was recorded) and transfers data to the summary page until there are no more new sheets. See attached zip.

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Enter Array Formulas To Range Macro Code

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to enter a series of formulas referencing the first cell of each row.

With Range("A40")
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "= COUNTIF(Details!R2C2:R65536C2,RC1)"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 2).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC[-2])*('Details'!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 4).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 5).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 7).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 8).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
End With

While this code works for the first formula, the following 4 are arrays, and for some reason, will only reference the first A40 cell.

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Macro To Clear Cells With Numbers But Not Cells With Formulas

Jan 22, 2013

Macro to clear cells with numbers but no cells with formulas with in this macro:

Dim i As Long
i = Range("E3")
If i > 0 Then
' Copy range
Range(Cells(6, 10 + i), Cells(500, 17)).Copy
Range(Cells(6, 10), Cells(500, 17)).Select
' Paste special
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=2, Link:=1, _
DisplayAsIcon:=False, IconFileName:=False
' Clear i columns on the right
Range(Cells(6, 18 - i), Cells(500, 17)).ClearContents
End If
End Sub

The range is where the cells with numbers need to be cleared but not the ones with formulas.

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Converts US Dates To NZ Dates Using Array

Sep 12, 2012

I have made macro that works but I want to convert it to array and want change all dates with looping. I have used based on selection and dates to convert are not always in Column E



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Multiple If Formulas Plus Sum Formula

Mar 12, 2009

I am not sure what the best way to describe this is but here I go.

Year Account Net Amount

1 2006 Travel Expenses $5,000.00
2 2007 In Kind Time $2,500.00
3 2008 HR Time $3,000.00
4 2006 Travel Expenses $1,500.00
5 2006 In Kind Time $2,500.00
6 2007 Travel Expenses $6,000.00

I need to create a formula that will say: If column A1:A6 has a ,2006, and column B1:B6 has "Travel Expenses", than Sum C1:C6. The answers should be:

2006 Travel expenses = $6,500
2006 In Kind Time = $2,500
2007 In Kind Time = $2,500
2007 Travel Expenses = $6,000
2008 HR Time = $3,000

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