Code To Add Rows And Continue Formulas
Jan 25, 2014
I am looking to create a userform to add new rows to a sheet, and continue the formulas in certain columns.
The user starts by entering a number in the text box tbRowAdd. When the user clicks on the button called btAdd it first checks to make sure the number entered is equal to or between 1 and 1500. If this is not the case it should display a message box saying "You must enter a valid number from 1 to 1500 in the tex box."
If the number is valid it should then add that amount of rows below the current active cell in the worksheet ReturnData.
It should then continue the formulas in the A, B, C and F columns. The formulas are as follows:
A: =IFERROR(IF($D6="", "", ROW($A6)-ROWS($A$1:$K$5)),"")
B: =IFERROR(RANK($C6,$C$6:$C$99986, 1),"")
C: =IFERROR(IF(OR(AND(ReturnData!$D6>=Search!$E$1, ReturnData!$D6<=Search!$E$2),OR(Search!$E$1="", Search!$E$2="")), IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$3,$E6,1),"")-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$4,$F6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$5,$G6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$6,$H6,1),""))-(-IFERROR(SEARCH(Search!$E$7,$I6,1),""))+ROW()/100000, ""), "")
F: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($G6, EquipmentData!$B$3:$C$1048576, 2, FALSE),"")
Each number in bold should match the row number (I dont know if this happens automatically or requires coding).
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May 16, 2009
The code I have here which sums row A and B in column C as shown in the table above And finish.
Sub Sum_Rows_1()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Integer
LastRow = 0
Is it possible code continue the summing up of row D and E in column F?
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Jul 17, 2009
when the information cannot be found, it breaks the code and did not continue the search.
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May 19, 2014
I assume I would need a macro, but I am wanting to have a button where-by the user clicks to create another 100 rows and in-turn, continue the formula's that reside within the columns and rows above, down...
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May 5, 2014
I need to run the following formula in multiple excel documents so I want to creat a macro for it, creating the needed code for this.
The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B125
The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B126
The below formula needs to be inserted in cell B127
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Dec 8, 2008
is there any hard code out there that protects formulas in a cell
i have a sheet with formulas down a column
that used once disappear
is there any way to code this so they are always there?
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Jul 10, 2014
I am trying to copy data from an employee worksheet into a database that tracks the history of that data when they click submit. Everything is working well, except I can't figure out how to change the code to copy and paste values instead of the formulas.
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Jan 28, 2014
Im looking for code to add new rows and copy the formulas only (not values) into the cells A, B, C, D and F. I have found code that does this in various places online but in every case I have found they duplicate the row then remove the values (so the formulas are left behind). The issue I have however is that it triggers some change event code I have on the sheet which interrupts the process.
Is it not possible to simply insert a new blank row, then copy down the formulas only without values?
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Apr 7, 2009
Thanks everyone that has helped me with this so far. I am very new to VB so I definitely appreciate all the help.
I have the following code to select rows that meet 2 different criteria and copy them to a new sheet.
The problem is I only want to copy the values not all the formulas - the formulas don't work in the new location as they are referencing cells that are no longer there.
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Jan 6, 2012
I am new to programming in excel. For example user enters the value 1 in A1 and 2 in B2 The answer should be in 3 in C1. How to write this code ? Also is there any way where i can let the user copy the VALUE from the result (C1) into another Sheet in case if am using + Sign to obtain the result in C1 instead of writing a VBA Code.
Basically i am looking for the user to in put data in A and B and the result should come in C like wise i want the user to input the values in few rows and the user should get the result in the respetive rows under column C. The user should copy the values from C into another work sheet/ work book. The user should not have access to the formula but should be able to input values and copy the result. can i do this without vba code if so how ?
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Jul 2, 2009
Someone here wrote up this code for me which converts cells with formulas to a new formula (It adds a division to the formula in the cell). It works great with one problem. If the code is rerun multiple times it doesn't check if there is a division added already and just keeps adding and adding to existing formula. For the last our I tried to add a check to the code. Something along the lines "If cell already has "/H2" inserted" skip to next cell. But nothing is working.
Here is the code I'm working with:
Sub Macro2()
Dim MyRange As Range, NewFormaula As String, Delim As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim MyString As String
Dim Format As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
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Mar 12, 2008
I used VBA to write a number of formulas into various cells in a workbook. After the VBA is done running, I change the values in the cells that are referenced by the cells I wrote formulas in. The formulas do not update after I enter this new information. My calculation is set to automatic, and F9 doesn't help.
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Aug 8, 2008
How do I change the code so that the macro looks up the next sheet (instead of by sheet number, which is how the code was recorded) and transfers data to the summary page until there are no more new sheets. See attached zip.
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Jan 29, 2013
In Visual Basic, the Continue For statement will complete the current iteration and start the next, if any.
For i = 1 to 10 some work
If [some condition] then Continue For the rest of the work
End For
This statement gets flagged as invalid in VBA.
What's the proper way to end just the current iteration of a For loop in VBA without exiting the loop entirely (Exit Loop)?
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Apr 6, 2007
I have this vba code and i want it to carry on finding the next cell with the same value, so every time i click the button it'll find the next cell with the same value. E.g. i type in mark it'll find the first Mark, then click again it'll find the second Mark and so on
Sub Find_cust()
If Range("N3").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a customer name"
Exit Sub
End If
valueToLookFor = Range("N3").Value
Set found = Worksheets("CD").Range("b:b").Find(valueToLookFor, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not found Is Nothing Then
iRow = found.Row
Cells(iRow, "A").Select
End If
End Sub
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Apr 26, 2006
s1. Offset(1, 2).Range("K4:K464").Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)),"""",(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)))"
How do you get code like above to work in Offset? When i run it the cells remain blank but the code is above in the fx.
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Apr 15, 2008
I am trying to have the formula =( SUMIF(S2:S125,">0",S2:S125))/(COUNTIF(S2:S125,">0")) Put into cells through vba. What I did to get the formula is typed it into an excel cell to find the average of a group of cells that do contain blank cells. The formula brought out the proper results. So all I did is put the formula into vba and changed the appropriate parts. The range will not be the same of course, but there is what I have.
ActiveCell.Formula = "=(SUMIF(" & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & ","">0""" & "," & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & "))/(COUNTIF(" & ActiveCell.Offset(orow + 2, 0).Address & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address & ","">0""" & "))"
When I show a msgbox for ActiveCell.Formula (Msgbox activecell.formula), it shows me the formula as above - =(SUMIF(S2:S125,">0",S2:S125))/(COUNTIF(S2:S125,">0")) Except instead of the s:ranges, it shows $L2:$L125 (which is correct). The quotes do show up around the criteria in both the sumif and countif. I keep receiving an error. I put a msgbox err.description & ", " err.number dialog in. The error comes up as ", 0" (no quotes).
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Apr 23, 2008
I'm trying to enter a series of formulas referencing the first cell of each row.
With Range("A40")
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "= COUNTIF(Details!R2C2:R65536C2,RC1)"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 2).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC[-2])*('Details'!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 4).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 5).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-7))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 7).FormulaArray = "=SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).Offset(0, 8).FormulaArray = "=RC[-1]-SUM((Details!R2C2:R65536C2=RC1)*(Details!R2C11:R65536C11=RC1)*(Details!R2C4:R65536C4>TODAY()-30))"
End With
While this code works for the first formula, the following 4 are arrays, and for some reason, will only reference the first A40 cell.
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Nov 29, 2006
I am trying to use a button on the top of the sheet to add a line from wherever they are in the worksheet with the formulas on the above row. Example: 0=formulas
they are here beneath the line
they press the button on the top of the sheet
the row is created above the current cell their in with the exact formulas intact.
I am trying to have the sheet protected (so the formulas are not seen) but in order for the user to add a line they have to copy and paste the formulas above to the new line which can't be done when formulas are protected.
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Aug 13, 2009
Basically in B3 I have number 1. I want a macro to go to the next empty cell down and continue the series, i.e. 2. Then if it is ran again it will go to the next cell down and put in 3. This is what I want it to do only I don't want it to reference ranges. I added the offset line in but still need to know how to autofill to the nex line down..
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Mar 13, 2007
If cells A1:A3 contain text that needs to be combined in B1 but amount of data sent to B1 is of greater size than B1 can display because of surrounding cells is there a way to allow data not viewable to overflow into another cell?
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Jul 24, 2009
I'm trying to write a VBA script which will delete all rows in my Excel spreadsheet where Column I (which contains a status code) does not contain the word "Completed".
At the moment, I'm doing this the other way round: my script is able to search for entries in Column I which contain the status codes "Pending", "Awaiting Authorisation", "In Progress" etc and delete them. The idea is that when all those rows are deleted, I'll only be left with rows which have a status of "Completed". This works fine at the moment. However, the concern is that if a brand new status code is added to the data file, my script would be unable to pick it up and delete it. This is a small sample of the code I'm currently using (which deletes all the rows with statuses other than Completed):
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May 7, 2006
I have a simple spreadsheet that will be used by others for records management (rehabilitation case management). I have entered the code for most of the 'stuff' that I need to make the workbook easy and simple to use, and get the data back to head office each month.
Because the users will be emailing their records and I haven't yet worked out a way of sending just the "open cases", I need to keep the workbook/worksheets small (and to maintain good programming).
In column L, I have copied this formula from L2:L501:
Column K is where the case-managed person works and so column L returns the geographical location value. Obviously it's blank until the case is opened by starting a new record and entering each field with data. For example, the user can select " Finance" from a validated drop-down list and the adjacent cell (to the right) will look up the value and return "Parramatta".
How do I translate the cell formula to some VBA?
I suspect that the static VLOOKUP range in the formula (LOCSTAT!$A$1:$N$299) will need to be dynamic range as well - I can follow the instructions for a single column dynamic range, but I am also getting lost working out how I can create a dynamic range for all data on a dedicated worksheet.
I'll be able to translate a solution to other cells as well
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Mar 23, 2007
I have this macro that adds whatever formula that is in L1 to the same cell down 66 rows. But it doesn't work like the way I want it to because it's stopping when it sees empty the problem is that my colum is actually completely how do I get it to stop when I want to?
Sub every66rows()
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With Range("L1")
Do Until IsEmpty(.Offset(66 * i))
.Copy .Offset(66 * i)
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
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Sep 12, 2012
I am creating an excel sheet where there is a comments section where the column width is 58 characters. Is it possible for someone putting in comments to have it automatically go to the next row once they enter 55 characters in the row above? I don't want to use wrap text and need to maintain the rows in this section.
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Feb 13, 2009
How do you make a formula continue all the way down a column, so i haven't got to drag or copy it down all the time?
Lets say I have a formula in row Z, which is =SUM(A1:T1) If I want that formual to be in every cell of row Z, I would have to copy it down. However, if I do that, the spreadsheet becomes huge. I just want that formula (in fact my formula is much more complicated) to always be in row Z, for evermore, as the spreadsheet in time will have more and more rows in it.
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Jun 19, 2009
I have this macro that does an autofill in Column A depending on what is in Column B, however the rows are going to increment frequently. Column B has repeating numbers but they are not all even amounts. So column B can 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5, and so on all the way down. The code will identify when the value changes to something new and in Column A will start numbering from 1 to whatever until it recognizes that a value changes in Column B.
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
The problem that I have is in bold with the range. I need it to continue until it recognizes the last cell in the column that has a value and stop.
Right now it will work but only until row A6391 for my first sheet however these rows will increase over time. I'm using Office 2007.
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with customised formats and formulas and the problem is that when add a new row I have to go through and manually copy all the data to the new row and as there are many columns in the spreadsheet this takes forever.
Is there anyway I could automatically copy all the formats/formulas when I insert a row?
PS: I do not want to copy any data into the cell only the formatting and formulas
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Sep 28, 2009
delete rows without affecting formulas
In general, when you write a formula:
In Cell A1:
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Jun 22, 2012
a huge spreadsheet that is taking up way too much time. It starts out with 6,000-7,000 rows, but then, she does Subtotals & it grows to nearly 10,000 rows! Then she has to deal with each & every one of the Subtotal rows, by hand. Here is a small sample of the spreadsheet, after the Subtotals have been applied:
Manifest Dttm
Manifest No
Carrier Scac
This sheet has columns A-Q. The key columns for our purposes are K (Weight In Lbs), L (Pickup Charge) and M (Consolidation Charge). We need to add information to column R on each SUBTOTAL row only! On each row there will be an amount in EITHER column L or column M, but not both.
1) If the amount is in L and K is LESS than 488 then R needs to show 44.39.
2) If the amount is in M and K is LESS than 124 then R needs to show 3.82.
3) If either
a. The amount is in L and K is 488 or HIGHER or -
b. The amount is in M and K is 124 or HIGHER
THEN R needs to show a formula to do this: (L+M)/(K/100)
Is there a way to either put a formula in just the Subtotal rows to accomplish this or (preferably) have a macro enter either the 44.39, 3.82 or the formula? I was able to come up with a formula that gets the correct amount in col R. Here's my formula:
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