Copy The Block Of Formulas And Formats Down The Sheet A Few Hundred Times
Aug 27, 2009
In my spreadsheet, I have approx. 300 'blocks' of data, one for each 'vendor'. I am tracking 5 stats for each vendor for 12 months. Each 'block' has 5 formulas WITH conditional formatting (only one condition used) for each month, so each 'block' has 60 individual cells with conditional formatting. Excel throws an error when I try to copy the block of formulas and formats down the sheet a few hundred times. I have figured out it isn't the formulas that is the problem. It must be some kind of limit Excel 2003 has for how many cells in a workbook can have conditional formatting.
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with customised formats and formulas and the problem is that when add a new row I have to go through and manually copy all the data to the new row and as there are many columns in the spreadsheet this takes forever.
Is there anyway I could automatically copy all the formats/formulas when I insert a row?
PS: I do not want to copy any data into the cell only the formatting and formulas
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Jun 25, 2008
I'm trying to write a formula for the following simple situation. Eventually I will need to use this formula for several hundred people with several hundred choices.
Like I said, this is a simplified example that I will eventually need to expand out to hundreds of people. Lets say I have 5 people, we will call them #1, #2, etc to #5 and I have 5 cars, red, blue, black etc. Person #1 gets his first choice, person number 2 gets second choice etc. But if person #2's first choice is the same as person #1's, obviously he can't have that choice and must go to his second choice. Some people may not have a preference and won't get assigned any color.
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Dec 18, 2008
1. In whatever cell is selected when the macro is run, enter a new row.
2. Copy the information from the row directly above the new row and paste (values, formulas, formats, etc) into the new row.
3. Return to column P in the new row, i.e if the new row is row 11, then return to P11, for row 12 return to P12, etc.
I have tried recording the macro but because it is hard coded to specific rows, its not working. I have attached a sample copy of the sheet (had to zip due to the size of the file).
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Oct 2, 2013
I had a macro on my previous laptop that worked, but didn't have the macro backed up so it was lost.
I need a vba macro that will copy all active/selected worksheets into a new workbook. Included requirements:
* Maintain tab names
* Only bring in contents/data with all formats (including logo image, but NOT formulas or hidden rows/columns)
* Keep the file name the same except adding "- FINAL" to the end
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Sep 10, 2009
In a macro, I am copying data from another sheet and most of the time I only require the actual data or the values as per below.
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May 7, 2014
Normally if you want to create a copy of a sheet what we do is :
Right click on the tab sheet > click on Move or copy > select (move to end) > check box Create a copy > click ok.
Now its very tedious if i have to copy the sheet lets say 50 times using this method. Perhaps there is another shorter way that will instantly create a copy of the sheet in the same workbook?
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Jul 9, 2013
I would like to copy the existing sheet "Template" 17 times and each of the copied sheet should be names according to the order in the array:
how this is done in VBA?
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Apr 25, 2006
I have a table with 15 columns and 10 rows (initially all cells are blank but with formulas and formatted) and I want a way to add automatically a new row in my table each time something is entered on first cell in each row. For example if I enter something in cell A1 (first cell in my table) then automatically add 11th row and if I delete the value in cell A1 it is ok to leave the 11th row there but if I I go on and enter a vlaue in A2 then add row 12th. Of course I want the new rows to have the same formats and formulas as the previous ones.
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Nov 17, 2008
I've got two pieces of code.
1. cuts+pastes all formulas and formats to another location.
2. cuts+pastes required formulas but not cell formats to another location.
The s/s is over 330,000 rows deep which makes manual changes impossible.
I attach small s/s containing both codes.
What I want to do is copy+paste formulas+formats from cells having a number in the cell below to cells 4 columns along and two rows down. The s/s illustrates this.
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Jan 26, 2008
I have a names in column A starting with row 7 as follows:
Walden, Douglas E
Haden, Michael
Wilson, Matt David
I need help with coming up with 3 formulas:
(1) That returns the First, Middle Initial, & Last Name in column P of the same row:
Cell P7 Douglas E Walden
Cell P8 Michael Haden
Cell P9 Matt David Wilson
(2) That returns the First & Middle Initial in colum Q of the same row:
Cell Q7 Douglas E
Cell Q8 Michael
Cell Q9 Matt D
However, I am so new at this, the simpler the formula the better because I want to try & understand it, not just learn it.
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Apr 28, 2007
The problem: I am getting values when doing a pastespecial for formulas and formats.
Manually copying and doing a pastespecial with the mouse gives me the correct results. Below is code I got from the forum, "here", and am running in a test workbook.
Option Explicit
Sub Test2()
Dim rSource As Excel. Range
Dim rDestination As Excel.Range
Set rSource = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C1")
Set rDestination = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, _
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, _
Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, _
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set rSource = Nothing
Set rDestination = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Does anyone know why I am getting values? What do I need to do to make this paste only the formats and formulas?
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Jan 11, 2014
I am attempting to create a template to make time and dollar budgets for various projects easier to create (20 plus projects a year with varying number of employees).
I want to have a template in which you input the number of employees working in a cell (IE. 3 employees), and with that the table expands to have enough rows to have 3 employees data input. However, only insert the number required but not overriding "totals" row below. With the new inserted rows I would like to keep the same format and formula for the row it was based on.
Example :
week 1 hours
week 2 hours
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Nov 15, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that I have people fill in. A few columns have VLOOKUPS. I want to allow people to insert lines in this spreadsheet and have the formula automatically copy in the new line. It seems to already have that behavior for formatting and conditional formatting. Is there a way to also have that for formulas when inserting lines?
Name City Assigned Salesman
john Mountain View (formula using VLOOKUP)
cindy Palo Alto (formula using VLOOKUP)
ronnie sunnyvale (formula using VLOOKUP)
Insert line between john & cindy. Formula doesn't copy.
I ask them to copy the formula but they often forget. If I can make it a little more robust,
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Apr 24, 2006
I have a very large table with 7000 rows and each time I open the file it takes excel about 1 minute to open it.Initially all cells in the rows are empty. Each row in the table has the same formats and formulas(eg. in J106 I have =IF(C106=1,1,"") and in J107 I have =IF(C107=1,1,"")).So the excel allocates all the memory and does the formatting and computations beforehand. How can I add new rows(preserving the formats and formulas of previous ones) dinammycally and automated? An example will be if I start enter data in a row add another row at the end of the table or a button that when I press it adds lets say 100 new rows in the table. Below is the table, the rows in the table to which I add data start form C15 to C7014.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have this code:
[Code] .....
I want only values to be copied, not formulas.
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Jan 13, 2014
I was wondering if it's possible to copy and paste formulas to a brand new excel sheet. I created an excel sheet with some forumlas but when I try to copy and paste it to a new page it only pastes the values and not the formulas.
Is there any way to transfer the formulas as well?
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Nov 3, 2013
I was wondering if there was an easy way to copy columns (headings) and the formulas to a new sheet. I'm currently working on Sheet 1, need to copy everything onto a new sheet so I can keep things separated by week..
Example, Sheet 1 is Week October 30th, would like my 2nd sheet to have same exact headings and formulas which I would then rename to Week Nov. 1st etc..
Also, is there a way that I can then copy the 4 sheets that would make up a month into a new spreadsheet so I can then start December...
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Jun 28, 2014
I have an excel file with 9 sheets and I want to copy all the data from those sheets to a master sheet but with out the formulas . I need the values only to appear in the master sheet. I used the following vba macro code which I found it while I was searching for an answer, it did it perfectly except for the formula part. !! I guess, it has to be edited by adding some codes with paste options but I don't know how!
' CollectMasterData Macro
Sub CopyToMaster()
Dim wkSht As Worksheet
Dim DestSht As Worksheet
Dim DestRow As Long
Set DestSht = Sheets("MasterData")
Note: my headers are @ row 1 and 2 and my formula is in column A.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have a cell with seven conditional formatting formula rules that I now want to copy to the rest of the column. I can copy/paste special/formats one cell at a time but if I try to to this with a group of cells, (or try using the format painter), it treats the formula references as absolute, even though they aren't shown as absolute in the rules manager. Am I missing something? Using 2007.
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Feb 12, 2014
I am looking out for a code where I can copy a block of data to the second sheet and adding the new block of data below the previous one.
The block of data ranges from E6 to K15. On a click of the command button the data gets copied to sheet2 starting from A2. It will be pasted in sheet2 from A2 to G11. When I click the command button with the new data it will be added from A12 to G21 after that A22 to G31 and so on It will keep on adding the block.
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Mar 3, 2007
I need to use Excel 2007 in a stock sheet situation.
I have attached a picture of what the sheet will look like.
What I need is a formula that will take a value in column c and then add the value in colum a behind that. Preferably with a X or - between them ie.
If i took the first row and applied the formula it should kick out 5 x Jam
The main thing is it must output the answer to another file/page so that the main page stays the same. And if there is no value in Colum c it must ignore it.
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Sep 26, 2008
I found a way (on this board) to spell out numbers...I.E.: 140 = "One Hundred Forty" .
But is there a way to convert "One Hundred Forty" to 140 and format as a number or general or pretty much anything but text? I thought would be as easy as Cell Format > Number
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a excel table in Cell B2:C2 to B10:C10 in sheet1. I need to copy this table "x" number of times as specifiedin A2, with an row offset (gap) of 10 rows starting D2 in sheet2.
But somehow, only the first row of the data is getting copied?
I have the following macro: .....
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Nov 30, 2011
How to copy the cell formats of the copied range in the vba.
Sub Summary_All_Worksheets_With_Formulas()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Newsh As Worksheet
Dim myCell As Range
Dim ColNum As Integer
Dim RwNum As Long
Dim Basebook As Workbook
With Application
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Apr 20, 2012
Since you can copy to someplace with one line of code like this:
Sheets(1).Range("A1:Z5000").Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Range("A1")
is there any way of doing this with formatting, or are things like paste special features only possible by selecting something?
Ie: Values, column widths, formats, etc. Does the copy destination argument only allow simple copying?
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Oct 13, 2008
I have a workbook that has several INPUT areas that are composed by many rows and columns. These areas must be unprotected because the user must be able to fill them in with different numbers.
The challenge is that these areas have different conditional formatting to try to prevent the users to make mistakes, but the users always fill out one row and then copy down the others, when they need to be the same. This is not always the case. Then, the conditional formatting is lost.
The challenge is how can I allow the user manually fill out numbers, but they should not be able to copy and paste, in any way, within these different areas in the workbook?
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Jul 23, 2009
I currently have a macro that outputs data to a bulletin-board type table in my worksheet. At the moment, what happens is that the macro copies the entire table down one row using copy/paste, then prints a new line of data to the top row of the table.
This works great because it is very fast and because I only have to format each line once--the formats just get copied down every time a new line of data is added.
My problem is that while this program is running, I am unable to use copy and paste in windows, because the copy/pasting from the macro overwrites the windows clipboard.
Is there a way for me to "copy" formats from 1 range to another range of equal size without actually using copy/paste? I know this can be done with values (eg. range("B2:B4").value = range("A2:A4").value), but I can't get it to work with any sort of formatting.
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May 22, 2009
I have a giant sheet that culminates in a graph. It is for various regions. When used in a country with in-control currency, you end up with a nice healthy number that looks good on the graph. When our Zimbabwe office uses it with their crazy inflation and high prices, we get a crazy number that goes into scientific notation...
Anyway, my question:
Given a number like 4,200,000 or 6,500 or 345,123, I want to be able to show as few trailing numbers as possible, and give a nice K or B or D or however you abbreviate Quadrillion (kM? for Zimbabwe) after it.
And, if possible, I'd like to do it with number formats, but I am flexible so long as it doesn't use VBA.
The lookup table would be:
Sheet1 AB1<1,000As is21,000K31,000,000Mil.41,000,000,000Bil.5>1,000,000,000,000Tril. Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
All numbers have 2 significant digits, and I want to keep 2, so if it ends up as 4,200,000, I want the answer to read 4.2 Mil, etc.
I tried doing this with a lookup, and couldn't handle it.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a spreadsheet for a couple hundred rows of data, and 6 columns. The fifth column contains a date. What I need to figure out is this:for every 3 rows of data, if the date diffes in column 5 (E), highlight this row and the previous 2 rows
Currently, I've been doing this all manually, row by row - needless to say, it takes me a few hours or depending on how much other work I need to do, a few days.
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