Easy Way To Copy Columns And The Formulas To A New Sheet?

Nov 3, 2013

I was wondering if there was an easy way to copy columns (headings) and the formulas to a new sheet. I'm currently working on Sheet 1, need to copy everything onto a new sheet so I can keep things separated by week..

Example, Sheet 1 is Week October 30th, would like my 2nd sheet to have same exact headings and formulas which I would then rename to Week Nov. 1st etc..

Also, is there a way that I can then copy the 4 sheets that would make up a month into a new spreadsheet so I can then start December...

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Easy Way To Collapse Rows And Columns On All Sheets In Workbook

Jan 28, 2014

Is there an easy way to collapse rows and columns on all sheets in a workbook.

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Convert Large Number Of Row Data Into Columns For Easy Printing

Mar 1, 2014

i was stuck with some mass data which spans over many rows and columns. i am relatively new to excel and wanted to know how i can get this data arranged in a way where i can access all the data from a printable view. i have attached a file explaining basically what i want.

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Copy / Paste Columns That Has Specific Range With Formulas

Jan 3, 2013

Is there any way to copy a column that has a specific range

=COUNTIF(B12:BE12,"*p") etc

to copy that to a column lets say 5 columns to the right without my range changing?


I need the same range in all columns, and I cant seem to accomplish this.

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Copy Only Values (not Formulas) To New Sheet

Jun 4, 2014

I have this code:

[Code] .....

I want only values to be copied, not formulas.

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Copy And Paste Formulas To New Excel Sheet?

Jan 13, 2014

I was wondering if it's possible to copy and paste formulas to a brand new excel sheet. I created an excel sheet with some forumlas but when I try to copy and paste it to a new page it only pastes the values and not the formulas.

Is there any way to transfer the formulas as well?

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How To Copy Excel Sheets Values Only To A Master Sheet Without Formulas

Jun 28, 2014

I have an excel file with 9 sheets and I want to copy all the data from those sheets to a master sheet but with out the formulas . I need the values only to appear in the master sheet. I used the following vba macro code which I found it while I was searching for an answer, it did it perfectly except for the formula part. !! I guess, it has to be edited by adding some codes with paste options but I don't know how!

' CollectMasterData Macro
Sub CopyToMaster()
Dim wkSht As Worksheet
Dim DestSht As Worksheet
Dim DestRow As Long
Set DestSht = Sheets("MasterData")


Note: my headers are @ row 1 and 2 and my formula is in column A.

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Copy The Block Of Formulas And Formats Down The Sheet A Few Hundred Times

Aug 27, 2009

In my spreadsheet, I have approx. 300 'blocks' of data, one for each 'vendor'. I am tracking 5 stats for each vendor for 12 months. Each 'block' has 5 formulas WITH conditional formatting (only one condition used) for each month, so each 'block' has 60 individual cells with conditional formatting. Excel throws an error when I try to copy the block of formulas and formats down the sheet a few hundred times. I have figured out it isn't the formulas that is the problem. It must be some kind of limit Excel 2003 has for how many cells in a workbook can have conditional formatting.

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Copy Columns Resulted From Another Columns Operations And Paste In New Sheet

Dec 30, 2008

when i copy columns resulted from another columns operations and paste in new sheet i got garbage ,could you tell me why and how to overcome this problem.

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Copy Columns Containing Certain Text From Sheet 1 To Sheet 2?

Jan 25, 2014

I am looking to copy the columns containing firstly H and then A from this sheet (sheet 1) to sheet 2. At the moment the H and A run in sequence, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row but I want them to appear seperatly in sheet 2 so that I have all of the H's together in a sequence and all of the A's together in a sequence further down the sheet. I haven't used macros since school and don't have the first idea where to start. Do I need macros or is there a simple formula I can input? The data I am looking to copy is below with the letters in question 3 rows down.

Week 22
Week 21
Week 20


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Copy Columns From One To Another Sheet?

Nov 13, 2013

How do I copy the contents in column C on sheet 1 to column A on sheet 2?

When I export from quickbooks it is going to replace sheet 1 with updated items and prices. So I want sheet 2 to have the same information so it retains my formulas in other columns?

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Copy Every 4 Columns To New Sheet?

Mar 14, 2014

I need a macro to copy every 4 columns to a new sheet and name it what is in the 2nd column 7th row

So it would copy columns A-D to a new sheet and name the sheet B7. Then copy E-H and name it F7....etc.

It could stop when there is nothing in the 2nd column 7th row of each division.

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Copy Only Few Columns From A Given Sheet

Apr 18, 2007

how to copy certain columns using macro code. I have attached a sample file and shaded the cells that I want the macro to select for me.

The problems I face are

1. Cells are merged.

2. Cell in one row has 2 sub divisions on the row below.

Also the row headers always will not be in the same columns. I need to use VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP to find out whether the column am searching is the actual one I want.

For example I need to search for Name using VLOOKUP / HLOOKUP and then copy the names under them. Similiarly to all the other cells that I need.

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Copy And Paste Different Columns Into One Sheet?

Jul 7, 2012

I am trying to copy and past different columns from different sheets and copy them in one sheet which I named "BI Output Data".

'This copy and past the BI Result'
If CheckBox1.Value = True And CheckBox7.Value = True Then
With Sheets("AFA Output Data")


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Copy Only Data In Some Columns To Another Sheet

Jun 1, 2009

I am trying to copy rows that match a date range but I only want some of the columns to be copied to a pre-defined sheet.

For example, if the row is selected as a match because it is within the desired date range, I want the data in columns 'A-F', 'I-J','N-O' to be copied to the sheet 'Report' starting in 'A3'.

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Copy Two Dynamic Columns Into One On Another Sheet

Aug 12, 2008

I've searched and tried some similar examples but cannot find a fit that works. I have two columns of data on the same worksheet- IO2 & IR2 (3 columns apart) that will have varying end lengths. I need to combine these into one column on a different tab ( cell A8)- one on top of the other. When it gets to the first blank cell I want it to stop and grab the second column till it gets to the first blank cell. Note-these columns need to stay in the current order but format will not matter. It sounds so simple but I cannot make a formula or macro do what I need it to. I would prefer a macro because the workbook is already so slow.

There is a second part too (but I couldn't even get past the first!). Once the above is done. I will actually have the process repeat and return two different columns next to each other. I then want to reference these two columns and a month and find the correlating set of date in the first worksheet and bring it over. Here is the current macro I was trying (for part 1) but I can only get 1 column returned.

Sub FCST()
Dim improw As Long, impColumn As Long, MyCell
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim improw2 As Long, impcolumn2 As Long
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws1 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Marketing")
Set ws2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(" Forecast")
improw2 = 8
impcolumn2 = 1
impColumn = 249
Do Until impColumn = 252
improw = 2
Do Until improw = 11078 'this is the number of possible entries in each column.........................

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Copy Columns From One Sheet To New Rename Headlines?

Jun 30, 2014

I need to copy 120 columns from one sheet to a new. The columns needs to be in a certain order. So I need fx. from the original sheet column 2 is called "number" and I need that column to be put in new sheet as column 1 with new headline "no." Guess I need almost the same code for all of the just with different names etc.

I also need to put in blank columns with specific headlines in between some columns - so fx. in column 4 I need a blank column with headline "search"..

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Copy Multiple Columns And Paste Into New Sheet With VBA

Jul 23, 2013

I need to copy multiple rows in a spread sheet with a forloop. The problem is I only need a select few columns. A:C and F:H. When pasted into a new sheet I need to columns to come in A:F

I have a loop that does this already but it is huge and is slowing down my file. Here is part of it.

Sub MinerInfo()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
resultsRow = 2


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Copy Duplicates Between 2 Worksheet Columns To 3rd Sheet

Sep 10, 2008

I’m trying to do is identify duplicates in a LARGE column of numeric data. As a matter of fact, it’s about 112,000 rows which won’t fit on one spreadsheet since a spreadsheet can only handle 65,536 rows. So the caveats are that the information needing scanned for duplicates is all ONE body of data even though it is on 2 spreadsheets so I am not comparing one sheet of information to the other rather all 112,000 lines need checked for duplicates as a whole. Once duplicates are found I would like them to be highlighted in yellow on the original 2 worksheets but then also have the duplicates copied to a new sheet.

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Macro To Copy 2 Columns To New Sheet Based On Value In A Different Column

Jul 4, 2014

I'm trying to create a macro that will look at the values in one column (column G) and whenever there is a new value, it will copy the data from 2 other columns (I and J) into a new sheet with the original column as the title. I can't think of a better way of explaining that so I've attached a sheet with 'Raw data' being the source sheet and 'Outcome' being the hoped for final product.

I have color coded the sheet to show where the data is coming from, but do not want the colors in the actual sheet.

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Filter, Copy Specific Columns, And Paste To Another Sheet.

Sep 27, 2009

Yeah it is 1:33 am where I am.

I'd like to filter a column and paste only 2 columns to another sheet in the first available row.
I found a code that was posted by Tom Ogilvy and made a few adjustments: ....

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Macro To Copy Selected Columns And Paste In New Sheet

Aug 24, 2012

I have a sheet that has columns from A to BS, and the column headers start in Row two.

I need to 1st filter the data by Column E where the data in Column E should not contain a particular Value, like"Sleeve".

Then it needs to copy the Columns A,D,G, BN, BO, BP,BP,BR & BS.

And it needs to delete Rows 3 & 4 from the current sheet, before pasting it in a new sheet.

And at the bottom of the sheet it needs to give me a count of the rows and the month end date for each month.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Sheets To One Summary Sheet

Aug 21, 2013

Here's what I have:

A workbook with 40 sheets, each sheet has data in A:B with varying numbers of rows. A and B have headers in each sheet.

What I want to do:

Have a summary sheet in the same workbook of all the sheets in A:B

After some searching and my limited VB skills, I found a way to copy each column into the summary but to the right of the next column. I need it to be continuous in A:B

Sub Create_Summary()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
n = Application.Worksheets.Count


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Compare Two Columns & Copy Matching Rows To New Sheet

Feb 4, 2008

I need to track only certain tasks id's out of entire task id database. I have 1 column of data on sheet "A" that represents task id's I want to track. On sheet "B" I have multiple columns of data, the first column being the task id's. I need to compare the column on sheet A with the first column on sheet B. If there is a matching task id, I need to copy the entire row of data from sheet "B" on to a new sheet "C". If there is no matching task id on sheet "B", I would like to copy just the task id. Each week I would get a new set of data for sheet "B" (which can vary in length) and I need the ability add or subtract task id's on sheet "A" that need tracking. See the attached xls file for a piece of sample data.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Sheets To Single Sheet In Workbook?

Aug 11, 2012

I have a workbook with many sheets labelled as mmm-yyyy. The constant columns in all the sheets are C,E,R,T, and U.

Is it possible to have a macro do the following: Add a sheet called Summary at the end of the workbook. From the last sheet of mmm-yyyy, copy columns C, E, and R to the Summary sheet. Copy columns T and U from all the other mmm-yyyy sheets to the Summary sheet. All the cells need to be centered.

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Copy Determined Columns From Source To Destination Sheet In Particular Order

Oct 27, 2011

I have a source data sheet that has around 50 columns. I want to copy and past selected columns to a destination sheet.

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Copy Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Multiple Columns Of Criteria

Jul 27, 2013

I am working on a project to automate the import of data and fixing the formatting.

The data contains the date in column A and time in column B. The time is in increments of 15 min for each day. The rest of the data is in columns C:F. Some of the dates don't have all of the times within the day (so instead of 96 rows of data per day, there maybe 80 rows). I have a second sheet of just dates and times that has the correct amount of rows for each day. What I need to do is have the rows data that matches in both the date and time column from sheet 1 copied over to the corresponding date and time on sheet 2. Blank data rows on sheet 2 are fine. I have found some stuff on .Find, but the stuff I found was for specific searches.


Sheet 1
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

Sheet 2
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 12:30 AM
7/27/13 12:45 AM
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12

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Check Data For Changes In Multiple Columns And If Changed Copy To Another Sheet

Mar 8, 2014

This is my basic setup, each piece of equipment will have more than one routine to be performed:

Equipment Type

To Be Performed
Last Performed
Performed By
Next Due Date

[Code] ..........

I want to track changes on "Last Performed" and "Performed By" and, if changed, copy both values to a separate "log" sheet. In total, there could be up to 10 routines for each peice of equipment. That means I would need to track 20 columns for changes. I would like this check to be done on save because that ensures that the user is satisfied with their changes and keeps the log from being flooded. And lastly, it needs stored in the log sheet in a way that I can identify which piece of equipment it was for and which routine was done.

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets (different Columns) Into A Main Sheet

Jul 7, 2009

I have multiple sheets Names(Sheet1-Sheet5).

Im trying to compile them all on the same sheet (Main Sheet). But each sheet is NOT the same. I need to choose what Columns needs to be copied (I can use one macro for each tab if needed)

For example I need Sheet1, Columns (A,C,E,G,S) copy that and then go to (Main Sheet) and paste in the next blank line (column A)

Seems like it does not know where to paste.

Here is one I have tried ....

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Macro VBA For Copy Paste Columns Of Data From Three Tabs Into One Column On Separate Sheet

Nov 18, 2013

I have a workbook with four tabs or four sheets.

Tabs 1, 2 and 3 have a column of data (Column A) on each sheet. They all start from the same cell. Each cell of data are just numbers. The column (an array) of data will not have blanks between.

But, they are not the same number of data. They vary.

Meaning, Tab 1 may have 15 numbers (A1 to A15), Tab 2 may have 20 numbers (A1 to A20) and Tab 3 could have 5 numbers (A1 to A5). Each iteration of the workbook may have different number of data in the A column on these tabs.

Now on Tab 4, I want combine the data from all three tabs into one column (in column A).

So, Tab 4 has a column A with data from Tab 1 copy and pasted to (A1 to A15) as values, then (A16 to A35) have Tab 2 data copy pasted as values and (A36 to A40) have Tab 3 data copy pasted as values.

Basically, the macro on Tab 4 has to count the number of rows on each Tab that are populated with data values and figure out to copy all the data on Column A from each three tabs and paste the data value into the Tab 4 in one column of data (in values).

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