Create A Simple Dash Board Using Only Excel?
Dec 17, 2013
I am trying to create a simple dash board using only Excel and no VBA. What I am trying to do is I want to create dependent drop downs and link up drops downs that will pull out the required data individually or with combination of those two. For example, let's say
A column has Dates of transaction,
B column has Item name
C column has Units
D column has Month name
E column has Shifts (Morning or Evening)
I am trying to make a dash board that will pull total Sum of individual items based on
Only Date wise
Datewise + shift wise
Month wise
monthwise + shift wise
I managed to create drop down list for dates, months, and shifts but i dont know the way how to link the individual drop down lists together to pull the data based on the selection. which function i should use here and how?
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Jun 3, 2013
I am looking to copy a simple board game in Excel
Basically it would be a simple race. Containing 4 counters (blue, green, red and Yellow) and 10 squares each.
There would be 40 cards 10 blue, 10 green, 10 red and 10 yellow. Cards would be draw randomly and the counters move respectively. I would be thinking about starting with =RANDBETWEEN(1,10).
I have no knowledge of VBA/ macro but would welcome ideas with what formulas/ commands to use.
I have added some snapshots to show what I would be looking for.
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Dec 24, 2013
I am trying to create a form in excel that simulates a chess board, the code was quite extensive so I better separate it into modules, because the program suddenly began to close, how do I do that? being that I have all the pieces of a chess game and some strings and boolean variables with information on the positions of the pieces on the form?
Private Sub A1_Click()
If Turn_Player1 = True Then
If Active = "Pawn_pr1" Then
If Loc_Pawn_pr1 = "A2" Then
[Code] .....
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Aug 25, 2013
I'm making a custom BINGO board in Excel 2010 for a family reunion, so it doesn't contain numbers; instead it has words (like "has brown eyes" or "served in the military"). the first sheet is the board and looks like a traditional BINGO board with the same number rows and columns with a center FREE space. On the second sheet is the list of all the phrases I'm going to use, one phrase per cell, all in Column A.
In BINGO cells, I want it to use one item (phrase) in each box but NOT repeat within the board. I have the following code in each cell and it works EXCEPT, there is no code telling it to make each cell unique, so sometimes it may repeat.
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Feb 24, 2012
I have some rows that have some text for example "0- 56933 tex". the numbers are not always the same, but there is a dash, and sometimes there is no space after the dash. I want get the numbers before the dash in a variable and the one after in another variable.
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Apr 19, 2008
I have downloaded the sample file at the bottom of the 'Contextures' webpage that explaines how to create a simple userform...
at the very bottom there is a 'Download the sample file' link
This simple form alows the user to input 4 bits of data, PartID, Location,Date and Qty. This data is saved in another part of the worksheet called 'Partsdata'
What I want is somehow for the user to be able to seach for a PartID from the list in the Partsdata worksheet. When this PartId is found, display the userform in a way that the data relating to that PartID can be edited and then re-saved when the user clicks on the 'add this part' button.
For example....
Msg Box or user form dispalyed stating...."Enter PartID to edit"
a search of the PartID column (columnA) in PartsData worksheet is carried out and when the matching PartID is found the corresponding information is displayed in a user form that can be edited by the user.
Once the user has made any changes to the data shown, the user clicks on the 'Add this part' button and the new data is re-saved using the same partid reference.
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Dec 4, 2012
I have a # of games played column (Column A), a # of games won column (Column B), and a number of games lost column (Column C).
I'm trying to make it so Column C automatically enters the number when I put in the number in Column B.
Games Played........Win........Loss
For the fifth game played, if I won it, how do i make the 2 to automatically enter into the loss column when I put in the number 3 in the win column?
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Jan 31, 2014
I am trying to create a simple macro to open a second workbook if the value in a cell in the current workbook is 'x' or if 'y' do nothing.
Basically I have a simple sales ledger, one column has a yes/no for whether or not an invoice is paid if no I want to open a second workbook 'debtors' so that I can manually input the details. I'm sure this is a very simple proceedure but I can't seem to crack it.
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Aug 24, 2009
I am using excel 2007 for database of a large e-commerce site.
I am creating search-able attributes from keywords found in description, title and meta-data columns.
I am using the following function in "column X" to search 4 columns (see formula) for specific music styles.
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Nov 8, 2012
I'm looking for the functionality in Excel where you can unhide/hide a group of columns or rows by clicking the plus or minus sign below the ribbon but above the spreadsheet itself. I forget how to do it, but it basically groups the columns together and hides or unhides all of them with one click.
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Jul 5, 2014
how I could perform a simple file path check using excel.
For example:
File Path
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Oct 21, 2012
Need a simple macro for paste value - it used to work in Excel 2003 but not 2010.
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Nov 3, 2012
Background: The user makes a selection from a drop down box on the main sheet (sheet5, G12). The drop-down box is linked to *Sheet31.Pax_Nav*. If the drop-down box's linked cell value is less than 5, then do nothing (manual input required). If it is greater than 5, then the vlookup matches that number to a person in the database and returns their weight. The code will pull the required person's weight but then Excel will hang and freeze.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
On Error Resume Next
If Sheet31.Range("Pax_Nav") > 5 Then
Sheet5.Range("G12").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Sheet31.Range("Pax_Nav").Value, Sheet31.Range("H17:L48"), 5, False)
End If
End Sub
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Oct 8, 2011
How do i share parts of my spreadsheet on the board?
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Nov 5, 2007
I run the company office pool / lottery. A person selects 6 numbers 1-49. Twice a week the provincial draw is held. if your number matches the drawn number i would highlight your number on the spreadsheet. When all of your numbers are highlighted, you win. This usually takes 3-4 draws to cover all your numbers. Ideally i would like to simply enter the drawn numbers & have excel automatically highlight the number next to each persons name if they have selected that number.
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Aug 7, 2009
I am organizing a golf scoreboard for my golf tournaments. Basically, this is what I want to do:
I would like to rank the players that are entered by their score, in ascending order. Basically, I want to take the column for "total strokes" and organize the numbers so that it will rank the numbers that are entered. If there are no numbers entered in a specific row, I don't want that "zero" to be ranked in the list. So for example, if I have five golfers but they are spread out over 10 rows, I would still need to have five numbers in the rank: 1,2,3,4, and 5, not 1 to 10, as if it were ranking the rows that have nothing entered in them.
This is how it will look:
Johnson - Strokes : 70 - Rank :1
Williams - Strokes : 75 - Rank : 3
Patterson - Strokes : 72 - Rank : 2
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Jul 1, 2014
I'm trying to create a simple Excel spreadsheet (not looking for Access or complex relational database stuff) to have the following:
A tab with data about a person : name, date of birth, join date, and a list of sessions they attend (eg. Monday Morning, Monday afternoon etc).
A different tab in the same sheet, or a form to select from that list of people, and allow changes to the information, and the ability to save it back to the data tab. Ability to add new people or delete people would be useful.
I am looking to create this as a basis for managing sessions, creating a register etc....
Any simple spreadsheet which I can use as a starting point, or to use as a reference in getting it established?
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Mar 2, 2014
I'd like to create a simple graph exactly like the one on the picture, but for the life of mehow to do this on Excel 2010.This is the data I have:
Seperation First target Second target
0 59.00% 0.00%
2 64.28% 40.62%
4 62.68% 48.99%
6 60.81% 65.83%
8 61.82% 70.21%
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Aug 10, 2014
Here is a very simple workbook/sheet with some simple date arithmetic.
I keep getting the warning that there's a circular reference in C2.
Either I need to suppress the warning so vba loops can run or PREFERABLY I'd get rid of the "circular reference".
Run with Excel 2013.
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Jul 15, 2007
I would like to create a new more effective quick staffing board for work.
Name Start Time Finish Time Break Allowance Break Time 8 (then time period from 6 till 2300
BUT when I enter say a shift of say 09:00 17:00 I need this time period to block out on the board, hard to explain ...
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Jun 3, 2007
i would like to write vba to fill a "chess Board" Matrix (8X8) With Powers Of 2...
starting with 2^0 and ending with 2^63...
(i suppose, click a button/icon and have the numbers fill in/populate...)
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Mar 26, 2014
So i got a few macros on a worksheet and one of them is simply :
Sub Pr_Removefilter()
End Sub
Ive worked on the excel a couple of times, everything fine. Then it started crashing upon saving (after changes made that had no possible connection to the macro, on another sheet). After a few painfull trials and errors i located the problem to be this macro button. I erased it, created a new one with the EXACT macro and it works. Why?..
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Aug 9, 2007
I work in the Oil and Gas industry and deal with large data tables that have "Location Codes" for lack of a better term.
The problem is that not all Databases use exactly the same format of code, they will however always have the following:
xx-xx-xx-xx ---> ie. a string of four numbers each seperated by a Dash.
This string sometimes will appear after a text name of varying length. With this in mind I would like to parse the four numbers into four different columns.
Things I've tried with some success:
Using the "Right" function to break off the location code off the end of the entire name, and then using the ".parse" command in VB to seperate the numbers at given intervals.
This is great for certain purposes however because the four numbers are not always 2 digits, and the ".parse" command cuts at given intervals it is hard to accurately parse an entire set of data.
Some examples of location Codes are given below:
WEST DOE 11-16-81-15
KNOPCIK 3-9-73-9
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Nov 9, 2011
This entire link is in one cell i would like the data Iowa_Health_System
What formula can i use
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that shows a dash in some blank cells and I can't get rid of it. Cells are formatted as general, there's no event code, no conditional formatting, no data validation, no auto-formatting, no nothing. I can copy a cell from outside the range with no dash in it and paste it into one of the cells with the dash and the dash remains. I can't figure it out.
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Sep 1, 2006
I recently saw Krishnakumar use the formula.
= sumproduct(--(a2:a10=d2),--(b2:b10=e2),c2:c10)
I haven't seen sumproduct used this way. Very cool. I see how it is working, but can anyone tell me more about the syntax of the dash dash used in array 1 and array 2? I have never seen this. How is it different than =SUMPRODUCT(1*(A1:A9=G1),1*(B1:B9=H1),C1:C9), which is the syntax I'm used to seeing.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a column of data that may or may not have a formula in them. The cells are formatted in Accounting, w/o the leading $ sign. (i.e. 133.57) The value zero shows up as a hyphen or dash.
The issue is the format of the cell. In that attached worksheet, i inserted two formulas in cell b6 and b7. Both formulas are exactly the same, but the formatting is different. One is in the accounting format, but the other is in general. When I run the code, only the general formatted cell gets found.
My real worksheet is in the accounting formatted code, so I don't want to change my worksheet's numbers into a general format. How I can find the zero value thats in an accounting format?
Below is a strip down version of the code.
Sub test()[COLOR=#333333]
[/COLOR] Dim rLookInADR As Range
Dim foundcell As Range
Set rLookInADR = Range("b1:b380")
Set foundcell = rLookInADR.Find(what:=0, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
MsgBox (foundcell.Row)
End Sub
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Feb 26, 2009
Here is what my worksheets looks like.
So this list of information needs to be changed to the following
All the numbers in red need to be cleared. No I have been able to find the original number and clear it. For example I can have the program find 53254 and clear it, but I am really having a tough time having it find -1, -2, -3 and so on. If the program finds a -1, I need any dashes after that to be cleared. If the program doesn't find a -1, then it goes to -2. If it finds a -2 then any number after that needs to be cleared. Here is the code I have to clear some of the numbers.
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Dec 19, 2011
I know this works because I have seen it in a workbook at a client's office.
I need a custon number format to substiture an "em" dash for zero. An em dash is a hyphen with the width a the letter m. There is also the so called en dash tht is the width the the letter n. A search of the internet shows that to create an em dash in a cell that contains a 0 ("zero"), hold down the alt key and type 0151 on the numeric keypad. Typing 0150 insert a en dash.
I want to be able to set this up as a custom number format in the custom number dialog.
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Mar 25, 2013
I have entries that look like this - 300-7188258-1
I need to remove the dashes. I find and replace all - with nothing. that has worked for YEARS. Seems simple to me.
Today, when I do it, Excel leaves the "300" and removes everything else. I even did a CLEAN function and it still does it.
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