Changing Lookup Formula To IF Statement

Feb 12, 2013

How the Lookup will break down within an IF statement?


HTML Code:
'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _

Non-Working If statement. I realize that the Lookup isn't currently here. Including it kind of defeats the purpost of breaking this out into IF's, doesn't it?

HTML Code:
If MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -2) "" Then
MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -1) = Search("Principal")
MyFirstCell = 1
ElseIf MyFirstCell.Offset(0, -1) = Search("Foreclosure") Then
MyFirstCell = 1


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Vlookup Formula Changing Lookup Range Automatically

Apr 9, 2009

As I copy and past my lookup formula down the page it is changing the lookup range which I think is what is giving me so many #N/A results. My first Formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Coors2!A2:D3765,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'AB2'!A2:C13944,3,FALSE),(VLOOKUP(A2 ,'WM2'!A2:C4843,3,FALSE))))

Then for instance at line 59 the formula is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,Coors2!A59:D3822,3,FALSE),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A59,'AB2'!A59:C14001,3,FALSE),(VLOOKU P(A59,'WM2'!A59:C4900,3,FALSE))))

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Changing Cell Formatting With An IF Statement

Nov 18, 2008

I have an area of a spreadsheet that I want to "disappear" when a particular option button is selected. I can make the text go away, but part of that area has cells that are formatted differently than the surrounding cells. I would like to change the cell background color, text color, and border setting. How would the syntax read?

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Case Statement Changing Cell And Font Colors

Sep 25, 2009

I have the following Case statement that changes all the cells to the correct color, but does not change the Font color as specified in the Case. All the text is White (fcolor = 2) instead of just the 3 types of cells specified.

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Lookup/If Statement Combination

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to do a lookup from the price list based on the below data file, my problem is I need the price that falls within the qty range from the price list, the price list is not consistent and changes with every item. I would like one formula that is sophisticated enough to work no matter where the qty range lies.

Item #_____Qty Ordered________Price List

Price List
Item #____Order Qty________List Price

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How To Add A Bloomberg BDP Function To Lookup Statement

Oct 16, 2012

I need to add a Bloomberg BDP function to my lookup statement. The formula that i'm trying to replicate in VBA is =IF(ISBLANK(h23,"",BDP(H23&" cusip","long_comp_name")). update my macro.

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Complicated If Then / V Lookup / Match Statement

Dec 6, 2005

I need a formula that would be able to calculate the distance from the start
of a code to the end of a code. An example table is below. The start and
end of a code is indicated in the CONT. column. (Start of first code = S1,
end of first Code = F1, Start of second code = S2, end of second Code = F2,
etc.) Maybe a table could be used (E1:F2) that shows the corresponding Start
& Finish Codes. Two conditions need to be met before the length (in DIST
column) is to be calculated, the Report numbers and the Codes must be the
same for both rows.


In the table above:
- Code B in report 100 would go for a distance of 7 (12-5).
- Code A in report 100 would go for a distance of 6 (16-10).
- Code B in report 200 would go for a distance of 6 (10-4).

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How To Lookup Pre-determined Value Based On IF Statement

Mar 26, 2014

I am working in cell T3 of 'workbook A'.

I want to lookup a value from cell C4 in 'workbook B' if the value in cell G3 of 'workbook A' equals "Yes". If the value of cell G3 in 'Workbook A' equals "No" I need the value to be 0.

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Changing Data In Lookup Table?

May 26, 2014

I am creating, essentially, a product order form (actually a shopping list creator for my wife). Containing 'Quantity', 'Product Name' and 'Price'. When I enter the product name via a drop-down list, the price is displayed using vlookup.... no problem so far.

My problem is... or should I say, my desire is, that when the vlookup price is displayed, if I (my spouse) know the current price to be different from the one retrieved from the lookup table, I would like to post the new price and modify the data in the lookup table so that any future requests for that item will reflect the new price.

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VLookup To Different File Dependent On Changing Lookup Value

Feb 4, 2014

Can I use a vlookup combined with IF function to lookup up to a different file dependent on what the cell says.

For Example cell a1 could have the value Alan Smith, Tony Brown or John Doe dependent on what value is entered the lookup would "lookup" against the file named Alan Smith, Tony Brown or John Doe.

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Lookup Based On Variable/Changing Sheet Name

May 23, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a way to lookup a value based on a conditional sheet name. I'm finding it difficult to explain in words what I'm trying to do, so I'm going to try and describe it in a miniature example of my spreadsheet. I apologize if this is going against forum rules, this seems like the quickest way to get my question across:

The following is the way my spreadsheet's first page is set up:

ID Apr-08 Mar-08 Feb-08

The column labels depend on another table, which changes monthly.
The rest of the sheets (24 of them, labled "200804", "200803", etc) look like this:

ID $ amount Date paid

I have another table upon which the na

I'm trying to return the "Date Paid" value for each ID for each month. Each month, however, more data arrives, and the labels change. I have several dozen spreadsheets formatted in this way, and I'm trying to avoid having to change the vlookup (or other formula) manually each month for each sheet. Is there a way to make the vlookup depend on a table?

This is essentially what my formula looks like right now for cell A2:
=VLOOKUP($A2,'200804'!$A$1:$G$10000, 3, FALSE)

If I could replace '200804' with a cell reference, that would be ideal. I haven't been able to figure out how (if possible); I tried experimenting with index sheets but that went nowhere.

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Lookup Formula With Two Lookup Values

Nov 12, 2008

I have 3 Sheets named Paid, Rejected, and Reprocessed.

On the Paid and Rejected sheets I have 2 fields Customer # (Column A), and Amount (Column Q). (The customer # field has many duplicates but the amounts are never duplicates)

On the Reprocessed sheet I have all the rejected items (all fields) and also a field named Reprocessed. I need to use a formula that will check the Paid sheet for any items that have the same Customer # and Amount and return the amount

There are 8,216 rejected items and 45,047 paid items. Some items were originally rejected have been reprocessed and show under paid.

Any thoughts on which formula I should use?

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Lookup Formula: Find The Longitude And Latitude Data From My "lookup" Sheet

Jan 28, 2009

In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)

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Date Formula & Add If Statement To The Existing Formula

Dec 19, 2008

I currently use the following formula: =workday(H21,H23,J20:J34) which calculates my date based the date entered in cell H21. While testing I realized that I needed to add another variable to the formula for a specific scenario. When my Date in H21 is less than todays date I require another workday formula to be calculated. How can I add this if statement to the existing formula?

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Formula For If And Or Statement

Nov 14, 2009

if-and-or statement if possible. The formula would go in cell A10.

If D5="x" and D4=7, answer would be "H8", if D4 is blank, answer would be "x".
If D5=2 or 3, and D4=7, answer would be "H8", if D4 is blank, answer would be "v8".
If D5=1 or blank and D4=7 or blank, answer would be " ".

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If Then Statement In A Formula

Oct 6, 2008

I am a sales rep and am designing a spread sheet to help me track my commissions, on occasion I need to split the commission with another rep I have the spreadsheet set up as follows:

J1 Dollar amount - the total amount of the sale. K1 fee% - my fee is negotiable so this number will vary by client this field is formatted as a precentage. L1 total commission - takes J1*K1 to give me a $ amount M1 split y/n - here is my question, i would like a formula that will divide L1 in half if I type a Y or Yes in M1 I'm sure this can be done but I dont know how, also would the formula go in L1 or M1 if I want the results to be displayed in L1?

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Using Value Of A Formula In IF Statement

Apr 21, 2006

I'm entering a simple IF statement in excel that asks if one cell is bigger then another. However one of the cells I'm referencing is also a formula, so excel is not reading the value in that cell. How can I get around this problem? Is there anything that will enable me to compare just the value of that cell? I have attatched the file and the cell in question is F21.

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Increment Formula With If Statement

Aug 7, 2012

How to increment a formula with an If statement that transforms 2 values in time format and then as long as these two values keep beeing added in the cells the formula keeps active in the column.

I tried to apply the code for all the but this makes my file huge like 20MB!

You can check this on the file, go the "records" sheet, add the time in the "shift start" and "shift end" fields, then the difference value goes to "hours" in the sheet.

[URL] .....

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Using IF Statement With Length Formula

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to use an if statement with a LEN function, i want to say if column O2 is 5 characters long then populate with Y if not populate with N.

I have tried.


but it doesn't work?

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Counting Formula With If Statement

Mar 14, 2009

I need a Count formula with an If statement to count how many accounts in column A have a start date (column B) greater than today?

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If Statement (put 'IF Formula' In Cells)

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to put an "If statement formula" within cells using VBA but it errors at the word "error".

Basically what I am trying to do is put similar to the following example into a range of cells.. for example:

...with B2 being worked out by the for..with and the value (in this instance 100) being put in by VerbLen.

NB: Column A contains a reference number hence not having this actioned on it and counts start from 2

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Formula On Making A Statement

Jan 20, 2014

I need a formula to look at a cell and if it is =< 102 say "Flat Bed", or =120 "Double Drop"

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IF Statement That Returns A Formula

Oct 2, 2008

Can an if statement return a formula (e.g. =IF(A1=1,C1+D1,0))

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Changing Worksheet In A Formula?

Dec 13, 2012

Trying to increment worksheet in order to summarize data from all other worksheets. I have 70+ worksheets and I'm trying to copy and paste worksheet and cell reference so that the same data on each worksheet is summarized on one sheet. Worksheets are labeled Cost (1), Cost (2), Cost (3) etc. When I copy the cell reference I can't get the worksheet name to change to the next worksheet:

=+'Cost (1)'!$E$19
=+'Cost (1)'!$E$19
=+'Cost (1)'!$E$19

I want to get this

=+'Cost (1)'!$E$19
=+'Cost (2)'!$E$19
=+'Cost (3)'!$E$19

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Changing Text Using Formula?

Jul 1, 2014

I was wondering if there is a formula to change cell C2 to "Red" (One uppdercase, the rest lowercase) or if this was only possible through macro?

Also, would there be a way to combine B2 & C2? I apologize, but that was the only logical way I could think of to get the output in C2.

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Color Changing Formula

Jun 19, 2007

Need the formula or redirect me to a thread about changing the text color of numbers based on value.

I.e. I need for negitive numbers to be RED Positive numbers to be BLACK and 0 to be YELLOW like below.


This formula will be use for a huge data base and only one column needs to be affected by it. Currently I had click the option to change color but it becomes a hassle and there is room for error. I wish to put the data in the column and not worry about the color.

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IF Formula Changing The Sign

Apr 8, 2009

I need a formula that reads If a number is less than zero then it will show as positive, but if the number is greater than zero then it will show as a negative.

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Changing Information In If Formula?

Jan 11, 2012

I have a timesheet worksheet that a previous employee created and I need to alter a formula. Unfortunately, I can no longer contact them.

Anyways, I need to alter an "if" formula that is associated with a drop down list. As of now, the drop down list is used for a 2 week period ending on a specific date. When the date is selected, the calendar automatically aligns the proper dates to the days of the week. I believe it is able to do this with an "if" formula that is used by the numbered days of the month. For example; if I select January 14th, 2012 as the 2 week period ending date,

On the 14th the "if" formula shows as this:
=IF(ISBLANK($P$2)," ",$P$2+1-1)
On the 13th, it shows as this:
=IF(ISBLANK($P$2)," ",$P$2-1)

I noticed a trend here with the last digits 2+1-1 and 2-1, so i attempted to go with this trend and add numbers as the dates went on, but it did not work.

I need to change this so that instead of a 2 week ending period, it is for a full month. So, if I were to select January 2012 or any month, all the days of the month would align correctly with their days of the week.

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Changing Cell Value Not Formula?

Mar 9, 2012

How can I edit a cell's value without changing the formula within?

for example:
cell A2=$B$2
cell B2=$A$2

-I allowed for this circular reference and now I want to be able to change the value in one cell and have it appear in both cells without removing formulas.

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Sum Formula Keeps Changing Automatically?

Jan 22, 2014

How do I stop my sum formula from adding to it's range every time I type a number in? I have 12 columns of numbers by date and 4 quarter columns at the end totaling each of the 4 quarters. If I start typing directly across, the 1st quarter sum formula updates to include every number in the first 12 columns. The other quarter column sum totals stay the same.

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