How To Create County Heat Map

Sep 10, 2013

I'm trying to create UK County heat map, however I can't seem to find example of one I could edit.

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IF And VLOOKUP: Get The Correct Sales Tax When Selecting A Particular County

Aug 1, 2009

See attachment for full explanation of problems. I'm trying to get the correct sales tax when selecting a particular county. I can't get the vlookup to work and also I can't get the formula in the data validation of the county to work.

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Heat Map ..

Jul 9, 2009

Trying to find the Row(Window) and Column(Percentile) of the highest value in the grid. The value in Cell:AF7 finds the value in the grid(Heat map).

Once we calculate the Max value in the grid. We set the number of data points Above/Below in Cell:AI7 (This we enter in manually).

We then go into the Cells in the grid(Heat map), and then calculate the sum of the cells above and below the maximum number (which is returned in Cell AF7) dependant on the number of Data points Above/Below we are looking for. An example of this is done in Column D to M Rows 51 to 61. The sums are calculate of the cells above and below our maximum value in the grid.

We then want to return the maximum value of the sums of the data points above and below and then return the Percentile and Window Value.

As an example. Our max value on the heat map is 35.30026 and we want 2 Data points Above/Below. Then the maximum sum is 39.12358. Thus the percentile is 0.62 and the Window is 28.

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Heat Map Color Map

Aug 31, 2006

Does any one have VBA code that draws a heat map or color map based on input data. I would like to vary colors & size of the boxes based on input variables. Something similar to this example would be neat -- [url]

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Dynamic Heat Map

Jan 5, 2007

I need to create many XY charts in a VBA macro. For each chart, I need to select a particular column for the X dimension, and a particular column for the Y dimension. When I use a named range to define the X and Y columns, my macro works fine for those instances when the X comes first. However, if my desired Y dimension comes first, I cannot find a way to correctly select these.

The context is such that my spreadsheet always has the same data fields in the same columns, but the numbers of rows vary. In addition, I need to dynamically select which rows to use, based on the values in the columns to be plotted. I’ve figured out how to do this within the macro, except for those instances when the Y column comes before the X. An example when this works:

Names.Add Name:="newRange", RefersTo:="=$K13" & ":" & "$K" & FirstBias _
& ",$M13" & ":" & "$M" & FirstBias, Visible:=True Range("K1").Activate
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Raw").Range("newRange"), PlotBy:=xlColumns
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:="Field10vsField12"
With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True........................

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Formula In Lower Table To Fill In The Missing County Cells

Sep 1, 2009

I am looking for a formula that I can use in the lower table to fill in the missing County cells, based on the values in the Town/Zip columns on the top table (I apoligize for the crudeness):


This would consist of hundreds of Zips and Towns and this is just an abbreviated mock up.

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Creating Risk Heat Map Without VBA?

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to create a Heat Map for Risk in a spreadsheet that auto populates. Very simple dataset and I can convert my values to numeric if that makes the graph easier. Data Set is basically as follows:

Column 1 - Risk Description
Column 2 - Impact (score of 1-5)
Column 3 - Probability (score of 1 to 5)
Column 4 - Risk Indicator (Col 2 x Col 3 to give score out of 25.

Looking to create Heat map with upper right being my highest risk and lower left the improbables or low impact. I should mention that my VBA is as good as my Latin skills, i.e. Zero! so looking for a way of doing it through excel, either suggested or inbuilt charts.

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Create Macro That Can Create Dynamic Copy / Paste Loop?

Feb 12, 2014

I need to create a macro that can create a dynamic copy/paste loop. So far what I have is horribly inefficient. Each row in colmn A(minus the header) has a unique number in it. For each unique number, I need to paste it based on the number of column headers in row 1(minus column A). So, if there are 20 column headers, I need to copy cell A2 and paste it 19 times in another sheet. Then, I need to move to the next number in column A and do the same thing. Here's what I have:

[Code] .........

You can see that this is not dynamic. If I add another row to my table and rerun the macro, it will not catch it. I've attached a sample file to show you the big picture of what I'm trying to do. The data that I have is in Sheet1, and I'm trying to get it into the format in Sheet3. Rows/columns will be periodically added to the table in Sheet1, so the macro needs to be dynamic to catch that. The data in Sheet3 will always remain, and the macro will add the updated data below the old data in Sheet3.


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Need To Create A Button That Can Copy Cells, Create A New Sheet And Then Paste There

Jan 14, 2009

So I've got Sheet 1 with say


I would like to create a button that can create a new sheet and paste A1 to C3 at the same location on the new sheet

and I need this to create a new sheet and do that everytime the button is pressed.....

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Create A Chart To Create Totals Based Upon Different Keys

Aug 7, 2006

Trying to create an excel chart to create totals based upon different keys. I
need to be able to calculate how many customers there are by Manager and then
By Rep. Then to figure out how many were New, Current, Total # of RSVP and
attended for that Rep. Below is how I have started but I am having some
problems getting certain parts. I know when I get one the rest will fall into
place. I can calculate how many total customers by manager and by rep just by
doing a Countif command but how do I determine the # of New, Current etc. Is
there a If Than command? Managers Totals are simply his reps totals.

1 Manager Rep Customer New Biz Current # RSVP # Actual Attend

Need totals to look something like this....

1 # of Cust # New # Current #RSVP #
Actual Attend
2 Manager
3 Rep 1
4 Rep 2

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VBA Create New Tab And Name

May 7, 2014

I have a sheet with a list of suppliers, then under that, all the products we buy from them.

What I'd like is each time the word "Supplier" appears in column A, a new Tab is created with the value in column B as the title, then all the data under than copied until the word "Supplier" appears again.

[Code] .....

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Create Tag In VBA?

Apr 22, 2009

I found this really cool code that creates a tag cloud in Excel using VBA. It's far too complex for my understanding but I was hoping I could get some of the experts opinions on here about modification possibilities. I have attached the macro-enabled 2007 workbook. What I am trying to do is search through a list of keywords and determine each keyword's density within a list. The list for example could look like this:

slow windows xp
windows xp running slow
windows xp computer
[slow windows xp]
[windows xp running slow]
[windows xp computer]
[computer running slow windows xp]
"computer running slow windows xp"
"slow windows xp"
"windows xp running slow"
"windows xp computer"

You'll notice the characters " [ ] of which I would like to ignore when the cloud builds. The cloud would list the most dense keywords first, and gradually decrease to the least dense keywords. The macro code is inside the workbook but I'll list it here to:

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Need To Create 2 Columns From One

Apr 26, 2009

I have a spreadsheet in which I want to extract or create two different columsn one will have the name of the store and the other will have the SKU item number. the way it is right both are on same column. I have attached a sample.

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Create A File

May 20, 2009

Here I am Attachiching a MHTML file which has multilayer in the left panel. If You Open it in excel u can edit it and navigate through the layers. I want to know can I create an excel file like this one.
(sorry excel forum is not accepting mhtml file for attachment)

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How To Create Signals For Top 20%?

Sep 18, 2009

As you can see from the chart or picture. I want to create a =IF function signal so that on the right column it will show which of the hours is the top 20%/top 5 hours

Is there anyway possible in excel to do this? To create a signal on the right showing which of the days hours, is the top 5 hours with the highest volumne?

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How To Create A File With 0 KB

May 2, 2013

How to create a excel file with 0 KB ? Because when the user creates a new excel file, it is created with 9 KB by default. But when creating a word file its created with 0 KB. Why its happening ? I want to test uploading a excel file with 0 KB..

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How To Create Search

Jun 11, 2013

I have a large table with data, and I would like to have a box at the top, and when some types the name of city, then all records that have the city will come up. how to do it.

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How To Create Userform

Mar 28, 2013

i want to create one user form like shown in this picture below. right side 3 options need to input form the user and clicking on the button get option chain, it gets the data from www and fills all the columns frm expiry to optn int..

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New To Macros - How Do I Create And Run One

May 18, 2007

I have an API that continuously gets stock price. The price appears in one cell at all times - let's call it A1

I want to record the value in a different cell every time it changes, so I can analyze the data.

so A1 = 15
B1 = 15

little later
A1 = 15.2
B2 = 15.2

I did some googling and came to a conclusion that I needed to write a macro.

I see that there is a function or event called Worksheet_Calculate()

Apparently it is supposed to do whatever when a value changes (per calculation)

How do I write a macro, and then execute it?

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Create Automatic Sum

Mar 10, 2008

supposing i have column A which is vehicle number
and column b is fuel quantity

how to make in c automatic sum by vehicle number as i may have many entried in column A


vehno1 20
vehno1 21
vehno2 25.5
vehno2 40
vehno3 50

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Create If Then Loop

Nov 18, 2008

I have an excel sheet that will have a column with out of sequence numbers. I need a script that will evaluate each row and insert a row and the missing sequence. Below is the code I have written but I keep getting a compile error saying Else without If.

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Create Textfile With VBA

May 12, 2009

I want make a VBA code which can create a .txt file in a folder and if that file already exists it doesn’t overwrite that file.

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Create A Two Way Formula

Jan 7, 2010

I want to be able to create formulas where the output can act as the input.

For example, I tried to write a simple proof of concept script where you can convert between pounds and kilograms. So if you type in a value for pounds, it'll update the kilograms cell. And if you type in a value for kilograms - it'll update the pounds cell.

This is what I came up with:

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How To Create N1.85 Graph

Sep 28, 2004

Trying to create an N1.85 graph in Excel that has irregular spaced tick marks on the X-axis. Found the following information but no luck with it. Need US measure for this semi-log (10 X N1.85) graph. Also called a semi-expo (Q1.85) graph.

The resulting graph appears to be a log graph in reverse with one scale; the column widths are smaller at the left and become larger as they progress to the right.

Info found:

A 1.85 graph can be constructed manually by establishing a series of 15 values (in the case of the example in D5.2.1) from a base measurement to the exponent of 1.85.

Step 1
Select a base measurement for the desired size of the graph. A base measurement of 1.0 mm will produce a graph to 15 which is approximately 150 mm wide; a base measurement of 1.5 mm will produce a graph approximately 300 mm wide. In the case of a 1 mm base measurement, the x-axis numbers will be the 1-15 series. In the case of a base of 1.5 mm, the numbers will be represented by the series: 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 etc. for 15 values.

Step 2
Construct a series of columns to the 1.85 exponent values measured from the zero point. The rows representing the pressure values are linear.

NOTE - A good approximation of the above can be computer-generated by a spreadsheet programme by entering a column width established from the exponential figures by subtracting the preceding value in each case. The column dimensions are displayed in the number of standard characters able to be accommodated in the column width which is slightly inaccurate in linear dimension.

The figures below indicate the values for a graph based on 1.0 mm.

Linear scale Exponential value of linear values = Column width = linear values to 1.85 power exponential value - preceding value

1 1 1
2 3.61 2.61
3 7.63 4.03
4 13.00 5.36
5 19.64 6.64


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How To Create For / Next Loop Across Row

Jan 22, 2012

I'm sure this is easy but I'm trying to create a loop that goes across the row. My final output will be basically be to see if the cell says Saturday or Sunday and offset by 2 rows and highlight the rest of the column.


For X = 2 To Range(Activecell, Selection.End(xlRight)).Column
Range(2, X).Select
ActiveCell.Value = "Column"
Next X

That's what I came up with but it doesn't seem to be right.

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Create A Floating Tab?

Feb 23, 2012

if it is possible to create a floating Tab like you get on websites, so ehwn you move the spreadsheet to the left or right, the tab/shape with words in moves with you.

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Create Macro To Add 1 To The Value?

Jun 22, 2012

Create a macro that when ran will add 1 to the value of "Feeunits!AE1" In other words if the value is 10 then the macro will change the value to 11.

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How To Create Web Query

Dec 28, 2012

I need to create a web query.

I have lot of post codes which needs to be checked in a web page and the output column needs to be updated in the spreadsheet.

Link: - Find UK Postcodes Inside a Radius

for example: - The post code WD18 1TB will be there in Excel Sheet this has to be copied and pasted in the link in column

Step 2 : Click on map OR Place radius by location name or postcode

and Step 1 : Radius should be updated as 10 and then the Draw Radius needs to be clicked. Then the output needs to be copied (in this case the output is: AL2,HA1,HA2,HA3,HA4,HA5,HA6,HA7,HP3,UB9,WD1,WD17,WD18,WD19,WD2,WD23,WD24,WD25,WD3,WD4,WD5,WD6,WD7) in our spreadsheet in the next sheet.

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IF Function Which Will Create Y For 1 Or 2

Jan 5, 2013

In column A, I have numbers ranging from 0-6. In column B, I would like to create a "Y" each time there is a 1 or 2 in column A. How can I create an IF function which will create a Y for a 1 or 2?

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Create Tabs Within A Tab?

Feb 28, 2013

Is it possible to create tabs within a tab? If so how?

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