How To Display Values In A List
Feb 17, 2014
Is there a formula that can display values in a list? I can do this with a piviot table or a filter, but was wondering if I can do it with a formula?
Simon 24
Mike 31
Simon 18
Simon 51
David 71
Mike 61
Simon 47
David 12
I want to display only simon's Values i.e:
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Jul 15, 2013
I need to be able to display a list of values from a drop down window. When the value in the drop down window is selected I need to have the data populated in the rows to the right of the drop down window. I have created the Drop Down using data validation in B12, I need C12 & D12 to auto fill with the info listed in H2 & I1 according to the item picked in the drop down.
I have tried to follow an example listed on the website but i keep getting a formula error.
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Jun 4, 2006
data validation to display a list of values. The problem am facing is .. this list has a lot of names & it becomes difficult to scroll through when i need to search for a particular name.. Is it possible that when I press a key on my keyboard, the name starting with that letter is highlighted in the drop down list.. This is not happening automatically using data validation... Is there a work aorund for this?
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Sep 18, 2007
I am currently trying to display a number from a column of data, where the number is the smallest, then the second smallest (third, fourth and fifth where applicable). When using =small, I am able to display the second smallest number, but when the list contains duplicates, the second smallest figure often matches the smallest. I am having the same problem with =large. I have tried to combat this by using an IF statement, but am only able to place so many arguments into the formula before excel is unable to perform the formula. This is also proving quite lengthy :o(
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Dec 16, 2008
i m wanting Cell B1 to display true if any of the values in column C match otherwise I want to display false.
A 1
B 0
C 0
D 0
But I can't determine how to get this done.
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Sep 13, 2013
It's a quarterly schedule for utility meter readers, divided up into days across the top, and routes/areas down the side.
There's a space with each route for the employee ID to go, depending on who's doing it.
Down the bottom of the sheet, there's a few empty lines for all the available employees who haven't been allocated to a route.
On the second sheet labelled EMP LIST, is all the employee IDs. It's also got the areas they work- it's for something I want to implement later.
I can put all the employees into a single column list, then use basic DV to give a dropdown menu by each route, to assign an employee to it. This is pretty straight forward. I've also been playing with this in combination with a countif, so that employees already assigned do not appear in the list.
This is about as far as I've managed to get with it.
I need to get the employees who aren't assigned to anything to appear in a list below the routes. I'm fairly sure this is just another countif, but I'm not 100% on the exact formulas.
I also need the list in the dropdown menu to reset for each day of the quarter, i.e. if I assign an employee to a route on the 30th day of the quarter, their ID will disappear from the list for any other route for that day, but will still be there for the other days of the quarter.
So far the only way I've managed to do this is by duplicating the employee list for every day of the quarter, which is going to get very cluttered, and also makes staffing changes difficult. I'm hoping there's an easier way to do this using one data set.
I've added an example of the sheet. It's one week and it's only got about 1/3 of the routes we would actually have on any given day.
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Dec 5, 2012
In my example you will see my name list that changes with a array to data validation. Seems like you can find ways around things most of the time but this time
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Jun 8, 2007
is there a way to get a cell to display a list, but only in one cell? I know how to get multiple words into a cell, but can i make them go ontop of eachother.
I can make c1=dog cat , but is it possible to make
c1= dog
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Apr 24, 2013
I am developing a workbook, one part of the book is to track discipline I have a page for this and a userform on the front page to enter data into it. I would like if you will a summary box (list box or whatever is best) displayed on the front page and I would like a line to appear in that box maybe saying john smith requires a warning. I need this to appear if john smith has been entered 3 times into the name column on the discipline sheet however only if the offence is the same 3 times for example 3 lates not 2 lates and 1 non attendance.
After it displays this line in the summary box I would like to be able to double click it where a small userform appears where a user can then select discipline received or something and for this lien to disappear in the summary and all 3 entries in the discipline sheet.
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Feb 24, 2014
Any way to display the description of options (list) which in this case is a numbering code (like ECG201) in a data validation cell.
The length of the cell is not long enough for the users to know the appropriate description of the selected lists. I am now thinking there should be a way to display the description of each item so that users will know that ECG201 means "International College of Excellence", for example, instead of having to go from one worksheet (area) to another to know what an option means.
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Feb 17, 2009
I'm trying to replicate the VBA code for displaying scenarios using a drop-down list that I found on this website:
However, I've not quite been able to get it to work on my worksheet. This is my
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Sep 21, 2007
I have a workbook that lists various shipment numbers and their contents to several locations. What I am trying to do is, on a different worksheet in the same workbook, list all shipments to one location; having different worksheets for each specific location.
I am sure there must be an extremely simple solution to this, however I am unable to locate it.
Also I would like the separate location worksheets to autoupdate when new shipments are entered on the main worksheet.
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Feb 20, 2008
How could I create a menu that displays cells from another sheet when the appropriate menu value is selected?
For example, the menu (on sheet 3) would have:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
If I select Week 1, I want to display cells B4:B10 from sheet 2 underneath the menu. If I select Week 2, I want it to display cells B19:B25 from sheet 2 under the menu.
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Dec 21, 2013
How to do this query but show all results found rather than just one result.
I want the result to be able to show multiple terms from the search terms and index.
for example
Bob's BMW and Ford
Result would be
Rather than just Ford
Is this possible?
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Dec 20, 2012
I have a problem with this workbook, i know how to do it by nesting if functions but i want a neater way to do this. I have tried if(index(match)) type formula and haven't got it to work.
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Dec 11, 2013
I am trying to create a schedule that will randomly populate with names from a list. I have learned how to do this with numbers. How can I do this with a list of names? How can I make sure that no names repeat?
In one column, I used =RAND()
In the cells where my numbers display, I used =INDEX(ROW($A$1:$A$24),RANK(Z17,$Z$1:$Z$24))
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Feb 11, 2012
I have five comboboxes in userform1, they are link to Column A, Column B, COlumn E, Column G and Column Z of "Reference" worksheets respectively. The values in each column could contain duplicate values. However, I'd like to only display the unique values in those combo boxes and I have no clue how to achieve this.
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Sep 11, 2006
II have a list of football fixtures (see attached sheet - barclays premiership) each with a different status Win,Loss,Draw,Pending. I want to display the next team with a Pending status in a cell at the top of the list (cell T13/14) so the user knows at a glance what the next fixture is. I also want to display the days remaining to that fixture in the cells below this (cell T15/17).
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Mar 13, 2014
I'm using this custom format for my values:
The problem I'm running into is that although I want it to apply only to values
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Jul 14, 2013
I have designed a multiple list box on my userform and display it on one of the cells in the spreadsheet but with each list item separated by a comma when its display on excel.
The problem with my code is the delimiter appears at the first list item, but it should only appear if more than one list item is chosen.
I was thinking if there is something like if gItem = 0 then only display sFruits Else display what I have below???
For gItem = 0 To FruitsList.ListCount - 1
If FruitsList.Selected(gItem) = True Then
sFruits = sFruits & delimiter4 & FruitsList.List(gItem)
End If
.Cells(gRow, "AO").Value = sFruits
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Jun 5, 2014
I would like to be able to display all of the sheets in a workbook as a list on the front sheet.
I have a front "Contents" Sheet (attached at the bottom of my post)
In the "Ticket No." column I wanted to have the sheet name, in the "Date" and "Description" column I wanted to display cell values from each sheet; which would be the date and description of that sheet/"Ticket". The "Resolved?" column I will be able to do after I have this part figured out.
The workbook is also attached :
Attached Image : contents.jpg‎
Attached Files : Troubleshooting Tickets.xlsx
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Mar 16, 2014
I am trying to get the list of all files contained within a directory and have them displayed in a confirmation box, listed one beneath the other (as a column, each file name in a new row).
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Jul 14, 2009
I have my Employees List in one Sheet and in another Sheet2 I want to Display those Employees Names and List whose Passport going to Expire in the dates entered in Sheet2 A1 and B2 Cell.
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a worksheet with a lot of different conditions applied to a lot of cells. I'd like to do some housekeeping, but to do that, I would like a clear and complete list of all cells that have conditional formats attached to them, and what the formula/criteria is for applying said format. I don't even care what the formatting is, but that would be nice too.
So, when I go to my "Conditional Formatting" screen, I get something like:
Now, this doesn't show me much of anything about what the formula actually is. I need to select it and look around. I'd rather just get a full listing of what the rule says...
And where I might have the same rule applied to different ranges of cells And so on.
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Jul 5, 2009
I would like to use a formula to take the starting date in cell A1 and then have Excel give me a list of all the dates for 2009 excluding Sundays.
So A1 would be 1/01/09
Then Excel would list
Thursday, Jan 01
Friday, Jan 02
Saturday, Jan 03
Monday, Jan 05
Tuesday, Jan 06
I've tried messing with the WEEKDAY function, but can't seem to figure it out.
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Dec 6, 2007
I have a group of validation list boxes, all with the same choices, that when a user selects a certain item from them I want a popup box with extra info in it to appear. Is it possible for the user to click on the popup box once to make it disappear again?
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Jun 15, 2007
I'm trying to use data validation to restrict the user to only selecting values in a list which I create. Right now, the list is a named range. I'd like to get rid of the range and just use a named list. I create a name using the following as my list.
Insert > Name > Create
Name: Fruit
Refers to:
When I try to use the name Fruit in my data validation, I get the message "The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column." I thought my name "fruit" was a delimited list.
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May 28, 2014
The function below should return the value in a cell IF the string in the cell two cells to the left of it is "Nemo" Omitting the part highlighted in blue, my function returns a list of unique values...but when it's included, nothing is returned at all. Perhaps, there is an error in the syntax that I'm overlooking?
Function listUnique(rng As Range) As Variant
Dim row As Range
Dim elements() As String
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May 14, 2014
I want a table to display data based on which month i select from a drop-down list, the data is of course extracted from a different table. For example, in my final table( highlighted in yellow), i want to display the revenues, cost of goods sold..etc of April in this table when i choose April from the drop-down list, the data of the entire year is located in another table that i plan to hide, as we only need to review one month.
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Apr 30, 2009
I know how to turn the autocomplete on and off but I don´t have a clue where I configure the data range or the cells to display the list when the combo box is clicked.
I am assuming that this is done in the Edit mode at "linkedCell" and LisfFillRange ... yet I can´t get this to work.
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