How To Filter Dates From Largest To Smallest

Feb 20, 2014

I'm trying to create a formula that will allow me to filter the dates from largest to smallest while having a text in the formula. Right now I'm using:

=K2-M2&" Days"

But the dates are all over the place,

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Largest And Smallest Sequences

Jan 12, 2009

I am using excel 2007 and I need help with the following if anyone would be kind enough. I have a dynamic array that consists of stream of 1's and 0's. I want to be able to find the largest sequence of 1's and the smallest sequence of 1's. So at a point in time the array mite be 111110001101111000 and I want to be able to dertermine the longest contiguous sequence of 1's. But as I say the array is dynamic and so I need to do that after each input.

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Lookup Nth Largest/Smallest Value

Aug 17, 2007

Is there a way to reverse a lookup function?

I have a s/s attached, basically B is like an output of figures after some calculations. And I am trying to find from largest to smallest values and then having column E reflect the Letter beside that number...

tried using match but messed up.

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Find Largest And Smallest Value For A Number

Jan 25, 2014

I want to find the largest and smallest value for a number... E.g.

68734 the largest value is 87643 and the smallest value is 34678

39823 the largest value is 98332 and the smallest value is 23389

43089 the largest value is 98430 and the smallest value is 3489

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Sorting Numbers From Smallest To Largest?

May 10, 2013

There must be something I'm doing wrong, because I have a list of numbers and when I select Data --> Sort --> Column G, I am not given the option of sorting "From smallest to largest". Only from "A to Z" or viceversa.

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Highlight Smallest & Largest Values

Jul 1, 2008

I have a work document with multiple rows of information. In each row I need to locate the maximum and minimum values. (The rows aren't long - there are about 10 values in each). I then would like to turn the font of the lowest value in each row red - and the font of the highest value in each row blue. I would also like to be able to skip blank or unimportant rows.

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Output One Instance Of Smallest AND Largest Value In A Range

Dec 5, 2013

I am looking for a formula that will output the highest and lowest value in a range. Column A contains a range of numbers, some of which repeat and in column B i'd like to extract ONE instance of the highest and lowest value in Column A, preferable the last instance.

See example below and in column B the desired output.

Column A

Column B

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Sorting Table According To The Field From Largest To Smallest

Jun 21, 2013

I am doing a macro that will access a specific sheet of my workbook, a specific table, and will sort the table according to the field "Nominal", from largest to smallest. I have tried with this but it doesn't work:

Sheets("F.C.SSA-View 2").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("F.C.SSA-View 2").ListObjects("F.C.SSA_View_2").Sort.
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("F.C.SSA-View 2").ListObjects("F.C.SSA_View_2").Sort. _

[Code] ....

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Find Smallest And Largest Non Zero Date In A Range

Aug 13, 2008

I am having some data running into 60 (C:BJ) columns and 200 rows. It is the record of dates query raised and answered with refernce to query number in the A coulmn. I have zero value as entry for the unused cells in this range due to some constraints. I need to find the smallest and the largest non-zero date in this range for analysis purpose. I plan to use the difference between these 2 dates to calculate turn around time for a query.

Problem is to find the smallest and the largest non zero date within range C6:BJ6 which would be used as input in the Networkdays formula.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Auto Sort - Largest To Smallest Value

Nov 4, 2013

See post below. I want to have the column listed as per to auto sort to the largest to smallest value. This value will change throughout time.

I have data in columns a-n and rows 3-14. I want column "l" or the 12th column to auto sort from largest to smallest value.

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Return Cell Address Of Largest & Smallest Value In Column

Jun 2, 2009

How would I return a cell reference (address) to a cell that contains the largest number in a list?

I tried using "Address(large....) where I get the correct column, but the returned row # is the actual value in the cell (the highest # in the list).

I eventually will want to delete the highest number to leave the cell blank.

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Set Chart/Graph Minimum/Maximum Scale To Nth Smallest & Largest Value

May 15, 2008

I am trying to manually format a few graphs in my sheet. I, however, leave the major units of the axes to be automatically calculated. The code that I use is given below:

With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = Range("Min").Value
.MaximumScale = Range("Max").Value
End With

Now what this does is that it sets the maximum of the scale exactly equal to maximum of the range being plotted and hence a few parts of my graph overlap with the border of the plot area. Is there any way in which I can round the max and min scale of y-axis to the next highest and lowest major unit respectively or may be add and subtract a value proportional to the major unit of the y-axis. I cannot add a constant in the code given above since I that does not suite my requirements.

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Advanced Filter :: Filter Data Between Two Dates

Mar 15, 2007

1- Force cell format date to by (yyyy/mm/dd) only, with worng msgbox( validation).

2- Make the first day of a month in a color cell

I've Tried this In Conditional Formating (=VALUE(right(A1;2))=1) but didn't work

3-Make Advanced Filter to filter data between two dates .

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Retrieving Column Header For Largest Or Second Largest Value In Row?

May 12, 2012

I have a table showing interest levels in training courses from a group of schools, eg:

English Maths Science
School1 3 4 2
School2 7 1 0
School3 3 2 5

I want to identify the column heading for the first, second and third most popular courses. ie for School1 the most popular course is Maths, second most popular is English and so on.

I have tried using the OFFSET function, which worked if I provided the cell location of the required value. I then looked at the ADDRESS function to provide the cell location: eg For School2 find the 2nd most popular course:


But I have got stuck with what I should enter for COLUMN(data?) as I do not know in which column the second largest value is.

I am sure Excel has the required functionality.

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Address Of Smallest 5 Numbers (return The Value In Column 1 For The Smallest 5 Numbers)

Jan 14, 2010

I am using the following array equation to return the value in column 1 for the smallest 5 numbers. It works for small 1 and 3 but i get a #NUM! for 2 , 4 , and 5. The smallest 5 numbers are:




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Filter Dates

Jan 3, 2010

I have a coding question of how to filter with dates--

My column A is a list of dates--- my column B is a list of numbers

I need to know when Column B = 5 for 4 weeks in a row.

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UserForm Filter Between Two Dates

Apr 22, 2009

I have a UserForm that is designed to allow the user to filter dates on various columns. There are three comboBoxes on this sheet that are populated by linking to cells on a Control worksheet using RowSource in the Properties window. catCombo is the column to filter, dateCombo and endCombo are the two dates to filter between.

I have come up with the following code to activate filters, but there are problems (which I'll tell you about in a sec!):

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Using COUNTIF With Filter Between Two Dates

Oct 10, 2011

I've tried IF/AND, MEDIAN and whatnot, but cannot get this to work:

On Sheet1 I have a list of records with date in column C and a text string such as 'Urgent' or 'Nice To Have' in column H. There are hundreds of these records.

On Sheet2, I want a count of rows that have e.g. 'Urgent' -text string in column H. However, I only want the row added to the count if the date in Sheet1/Column C matches between two dates defined in Sheet2.

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VBA Filter By Last Week Dates

Oct 3, 2012

Is there a way with VBA to sort lets say column A by last weeks dates. For example, if to day is Wed Oct 3, can I filter it for Sep 24-28?

All the dates in col A are in 10/2/12 format.

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Advanced Filter Between Dates

Jan 17, 2007

I want to create an advanced filter criteria along the lines of

where 'col1' is the title in the cells at the head of the appropriate columns in the data range (B1), criteria range(F1) and extract area range (I1), and 'begindate' and 'enddate' are named single cells.

Why doesnt this work?

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Filter Dates Via UserForm

Aug 6, 2008

With the attached spreadsheet what I am trying to do is create a userform sheet that I can use to look up a specific date within the spreadseet. First of all I somehow need to populate the drop down box with all the dates that are located in the sheet. From there I would like a macro to go through my workbork and find all the selected dates and bring back the "Task #" and Site Name associated with the dates

For example if I put Mon 09 Jun in the macro will bring back
Site one - Task 1
Site three - Task 2
Site two - Task 1

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Dates Not Fully Sorted In Filter

Apr 27, 2012

When clicking on the sorting button of filtered data near the top of a field, I can select different things to show or not show. In a date field, it starts to arrange things by year, which can be expanded to months, which can further expand to show individual days. All well and good.

But many of my dates do not show up in the year categories. They are instead shown below the years as individual dates. Furthermore, sorting the date field in question is imperfect for these dates. Here is an example where some dates from april are jammed inbetween others:


These jammed dates are some of the same ones that are orphaned outside the year groupings. All the dates have the same date cell type. No other filters are applied.

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Creating VBA Code To Filter By Dates

Jun 3, 2012

I have a macro I am using that uses several date filters. There are filters for the previous month, previous 6 months, previous year, all dates in the future, etc.

Every month I have to edit the macro and change the dates in the macro so it remains accurate. Is there any way I can modify the macro so that the dates are stored in a cell within the workbook and not in the macro?

What I would like is to type the date ranges in a sheet within the workbook and have the macro look to those cells for the date filter instead of typing in exact date ranges within the macro. This way the actual macro code does not need to be modified every month. I would like to only have to change cells within the worksheet and not touch the macro code.

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Filter Column Of Dates By Hour Of The Day

Jul 24, 2013

I have a database that includes a column containing dates which include a decimal time value e.g 2013/07/31 16:14

VBA that will allow me to filter to the records where the time element of the date is between two values e.g. between 12:00 midday and 17:59.

There will be many thousands of records covering a wide time period, so the code needs to ignore the date part and just concentrate on the time.

Probably dead easy but it's 17:04 and I have brainfreeze.

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Filter Dates From Oldest To Most Recent

Jul 24, 2014

I have this column, and consists of a collection of dates. I want:

1 - change the format of the dates of "03.01.2013" to "01/03/2013"
2 - arranging dates from oldest to newest and then sort them without repeating





[Code] ...........

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Transform Dates Format And Filter

May 24, 2007

I have a sheet with data imported of another software. In the column "G" are all the dates, and the problem is how can i change the format, because, some of them are "mm/dd/yyyy" and the rest are "mm/dd/yyyy".

Is there a way to change it to the same format? maybe there are some dates like "11/02/2007" that are "02/11/2007" (i don't know how change it with code), and others that the difference between formats is logically clear. I want to get the format "dd/mm/yyyy".

After this i want to apply a filter between two dates, for example, (in dd/mm/yyyy) from01/05/2007 to 30/08/2007.

I've tried different ways, but i'm not able to transform the format of the dates to the same format, although i've read your help and other posts that talk about this.

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Advance Filter Dates Seen As Text

Jun 15, 2007

I have a excel sheet auto generated by a process in which there are 4 columns and 150 Rows. One column has dates data in DD-MMM-YYYY (15-May-2007) format..but the datatype of that cell is not Date. When I click on any date let say I selected 24-Mar-2007 in formula bar instead of displaying 3/24/2007 it displays as it is 24-Mar-2007.

But when i double click on this cell it shift to right alignment and display date format 3/24/2007 in formula bar. I have to create a formula using which I can see only some rows of define date range. Means if i define range in two cells 01-Jan-2007 and 01-Jun-2007. The sheet will display only rows having this criteria. But due to this datatype problem before putting the criteria I have to double click each of the row to convert it to Date. RightClick Format cells option is also not help full in this.

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Filter By Years In Dates & Other Criteria

Sep 25, 2007

I have mutliple non-contiguous columns that are SUPPOSED to contain dates. If the particular item for that coulmn doesn't require a date then "waived" is typed; others may be blank. I want to apply a filter that will tell me if any one of the columns YEAR is older than "2004". I'm really bad at formulas to bare with me.

I inserted the following formula: =IF(OR(YEAR(N6)<=2004,YEAR(V6)<=2004,YEAR(X6)<=2004,YEAR(AB6)<=2004,YEAR(AD6)<=2004,YEAR(AF6)<=2004,YEAR(AI6)<=2004),"EXPIRED","GOOD")

The problem is that if the cell is blank or if contains "waived" it either produces "#value!" or it reports "True" when it is actually "False". I'm not sharp enough to know how to account for those two conditions in my formula.

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Filter Macro Code For Dates

Apr 30, 2008

I have a set of data that I need to sort and filter and create pivot tables with 2-3 times per week. Example data sheet attached (confidential data removed). I will insert the code that I am using for reference. The issue is that when the data is filtered for 'Approved Timesheets' I need the filter to be based on 2 criteria; If myBaseRow.Cells.Item(1, 21) <> "Approved" Then If myBaseRow.Cells.Item(1, 44) <=StartDate And myBaseRow.Cells.Item(1, 44) >=EndDate Then

The first If statement works fine, but the second appears to be ignored?? I have tried to colour this part of the code blue to make it easily visible.

Private Function PTSubtotals(ByRef PTField As PivotField)

PTField.Subtotals = _
Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
End Function
Sub Timesheets()
' Timesheets Macro
' Timesheet Filter 4/22/2008 by Richard Francis
Dim myWorkBook As Workbook
Dim myBaseWorkSheet As Worksheet
Dim myBaseRange As Range
Dim myBaseRow As Range
Dim RowsCounter As Long
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim EndDate As Date
StartDate = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
EndDate = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")

On Error Resume Next
StartDate = Application.InputBox("Enter start date", Type:=2)
On Error Goto 0
If StartDate > 0 Then.................................

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Filter Rows With Same Dates And Keyword From Description

Aug 7, 2008

I am having difficulty in filtering information from a table.

Essentially, I would first like to filter by same Expiry Dates (Column D). Then based on these same dates, filter by keywords (Column A) within text of those common dates.

The outcome should display entries that have "same expiry date: (Column D) and key word in common - e.g. common word may be "Fleet" (from Column A)

Attached spreadsheet explains further (2 worksheets).

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