List The File Name In One Excel Sheet, If Condition Is Met In 1000 Closed Workbooks

Nov 19, 2008

I have 1000 workbooks in a folder, each workbooks format is same.
as of now I open each workbook, and check if values in A10 is equal to B10, that is if the value in A10 is "100" I will check if B10 is also "100" if not I will make a note the file name.

I have more than 1000 workbooks in a folder, It is really difficult to open and check if the values are same. is there a macro, which will check the condition A10 = B10, if not get the file name in one sheet.

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Get Data From List Of CLOSED Workbooks Using VBA

Aug 4, 2009

I have one Master Sheet that fetches information off of 30 other workbooks. The data is uniform accross all workbooks.

As of right now, I have code written that will update the master, but ONLY if the other workbooks are open.

Is it possbile to get the same data off of closed workbooks?

Here's what I'm using now:


Sub Master()
Dim Reps As Integer
Reps = Range("Reps").Column
Dim LastColumn As Long
LastColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column


Variable "List" is the list of Workbook names that I'm using.

The code "Windows(List).Activate" is what I'm using to get the data from the other workbooks, but this only works when the workbooks are open.What can I replace this code with?

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Suppress Open File Prompt When Copying Over Formula Referencing Closed Workbooks?

Dec 13, 2013

I have an Excel file that contains formulas that reference external workbooks on a shared network. Each month, I copy the column of formulas over to the next month's column. Then, to update the file path, I highlight the new column and do a Find-and-Replace, swapping the previous month's name for the current month. This practice works fine. The only thing is ... the "Open File" promptbox appears for each formula where I updated the file path (i.e. and this can be hundreds instances!). I wind-up having to choose the file from the exact same file path. It is an unnecessary, and annoying extra step to take.

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Merging Excel Workbooks Into Master Workbook With Separate Sheet For Each File

May 24, 2014

I have 30 xlsx files in a folder and I want the first sheet of all that files to be merged to a new workbook. The thing is I don't want the macro to copy paste the value in to the same sheet of the new master sheet like Ron's excel merge tool does. I want a macro to create new 30 sheets on the master file and copy the data from source files. And I want the newly added sheets to be renamed as the source file name. This works well except the sheet renaming thing.

Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook


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Opening Excel File From List Of File Names Located In Single Sheet?

May 31, 2013

loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.

I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).

I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.

a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value


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Import Data From Several Closed Workbooks To A Single Sheet In An Open Workbook

Aug 3, 2009

I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.

Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.

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Copying Sheet From Closed File Via ADO?

May 5, 2012

I want to copy the sheet named "data" from closed workbook (xlsm, xlsx, xls) via ADO.The closed workbook will be choosen by user via dialog box. The code must check the existence of "data" sheet. If there is no, then the code must give a warning. Futhermore, which is able to give a warning against the mistake of selecting the file itself.

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Excel 2007 :: Loop Through Every File In Folder And List All Sheet Names?

Oct 9, 2012

I was wondering if anyone had any code to loop through every file in a folder and list the file name along with every sheet name in that file? I'm using Excel 2007.

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Copy Range From Closed File & Paste To Closed Workbook

Apr 26, 2008

Is there code that will take certain data from one Excel sheet to another named file in a different place on the network? Example Copy cell aa47 from "Recent Faxes.xls" that sits in "correspondence" folder. Then paste into cell B25 "Current Documentation.xls" in the "Sales Contacts" folder

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Updating Closed Excel Sheet

Jun 26, 2012

I have two Excel sheets (test-excel-1.xlsx & test-excel-2.xls)The test-excel-2.xls will never be opened. When I update cells in test-excel-1.xlsx and save, I want them to automatically update to the test-excel-2.xls without having to open it. I have tried the "='[test-excel-1.xlsx]Sheet1'!$G$4" but that needs me to open test-excel-2.xlsI also want original values to be pasted in test-excel-2.xls rather than the code (this is later used in another program).

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List Files/Workbooks With Full Path & File Name

Sep 6, 2006

I do a search on my directory for all *.xls files each month which produces a list some 11,000+ lines long. Attached is a very small sample.

I then import this into Excel – see tab Raw Data

What I want to produce is a list shown on tab Finished Data, so that I can then sort etc.

Has someone already done this before and got the code, or can someone point me in the right direction on how to arrive at the finished data?

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Export Data As Text 1000 Rows Per File

Mar 24, 2007

I'm trying to accomplish is to take an Excel file that contains one column of data consisting of up the maximum number of rows of data (numbers formatted as text? "000000000") and export the data to a text (.txt) file 1000 rows at a time. I would also like the code to allow me to name the .txt files in succession, for example, Pg01, Pg02, Pg03, etc.

The files are going to be used to query a system that will only accept text input 1000 items at a time.

I run the following code to ensure the data is formatted consistently:

Sub a_VerifyDataForInput()
' Start at Cell A1
' Select Column A
' Format data in Column A
Selection.NumberFormat = "000000000"
' Replace all "|" (whatever you call this thing ... pipe???)
Selection.Replace What:="|", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
' Replace all "-" (dashes)
Selection.Replace What:="-", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _ ........................

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Copy Same Sheet From Multiple Workbooks Into New File?

Aug 26, 2009

I have approx. 35 workbooks similar to the attached in a single directory. Each workbook has 3 tabs named Help, Example and Template. I need to copy the 36 Template tabs into one new workbook. I would also like to rename each tab in the new workbook based on the text in cell A1 of the originating Template tab. M

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Copy Same Sheet From Multiple Workbooks Into New File

Aug 26, 2009

I have approx. 35 workbooks similar to the attached in a single directory.

Each workbook has 3 tabs named Help, Example and Template.

I need to copy the 36 Template tabs into one new workbook.

I would also like to rename each tab in the new workbook based on the text in cell A1 of the originating Template tab.

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List Workbooks With Specific Sheets From ListBox Populated With File Paths

Nov 26, 2008

Split off from Fill Multi Select ListBox With File Paths & Open Selected Files

if I can add a other request I just thought of.

If a sheet is also in one of the workbooks list, can I add a link directly to it?
For example, Workbook1 has a sheet named "MARCH".

When i'm working on sheet "MARCH" I want to be able to click on a button to see the Userform I created from the script above and see if the sheet "MARCH" is present from the other workbooks listed, if there is a sheet "MARCH" in the workbooks listed, I want another listbox to show what files contain sheet "MARCH" and link to them.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Use List Or OR Condition In SUMPRODUCT

Oct 30, 2009

How to include a boolean OR in my SUMPRODUCT formulas.

Software: WinXP SP2 and Excel 2003 SP3

I'll try to type in some data in legible format:

......Col B.....Col C.....Col D.....Col E.......Col F
1...NW OH....WMA.....110%....NW OH...(result)
2...NW OH....SIS.......130%
3...SO FL......PRB........92%
4...NW OH....TRO......104%

I want to sum the contents of Column D when Column B = a given text value located in Cell E1 AND Column C = text value #1 OR text value #2 OR text value #3, and plunk the result in Cell F1.

So for example if I have NW OH in Cell E1 and my values to match in Col C are WMA, SIS, or PRB, I need a result of 240%.

I am using dynamic ranges for the contents of Columns B, C, and D: CALC_AFFIL, CALC_TITLE, and CALC_PERC respectively.

I have tried:

Also tried both the above formula w/o the "--" in front of any array.

Again, the above was tried with and w/o the combinations of "--" in front of arrays.

Once more with and w/o "--" combinations.

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List Sheet Names From Opened Workbooks

Dec 2, 2006

This code loops through all columns in all sheets in all workbooks of a specified directory.

My copy paste to column C in "Loop Folder" works well thanks to this forum especially wigi

I want to paste the file name once in Column A and have it repeat for each new file opened. My code only does this for the first one as I simply can not fathom the coding

In column B I'd like to paste the sheet name once as they get opened.
I am struggling here as well on Sheets.Name coding ....

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CLosed Workbooks

Mar 27, 2007

Is it possible to search all closed workbooks in a folder in a range B13:B33 for a particular word?

All closed workbooks have only 1 sheet in them this sheet is always named the same but the workbooks are named sequentially, eg 1, 2, 3 etc.

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How To Create List Of Excel Workbooks

Nov 27, 2013

make a list of all Excel Workbooks in specific folder(My Documents). And once clicked, it will open the file immediately.

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Referencing Many Closed Workbooks

Nov 3, 2009

I have a workbook for each day recording energy usage from 52 meters,

I need to collate the data on a single workbook.

The only way i can think of doing it is to use the INDIRECT function but this will not work on closed workbook.

I need to sum the contents of B1:AW1 on the closed workbook and input that into a cell on the new sheet.
then repeated for B2:AW2, B3:AW3 up to B52:AW52 once this has been done the process needs to be repeated for 31 workbooks.

The end product should be 31 Columns (one for each day ini the last month) and 52 rown (one for each meter) and the total daily consumption for each meter (sum of column B:AW)

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Link To Several Closed Workbooks

Apr 26, 2012

I have a workbook which contains countifs and sumifs reading from about 10 different workbooks.

WHen I have the 10 files open, the values appear but when I close the 10 files, I get the 'VALUE' error. How I can keep the value amounts when the workbooks are closed?

I have all documents in the same folder?

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Working With Closed Workbooks

Dec 2, 2006

i can use application.username to get activeuser name and have excel check this and close the workbook if its not me, what i want to do is have excel check lets say cell A1 in workbook SECURITY.xls stored in C: and if it says Craig Shippey leave workbook open if not close the workbook, why i said working with closed workbooks is i dont want to have any indication on where its checking from,

1. i have a workbook in which i want an Workbook_open macro lets call this workbook staff.xls
2. the staff.xls should read cell A1 from C:security.xls into a variable called Check
3 if check craig shippey close workbook without any prompt

all this should be done without anyone knowing that a macro opens another workbook, i know if the user disables macros then it will still open, but i will just set their Macro Security level to low so they wont be prompted, i will also remove that item from their menu bar, if they cant see it they wont be able to alter it back

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Get Data From Closed Workbooks ..

Oct 13, 2007

I am using the following code to attempt to pull data from closed workbooks. Something in the code is not working and i can't figure it out. ARG is resulting in the path i need with the exception of TOTAL which is the sheet i need the data from.

Private Function getvalue(path, file, sheet, ref)

'Retrieves a value from a closed workbook
Dim arg As String

' Make sure the file exists
If Right(path, 1) <> "" Then path = path & ""
If Dir(path & "k217811.xls") = "" Then
getvalue = "File Not Found"
Exit Function
End If

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#VALUE Error When Using Sumif On Closed Workbooks

Jul 15, 2009

I have this formula in a excel file called test.xls which does a SUMIF on file "Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls". It works fine when I have Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls open at the time. When I close it the file displays a #VALUE in the cells

My formula is:

=SUMIF('G:FINANCEAccantia Budget2009Sales and GC[Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls]DP Total'!$B$7:$M$7,Cover!M$85,'G:FINANCEAccantia Budget2009Sales and GC[Sales By Customer v3 17-11-08.xls]DP Total'!B9:M9)-'Page 15'!E9

This is really annoying as the formula works, and you need to open the linked file to display the results, otherwise you get the #VALUE. Is there anyway around this and why is it doing it??

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Import Data From Closed Workbooks?

Mar 5, 2012

I am looking to import a sheet into an opened workbook. I have found a code from this URL [URL]....but I can't manage to get this done correctly. I want to copy the range "A1:Z1000" from the "Source" sheet to the target sheet "Div_P&L" (which will be opened when the macro is run) located in another folder.

Source address : "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls" , sheet("Source"), data = range("A1:Z1000").
Target address : "H:Yield EnhancementPandL.xls" , sheet("Div_P&L") , data = range ("A1")

Line Workbooks(PandL).Activate => Run time error 9, Subscript out of range.

I have tried the getvalue function which works, but it takes a long time. So I want to use an ADO way.


Sub importdata()
ImportRangeFromWB "H:P&LYE TempDiv P&LP&L Report 020312.xls", "Source", "A1:Z1000", True, "PandL.xls", "Div_P&L", "A1"
End Sub


Sub ImportRangeFromWB(SourceFile As String, SourceSheet As String, _
SourceAddress As String, PasteValuesOnly As Boolean, _
TargetWB As String, TargetWS As String, TargetAddress As String)
' Imports the data in Workbooks(SourceFile).Worksheets(SourceSheet).Range(SourceAddress)


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Change Cell Value Of Closed Workbooks (VBA)

Apr 29, 2013

I have got a folder with 50 different workbooks, and I need to change cell B7 value in each one of them.

Is it possible to have a command button with a VBA to change the value of B7 in all these files, without having to open them?

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Possible To Read Values From Closed Workbooks?

Nov 6, 2007

I'm wondering if it is possible to read values from different workbooks and not open them first.

I have an overview sheet with values from the other workbooks, and I will not use relative references but us a macro that runs trough the workbooks and collect the values.

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Possible To Copy A Range To Workbooks That Are Closed

Jan 28, 2010

Lets say I have 10 workbooks in a folder called "Lists"

I want to copy from my open file range("R3:U17") to these workbooks without opening 10 files and copying and pasting.

I just thought if there was an easy way of doing this rather than opening all of them I would give it a try.

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Lookup Data In Several Closed Workbooks

Jun 2, 2006

I would like to create a sheet that looks in a certain folder with several .xls files and pulls data from certain cells ( not necessarily next to each other) automatically with out opening each workbook in the target folder.

Each workbook is laid out the same, based on a template, and emailed to me each day (I'll actually get 3 or 4 a day, one from each plant) So the number of files will grow every day. (I've read about a way to automatically save the file based and the date, hour, and minute, and email the file when a certain condition is met, and plan to use this technique in the template.) So the file names should be consistent.

As an example, I would like cell A1 to contain the date from the oldest file and increment row by row as the files come in, automatically. Then the cells B1 on across would contain data from certain cells within the .xls file with that date and time.

Every time that workbook is opened it would update to include data from any new files in the specified folder.

I've done some basic vlookup formulas to look at one particular workbook but not several.

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Extracting Data From Closed Workbooks

Jun 13, 2006

I've got 20 spreadsheets called Week 1 to Week 20 each has two sheets called Wk 42 T and Week 42 R. They are stored in a shared area. I want to Copy all the data in Column M in both sheets and then transfer the data to a summary sheet with a sheet for each.

I've got the below code to open the workbooks but need help with selecting that data per workbook then by sheet and looping through each sheet and pasting in Column A.

Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False

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