Macro Formula To Clean Data In Large File?

Mar 3, 2014

I am trying to use excel tools to clean dirty data and compare the two cells. The information is there but tainted with additional information that is not relevant. I have tried to use Left/Right tools to capture alpha characters leading an address number with no real success. Also, when I get the data it seems to have some embedded breaks that I can't seem to get rid of that cause my tasks to error too.

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To Clean Out Unnecessary Data From A File

Mar 24, 2007

I need to clean out unnecessary data from a file, (see this example text file Link),
I'm not sure how to go about this in excel,

basically every file starts with 9 cells that needs to be deleted, then two cells of real data then one with garbage that needs to be deleted, it goes like that for 40 cells,
then again 10 cells of garbage that needs to be deleted, then 40 of real data and goes like that up to 3000 lines,

I know it sounds confusing but if you take a look at linked file from above it will make more sense, (to save it right click on "clean up.txt" and then save target as)

at the end I need to have all cells full of data

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Lookup Data From Large Csv File

Jan 21, 2010

I want to use the attached Test.xls file below and do a lookup from the Data.csv (see zip file) where "Empl ID" (column A in Test.xls) matches "ID" (column A in Data.csv). I want to bring back "SupvID" (column B in Data.csv) into column D in Test.xls.

The problem I have is that in real life Data.csv is a very large file and contains more than Excel's maximum number of rows. I want to automate this using VBA to lookup the values without opening the csv file.

I have looked at a number of forums for answers and I can see where using an ADO connection will probably help accomplish this, but I can't seem to get it to work on these specific files.

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Little Data Saves As A Large File

Jan 9, 2008

I have some spreadsheets one worksheet little data and it saved as it a 5MB file when it should only save as something like 500Kb, what would cause this?

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Splitting A Large File Into Two And Mining The Data

Apr 17, 2008

I've been scouring the Internet for a few days now trying to get a macro working with varying degrees of success. It's driving me mad and I'm really hoping that someone out there can help me out. I'm trying to write a macro that will ...

1. Take a .xls file

2. Split the file in two

3. Take cells B2:B11 and paste them in to a csv file (to be called Upload1.csv) using the rows as column headers (i.e. B2:B11 now become A1:J1)

4. Take cells A13-J13 downwards (this file will have different numbers of rows each time it's generated) and paste them into a different csv file (to be called Upload2.csv) populating all the rows (except all rows in column I which are to be left blank) and all rows in Column J which are to contain the info in cell B7 of the original document.

5. In cell B11 of the original document I must only take the information that says MyAddress:xxxxx and discard all the other info

6. I must also loop through the second document until I find the words Total and copy everything UNTIL that row into the new document.

I know this probably sounds pretty awkward but in practice it's not that difficult to understand, it's probably the way that I've explained it

So far I've managed to take the original document and split it, populate both CSV files but I'm having problems with looping the macro until it sees the word Total and discards it and also populating the appropriate rows with the info from B7 ... I don't know how to make it populate only the rows that have info on them.

I've attached the original Excel file that is generated and also my attempt at the 2 csv files. I've also written in RED what needs to go where in each document.

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Large CSV File: Too Large To Open. Split

Aug 6, 2003

I've got a 80 Mb CSV file and would like to open and work with it. Too many lines (90000 or so).

Is there a way to split ( ) this file so I can open two files instead?

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Macro: Small & Large Formula

Dec 6, 2006

I wondered if there is a possibility to make this

Range("L3").FormulaR1C1 = "=SMALL(R[-1]C[-11]:RC[-11],1)"
Range("L4").FormulaR1C1 = "=LARGE(R[-2]C[-11]:R[-1]C[-11],1)"

more simple so i can get the range for my small and large formula's variable? What i try to reach here is:

Range("L3") = smallest date In Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Range("L4") = largest date In Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

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Large Data Set Summing Macro

May 25, 2007

See attachment. For example, imagine data in cells A2:N25000 (obviously, this example in the attachment has been shortened). At this point, also imagine that rows 7 & 8 did not exist. So, there is a continuous stream of data for vaious counties in A2:N25000. For the purpose of context, the data contain mortgage information for all the lenders in a particular county for an entire US state.

Is it possible to create a macro that would insert two rows after each county in the data range (e.g., rows 7 & 8 in the attachment)? In other words, in the first row a macro would insert a row (row 7) that sums the results of the top 25 lenders in each county. Then, the macro would insert a second row (row 8) that sums the results of ALL the lenders in each county?

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Clean Up Recorded Macro?

Jun 1, 2014

I want to clean up this recorded macro but not sure how, it highlights duplicate values in a column


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Excel Formula Retrieving Data From Very Large Dataset

Jan 17, 2013

I've been unsuccessful in trying to write a formula that retrieves a single result based on two criteria (from a large set of data on a separate worksheet). I've tried various INDEX MATCH combinations but no luck.




[Code] ........

So this is a very simplified version of my real data set which is about 20 times this size. The first worksheet is where I want to store my retrieved results (lets say D2 for example). I want to retrieve data from the second worksheet that matches two criteria (exactly) originating from my first worksheet. The two criteria to be matched from the first worksheet are, for example, A1 (sabathia) and F2 (the date 4/8). The complicated part is the desired result should be from the corresponding K/9 column in the second sheet, which in this case (based on sabathia and 4/8 criteria) is I2 (result would be 3). It's complicated since I can't just tell the formula to look down a specific K/9 column, I need to search ALL the K/9 columns in the sheet (of which there are many). Is this even possible with some sort of nested INDEX MATCH? Any possibilities outside of VBA programming, or is that the only way?

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Simplifying Formula When Data Needs To Be Extracted From Large Number Of Worksheets?

Jun 16, 2014

simplifying a formula which gathers data from about 50 worksheets from within the same work book.

The data to be gathered is in the same cell on each worksheet and is simply a number but i want the SUM of theses numbers carried forward to another worksheet. Each worksheet is named by date i.e. sheet 1 is named "16 June 2014" and sheet 2 is named "23 June 2014" and so on until "30 March 2015" (Each sheet represents one full week Monday - Sunday).

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Trim And Clean Function But Formula Doesn't Work?

Jan 31, 2014

I'm coping and pasting data (html) into a worksheet. When I try to format some of the columns as accounting$, number, ect. They won't format. It looks as if there are spaces before and after the data. So I tried the trim and clean function but it doesn't work, so I guess the blank "spaces" are not really spaces.

It gets better...

When I do the same exact copy and paste (as html) on another persons computer, they are able to format just fine, and the "spaces" are removed automatically.

Why is this working on one computer but not the other? Is it a setting that my computer has enabled or disabled? If so, what is it?

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VBA To Clean Data Set

Jul 7, 2009


A1Bad Data2Bad Data3Bad Data4Bad Data5Bad Data6Bad Data7Bad Data8Bad Data9Bad Data10Bad Data11Title12Good Data13Good Data14Good Data15Good Data16Good Data17Good Data18Good Data19Good Data20Good Data21Good Data22 23Bad Data24Bad Data25Bad Data26Bad Data27Bad Data28Bad Data29Bad Data30Bad Data31Bad Data32Bad Data33Bad Data34Bad Data35Bad Data

Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

How can I ensure that all Rows before "Title" and all Rows after the last populated Row (denoted by the fact that there is a single blank Cell after it) are completely deleted?

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Macro- Large Amount Of Data In A Single Spread Sheet

Jul 17, 2008

I have a large amount of data in a single spread sheet. Each row has a branch number on it, there are multiple branch numbers. Each branch number is located in Column A. I want to separate this sheet and put all of the branch numbers into their own sheet. how to do this without manually copying and pasting?

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Macro Close Workbooks - Large Amount Of Data On Clipboard Msg

Mar 8, 2005

I am using the close.workbook command in VBA to close a workbook I opened to copy data from. I am getting a message that says "You have a large amount of data on the clipboard. Do you want it available?" What command do I use in VBA say no to this message?

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Using VBA To Clean Up Imported Data

Mar 17, 2009

Using VBA to clean up imported data ...

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Emailing Clean Data From Excel?

Jun 25, 2013

I am building a weekly email to my clients giving them some data on their account. When i send through file-> Share as html email, the formatting gets all screwy.

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Clean Up Data In Contact Sheets?

Dec 2, 2013

I am putting together a master sheet of 1000s of contacts for colleagues taken from various sources (outlook contact download, linked in download, inputted business cards etc). I have noticed that everyone has their own way of using outlook and the data (normally addresses and phone numbers) appear in different columns and formats. I have used the function concatenate to add zeros back to numbers if i have had to use .csv as the download output, but I have the issue of mobile numbers in the wrong columns (i.e. someone has put a mobile number as the business phone). Is there a way of creating a new column and then applying a logic formula of some kind saying if a number starts with 07 then it appears in the new column, but if it doesnt then to ignore it therefore separating the mobile numbers so I can add to the correct column?

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Clean And Copy Data From One Worksheet To Another?

Jun 23, 2012

I need to clear the worksheet named 'ZWM0104' then have to eliminate the lines 1, 3, 5 and the columns 'A' and 'C' of the worksheet named 'Cobaia_ZWM0104' done that need to copy all cells with data from the spreadsheet called 'Cobaia_ZWM0104' to the worksheet named 'ZWM0104'

i'm try...

Sub teste()
Application.ScreenUpdating = 0


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Clean Data - Removing Unwanted Characters

Feb 25, 2007

I have an excel sheet with approx 30,000 rows of data.

These are all keyword phrases.

They can be related to any subject, but for this example these are related to the root keyword phrase of "car Rent"

I have some software which basically pulls in keyword phrases from search engines and meta tags etc, including misspelled keyword phrases.

My problem;

The data is uncleaned.

In other words there might be I think it's called "Carriage return" data in there, so the row of data might be very deep (Instead of a row height of say 10.5 it could be anything, IE some could be 100 or 200 even).

There are unwanted characters, for example; ()[]{}+?!""^*

(If it could delete all unwanted characters except for letters/digits)
There is a problem I see, that if it removes _ or - between words, that it will join the words together which won't be of any use. If it deletes anything with a letter either side of it or a letter and digit, or 2 digits, 1 either side it would then need to add a space to replace the hyphen.

So for example; if there was a phrase in the list like ....

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Vba Code To Extract And Clean Data Based On A Set String Ending

Dec 5, 2013

I would like to extract competition naps from the competition entries and then remove the string ending "nap" from the data so it can be pasted to another sheet in it's 'clean' format.

on the example sheet column B will always be the first column and the range will extend to either G,H or I (always the max range as there are always 6 to 8 races)

i would like the code to search through these columns of data and find the cell ending in 'nap' then to return this in column i, once done remove 'nap' ending from both the source cell and column i.

once done to then go through all the rows and do similar

the end result would be all naps returned into cell j and all the 'nap' endings through the data range B to I (max) to be removed to leave the horses name only.

in book 3 the first row nap was sommersturm so i have shown the outcome i would like with the nap ending in I1 removed and the horse name returned in J1 again minus 'nap' ending.

the data will always be clean with no leading/trailing/excessive spaces and always be lower case too. sometimes a space is not in between horse name and nap but it's always last 3 characters i want removed still.

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Macros To Clean, Summarize, And Merge Reaction Time Data Files

Jan 6, 2009

I need to use to prepare for analysis a large set of individual participants' Excel data files collected using a psychological reaction-time experiment (a modified Stroop task). This experiment was created using a program called Superlab by Cedrus, so I posted an inquiry at the Superlab forum [url]. Their tech support suggested I might need to use macros in Excel but couldn't offer further assistance. I'll try to briefly describe (a) our Stroop task, (b) the operations I'm trying to carry out, and (c) the format of the individual Excel files,

Our Stroop task: The participant gets some instructions and practice trials, then a series of stimulus words are presented one word at a time in the center of a computer monitor in one of several colors. Word presentation order is randomized for each participant. The participant must press a key corresponding to the color of each word as quickly as possible. For each keypress (including the spacebar, pressed on instructions screens), the reaction time (in msec) is recorded in their Excel spreadsheet under the 'Reaction Time' variable. The 'Error Code' variable indicates whether the participant pressed the correct (C) or incorrect (E) color key in each trial. There are 8 types of words for a total of 48 trials. (Actually, 4 sets of emotion words and 4 sets of control-animal words, each set composed of 6 words each. The task basically measures how much peoples’ attention is captured by emotionally relevant cues in the environment.)

For each participant's data, I need an efficient way (macros?) to:
(1) clean it [i.e. discard or ignore the instruction & practice trials as well as trials where the participant was too impulsive (reaction time < 100 msec), too distracted (rt > 3000 msec), or gave the wrong color response (Error Code= E)]
(2) determine whether enough valid trials remain for further analysis (>39 trials), and if so:
(3) calculate a mean reaction time score for each of the 8 word types [where denominator for each word type is based on # remaining (non-discarded) trials for that word type]
(4) merge each participant's summarized data as single rows in a common spreadsheet (for importation and further analyses in SPSS), like this:
ID#...... MeanRTW1.......MeanRTW2...... (etc. for word types 3-8)

Excel File Format: I've attached a sample file, and here's a simplified overview of a spreadsheet (irrelevant columns and some rows removed). First the ID number is recorded (e.g., 393E), then some unnecessary junk (exp name & date, intro, practice, instructions), then data for the 48 actual trials of interest:
1 393E
2 stroop.xpt
3 Wed Jan 1, 12:33:00 2008
6 Trial Name.....Trial No..... Error Code.....ReactionTime
7 introduction..... 1................C............561243
8 practice.......... 2................C............... 2062
9 red-worried........14.............C................1001 (*the first practice trial)
10 (9 more practice trial rows, deleted here)
19 instructions........3..............C................5000
20 red-chicken......19..............E............... 1205
21 blue-tense.......32...............C.................782
* (46 more actual trial rows, deleted here)

To clarify:
-The variable 'Trial Name' indicates nominally what stimulus was presented for each trial.
-The variable 'Trial No.', indicates the unique numerical marker for each stimulus word. (It probably should have been labeled 'Word Type'. It doesn't reflect the order of stimulus presentation. E.g., the word "tense" is always 'Trial No.' 32 for all participants, regardless of when it presents.)
-A subset of actual trial words (e.g., worried) were also used for the 10 practice trials. Thus, the 10 practice trials must first somehow be discarded or flagged to be ignored before calculating average reaction times for the remaining 48 actual trials.

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Macro/function To Take Data From Source File Into Base File

Jun 24, 2006

I have a base excel file for summarizing some data, the problem is that the data comes from a different excel spreadsheet. What I want to do is make a function that pulls the data from another spreadsheet into my base file. It would be easy if it were just one excel sheet, but this job would require where the data is pulled from a data file which has many modified versions.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? The files with the data will be structured the exact same but with different data entered in. I just want a button so I can click the file I want the data from and have it show up on my summarizing base file.

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Export Data From A Template File To Total List File Using Macro In Template File

Dec 18, 2012

I have a template file for ordering trafolyte and steel plates. I have added macros to this template file. The existing macros do the following (shortly described):

Macro 1: clears order
Macro 2: update order date + send a read only file to the supplier of plates + save a read only copy of the file into one of three folders acc to info in one of the cells.

It's the Macro 2 I want to edit.

I want to add a "function" which copy a selection of data.column A to N from row 12 to 548 but only the rows where there is a value in column A.

Row 1 to 11 includes standard order info and Macro buttons.
Row 11 includes the heading for order data.

For everytime someone click on the Macro 2 button in the template file, I want the selection to be paste into the first "available" row in a "Total list" file.

The "Total list" file may have to be open (or a function to open, paste selection and then close the "Total list" file may be added)

File and Folder info:

To simplify suggestions, the following file and path info can be used (I can change to the correct later):
Template file name: template_order.xlsm
Template file location: \servershared emplate

Total list file name: total_list.xlsx
Total list file location: \servershared otal

Selection info:

The template file exists of a "general order info area" A1:N10
The column heading for order data is located at A11:N11
The selection to be copied is A12:N550 - But only rows where column A includes data (not empty).
(If the spesific order consists of 14 plates than there will be item no 1-14 in column A and I then I want to copy A12:N25 (row 25 will be item 14).

When I try to use record macro it looks like it only records what's happening in the template file - It doesn't record the pasting in the total list.

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File Too Large To Open?

Mar 16, 2013

my colleague did something to one of our files and it is now 845918 kb. I transferred it to a flash drive and then to my hard drive but now I cant open it to see what is wrong. Is there a trick to opening this up? When it was opened on her computer it wouldn't let me add any tabs or move tabs. I think I unprotected it but that didn't change anything.

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Export Large File

Oct 30, 2002

I have a database of 75000 rows in text format which has to be converted to excel, but the limitation in excel is only 65536. hence, I want to a macro that will copy the 1st 65536 rows into the 1st sheet in excel. The remaining rows should be copied into the second sheet. I know that it can be done with access. but i dont want to use access.
I have got a code to do this, but it takes much too long. if the code could be modified to make it faster,

Sub LargeFileImport()

'Dimension Variables
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
'Ask User for File's Name
FileName = InputBox("Please enter the Text File's name, e.g.

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Opening Large File

Feb 4, 2009

I have a 14.3 MB xlsb file that I am trying to open with no success as it just hangs. Anyone have any ideas on how to get the data out of there? I would like to be able to get the data to a pivot and copy the pivot to another file to try and reduce the load on one file. I tried to import to Access but was told I was using a file version before 2007, which is impossible since it is a xlsb file.

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Building Macro To Extract Data From One File Into Another Different File

Feb 21, 2014

I need to set up an automated process to open an existing .xls file, extract the data from specific cells located in that file and insert it into a totally different file that I have preformatted to accept this data.

Example scenario:

If I have "that_file.xls" and it is unopened, but it contains data in cells "A2 thru F2" that I need to extract... then I have "this_file.xls" , which is open, and set up with all my calculation cells and a specific layout (lets say it has cells "D8, E9, F10, G11, H12, and I13"). I want to be able to add a button to "this_file.xls" to run a macro that would open a file search window where I can select "that_file.xls", and then it will automatically extract the data from "that_file.xls" into "this_file.xls" as follows:

A2 to D8
B2 to E9
C2 to F10
D2 to G11
E2 to H12
F2 to I13

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Excel File Too Large To Work

Feb 24, 2013

I've been having tremendous issues with my Excel file, mostly with it crashing or not responding. Would this be because my file has so much data in it? If so, is there anyway to make Excel process all the data without crashing so much?

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SUPER Large CSV File That I Cannot Open

Aug 1, 2008

I have a SUPER large CSV file that I cannot open in 2002 excel
Is there a way to write in VBA to import the csv but only include rows that contain "TESTIMPORT" in a cell?

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