Making A Trend Graph With Multiple Values?

Jul 17, 2014

I was asked to make a trend graph showing activation's and deactivation's over time. My boss wanted it to be done automatically when you placed values into a simple excel sheet like the attached image (the graph would be below this).

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Pivot Multiple Graph And Trend Line

Apr 11, 2007

I got a pivot table with following details Row Values: Dept_Code, Super_group, Product_Group Column Values: Ending_Date
Data: Sales, Availability%, Waste%, Number of Stores

i need to have a bar chart with trend line individually on each data items e.g.Sales, Availability% etc. when i tried to use trend line it prompts me to enter series i.e Ending_Date and it draws trend line for only that period comparing all data values. is there any way to have individual graph for Sales, Availability%, Waste%, Number of Stores with trend line covering

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Export Graph Trend Line Equation

Jan 17, 2014

Is there a way to get an equation for a trend line and have excel automatically export the equation to a cell where it can be used. The only way i currently know how to do this is to manually type the equation.

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Making Chart/graph From Text By Occurrence

May 29, 2009

I track inventory/sales for a very small sole proprietorship. I'm looking to track the number of items that I sell based on the text that I enter in a certain column.

Specifically, I want to have a visual chart/graph to show the percentage of each size/color of an item that I sell, as I sell it. When I enter the words "3T pink" I want the chart/graph/whatever to show another quantity of this category. As I sell a new item, I want the chart to reflect it.

The problem I'm having, is that the graphs/charts require two data sets, but I want the graph to calculate it for me! All I want to do is enter the text for specific items, and when the text occurs subsequent times, I want this reflected in the graph/chart.

It seems so much more simple in my head....basically I want a dynamic chart, not based on a static data set.

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Making Single Graph With Two Datasets That Have Individual Dates

Apr 3, 2014

I want to make a single graph from two data sets that have individual dates.


Data set 1
1. January 2010 2. january 2010 ... 10. december 2010 etc
10 15 ... 10 etc

Data set 2
1. January 2010 ... 1. January 2015 etc
200 ... 200 etc

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Excel Sine Wave Graph/function Making

Feb 15, 2010

i have some numbers as data, i want to find the function that generate thiese numbers and also i want to view the chart of it, its kind of sine wave graph.

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Getting Values Off A Trend Line

Jan 12, 2010

I have a simple x y scatter graph, to which i have a trend line running through it, fine.

what i need to do is fine some values according to that trend line. e.g. my X axis goes up to 60 and my Y axis goes to 10, so if i draw accross at 55 from the trend line, i then go down to a number on my Y axis.

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TREND Function Calculate 2 Possible Y Values Along A Line

Mar 25, 2014

I currently have in my equation the trend function to linear extrapolate the date a line would cross either my upper or lower limits (100.1 and 19.9) between 2 data points. However if the 2 data points span both the upper and lower limits (as per the 2 attached examples) then unfortunately the trend function is only able to return the 1 date (where I've specified the x value). Is there any way for the TREND function to trend the 2 values? Do I simply add the 2nd x value to the new x's?

I have attached both the data and their graphs to visually explain my problem : EF Workbook.xlsx

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Chart Trendline To Trend Only Specific Values

Oct 3, 2006

i have a workbook that contains a series of worksheets. the workbook is a master document list. the first worksheet contains no data. the remaining worksheets are arranged so that A1 has the document number, A2 contains the document title, and A3 contains the review date. Id like to create a search macro that can search for the string entered into textbox1. if this is a number, the macro should search A1:A50 of all but the first worksheets in the workbook, and if its text, the macro should search B1:B50 of all but the first worksheets.

the macro should then select the cell containing what was searched. then id like the macro to prompt me and ask if id like to modify the reviewed date to todays date. d like to be prompted to continue searching for other records if they exist, and after that loop has finished to set the focus back to the search textbox.

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Charting Multiple Dates With Trend?

May 15, 2014

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to line graph two separate dates. I also want to show a trend.

I was first thinking I would need two graphs, but is there a way to merge into one?

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Making MsgBox Display Cell Values

Jan 8, 2008

Triggering a message box. one of the worksheets in my workbook is called Update Comments - this is a sheet that contains data in the following format (headers)

B7 = Week Number
C7 = W/C
D7 = Update Due
E7 = Updated By
G7 = Update Comments

I have a formula in column D (beginning D8 and copied down for the year) as follows:


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Making The Same Change To Multiple Files

Dec 7, 2006

I am looking for a way to automate the process of opening 64 separate Excel files and making the same change in each file. The change will be to the same cell on the same tab of each file.

I am also looking for a way to open each file and extract the data in certain cells.

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Making Multiple Pages With Drop Down Menu

Jul 17, 2006

is there any way in excel of making multiple pages with a drop down menu. Let say I choose 3 within the drop down, I'd like excel to make 3 pages (with the same settings of the first one) having a head/foot head pages. If you have a excel example(xls)

I just added a picture of what I actually want to do. I'd like to have the same design but adding pages between the top and bottom of the pages with a drop down or via an input box.. doesn't matter.

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Making Chart Plot Data Cells & Not Null Values

Sep 6, 2006

I have a chart that shows up to a list of 28 people and the number of sales for that day. I'm try to make the chart only show the names and number of salesperson that are not = to null. This is what the chart has for values right now "=' Nest Average'!$C$6:$C$33". How can I make it so that it only shows those cells if not = to null.

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Making Column Headings Apply To Multiple Pages ()

Dec 21, 2006

I work with an excel sheet to produce a list that gets distributed (in hard copy). A problem that I have is sometimes, the list spansmultiple pages, so I have to manually use the page break preview to put the column headings on the first row of each page.

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How To Plot No Values In Bar Graph

Jun 3, 2014

I have a pareto for a manufacturing facility that has a list of nonconformists and their occurrences in columns K and L. My issue is since it is a running total for the year at certain times the values are 0 for the number of occurrences. This calculates fine, but the graph is very large and the failures are all located on one side instead of being evenly distributed. I am trying to get it to only plot for what has occurred and not have a bunch of blank values. To make it a little more complex I'm trying to avoid macros.. I can get them to show up blank just can't get the bar graph to resize itself to fill the chart.

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Puting The Values At The Top Of A Bar Graph

Jan 16, 2010

I have a bar graph..and on top of each bar, i want the x value for that bar.

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Ignoring Zero Values On Graph

Feb 19, 2010

I have a line graph that charts certain data per day in a month.

During the weekend there is no data. The graph however considers the number as zero, and I want it to just "skip" that day and plot the line directly from the friday date to the monday, instead of the line touching zero on saturday's and sundays.

Is it possible to do this? Or am I forced to adapt my table to only include days of the week?

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Combining Values In Bar Graph

Jul 9, 2012

The company I work for has kept a list of the types of objects sold with their houses and how many were bought for each customer, via an Excel document. Here's a snapshot - You can see the name of each type of object on the left, with each column afterward representing an individual customer (Each vertical row is one customer) and how many of each item they bought.


We're hoping to make a bar graph of how many of each type of item has been sold. I selected all the titles and columns of numbers and ended up with this, which is almost what we're looking for:


The problem here is that each individual customer has their own line on the graph. The Recessed Can Light one I highlighted is a good example of a lot of people who bought varying amounts of that one item. What I'm looking to do is combine the individual sales for each item and make a single bar for each representing the total sales overall, so we can gauge what the best and worst-selling items are. Is there any way to do this?

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Causing Graph To Show No Values Instead Of 0?

Dec 31, 2013

I am creating a line graph to display changes in Cost Per Unit (CPU) of a given item over time.

The issue I have is that the CPU data on the line graph is displayed as 0 values where data is yet to be inputted. Instead I want the graph to remain blank where no data has yet been added. How can this be done?

find attached a simplified mock up of the spreadsheet.

Constant (fixed) values are:
- Date
- Hourly Rate
Values inputted on a daily basis are:
- Hours Worked
- Volume Picked
Calculated values are:
- Total Cost
- Cost Per Unit
- Mean [=average(CPU)]
- UWL [=mean+(2*stdev(CPU))]
- UAL [=mean+(3*stdev(CPU))]

I'm open to using VBA if necessary, however as I will not be the only user of this workbook when it is complete I would prefer to keep it a simple as possible.

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Make A Graph Without Plotting Zero Values

Oct 22, 2008

I've two collumns, after some index the values of cells are zero
how i can draw a chart without selecting those zero cells?

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Not Plot Zero Values On Chart/Graph

Oct 20, 2006

one of my excel reports, i am using a dsum formula and plotting a chart against it. i do not want to show the zeros on the graph, is there anyway i can do that, i could not find anything in the tools -> options.

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Graph With Multiple Value Axis

May 3, 2008

how can i make a graph "like a line graph"
to have multiple value axis's?

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Macro Use For Multiple Graph Changes

Mar 30, 2007

I have about 30 work books, each with about 10 worksheets. Each worksheet has about 2 graphs (some have many as 10).

I need to change the fonts, background colors, colors of the bars, etc. About 10 changes in all - to each graph.

I clicked on one graph in sheet 1 and recorded the changes. I then clicked on the next graph and applied the macro I made.

Can someone explain to me how I go about applying the macro I created to the 200+ graphs I have? (I am currently getting an error 91.)

This is what the Macro Editor came up for what I have now based on my recording:

Sub Graphs() ...

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Remove Unused Legend Values From Graph?

Dec 19, 2013

I am using bar chart to display top 5 units sold each year to my Excel file. In the data table, I have listed all the units and its number (quantity) sold. The problem is, the legend of the chart displays all the units instead of just displaying units that has values (top 5 units each year) which makes the legend hard to read (see attachment) How do I get Excel to select legends only if there is a value for it?

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Creating A Line Graph With 2 Sets Of Values

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to create a line graph to show the trends (up or down) of I-Fund vs Gold. The trouble I am having is how to set the axis. The date one is an easy one, but the gold range is more or less 800-1000, and the I-Fund is 13-18. How can I have these both on the same graph to compare? I am attaching an Excel sheet as a reference. Obviously I need to delete the empty IFund cells.

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Graph Plummets To 0 For Zero Values For Future Dates?

Sep 16, 2013

I have a dashboard which has dropdown boxes to pick out the data you want to see. From this data i then have graphs which are graphing 0s from the data making the graph look horrible.

I know I need to add NA() to the cells so that 0s dont graph, but all my data has formulas in and i don't know how to add the NA part to the existing formula.

my formula for each cell is
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A9,'DB data'!$A$1:$HH$2003,COLUMN(FP1),FALSE),"-")

This looks up name such as "sign on time", then goes to another sheet and retrieves the data.

Where can i add the NA part. I've tried instead of the "-" at the end but doesn't work. and ive tried instead of FALSE and this stops the formula from working.

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Test Selection Values & Graph/Chart

Oct 19, 2007

The user will select a range (example, B4-Z4). The macro needs to test each cell to see if the number is in a certain range (example, is the number in the cell between 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, etc? - these ranges will not always be the same on each worksheet). If the cell is in that certain range, that cell is a 1 for that range. Example,

B4 = 23
21-40 = 1

C4 = 30
21-40 = 2

D4 = 45
41-60 = 1

After all ranges are tested, it will be graphed on a separate worksheet with the x-axis being the ranges (21-40, 41-60) and the y-axis will be the total number of cells that fit in the range. The above would be....................

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How To Create Overall Graph From Multiple Worksheets

Jun 28, 2006

I am wanting to create a yearly graph, but it isn't allowing me to add cells from multiple worksheets.

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Multiple Ranges Displaying In Same Graph?

Oct 19, 2012

I have 2 datasets that have a common y axis and was wondering if it is possible to graph them?

i.e. x axis A - hourly wage costs
x axis B - hourly sales
y axis - hours of the day

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