Process Of Adding More Rows Has Slowed Down Considerably
Nov 15, 2009
I am building an inventory list for an online store with Excel 2002. Everything was fine until I reached 10,000 rows and 50 columns.
I use formulas to convert wholesale price to retail price on about ten columns.
Overnight the process of adding more rows has slowed down considerably.
I had my computer checked out and they say it is working just fine.
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May 15, 2014
Is there a way to reduce the Excel file size considerably? Any quickest and easiest way to reduce file size in excel ...
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Feb 18, 2013
I have a list of rows with Yes and No check boxes. Columns "T" and "U" contain the output of these checkboxes (i.e. "TRUE" or "FALSE"). At the end I have a button which I'd like to run this code. Essentially, I want to code to go through row by row and do the following:
1. Check to see if both boxes are blank or if both boxes are checked - and if so set the background color to yellow
2. Otherwise set the background color to clear
I have written the following code which accomplishes this task for Row 9. Is there an easy way to repeat this process for rows 10-15 without copying all the text and changing the row numbers?
Then, any way, say "If all the rows (i.e. 9-15) have clear background colors (which would mean that they all 'passed' the test of having exactly one and only one box checked in the row), then run another macro which I have written"?
Rem Check to see if neither box is checked or if both boxes are checked and sets background color to yellow, otherwise sets background color to clear.
If (Range("T9").Text = "") And (Range("U9").Text = "") Or (Range("T9").Text = "TRUE") And (Range("U9").Text = "TRUE") Or
(Range("T9").Text = "FALSE") And (Range("U9").Text = "FALSE") Then
Range("B9", ("G9")).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Else: Range("B9:G9").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
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Jun 24, 2009
I have two sheets: Sheet1 - linked from external file, new data coming daily.
Sheet2 - I need to copy/past Rows from Sheet1 to Sheet2 but only if B-cells are not empty. How can I automate the process?
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Jan 29, 2009
I need some help fomulating a VSB code which would add two rows after every one row.
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Apr 18, 2008
We have workook with several worksheets (tabs). The main page has several headings (category), including "Doors and Ceilings", "Walls" etc. There are currently three rows under each heading. When I go to a category (tab) there is a list of issues in column b. I can go to column A of each issue and if I place an "a" that issue will be copied to the main page under that category. The problem is that i only have 3 rows and I need a row added each time an issue is transferred to the cell before it.
Is there some VBA I can use to detect the precence of data anbd add a row?
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Aug 7, 2009
Is there any way to automatically add two new rows after every existing row containing data?
For example
1 A B C
2 D E F
3 G H I
turn into
1 A B C
(empty row)
(empty row)
2 D E F
(empty row)
(empty row)
3 G H I
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Mar 14, 2013
I have got a spread sheet (Attached) that works out the rankings of youth football teams so that they can be given fixtures against teams of the same ability. I want to use the same system for another age group which has nearly 100 teams in it but I can't get it to work for over 50 teams.
With my basic Excel knowledge I have worked out how to add extra columns with the correct formula, but I can't work out how to add rows with the correct formula to the table that is in cells A12 -C12 down.
Ideally I would also like this table to show the team with the highest ranking in position 1 & in descending order from there - but I would be more than happy just to add the extra rows for now.
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Oct 7, 2008
I've got an excel sheet which has names in column A followed by 5 numerical values in columns B-F. I'd like to get a macro that will compare the values in Column A and if they match, add the B values, the C values, the D values, the E values, and the F values and delete one row - effectively combining the row. What's the best way to go about this? Also the sheet is already in ascending alphabetical order by Column A, so the rows that need adding will be next to each other. So I guess compare each A value with the one below it and if they match add the rows, but how?
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Jul 10, 2006
I want to be able to have rows/cells generated with a certain text
based on the answer given by a user.
For example, My question in a cell could be "how many groups have you made?".
Now to this if the user answers "3" then I would want three cells below to
ask "what is the name of your first group", "what is the name of your second
group" and so on.
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Mar 1, 2008
i have rows of data in an accounting worksheet (payments in/out) which needs constant updating by adding new rows. within the row a formula exists in column D such as =SUM(E11:J11) and the next row is =SUM(E12:J12). if i select row 12, right click and select insert, a new blank row 12 appears but without formula in column D. is it possible to insert row with retained formula? i would prefer to add a row from a blank row below current row and have new row appear with above rows formula but this is not vital.
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Jan 3, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where I will input details for "incidents" under different headings on one row per entry (I will have a separate tab for each "incident", and each row will relate to each customer affected by this incident)
For every row that is completed I have a "Summary", which is just a section of the same worksheet, that will list all the basic details of the above entries in a format that will be printed and passed to a different department.
As I will be unable to determine whether a particular incident will have 5 entries or 50, I need a way to add a new row to my "Summary" section if and when a row is completed.
I have a formula to populate the data in the "Summary" section automatically, so all I need now is for it to add new rows as and when they are needed, copying the formulas from the original row, so each new "incident" entry is copied each time.
I have created a dummy spreadsheet but I'm not sure how to attach it to this post.
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Feb 15, 2007
Is any way to add automatically comments in VBA
Some combination of "ctrl" with something else.
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Apr 25, 2014
I have a quotation that I am working on that I need to add 12.5% onto each seperate line price.
There are 300 individual lines on the quote all with different pricing but they all need 12.5% adding on so I am hoping there is a simple way to do a bulk sum for all of the rows rather than having to go through each row and creating a sum for each. - ie =(K28*1.125)
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Dec 16, 2009
I'm creating a spreadsheet to generate a standardized form that I use as a paralegal.
I have 2 things that I don't know how to create....
1 - I want to have y/n questions on the data entry tab. When boxes are clicked Y, it adds a row and language to the form which exists on another tab. I know how to do links and to do if then statements, but I don't know how to make it not take up space when the answer is n. Some of these clauses are pretty long so I don't want to have big blank spaces when the answer is no.
2 - I have certain sections where I need to control the number of rows. I want to have a cell on the data entry tab where I put in the number of rows that I want. The spread sheet would create those rows and I would then enter the data on the data entry tab. On the form tab, the spreadsheet would refer to the cell telling it the number of rows, add those rows, and link them to the data that I entered on the data entry tab.
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Jun 13, 2013
I have attached a file for reference. I have another file I use that is similar to the one attached, however it has 500+ rows and is still growing. The issue I am having is that in this file I want to make a "Template" worksheet. Basically I need 50ish sheets that are more or less the same. I have a column that describes a item, a items weight, a row with headers for the columns that I want to appear identical on every worksheet. I want the variables to be the count. These will change from sheet to sheet with formulas to than update the totals.
My issue I am having is that I constantly find myself needing to insert new rows for new items. In my real worksheet I have rows grouped together in a logical way so the rows cannot just always be placed in the next available row at the end of a sheet. How I can have sheet 1 be my "template" and the others take their item lists and weights from sheet 1. In the example file I created sheet 1. I than created sheet 2 and selected a cell entered "=" and selected the cell that I want it to have the same info from on sheet one. I fill handled these items down to generate a list. I than held down control and dragged a couple of new sheets. This process works, and is what I am currently doing, but what do I do when I wish to add a new rob between row 4 & 5?
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Jul 25, 2014
I am able to autofilter a sheet to show only rows with a date in Column U but no "x" in Column BC. Now I want to be able to put an "x" in BC in only the filtered rows. The purpose is if someone enters a date in Column U, the macro will show only those rows minus the rows that have already had an "x" added to BC.
For the most part I've gotten this to work using but it will also put an "x" in Column BC, row 3001 on down.
How can I get it to stop at the last row?
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=21, Criteria1:="<>"
Cells.AutoFilter Field:=55, Criteria1:="="
Columns(55).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value = "X"
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Nov 3, 2008
I am extending rows on a salary schedule. As you can see below, the rows include: Bargaining Unit (GP) Schedule(2A) Range(5) Step (A) Hourly (S) and the hourly wage(11.52)
The Steps currently go from A thru M but I need to add N thru Z and after step M there is a 3.75% increase for each step.
You can see that this is a csv file (comma delimited). All of the other info needs to autofill and only the new steps (N-Z) will change and the wage for each of the new steps. The last row is 2 decimal points.
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Mar 20, 2009
This is what I have:
This is what I need:
I just need a black row between every row that I have now. I'm sure its simple but I can't seem to figure it out. I have tried a macro but don't really know how to work them, it just made a new line in the same spot.
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Sep 24, 2009
My table is a much larger version of this:
i want excel to work out the total for x y and z. however i have about 100 different things x y and z could be and its a long list so an automatic way would be great.
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Feb 23, 2010
I´ve made a simple macro in order to make easier to add new rows in a table, by filling the cells with the new data.
The problem is that according to one of the fields, I´d like that macro to add multiple rows, with exactly the same information but numbering all these rows on this specific field from 1to the number I filled on the respective cell.
For example, I have beyond another fields that I´ve already filled, the field "Parcel" and "Total of Parcels". I filled parcel with number 1 and total of parcels with 5. Then I´d like the macro to add 5 rows with the "total of parcels" cells containing 5 on every row and the field parcel filled with number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, for each row created.
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Nov 28, 2011
I created a Validation list from 2 to 20. I want to have it (the list) add a row every time you select the proper data.
Example: If I want to add 2 row I would select the 2 in the drop down menu. If I need 5 rows I need to select 5 from the drop down menu.
Is this a VBA code? Or can I use a formula?
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May 1, 2012
In columm (A) I have a row for each day of the year, that is, 1/1, 1/2.....12/31 which has a corresponding value in column (B). In column (K) I have a row for each week of the year, that is, 1, 2....52.
In column (L), what formula can I use so that each row will sum the values of a seven day period from column (B)?
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May 30, 2012
I have a monthly log that I need to keep to track expenses and customers visited. The log is segmented into 12 parts corresponding with each month.
I need to be able to add multiple lines via an input box while maintaining the formulas and formatting of the 2 rows directly above the forms command button (because both lines are filled with a different color) but not the contents?
There will be 12 command buttons in all and the new rows should be added at the bottom (directly above where the button is)
I found this and it works to some extent.
Sub FromFormsCommandBar2()
Dim Btn As Button
with ActiveSheet
Set Btn = .Buttons(application.caller)
end with
End Sub
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Aug 16, 2012
Is it possible to add a row to the pivot table. All my fields run across the top of my excel sheet but i need a calculated field to show under the row under the total of each group. The values in this row must equal the value total in one of my fields. Is this possible ?
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Jun 19, 2013
I have a data set of 300 points and i want to increase my data range by a factor of 10 .
For example if i have Column A with master points A1=10 A2 = 20 A3 = 30 .
I would like to be able to automatically enter in the same about of new rows between each point . Then calculate there difference between the master points and populate the new rows in sequence . For example The difference between A1 and A2 = 10. So the new A2 would be 11
I would like to have A1=10 A2=11 A3= 12 A3=14 Etc as the new cells.
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Jul 9, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with multiple similar entries I would like to add up. What would work well for me is to be able to input a column like a and a target column like e.
So in this case it would search throughout column a and wherever it finds a duplicate entry add column e and then delete one of the rows. I could then run it again under different column criteria if needed.
So if I had the below sheet:
I could search by column a and add up column h to read like this:
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Mar 31, 2009
Due DateInvDocument numberDebitCreditBalance
The above is a part of a w/sheet. Rather than determining the last row in the debit column and credit column (to know which is greater) and use a loop to put a formula in each of the cells in the balance column (adding the debit and credit), I know I can use the with ... statement to input the formula at a go , but cannot figure it out.
Sub sumtotal()
With Sheets(1)
With .Range("G14", Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.Formula = "=sum(E14+F14)"
On Error Resume Next
End With
End With
End Sub
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Dec 7, 2006
If I have a sum function that adds up:
= SUM(U41:U45)
but I add a row at 41 I now get sum function
=SUM(S42:S46) when I really want it to incorporate the just add row to look like this:
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Jan 29, 2007
I want to restrict the adding the rows and columns and also deletion of rows and columns in excel template, the same template is circulated to all the program owners to capture there project metrics. With that template through macro values are extracting to consolidated report. Some times program owners are adding extra columns/rows with that we are getting errors/incorrect reports.
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