Return Cursor To Predefined Area

Dec 24, 2008

I have a button in my worksheet. When clicked on I want to change the text in this button
so far so good. I have however a problem how to return to the cell that was active, the moment I clicked the button. so far I have the following code

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Macro To Open Worksheet To A Predefined Area

May 22, 2007

I have a workbook which has a variety of command buttons with assigned macros, one of which is a product detail button which redirects to a new worksheet.

Is it possible to be able to click on the button, display a new window (the new worksheet), but only display a section of it?

For example, I have 5 products. Each of the five products are detailed on the same worksheet and I have a button for each. I would like Button 1 to open up the details for product 1 only and button 2 to open up product 2 details etc.

I could go to individual sheets, but if I had 2000 products, the book would be a little large.

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Locate Files Of Predefined Extension, In Predefined Location & List In Spreadsheet

Oct 22, 2008

I require a bit of code that locates where the excel file is stored - it then searches that directory folder for all file names. Any file names with an extension *.hm for example are listed in column A, while their relevant 'Dates of last Modification' are listed in Column B.

Every time the spreadsheet opens it should ask the user if he/she requires a re-search of this directory and update of any file names accordingly. NB: if a file name is deleted from the directory, the file name should remain in the spreadsheet.

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Return Cursor To Last (previous) Location

Dec 30, 2008

I am familiar with the codes suggested here:

I move the cursor with Hyper-Links or just by clicking another cell.

I wonder - is there something I can add/do in order to enable returning from ANOTHER sheet !?

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Set Active Cursor In TextBox (blinking Cursor)

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a VBA userform and several textbox's, setting SetFocus and or TabIndex doesn't leave the box ready to accept input and there is no cursor shown to indicate it is ready to accept input.

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Return Area Code For State

Jul 20, 2007

I would be loading data into a spreadsheet, and when there is a phone number I'd like to have it populate the state field. (ex. (212) 123-1234 in the phone field, would populate "NY" in the state field, is this possible? If so is there any brief way to describe how to do so without taking too much of your time?

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Formula In E3 To Return The Area That The Store Belongs In

Mar 6, 2007

I have a column of data in a hierarchy (columnA).

As per the picture posted: if I type the store in cell D3, I want a formula in E3 to return the area that the store belongs in.

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If Cell Contains Certain Text And Certain Text Then Return Predefined Text?

Apr 10, 2013

I'm trying to get something like - If a cell contains certain text AND certain text then display set text OR If a cell contain certain text AND certain text then display set text.

For example:
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Petrol = vauxhall corsa petrol
Vauxhall Corsa 1.5Litre Deisel = vauxhall corsa Deisel
Vauxhall Nova 1 litre Petrol = vauxhall nova petrol

So it the formula is effectively searching for the car type and the fuel type and then returning the relevant set text. So far I'ver only been able to find IF functions criteria to identify one feature of the text.

I'm thinking it's got to be variation on =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol") but there should be something else in there like =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("Vauxhall Corsa"&"Petrol",A1)),"Vauxhall Corsa Petrol")

I know this is wrong but just trying illustrate my thinking. I need it to pick up vauxhall corsa AND petrol. I understand that I would have to stick a lot of IF functions together in a string, but that is fine as long as I can ask it to pick certain text AND certain text within a cell.

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Macro To Print Active Area Excluding Cells With Forumula That Doesn't Return Value

Dec 20, 2007

Trying to put together a macro that looks down active sheet for all cells that contain a value, sets a print area and then prints !

Is this possible?

FYG, I have a column that run from 3 - 2000, which contains a formula, which may produce a value depending on corresponding cells.

I used this code from a post on a similar topic, but excel is complaining code
in bold

Private Sub Print_Area_Click()
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0)
Do Until Application.Count(lastCell.EntireRow) 0
Set lastCell = lastCell.Offset(-1, 0)
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(Cells(1, 1), lastCell).Address
End Sub

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Print 2 Selected Area (highlighted Area)?

Apr 11, 2013

How can I print 2 selected area (highlighted area). I know there is a trick to do that. Right now I can only select (highlight) one area to print, but would like to know how to print 2 or more areas at same time

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Programmable Print Area: Macro To Set The Print Area According To The Amount Of Data In A Particular Range Of Cells

Feb 25, 2009

Using Excel 2003 I am trying to write a macro to set the print area according to the amount of data in a particular range of cells. I find I can include this instruction

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Graph The Following Data In An Area Chart With Line Charts Superimposed On The Area Chart

Nov 1, 2006

I am trying to graph the following data in an area chart with line charts superimposed on the area chart. I have a lot of data (and a lot going on) so I'm trying to figure out the best way to show this in excel from a functional standpoing (i can't get this to work in excel!!) to also an asthetic standpoint (dont want it to look terrible or illegible). This is what I'm trying to chart:

1) Weather data (temperature) by region:
So one region, would be: Northwest
I would like the "area" (so a shaded region) to be the min/max of the temperature data for each month.

2) I would like to show the temperature for each year as a line graph on the chart - so you can see if a year falls in or out of the shaded region.

3) I would like to show a company's sales increases across the same months per year as separate line charts. I may choose to just show the biggest outlier year in the end... or to show 2006 (the latest data).

What I am trying to convery with the chart is that the company's sales is or is not tied to weather deviations. I have attached an excel file with the data. I haven't been able to use the area chart or get a two axis chart to work or get it to look even remotely professional.

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Calculate/Sum A Predefined Working Day

Dec 8, 2008

but, after subtracting those days when they fell between Holidays / vacation periods.

See question, in details, inside the attached workbook.

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Locate Value From Table, From Two Predefined Variables?

Oct 12, 2009

Struggling a bit on this one! I have tried the index function, but doesn’t quite work how I need it. Consider the attachment as an example:

I have three cells, 2 of which are drop down lists, and the third is simply the result from the input variables. The yellow and green section contains the info for my drop down lists, and the orange contains the data range. Trouble is ‘Index’ is looking at the contents of my cells, and not the corresponding cell address. So lets say I have cells F5 and A8, the answer I would be looking for is 23.7, but because the contents of my input cells are 185, and 5, its looking for column 185 and row 5, when I want it to look for the column/row that relates to these values, i.e. column 6, row 8.

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How To Print Predefined Set Of Combination In Excel

Feb 13, 2014

I am having a set of names in one column and would like to print various combination of names in to another column. In sample data set, there are 30 names of entries in column B and like to print 4 data set i.e. 1st three set of combination of column B print into the column C similarly for other set of six, twelve and all kind of combination. Please find the detail in attached excel sheet.

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VBA - Run Macro From Predefined List Of Times?

Jun 25, 2014

I've seen a lot of traffic around running macro's on a clock at regular intervals. But what if I want to run a Macro (Macro1) at 8:55, 9:55, 11:55, 12:55, 13:55, 16:55 and another Macro (Macro2) at the top of each of those hours? The string of times is not consecutive, so I have built a table to define the release times. At each of these times I need to run a macros, and I'm not sure where to begin.

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VBA - Insert New Line At Top Of Predefined Table

Apr 9, 2009

I currently have a 200 row table spanning 10 columns. There is one numeric column and the rest are free text. The table charts the different contents on one of the shared drives here at work. The drive is frequently in use with things being added and removed from it.

I have an excel table already which can sort the contents in order of size (numeric row) or name of the folder (the first text column). I have two buttons at the top.
The first inserts a row, which I did by recording a macro and then copying the code into the button.

The second I would like to do the following: When a user selects a cell in a row, the button, then clicked, deletes the entire row. Not just the data in it, but excises the row itself and stitches the surrounding materials together. The code to delete a row I could obtain easily, but I can't work out to say "find the selected cell, and take out the row it belongs to".

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Insert Row With Predefined Style And Values

Mar 24, 2007

After all the work and calculations applied to data from various macros, I would like to have a final macro simply insert a title row, always the top row with various titles. Theres 11 columns, thus it would be great for the code to simply insert the row with predefined bolded titles, such as T1, T2, T3....T11. These 11 cells would than share then same bolded bottom line, making it visibly separated from the rest of the rows. I know this is easy, and Ive looked throughout the forum, but I can find things close, but not close enough.

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How To Set Fixed Print Area In Excel So Cells Within Print Area Can Still Be Modified

Feb 12, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple sheets that I need to print.

Is there a way to create a fixed print area within which you can mess around with formatting without extending or shrinking the print area?

I have tried adjusting the margins settings so that they are all the same, but this does nothing to keep a fixed print area.

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How Do I Remove Predefined Text From Programmed Cells

Jun 23, 2009

I want B1 to copy from A1, but if A1 contains a certain text string, then remove that text string and keep everything else. For example, I want B1 to remove "ru" "la" "fm" and "mu" so if A1 is 5464ru-xl then B1 will return 5464-xl or if A1 is 36944la-s then B1 returns 36994-s

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Copy Shells To Another Sheet, Depending On Predefined Row

Dec 30, 2009

My problem is that I need to get button to move information from sheet1 A5:E5 & A8:E8 & A11:E11 to sheet2 B1:P1 if Sheet1 A1=1 to B2:P2 if A1=2 etc

I can only make it by if or case macros, but it becomes so long code

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Populate Automatically With Predefined Value If Cell Is Of Certain Colour

Feb 8, 2012

I'm looking for a cell formula. here is an example:

In cell A2, I want it to populate automatically with a predefined value if cell A1 is a certain colour, as below.

A1 A2

I have conditional formatting in cell A1.

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Children Name Randomly Selecting From Predefined List

Jun 25, 2012

My wife is a teacher and she has asked me if there was a way of randomly selecting a child's name from a pre-defind list and for that child not to be selected again during that session.

Some criteria:

Up to 35 children in the class (selected from a pre-defind list)A child can only by picked on once during the lessonA method needs to be in place for seelcting the child's name (either a button that can be pressed, or another option).

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Sum Do Not Include Rows Added After The Predefined Sum Range

Apr 16, 2008

I'm looking for: a cell (in column C) that sums Column C from C6 to the row above said cell. (A Total) So if new rows were added, these values would be included in the sum.

What I'm currently working with is a simple Sum formula, but this sum does not include rows added after the predefined sum range.

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Convert Hour / Minute To Another Predefined Time Mode

Feb 27, 2009

Here is a traditional Indian time calculation

(1 day) 24 Hr = 60 N
1 N = 60 V = 24 Minutes

How to formulate this in excel 2003.

If A1= HH (hour), B1=mm (minutes) - Inputs
A2 should show NN : B2 should show VV - Result

And Viceversa.

If A1= NN (hour), B1=VV (minutes) - Inputs
A2 should show hh : B2 should show mm - Result

hh - hours, mm - minutes, NN - Nazhigai, VV - Vinadi - all are numbers

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Code To Assign Predefined Number In Separate Worksheet

Apr 27, 2009

Excel 2003: I need code that, when an "x" is entered in a cell in the "Activity" worksheet to assign a temporary unit #, it will look for the next available Temporary Unit # in the "Assign" worksheet. Then mark that unit # as "assigned" (by placing an "X" in the column next to it) and copy it to a cell in the "Activity" sheet.

I will be doing the same thing with assigning different types of PO numbers. I figure if I have the code for the Unit #, I can use the same logic for the other assignments, with some modifications, of course.

I've attached a sample workbook.

If I am not considering the most effective way to accomplish what I am trying to do here, I have no ego at all about someone suggesting a better solution.

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Automatically Assign Predefined Unit # In Separate Worksheet

Apr 5, 2009

I have a worksheet that logs equipment activities. Equipment may already have a standard unit # assigned to it or it may need a temporary unit # assigned for tracking. In a separate worksheet is a column of predefined temp unit #'s that can be assigned and next it is a column to place an "X" once a unit # has been assigned.

I need to write logic that, when an "X" is entered in Column F (Assign a Unit #) of the Activities worksheet, the Unit # (Column G) will automatically select the next available Temp Unit # in the Assign worksheet...and mark that Unit # as no longer available. Quite frankly, this may be more easily done with VBA, but I am not experienced in that at all. I have attached a sample worksheet showing the format of the unit # to be assigned, etc.

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Creating Macro To Insert Text Into Predefined Cells

Apr 22, 2014

I had posted earlier to see if there was a way to protect certain cells from being updated when using a linked excel spreadsheet to access. Since there have been no replies I'm assuming not.

Different approach, can I create a Macro that would run after the update that would insert my required text into each cell from A2 through to R2.

The text would always be the same and always in exactly the same cells. This would need to be an insert into and not a replacement of the data already in those cells.

A1 B1 C1 D1
Renter Last Name

[Code] .......

A2 B2 C2 D2
CategoryFilter CategoryFilter CategoryFilter NoFilter

The text under each of the A2, B2, C2 etc is what I would want the macro to do for me, essentially putting back what the update from the linked source removed.

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List Of Random Numbers That AVERAGE A Predefined Number

Mar 13, 2007

I want to create a long list of 10,000 random numbers between -100 and +150, but do it so that the average of all the random numbers equals 20.

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Send Excel Single Sheet To Non-predefined Email Recipient?

Feb 14, 2014

So i want to be able to send a single Excel sheet to a recipient, not already pre-defined in the VBA. I am trying to get to where i can click a button/link and a window pops up, asking me to enter recipient's email address. When I enter the address and press- 'Send', the email is sent using Outlook.

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