Search For A Substring Within An Array Of Strings
May 20, 2002
I wish to search for a substring within an array of strings and just return back an indication that the substring exists withing that array.
so for instance let the substring be "rang"
and let the array be
I wish to put a single command line next to my substring and wish to search through that range and return a key code if it exists. And then I will repeat the same search for other substrings. For the moment being, I don't care too much about the number of occurences or the exact cell address where they occur. All I wish to know is whether they exist in that list or not.
So it looks to me it is like a SEARCH command but except on a range of text (Rather than a single text) with an array formula. I have tried MATCH but my case is not an exact match either.
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Dec 20, 2013
I need to export this to Xcelsius which doesn't support any macros/vba. Btw I can;'t use Row() in xcelsius too.
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Jan 16, 2008
(I need to do this using VBA so that it can work as an excel macro and/or a vba function in access.)
How can I extract the first occurance of any substring over a certain character length from within a string ?
eg. My string may take any of the forms given below (or something similar), how can I extract the first set of characters that is at least (say) 4 characters long ? i.e. always get the 'Phillips' out of the below...
Phillips Homes Ltd
Mr T A Phillips
TA Phillips Homes Ltd
T A Phillips Homes Ltd
T. A. Phillips Homes Ltd
The names used are only an example (Phillips could be any name whatsoever).I am familiar with Search, Len, Left, Right, Mid, Instr etc. but just can't figure this one out.
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Jan 6, 2014
Let us say I have the following text in Cell A1. "There is a fault in the cal cycle.Need to update the records." And in cell A2 I have the following text. "Called for backup assistance. There is an issue with numbers." I cells B1 & B2 I need a particular formula which searches for the substring "cal" exactly and returns true if present. In cell A1, we have "cal" in the text. So it should return true for me in cell B1.
However in cell B2 I need false to be returned even though I have "Called" inside the text. I need true to be shown only for those cells where we have the exact text "cal" and no text characters in front or back of it.
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Dec 20, 2012
I need to do a vlookup that takes a string from one cell and then tries to find that string (embedded in a larger string) in the table array
Essentially I imagine this involves the FIND function at some point.
Attached is an incredibly simplified example of what I'm looking for.
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Dec 16, 2013
I have an excel worksheet with about 10K rows of data in column A.
I have also another list of data, about 200 rows of data, in column G.
I need to color each cell in column A that contains, anywere in the string, any of the data strings in column G.
in column A
row 1:
row 2:
row 3:
row 4:
in column G:
row 1: help
row 2: info
row 3: support
I need rows 1, 3 and 4 in column A to be colored.
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a worksheet containing a 'first name' column and a 'last name' column. I've put together a macro that requests a first and last name, then filters on the result, or will filter on the last name only if that is all that is entered (I know this can be done using autofilter, but let's not go there!).
So far so good, but what I want to do is add a bit of code that, when a non-existent last name is entered, displays a message stating this and exits the program rather than trying to filter on the name and displaying no records.
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Apr 22, 2009
My question is about assigning strings to an array.
The following code searches a cell for three strings (said, told, asked):
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Sep 16, 2013
I have a single column with multiple rows of data that contains multiple sports words (e.g.: football, basketball, track, hockey, swimming, skeet), and I want to find all cells that contain football, basketball and track. I also want to ignore case.
In this example only 3 rows would be found (3, 4, 8).
Sports Terms
1. football, swimming, skeet
2. football, basketball, skeet
3. football, basketball, track, skeet
4. football, basketball, track, swimming, skeet
5. basketball, track, hockey, swimming
6. football, hockey, swimming, skeet
7. hockey, swimming, skeet
8. football, basketball, track, swimming
9. track, hockey, swimming, skeet
10. football, track, hockey, swimming, skeet
Here are 3 examples I found, but I do not even know where to insert them -pressing Cltrl+Shift+Enter does not do anything.
=IF(COUNT(SEARCH(KeywordTable,E2)),"match","no match")
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Aug 21, 2008
I am using the following code to search a database of information and then display it on a different sheet.
The user types the search term into a textbox and then presses a command button to search the database.
Currently it only searches for an exact match. How can i adapt it so it searches for similar strings?
Sub SearchDatabase()
Dim rRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim ResultsOffset As Integer
Dim ResultsRange As Range
On Error Resume Next
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Dec 13, 2007
Need to do (preferrably as a UDF so I can call it many times and build the macro I really need) the following string testing macro. For a given column (B) - look to the field immediately to the left for a text string. This string will be searched for a list of other strings contained in Column D ( cells D1:D5). We want a case insenstive SEARCH (or find I suppose in macro terms) to return a true if the strings are found or false if it is not. Example test string in cell B1 would be:
I am a string of test data to check.
Terms in D1:D5 might be:
Cell B1 should return a TRUE as a match.
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Mar 22, 2014
How many text strings in a reference column appear in paragraphs of text listed in another column within excel.
So column A contains text strings such as:
And I need to see whether any of these appear in cells in a reference column G. If they do, I would like to return 'Used' into column B.
An example of the type of text in each cell in column G is:
"If you have any questions regarding your offer, please contact me. For any questions regarding your benefits, payroll or company policies and programs, please contact HR. Sincerely, {{Advisor_Signature__c}} {{Advisors_Job_Title__c}}"
I don't seem to able to search for a text string across multiple reference cells.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have some 100k+ cells with values as "ID_code - Value_1 - Value_2 - Value_3". Lets say this is sequence A.
"ID_code" is a fixed 6 digit value. "Name_1", "Name_2" and "Name_3" are variables and they also vary in length, but they never contain a sign "-". Sign "-" is only used as separator between these four values.
Now, VBA code that would rearrange all the values in a selected column from the one as listed above to a different sequence B, for instant:
Value_2 - Value_1 - ID_code - Value_3
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Jun 16, 2008
I am trying to find a function that will search for a particular name in a range and return ALL rows (or, preferably, specific cells in that row) which have that name in it, onto a new sheet.
eg. Sheet 1
Fred 45m $50 6/2
Joe 30m $35 5/28
Pete 60m $60 6/4
Fred 30m $30 6/6
If this range was on sheet 1, I would like to show on sheet 2 all times and dates for Fred in consecutive rows. ie the result on sheet 2 would be: Sheet 2
Fred 45m 6/2
Fred 45m 6/6
If selecting individual columns cannot be done, then the whole row would be fine.
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Jun 2, 2013
I need to declare a two dimensional array that will return the Row and the cell's string value. My only solution is to return the row as a string like this.
Public GlobalArray(2, 100) As String
How to get more control than this? Maybe I should just declare it as a variant but this might open it up for problems later.
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a table with three columns, column 1 is a list of names, column 2 is where I want my result to appear, and column 3 has my array of search values. Column 1 and 2 could have any number of rows with values, but column 3 will have less values. It looks like this if it's working right:
Item List
Search List
What I am trying to do is for each cell in column 1, I want to see if there is a matching value in column 3 - it has to be either an exact match or a partial match (i.e. the string appears somewhere in the values of column 1).
I have been trying to use MATCH like this:
but it does not return true unless the match is exact.
way to get these partial string matches to work?
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May 20, 2009
Im needing to search through the attached document which is truck logs at a mine and use vba to search through the list for each of the different shovels eg SHVL1, SHVL2 & SHVL3, and when the code finds that string, to display the tonnage 2 colums back from it. Im about half way there a i think but am having trouble with strings, if it was numbers i could do it no problem
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May 23, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that has relatively clean data, but at the end of every row is a long notes fields (often filled with several paragraphs of text). I'm trying to search inside each one of those notes to see if it contains certain boilerplate language / legalese / key words.
If I was just looking for one word, it would be easy -- I would write =IFERROR(IF(SEARCH("keyword",E2)>0,"Yes",""),""). That way, if the keyword is present, it returns "Yes", and if it's not present, it returns a blank.
What I want to do, though, if look for a long list of keywords simultaneously, and if ANY of those keywords are present, have it return a "Yes".
So I could do something like =IFERROR(IF(or(SEARCH("keyword1",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword2",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword3",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword4",E2)>0)),"Yes",""),""), but that seems horribly inefficient. Especially since my list of keywords is likely to change over time.
So what I want it to do is search each cell by simultaneous reference to an ever-changing table of keywords (call it [KeywordTable]). And I can't figure out how to do that. The search function is resisting all of my efforts to put multiple search values / a range of words inside of it.
To reiterate: the goal is to look at one cell filled with text, ask "does the text in that cell contain any of the keywords contained in [KeywordTable]", and if the answer is "Yes" return yes, and if the answer is no return no (or blanks).
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Apr 7, 2008
I have an array of variants..
lvarArrSource = Array(12, "=F", 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, "123", "F", "F", "F", "F", 11, "F", "NR", "F")
which i am using to map columns between spreadsheets. The basic numeric entries refer to columns to copy. But I want to make the routine smarter with the strings.
If array(x) = 12 (For example) Then
Do something
End If
If left(array(x),1) = "=" Then
Do something Else
End If
If array(x) Is String literal (e.g "xyz" Or "123") Then
Do a third thing
End If
i cant find a typeof or isstring kind of function. Isnumeric works ok for some values but quoted numbers (eg "123") return true (which isnt what i want). I have tried the left(string,1) = """ but excel seems to hide the quotes.
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May 7, 2014
I have hundreds of records of customer info and I am trying to categorize the job titles so that I can conduct some analysis with a pivot table. My problem is that there is about 20 different ways and variations of "manager" so Instead of autofiltering for "mrg." "Manager" "marketing manager" ect. and then replacing the text manually and using the enter and fill process (to create some standardization to compare "manager" to "director" to "c-level" to "consultant", etc.) and repeating this process over and over again...
I would like to create a VBA that would search the column "job title" for multiple text strings at once and if the text string was true in the cell then the cell would be replaced by a new text string "Manager". I was thinking a series of if functions within one vba but I am not sure if this is possible.
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Aug 15, 2014
Assume that I have in Sheet2 a list of CUSTOMIZED name.
Now in Sheet1, I have data in column A that has strings consist of the customized name.
For example
[Code] .....
What function should I use that could give me the result of the CUSTOMIZED name?
I was thinking of a formula i.e.
[Code] ......
Obviously, the above formula give me error. Even if it works, it'll not give me the customized name ...
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 1,000 rows of data.
Each Cell in Column A has a different long text string.
I need to see which (if any) of 10 specific small text strings exist within each long text string. Depending on which small text string is found I want to return a 3 digit code. If no small text string is found I want to return "Not Found"
- Cell A2 contains "randomtext,randomtext,APPLE,randomntext"
- I want to see if Cell A2 contains any of the words APPLE, ORANGE, CARROT.
- I want to return "APP", "ORG", "CAR" or "Not Found"
Q: What is the most elegant way to accomplish this within a single formula that I could paste into each cell in Column B?
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Feb 4, 2012
I want to search all the terms Column B within all the text phrases in Column A. I am ok if the words do not match the case sensitivity as I can address that myself.
If the exact phrase match is found, return the value True or False.
Column A
A1:Dog likes to run
A2: Cat Red-tummy-01
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Jan 13, 2009
I have attached the 2 workbook, master & transaction. From master workbook column F column name "EXIST DOCUMENT" values need to find in the transaction workbook column D column name "Documents". If match found in the column D substring field, it need to replace with column G column name "NEW DOCUMENT" value from master workbook.
The transaction workbook need to be given as input workbook, when the macro is get executed from master workbook.
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Nov 26, 2008
I am trying to make a simple formula to populate a cell with the first matching substring found in a data cell (from a fixed list of substring keys).
Example of desired results:
Substring data: {X, YY, ZZ} (typically 6 to 15 values in real world use)
Data..........Calculated result..........Comment
AAX.................X........................Substring X was found in Data.
ABC.............[empty]...................None of substrings were (X, YY, ZZ were found)
XYYZZ.............X......................(only first match need be returned)
ABCZZ.............ZZ....................Substring ZZ found etc.
I am looking for something cleaner than nested if statements since there are likely to be a lot of values and different variations. The work would then be to copy the formula and populate the list of substrings to search for in the data. I tried some array formulas using search() but no luck so far.
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Apr 2, 2014
I am trying to extract the last substring in some text that I have. see below for example.
12/30-12/31 Bob Dylan 40.25
I need to extract the 40.25 out. Every line item may be different but the number I am extracting is always after the last space. I tried using mid and find but this doesn't work well when there is more than 1 space in the text.
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Jan 26, 2007
I have a two dimensional array that I need to search, and copy a value to the sheet I am using.
Example Array
code1 name1
code2 name1
code3 name4
ColumnA ColumnB
I need to fill in columnB with the corresponding name, leaving it blank if the code does not exisit in the array.
What I have attempted (unsuccessfully) so far is below. I keep getting an Error at the If DataArray(y, 0) = majorcode line.
Dim datatotalrows As Integer
Dim listtotalrows As Integer
Dim majorcode As String
Dim clientname As String
Dim y As Integer 'variable for array
Dim x As Integer 'variable for data
datatotalrows = Range("A1"). CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
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Sep 16, 2012
Using Excel 2010 Pro.
I have a formula to create a string to create a lable for a Trial Balance report
=LEFT(I5&" "&REPT(".",95),101)
But the decimal portion of the string is distracting. I would like to make it a grey instaed of a black so that the text portion of the label "pops".
I don't believe I can do it with conditional formatting and I do not want to do it manually.I was thinking some kind of function or UDF like:
=LEFT(I5&" "&RGB(REPT(".",95),(191,191,191)),101)
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Dec 6, 2013
I have figured out certain formulas that can get me pieces of the text substring, I am having difficulty finding an all in one solution that will allow me to run a macro and automate this process due to the nature of variability of the # of characters in the text string. The category and what I need to extract is as follows (Michigan Missing Zips roll up I can deal with):
MWR - Illinois
MWR - Illinois
MWR - Illinois
[Code] ..............
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Nov 2, 2009
Is there a way to find the last matching row in an array? For example, I can find the first matching row in an array by using the MATCH function. Is there a way to search through the array backwards?
If I use =MATCH(10572, A2:A6,1), I will get the result "3". How can I get the result "5" (to tell me the row number of the last match)?
A more accurate example of what I am trying to do would be:
If I feed the number 2 in as my search value, I want to know the range of rows where the OrderID is less than or equal to 2. In the case above, it would be rows (assuming "OrderID" is in row 1) 2 through 4. I can get "2" back by using =MATCH(2,A2:A7,1), but I don't know how to get "4".
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