Select A Contiguous Range Of Cells In A Column

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to select a contiguous range of cells in a column and then iterate over that. I keep getting error "91", object variable not set. I have:

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How To Select An Entire Range Of Non-Contiguous Cells In A Column

Aug 19, 2009

I recently found this code for selecting a whole column of non continuous cells.

How can I change the "a1" & "a65536" so it can work and be activecell instead?

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Select The Top Right Cell In A Non-contiguous Range

May 29, 2009

Is it possible, through VBA, to select the top right cell in a non-contiguous range? For example, I have defined A1, A3, and A5 as a range. How could I tell Excel to select A5 from within that range?

I am using Excel 2007.

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Expand Range To Include Non-contiguous Column?

Apr 1, 2014

How to make the below selected range, which represents column Q, also include column A?

Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select

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Export Non-Contiguous Column Cells

Feb 6, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns. I need to save values from each specific column, but they are not non-contiguous, to a .txt or .csv file. In other words, I may need B:10, B15, B12, B25, etc. saved as one string in a text file. I have been working on this for about 15 hours and can't seem to get it to work.

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Add Items: Multi Column ListBox: Non-Contiguous Range

Sep 6, 2006

i have several listbox with two columns in a userform in a sheet i have several columns whith values and i'm trying to put the values from the columns in the respective listbox. down is the code i wrote but is stressing with column command

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim contar, j, i As Double
contar = 0
For j = 1 To 15
linha = j
For i = 3 To 65536

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Macro: Copy Non-Contiguous Range Of Cells

Aug 24, 2008

I want to be able to copy cell D4, I4, G10, G12 etc from one spreadsheet and paste into another spreadsheet in the same locations as the source.
Is there a macro that will do this?

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Check Non Contiguous Range To See If All Cells Are Filled

Feb 17, 2008

Is there a way to prevent a workbook from closing or being submitted until information has been entered into the following cells? B78, B80, B82, B84, B86, B88, B90, B92, B94, B96, B98, B100, B102, B104, and B106?

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Check For Empty Cells In Non Contiguous Range

Aug 13, 2008

The application reads in a file, whcih can have various formats. To check which format it's in, I plan to look for certain empty fields/ cells. I can successfully detect a group of empty cells by explicitly testing each one, but when I put them all in a range and test that, the check fails. So far I've reduced the problem to the following example code.

Sub check_clear()
If IsEmpty(Range("a1")) Then
Range("g2") = "A1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("b1")) Then
Range("g3") = "B1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("c1")) Then
Range("g4") = "C1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("d1")) Then
Range("g5") = "D1 empty"
End If..............

The result is that each individual cell check results in the relevant "XX empty" message. However, the test that the range of multiple cells is empty never produces a result. I'd really like to understand the underlying reason - as well as find out how to perform an isEmpty test on a range. I'm looking more for guidance and insight than a canned solution

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Selecting Non-Contiguous Cells Containing Data In A Column

Feb 25, 2014

I have a column that has mostly empty cells. I want to select only the ones that have data so I can perform an operation on all of them. Empty cells must be excluded from selection. I do not know where the bottom of the data is.

The solution needs to be in VBA where it is part of a larger macro affecting the user's worksheet.

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Merge Cells: Select A Range Based On Two Variables Which Store The Column Numbers

Jul 19, 2009

I am trying to select a range based on two variables which store the column numbers. what I have is:

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Contents Of A Range Of Contiguous Cells

Jun 4, 2013

I am trying to clear the contents of a range of contiguous cells (containing formula) in Excel 2010 64bit. But it is taking a LONG time (read >30min to clear a range 288 x 100). Originally was doing it in VBA but it was taking too long so I started stepping through the macro and identified that the slow down was occurring on a particular sheet only. So the problem is in Excel....not VBA because it is still very slow when deleting the same range in Excel without using VBA.

I've tried all the usual suspects including: Application.EnableEvents = False (run from the VBA Immediate window when using Excel without VBA), Setting to Example of slow clear contents5.xlsxExample of slow clear contents5.xlsxManual Calculation, Turning off screen updating, deleting all the conditional formatting on the sheet, removing any data validation from the sheet (yes all these at the same time). There are no links to external workbooks. I've even tried in VBA changing from .ClearContents to .Value = vbNullString. All to NO AVAIL! By way of background the file is about 72Mb #.xlsm.

If I try to clear contents of larger ranges on other sheets in the same workbook it is instantaneous. If I copy the problem worksheet off to a new workbook, I can delete the problem range almost instantly. Why deleting a range of cells should take so long! Again to clarify, I am using the terms "delete" and "clear contents" interchangeably, but they both mean "clear contents" (not delete and move up cells). P.S I've also looked into the reported conflict between Excel and Google Desktop Office Add-in (Office Button->Excel Options->Addins->Com Addins and deselect Google Desktop Office Addin) but I didn't have Google Desktop Office Add-in so it isn't that.

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Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Named Range Of Non-contiguous Cells Suitable For Chart Series Reference

Nov 11, 2012

I am running Excel 2003 on a Win7 system.

Here is my situation:

Each of my data sets spans roughly 75 columns by 250 rows at present, but this could expand. The first 7 rows contain metadata. Columns 2-25 or so contain the raw data, from which everything to the right is calculated. The data sets have most columns in common, but not necessarily all.

In order to tease out the most meaningful information from my data, I frequently sort all or part of it based on varying criteria. When I find a useful sorting criterion, I create a new column with a header that describes the criterion and populate it with a formula that returns a 1 if the condition of interest is met for that row, or a 0 if it is not. For example, if I am doing this in column AA, I might enter


and copy it down to the end of the data. The resulting vector of 1s and 0s quickly re-identify data that meets that criterion even after subsequent resorting. It also makes locating data that meets multiple sorting criteria extremely simple. Essentially, I create a truth table.

Cell $AA$4 in the above example contains a "comparator" value I might wish to change at some point, which would change the subset of data the condition selects for.

Here's the first hard part:

For each data set, I need the ability to generate meaningful plots that includes separate series based on the criteria I have described. However, I also need to retain the ability to resort the data or change the comparator value without disrupting these plots. In other words, the plots must NOT change when the order of the data is changed, but MUST change to display the appropriate data when the comparator changes.

Here's the 2nd hard part:

Once I have this working for one data set, I need to be able to port it to other data sets (which are contained in other workbooks), so that I can compare equivalent plots from each. I also need to minimize the number of manual steps involved in doing so, to avoid human errors and excessive time consumption.

The only other possible complication I can think of at the moment is that, to this point, I have been inserting blank rows to isolate subsets that I do not wish to perform further sorting on from each other.

Right now I am angling toward VBA code that loops through the entire data set to generate base dynamic ranges using the column header row (row 1) as the names, and the entire column of data for the rangeloops through the truth table columns to generate "branch" row ranges for each of the sorting conditions,loops through the entire data set one more time to create "branch" ranges for each of the base ranges.

I could generate some code to accomplish a one-off solution for a given configuration of a single data set (provided there is not a list length limit in a chart series that I'd be violating)...but without a dynamic named range, I don't know how to get to something that would update appropriately. So in essence, I am still stuck at the dynamic range part of this.

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Select Non Contiguous Blank Rows Via Array

Feb 17, 2008

I have a problem with the following code.

I want to select multiple rows in a very huge spreadsheet. But, when I
use this code, I receive an error: Runtime error 1004, Method ' Range'
of Object '_global' failed. What is wrong? Or maybe there is other
better way to select automatically empty rows in a spreadsheet?

Public Sub delhol()
' delhol Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+d

Dim k As Variant
Dim rr As String

k = Array(34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 77, 133, 182, 207, 209, 225, 226, 295,
299, 300, 338, 394, 437, 468, 470, 480, 481, 560, _
591, 599, 655, 712, 729, 746, 755, 756, 852, 860, 962, 990, 1005,
1006, 1077, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1114, 1176, _
1217, 1252, 1260, 1261, 1338, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1375, 1381, 1437,

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Select Non Contiguous Ranges Via Macro, Using Variables

Apr 29, 2008

trying to select multiple ranges of data at once using variables as my selection range criteria.

I.e., I want something similar to:


But would like to be able to perform the same selection using variables.

StartVar = 10, EndVar = 30

I'm sure it's just a matter of syntax, but I can't seem to get it right.

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Select A Range That Will Be Changing By Column: Method 'Range' Of Object '_worksheet' Failed

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to select a range that will be changing by column. I'm not sure why my syntax isn't working. What I've got:

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Select Range Of Current Column To Last Column In Sheet

Jan 30, 2012

I'm trying to make the below two column selections into a selected range to clear out formulas/values in the range.

Current code segments:


Is there a way to combine the two code segments into one selected range?

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Select Range In Entire Column To Fit Range From Another

Mar 26, 2013

i want information on my "Intra-op tab" to automatically populate on my "Tissue" tab. In Column "A" of my intra-op tab i enter case id's, 1 per row, and i would enter a date received under column "D". On my "Tissue" tab, i also enter those case id's under column "A" but i would have multiple rows of the same number. I want that whenever i type a specific case id on my "Tissue" tab, it will automatically fill in the date in column "T", the date that coincides with the case id in column "D" of my "Intra-op Kit" tab.

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Lookup In Column A - Select Column B Range?

Feb 11, 2013

I have a sheet that begining in A3 and going down need to look for the First Instance of the text String "Loan Documents" and down to the last instance and select the corresponding range in column B.

Example: if the Text String appears in Range(A14:A32) I need the Range(B14:B32) to be my selected range.

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How Do You Select A Range Of Cells On Another Worksheet Using The Cells Property

Apr 19, 2007

I seem to be going round and round in circles with this, but I'm sure it should be easy.

I'm just trying to select a range of cells in Sheet2 of my workbook.
I've tried many different bits of code, including:

Dim namesTotal As Integer

namesTotal = 2500

ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(namesTotal, 8)).Select

(According to the Microsoft website, this is supposed to be the way to do it?)

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Select Range Depending On A Column

Mar 4, 2009

If i have row 10-20 in column A filled, what vba code would i need to select a range in column C that selects rows 10-20

If that 10-20 rows in column A chnages to say 10-50 the vba code will select 10-50 in column C

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VBA - Range Select With Active Column

Jul 24, 2014

I have the following code Range("M402").Select

This very simple code brings me to M402 everytime I click on the button.

However, I would like to stay in the same column that I am at the moment when I click the button, and go to row 402. (i.e. if I am in cell "Z56", I would like to be redirected to "Z402" when I click the button.

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Select Range Based On Last Row And Last Column Used

Aug 12, 2008

I have defined my last row and column by using:

lr = Sheets("week1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
LC = Sheets("week1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

Now how do I select the range starting at A2 through the last used column ( LC ) through the last row ( LR )?

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Select Every Nth Cell In Column Range

May 21, 2008

What is the best way to select every third cell in column c starting with cell C5

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Can't Select Range Of Cells

Feb 28, 2014

Why the following code gives me an error. I have so much trouble with ranges, I use the syntax as it is prescribed. Here is the code. I will include some code lines underneath since I imagine they wont work either.

[Code] .....

I eventually will be turning the range statements into copy and paste instead of select. At the moment I am using select to make sure the proper cells are being selected.

I am also attaching my complete workbook as well.

Attached File : Therapy Tracker - Tester V2.3 -deleted logo.xlsm‎

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How Do I Select A Range Of Cells Using Vb

Mar 22, 2007

How can I select a range of cells dynamically, not know how many cells down for two columns that I will need to select, there will be a blank cell at the end of the needed range.

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Select Arbitary Range Of Data In Column

Mar 4, 2009

I wish to collect an arbitary range of data in a column. Hence I wish to identify were the data begins (for example C10) and where the data ends (for example C22), and then copy it and paste it at another sheet. How to do that with VBA-code?

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Macro To Select Range With Column Header?

Mar 12, 2003

How would a code look like to select a range with a column header on top. in the code you provided, it selected the entire W column. How would you select the range given that the W column was called Address?

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Name = "Problem_Area"

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Select Last X Used Cells In Column

Oct 30, 2006

I would like to select the last few cells in a column, however the number of rows is not fixed, it changes. This can only select the fifth last cell:

Sheets("ABC").Range( 'A1:A150').End(xlDown).Offset(-5, 0).Select

Ultimately, i want to select the 5 cells from the fifth last to the last:
from this: Sheets("ABC").Range( 'A1:A150').End(xlDown).Offset(-5, 0).Select

to this: Sheets("ABC").Range( 'A1:A150').End(xlDown).Offset(0, 0).Select

If possible, with the cells selected, can i do something similar to this:

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("B62:B114"), Type:=xlFillDefault

The underlined parts is the part which make me headache. How do i solve this?

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Select All Used Cells In Column

Nov 14, 2006

I have found and selected the very last cell in a column (Say column A). What code do I select all the cells from A1 to that last cell?

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