This very simple code brings me to M402 everytime I click on the button.
However, I would like to stay in the same column that I am at the moment when I click the button, and go to row 402. (i.e. if I am in cell "Z56", I would like to be redirected to "Z402" when I click the button.
I need a macro that will select row 15 in the active column. (basically returns to the top of the data where rows 1-14 are frozen in place, only in the current column).
I have been able to accomplish the opposite (skip to specific column while maintaining active row) by using the code below:
I want my code to evaluate each cell in column B, and based on its value, copy the row from D to X and paste on the newly activated worksheet. I'm trying to use Offset, but it's not working.
I'm trying to select a range of cells whereby the range is dependent on the currently active cell. I know you can use the "Activesheet.Range("A1:D2").select" method to select a range where the cells are always the same, but I'm after a dynamic selection where the values can be programmatically altered depending on some other result.
For example, let's say that I make a certain cell active (based on the result of some other formula), and I want to select the range of cells in the adjacent column that is X rows deep. Putting this into context, imagine the resultant active cell is B2, I then want to select the range C2:C10, but if the active cell is E10, the range selected would be F10:F18 (if active cell is X, then range would be Y:Z).
The Offset function would allow me to position the cell based on the current active one, but it doesn't let me select a range. The Range function only lets you choose either hard coded or index cells, e.g. "Range(cells(y,z), cells(y,z)).select", but this is still no good because I'd need to know the index value of the active cell (can this be done?).
Sub FORMAT_AS_A_TABLE() ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$1:$L$1900"), , xlYes).Name = _ "Table1" Range("Table1[#All]").Select ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").TableStyle = "TableStyleDark5" End Sub
i want information on my "Intra-op tab" to automatically populate on my "Tissue" tab. In Column "A" of my intra-op tab i enter case id's, 1 per row, and i would enter a date received under column "D". On my "Tissue" tab, i also enter those case id's under column "A" but i would have multiple rows of the same number. I want that whenever i type a specific case id on my "Tissue" tab, it will automatically fill in the date in column "T", the date that coincides with the case id in column "D" of my "Intra-op Kit" tab.
I have a sheet that begining in A3 and going down need to look for the First Instance of the text String "Loan Documents" and down to the last instance and select the corresponding range in column B.
Example: if the Text String appears in Range(A14:A32) I need the Range(B14:B32) to be my selected range.
I wish to collect an arbitary range of data in a column. Hence I wish to identify were the data begins (for example C10) and where the data ends (for example C22), and then copy it and paste it at another sheet. How to do that with VBA-code?
How would a code look like to select a range with a column header on top. in the code you provided, it selected the entire W column. How would you select the range given that the W column was called Address?
I have a worksheet in which column A:C contains slno,name etc. Col D contains numerical data.D4:D5 is col heading. D6:D41 contains numerical data. I want to copy the data from D6:D37 only. for this i tried the following but with negative result. cell D5. F5 and enter -to goto cell D37. 3. press control and shift and up arrow to select the upper cells. Excel selects from D37 to D4 whereas i want it to be from D37:D6.selecting D6 and then press control shift and enter keys takes me to the last cell with the data in the column, ie,D41.
How can I select only the required cells so that i can copy the content.selecting the first cell and then dragging the cross is not an expected answer to solve this.
What I am tying to do is to select the column that matches the time, for instance anything before 6 AM would select Column C, betweeb 6 and 6:14 still selects column C, 6:15 to 6:29 selects column D, Etc
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Range("A1").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate ActiveCell.PasteSpecial End Sub it errors to: SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED
I am trying to select a shape in a cell and place a cell reference into the shape. I know the cell address, but do not know the shape reference. (The row that the cell and shape reside came from copying the row from another sheet and inserting it into the current sheet). I can not seem to come up with the correct code to accomplish this. Right now I have:
Where r+1 is the row where the line finally resides after insertion and "AW" is the column to the right of the cell where the shape resides.
I have tried to put the cell reference into the shape at the location where it is copied from but the reference is not dynamic and I can not seem to get it to be. Another issue that will arise is that the rows in the new sheet will probably be sorted and I question if the cell reference will follow the shape's new location.
Using vba how do I tell a macro to select the row that the active cell is in?
I'm just using a basic delete Row macro but I'd like for the macro to automatically select the entire row when it's time to delete instead of me highlighting the section.
I have multiple excel workbooks open at the same time. I need to run a macro on one of them every 15 min but I need to return to the active window when the macro is done. How do I read what window is active then return to it when the macro is done?
Sub AutoSave() dTime = Now + TimeValue("00:15:00") Application .OnTime dTime, "AutoSave" Windows("data.xlsm").Activate Sheets("Data").Copy Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs Filename:="c:excel" & Format(Time, "hhmmss"), FileFormat:=xlCSV ActiveWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True Windows(1).ActivatePrevious End Sub
So for example if I have a1, a5, and a6 selected, I want to be able to select row 1, 6, and 7 in one action. Is there a hotkey for this, and if not what macro could I use?
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select only gives me one row. I want to be able to select all of them at once.