I wish to collect an arbitary range of data in a column. Hence I wish to identify were the data begins (for example C10) and where the data ends (for example C22), and then copy it and paste it at another sheet. How to do that with VBA-code?
i want information on my "Intra-op tab" to automatically populate on my "Tissue" tab. In Column "A" of my intra-op tab i enter case id's, 1 per row, and i would enter a date received under column "D". On my "Tissue" tab, i also enter those case id's under column "A" but i would have multiple rows of the same number. I want that whenever i type a specific case id on my "Tissue" tab, it will automatically fill in the date in column "T", the date that coincides with the case id in column "D" of my "Intra-op Kit" tab.
I have a sheet that begining in A3 and going down need to look for the First Instance of the text String "Loan Documents" and down to the last instance and select the corresponding range in column B.
Example: if the Text String appears in Range(A14:A32) I need the Range(B14:B32) to be my selected range.
This very simple code brings me to M402 everytime I click on the button.
However, I would like to stay in the same column that I am at the moment when I click the button, and go to row 402. (i.e. if I am in cell "Z56", I would like to be redirected to "Z402" when I click the button.
How would a code look like to select a range with a column header on top. in the code you provided, it selected the entire W column. How would you select the range given that the W column was called Address?
I have a worksheet in which column A:C contains slno,name etc. Col D contains numerical data.D4:D5 is col heading. D6:D41 contains numerical data. I want to copy the data from D6:D37 only. for this i tried the following but with negative result.
1.select cell D5. 2.press F5 and enter -to goto cell D37. 3. press control and shift and up arrow to select the upper cells. Excel selects from D37 to D4 whereas i want it to be from D37:D6.selecting D6 and then press control shift and enter keys takes me to the last cell with the data in the column, ie,D41.
How can I select only the required cells so that i can copy the content.selecting the first cell and then dragging the cross is not an expected answer to solve this.
What I am tying to do is to select the column that matches the time, for instance anything before 6 AM would select Column C, betweeb 6 and 6:14 still selects column C, 6:15 to 6:29 selects column D, Etc
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Range("A1").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate ActiveCell.PasteSpecial End Sub it errors to: SELECT METHOD OR RANGE CLASS FAILED
I am looking for a macro that will put data from another worksheet by the date. So if A1 is 01/01/2007 I want to bring the information in from A2,A3,A4 and so on in A1 on the other worksheet. But if B1 is 01/01/2007 I want to bring the information in for B2,B3,B4 and so on in A1 on the other worksheet.
I want to be able to select and edit a range of data on a userform. I am trying to pull the information that matches a cell range (Named as Action) into the respective textboxes. But I have fallen at the first hurdle and can't even get that working.
Here is my delimma. I am using the standard InputBox for my users to input the number of errors found for each category in a record from a daily report. The problem I having is that every time the user types in data using the InputBox it overwrites the previous days numbers. I need to set up the InputBox code so that after the user has input the numbers for that day that the next time the InputBox is used it selects the next column to the right and continues to do this for each day.
Macro below - it now works and selects all the data in spreadsheet and converts to Proper Case
However I also need a macro to select all except the last column of data and convert all except the last column to Proper Case
It is for Post / Zip code info. so wish to keep it in Upper Case.
What I have already is:
Sub Propercase() Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column Dim r As Range, c As Range Set r = Range("A1").Resize(LastRow, LastColumn)
[Code] .....
I was hoping I could easily amend the above to select all except last column.
I've got this macro which works well, but I have to edit it to change the column I want to check for dupes. I don't mind doing that, but now I have to share the macro with someone who is not comfortable changing the references in the code every time they run it.
As it is it checks column G:G (7) for dupes and deletes the row. Good. I'd like for it to do the same thing, but for whatever column the active cell is in.
I can use this: Col = ActiveCell.Column in place of the "7" in the With Range part but I don't know how to replace the "G1:G".
Sub DeleteDuplicatesColumnG() With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .EnableEvents = False
How do you select specific coloured cells from a range of data in one go, without having to scroll through the worksheet and pick them out individually?
I have a macro that automatically takes data from one sheet, copies it and pastes it on another sheet, but I want it to select the empty column that is to the right of the last column to contain data (so basically the next empty column). What code would I enter into editting my macro to be able to do this please?
Also, one thing I've tried to do with my macro is that when I select the data, it's suppose to select from the first name to the last. When doing the actions for the macro, I use "Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key" to make the selection select the bottom of the list. However, when running the macro, if the list is longer (or shorter), the macro selects that number of cells instead of the action of just going to the bottom of the list. For example, if during the actions of the macro, I recorded using the Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key that 50 cells were selected...next time if I have 60 cells, only 50 are selected, even though I used an action command which should select all the cells in that group (in this case being 60). Is there some code I can add to that so this would work correctly?
In case its required, here is the code from the macro:
I am trying to find the last cell with data in a spreadsheet once this has been found select all up upto cell A4 and then format these cells into number format to zero decimal places so far I have the following which finds the last cell:
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Range(Cells(LR, 1), Cells(LR, "A")).Select
how to play with data ranges and define names for charts to automatically update them by using the formula offset + counta. An example would be: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$7,0,0,COUNTA(Sheet1!$B$6:$B$37)-1).
So, the problem comes when there is a need to select a data range which is not that well defined like $B$6:$B$37. So, I need to import data regularly into my workbook, this data will be imported right below of the last cell with values.
Now, how would I manage to automatically select the data range from this new import for my chart? See attached example. I have highlighted in Yellow a potential import... there is no data in there so feel freel to fill it with any numbers you like.
I have tried to use a vlookup to find Country+Programme+Year (cat1 in the example) in the 'counta' part of the formula above. But I get lost,as a vlookup would retrieve a value and would not be useful for the data range?
I have a macro that copies three sections of data from a word document and pastes it within the Excel worksheet. The column of data is pasted in a single column (data to be space-delimited and evaluated later), and what I would like the MACRO to do is separate the three sections of data based on the starting and ending values of the section and place them in different columns.
Section 1 : starts with the word "Team" Section 1 : ends with the word "City"
Section 2 : starts with the word "Location" Section 2 : ends with the word " Date"
Section 3 : starts with the word "Member" Section 3: ends with the word "Age"
So section 1 would be pasted into cell C1, section 2 pasted into G1 and section 3 pasted into J1.
Each section will have vary in number of rows between the starting/ending values, so to cut and paste the section based on the starting and ending value is vital.