Select Last Row Containing Specific Text In Column?

Jun 1, 2014

i am trying to figure out a vba code to select the last cell in column C that contains "Cgy".

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Select Specific Row In Active Column Using VBA

Oct 8, 2013

I need a macro that will select row 15 in the active column. (basically returns to the top of the data where rows 1-14 are frozen in place, only in the current column).

I have been able to accomplish the opposite (skip to specific column while maintaining active row) by using the code below:

Range("V" & (ActiveCell.Row)).Select

But it does not work when I try the reverse:

Range((ActiveCell.Column) & "15").Select

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How To Hide Column After Select Other Specific Column

May 27, 2014

In the attachment is a file, which allows me to specific a Column and hide. For Example enter "H" in the InputBox and Submit the Column "H" is hide.

What do i have to change in the code if i want to hide the "H" and the Column two columns next to "H". In this case "J".


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Macro - Select Multiple Cells By Searching For Specific Text

Nov 8, 2013

I would like to select all cells in column A that begin with the text "SP". Some cells will be contiguous but others will not. For instance in one case, I would like the macro to select cells with the text "SP" which would result in cells A1, A2, A3, A10, A15 being selected. I am working on building a macro that will then do other things to these cells/rows so this is the first step.

The below code will select the first cell with "SP". How would I alter this code to only search Column A and select multiple cells? or totally different code.

Sub test()
Dim r As RangeSet
r = Cells.Find(what:="SP", LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not r Is Nothing Then r.Select
End Sub

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Select Specific Value From Textbox And Search In A Column Of Excel

Sep 7, 2013

I have a worksheet "database" which is database of patient information in each row, in column H I have the "pateint IP number" I have a userform for search and copy. The textbox in the userform is "search_tb1", where I would input the required IP number and search in column H for a match, which should intern select the entire row of this selected cell and paste in another worksheet "preview" in row 2.

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Macro To Find Matching Text In A Range And Select Specific Cell

Oct 18, 2013

I have a client list in a table in my excel sheet. I currently enter the clients in a sheet that looks similar to a form. After the clients info is in this Form I have a button with a macro to copy the client info into a table on another sheet. This works perfectly.

Now I have another form that will retrieve the customers info in a click of a button in order to make changes to the client. Ei:I now have a second phone number and I want to update that client's info. What I want to do from here is take the info in Cell B2 (clients full Name), Do a vLookup in the "Saved Clients Table" in a Range within my table range. (Range: Saved Clients and the client's full name is in $A:$A and called "Clients Full Name" and once that name is found I need to select the cell in column C and the corresponding row.

This will allow me to copy the info in my form, Paste it in Transpose to the cell that is selected. (I already have that code)

Here are screenshots of what I am trying to accomplish. [URL] .......

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Delete A Row If It Has A Specific Text In A Specific Column

Jun 21, 2006

I need a code that will delete a row if it has a specific text in a specific column.

In this case in column W if there is anything that starts with '>TC' I need that entire row deleted that its in.

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Specific Text In Column And Then Imputing That Text In A Cell?

Feb 3, 2014

So I have a column that will have the same text in all of the cells contained within it except for one cell. Is there a formula that I can use that will automatically find and transpose the text of the one cell that is unique out of the column? I was thinking of an IF function, but the column could be up to 60 cells in length.

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Select Specified Text In Column

Jun 6, 2007

I want to write VBA code to select a cell in a row if one of the cells in that row contains a pre-define text. e.g. In cell A15 the text is Blackbird and A25 the text is Redbird. Sometimes this changes and A33 contains the text Blackbird and A19 the text Redbird. I want a VBA code that will select the cell in column E in the row that contains the text Blackbird. I must be able to specify the text and the column.

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Search Row For Text & Select Column`

Jun 8, 2007

Is there a way to search the header of a file or specific row for a specific string of text, then select the entire column below that string?

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Find Text In Column Then Select Non Blank Cells To Right And Repeat

Jul 13, 2012

I would like to search Column C for an instance of the text "Std. Residual", then cycle through the non blank cells to the right and run some formatting code:

'this line will be modified so that i cycle through the non blank cells that i have found
For row_cycle = 1 To 7
'not signifcant
If Abs(ActiveCell) < 1.96 Then
Selection.Interior.Color = 255

[Code] .....

I then want to search for the next instance of "Std. Residual" in Column C, do the same again, and so on for the entire Worksheet.

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Search For Text In A Specific Column

Mar 19, 2007

I need to find a word in a column, ie. "JAN" in col D (only first found is enough, not all instances) and then display message that "January has been updated", if not found, display message "this month has not been updated". The word "Jan" will be stored in a cell, so I need the code that could pick up the contents of that cell and lookup the col D (in another sheet, ie. "MthMaster") for that word.

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How To Copy Certain Value From Cell Containing Specific Text In Column

Sep 11, 2012

I have a huge data set as given follow and want to Copy a the value of treatment from the cell having Treatment description at some other sheet through VBA

'UPDATE [XYZ 1213]
SET TreatmentDescription = '000'
WHERE ( ("Abc" < 00) );'
'UPDATE [XYZ 1111]
SET TreatmentDescription = '093'
WHERE ( ("wer" < 00) );'

Like in upper code I want the output sheet 2 as Cell A1 = '000' and A2 = '093' and so on

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Copy Rows If Specific Text In Column A

Jan 27, 2014

I have some specific procucts in coloum A in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.

Sub SearchForString()

Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer

On Error GoTo Err_Execute

'Start search in row 1
LSearchRow = 1

[Code] ....

MsgBox "An error occurred."

End Sub

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Copy Rows If Specific Text In Column A?

Jan 27, 2014

I have some specific procucts in coloum A(a2, a3, a4, till a50) in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.

[Code] .....

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Highlight Rows After Specific Text In Column?

Dec 7, 2012

I have a 14 column report with a dynamic range of rows. In Column A, there will only be one cell that contains the text "Added Sections:".

I need to highlight, 10 whole rows up to the 14th column, after the cell that contains "Added Sections:".

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Find Minimum Value In Column Corresponding To Specific Text

Mar 10, 2009

I have a table that contains various aspects of information about customer cases, and I want to replicate a user 'picking up' the case by a simple press of a button.
Users have access to only one Country, so I want to be able to search a particular column for the lowest value, but check that the Country for that row matches the user's access. If it doesn't, I then want to find the next lowest value in the column, and this is what's perplexing me??? As mentioned, I want to click a button to trigger this, and therefore want to use VBA code.

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Delete Rows With Specific Text In A Column

Apr 16, 2008

I want to delete any/all rows from a worksheet (named UK) which have the word "VAN" in column P. I have tried using a 'For Each... Next statement' in a macro, but always get a debug box "Run Time Error '91' Object variable or With block variable not set". What am I doing wrong? my code follows

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Worksheets("UK").Range("P10:P200").Cells
Cells. Find(What:="VAN", _
After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _

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Search & Find All Specific Text In Column

May 7, 2008

I have a column with values like this


I use this line of code to determine the text

Set rFound = Sheets("ProductCount").Rows(14). Find(What:=sProduct, LookIn:=xlValues, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext)

ProdRow = rFound.Column

where sProduct contains values such as SW , CO. Now, when I use rFound to query SW, it finde me this first occuring SW. I have this inside a for loop. When it goes and queries again, it should get me the next occuring SW, not the first SW that it searched for me.

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Return Column Number When Specific Text Is Found

Apr 29, 2014

I am looking for a formula to return the column number of the array when a specific text is found, in this case the text is "Yes"

The Array will only ever be 5 cells beside each other in a row

for example, M4:Q4, will be as follows - No No No Yes No

I want a formula to look at these 5 cells and return the number 4 as that is where the "Yes" value is

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Looking Back Through Cells In A Column To Find Specific Text(s)

Feb 14, 2010

In the attached sheet I need to check on the Destination in column B, and if it matches set criteria, divide the figure in Column E by 2. eg If LAX is the destination, then for any rows directly under LAX until the next destination appears, column E needs to equal column D divided by 2. If the Destination is not LAX, then Column E equals Column D.

the difficulty I am having is that there can be a variety of row numbers for each destination. I am having trouble creating a formula that can basically work backwards from Row-1 in column B until it gets to a text string, and check that text string against the criteria. so it may be row -1 up to about row -9 dependant on the number of flight times available to each destination throughout the week.

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Identify Specific Keywords (plural) In A Column Of Text

Nov 3, 2009

So i'm try to automate a process that I currently do using filters.

Here is the problem:

I have a list of text in a column (usually 700 or so entries).

I need to remove any entries that contain 1 of 42 keywords.

So I need a fast way to search each cell for each one of the 42 key words and flag the cell for deletion if contains anyone of the 42.

1 This field has keyword1
2 This field has keyword2
3 This field doesn't have any of the 42 keywords

somewhere else I would have a list of keywords in a column.

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Move Rows Based On Specific Text Being In Column

Mar 21, 2008

I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.

I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)

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Lookup Date In Column And Finding Specific Text Value Row And Clear

May 10, 2014

I have a userform where the user will identify a record to delete. I need to search another worksheet (Month) for the event's name which is associated a date. Once it finds this event's name I need to clear the contents of that cell.

Here is the code I am using for the record deletion from the 'Data" worksheet. I need to also locate and clear the cell as stated above.

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Search Specific Text In Column Range (Macro Or Formula)

Jun 30, 2014

I need a macro, or a formula that can identify if the words in the Words Column (Column A) is contained in Title Column (Column B). If it is, It displays as "Yes". If not, display as "No".

Case is not sensitive.


Coworker has chronic hiccups

I Love Excel

I Like Turtles

Oh Christmas Tree

Case of the Mondays

Cute Monkeys

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Highlight Repeat Cells In One Column If Cells In The Adjacent Column Contain Specific Text?

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to find a solution for highlighting cells in a column that are repeats, ie. >3. I also need these cells to only be highlighted if the adjacent cell in the next column contains specific text. I have tried using conditional formatting with a countifs formula to no avail.

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Select Specific Cell Then Select The Row

Aug 13, 2007

I have column A with various values in cells.

For instance, DG, GS, HG etc

I wanna do if a cell in column A is equal to DG then select the entire row that contains the cell. then call other sub.

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Macro To Find Specific Text In Column And Copy Certain Cells In Same Row To Different Sheet

Dec 30, 2011

how to work macros or VBA

I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:

Column B = due date
Column D = loan# A
Column E = loan# B
Column F = status
Column H = followup needed
(Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)

What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.

I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.

The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).

I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows:
Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go
Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go
Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go
Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go

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Searching A Column For Specific Text To Return A Number Of Items Found

Apr 28, 2006

on one sheet we have a summary of the main list, which includes totals of money recieved, totals of all the different sources (ie, where they heard about us from), the totals of the frequencies they pay (ie, how many donate monthly, quarterly...) ... etc. on the next sheet we have the "main" list of donors, their IDs, amounts, frequency, source ...

the totals on the first sheet are updated manually, but i want to change that as there are a great number of errors.

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